Oh Brother, clean your house for Christ to live with you
In your heart, there are Five struggling with each other
Three against Two and Two against Three
Oh Man, clean your house of the Five
For Christ Jesus to visit you to deliver Gospel.
You are the Master of your own House,
Unless you overpower those Five,
The House shall not be worthy
For our anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus to visit.
Tell me, who are those Five that need sorting?
Oh man, clean your House of the Five.
They are Three of Ego and Two of Mind
People of Ego are the once-born simpletons
Whilst the twice-born being of mind are clever and selfish
The clever people fleece the simpletons
That is unfair we all know in Fair-Trade promotions.
Simpletons are the natural men like the stones
They cannot ponder over His Word.
They never cease praising their tribal seeds
In ego, they are born and in ego empty they die
Oh man, clean your House of the Ego of your tribal seed.
In Ego, your seed is lying on the Footpath producing no fruit.
Unless the seed is planted in soil,
It will not produce any fruit for our Father
Tribal ego is killed when Plant is known by its Fruit,
Oh man, Oh man, exchange your tribal ego for a living Plant.
Those who bury their tribal ego,
Will know that we take birth by the Will of our Father
Then why should we be proud of our tribal seeds?
White, brown or black all have the soul of our Father
Oh man, Oh man, know the First Will of our Father and let Agape permeate.
This mother Planet earth is for the sons of Man,
Burying turns your tribal seed from explicit to implicit Plant,
Adam was a Noble Man and so are his seeds
Sons of Man are called the Wheat that has the Salt of Adam,
Saltless are sons of Satan, the Tares to be burnt at the End of Age.
Oh man, Oh man, remain Salt of Adam to produce Fruit worthy of our Father.
Saltless Tares are bundled up in
Sons of Abraham have the conscience and they are truthful,
St.Peter, the Rock of Truth killed Two Liars Annias and Saphira,
St.Peter fed the Sheep of Jesus with morality of Moses
Apostles built the House of God with spirituality of His Word.
Oh man, Oh man, Build your House on Rock of truth whilst Liars build on Sand.
Truth is the basic commandment of Moses
In Peter, Jesus made the Moses’ Laws lacking Spirit of God complete
Peter was the embodiment of the written and the Oral Torahs
Held the Key to the
In honour of John, the Baptist, an Ideal Rabbi Prophet Elijah
Oh man, Oh man, St.Peter burnt every tree that bore evil fruit.
Praise St.Peter for setting the founding Rock
Water bashed against the House of God
No harm came to the Solid Rock
Upon This Rock the
To sing the praises and glorify our Father
Oh man, Oh man, in such a
We did not receive the Light by chance
Our names are written in the Book of our Father,
We seek not praises of men but carry our own Crosses of persecution,
Hirelings in the Churches of Anti-Christ Mammon love Darkness to Light
In the fashion of Messianic Jews who hated the Light and killed the Apostles
Oh man, Oh man, no one else but the Messianic Jews are to be blamed for the Holocausts.
This world belongs to Mammon, the hypocrites hireling are their guides.
They spread immorality, hatred and wars
Poor people suffer and they blame Religion for Wars
Russians locked these robed antichrists away
Treated others as they wished to be treated
Oh man, Oh man,
With a sound Foundation, it is easy to tackle the rest
Number two is the Ego of physical prowess
A wrestler, a Footballer damn care for the meek
In Ego, they vex their ears not to hear His Word
In Ego, they are born and in ego, empty they return.
Oh man, Oh man, see a holy man to use prowess to serve the poor.
Kill this Ego by serving the poor that the rich hate
Mammon is like the shadow of the clouds
Serve the poor and needy as Jesus did on Sabbath
Philanthropy being of God is pleasing to the hearts of people
Soldiers, turn your swords into plough shears to feed the world
Oh man, Oh man, remember how Jesus washed the feet of His Labourers?
Third type of Ego is of the letters of Scriptures
Highest in the University Professors of Letters
And Least in the Farm Labourers of spirit.
More you get drunk with the old wine of Scriptures
Least you desire the New Wine of Gospel.
Oh man, Oh man, remember the New Wine is by grace.
If Gospel could be written in ink on paper,
Then Christ Jesus would have hired a scribe
Gospel is not Scriptures or the written Torah
But His Word, the Oral Torah rests in one’s heart
Received by grace of our Father that we praise.
Oh man, Oh man, Gospel is for the living in spirit who long for it and seek
Flush out the old skin with fresh water as it was done in
And forget about the confusing murky pool of moral laws
Make use of common sense, the holy spirit, our companion
And the Yeast that transforms cleans water into New Wine.
When you treat others as you wished to be treated
Oh man, Oh man, Then your New Skin is ready for the New Wine.
The other two are of mind that troubles the doubting twice-born.
By the grace of our Father, you acquire holy spirit
Through righteousness, Keep the holy spirit Holy
Remember you are no more a slave to sins but to the righteousness
Abraham in righteousness, out shined the Name of our Father
Oh man, Oh man, ply the Double-Edged Sword of His Word
Clever twice-born become victim of greed
He knowingly cheats the once-born simpletons for the love of Mammon
As the Jerusalem Princes of Darkness fleeced the pilgrims
Your love for Mammon generates hatred for God
Be contented with your lot if you want to throw greed away
Oh man, Oh man, listen to His Word to keep your heart Pure.
His Word you have received Free; Freely you preach.
Neither John, the Baptist nor our anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus was hireling
If you accept payment in Mammon for serving God
Then you are a Hireling of Mammon, a hypocrite!!!
His Treasures rest in your heart where no thief can steal.
Oh man, oh man, spend His Treasures to your heart’s content.
The last one of mind is the worldly kingdoms
Or the Third Temptation of Satan to our anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus.
You may acquire wealth through hook or by crook
Tempting you to become a politician or a Ruler
In God, we serve whilst in Mammon we rule
Oh man, Oh man, do not waste your precious life serving Mammon
Look what Pope did to the Workers of our anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus
He burnt them at stakes, threw them before animals to be eaten alive
He became the Cruel Master in the name of Jesus by calling Him a Lord.
Like Elijah in Yahweh, Popes killed people at will.
Have you come across a Lord washing the feet of his labourers?
Oh man, Oh man, in Christ Jesus, we have One Father, a Liberator and not a Lord.
Our Father God is a Liberator and our Mother is Holy Spirit
that has set us
Our anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus and His Twins also
set us
Our anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus tore the Curtain apart for ever
Preaching us to approach our Father through His Word and not a man any more.
Beware; any one who puts on funny robes in the name of Jesus is antichrists.
Oh man, Oh man, be a solitary seeker for Christ Jesus to enter your heart.
Remember ask, seek and knock is the Way to our Home
Once-born Brethren should be encouraged to ask questions
First they may ask questions that make no sense
Encourage them to think and reason logically for holy spirit by grace to appreciate
Companion holy spirit would make you a seeker of His Word
Oh man, Oh man, with christ in your heart, Preach Gospel with Authority of our Father.
Once your House is Clean of the Five, then you are no more under the sin but righteousness.
The enslaving sting of sin has been removed for ever to enjoy the Freedom of spirit.
Let your “Innerman,” the christ lead your Life
Our Father has entrusted you with the Key to His Treasury
Spend, spend and spend to your hearts’ content.
Oh man, Oh man, with christ in your heart, you are in the Royal Kingdom of God.
With the Double-Edged Sword of His Word, you are a Soldier of our Father.
Fight the Dog-Collared hirelings of Mammon and the hypocrite Bishops and Popes.
With the Armour of Faith in God, the Oil that we need for our Lamps
To Mary our Father in which there is neither giving nor taking.
With the Secrets of our Father known, we no longer walk in the Darkness.
Oh man, Oh man, with Christ in your heart, your account has been accepted by our Father.
God Bless you for working in the name of God.
I wonder how the Treasures of our Father rest in this wretched body
You are no more poor but one of the richest in the world.
Gospel is not given on a Platter but you must long and seek
One in thousand and two in ten thousands would love Gospel.
Oh man, Oh man, your name is in the Book of our Father, you are sealed to Preach Gospel.