SECULAR WORLD " " " Of purely physical
tribal people in Adam and Eve. “Sons of Man” are Wheat Plants and the “Salt of the Earth”. They perform
works befitting their tribal honours to uphold their “Extrinsic values”. Politics is a tribal
affair and the countries are named after the tribal people. Responsible tribal Politicians
lead people to justice and Peace in society. Unfaithful to their tribal
fathers are the “sons of Satan”,
the Tares. Sons of Man are the
Plants planted by our heavenly Father Yahweh/Brahma. People faithful to
their Tribal fathers, “Ilah”, live
in Peace and Harmony. They enjoy the
best fruit of the Mother earth. How to remain
faithful to your Tribal “Ilah” is in the Hajj
rituals for 12 to 16 years old boys in which Satan takes various forms to
dissuade the boy. Kabah is the Temple of Adam or Shiva. During their prayers, the Mohammedans
salute Adam, but most of them are not faithful to their tribal fathers. They get netted by the most powerful Al-Djmar Al-Aksa. I have put up 20
Youtube Videos on Hajj:- |
ECCLESTIAL WORLD For secular tribal
people, the “sons of Man, Adam or Shiva” – Salt of the earth. |
HOLY SPIRIT = Extra Ordinary
Sense by Grace of God |
! ! ! CELESTIAL WORLD Of purely spiritual
people, the Moral Teachers, the Rabbis, the Priests and by the Grace of God
the Royal Priests of God, the Preachers, Apostles, Saints, etc. |
Candles Soul + water They are like
“stones” or Footpaths. Moral education from
hereditary Moral Teachers, Priests called “Rabbis” or “Brahmins”. They are of
Levi tribe in the Ideal Rabbi =
Matt.13-52 SCRIPTURES = MILK Keeping to the Ten Commandments leads people into the “ They become Angels. Angels could “sin” as King David did. They are like “Footpaths”. Sins being transgressions against Moral Laws, they are against demiurge
Yahweh of the Rabbis. Sins are forgivable as they are made by men and
forgiven by men, the Rabbis. Stress laid on Prayers. |
of Man = holy spirit = “common sense”
by grace of God |
Candles. Awakened
mind or Munn. Soul + water + holy spirit by grace of God Spiritual education
learnt from Christ Jesus and Saints of any gender, tribe or country for
improving upon one’s “Intrinsic values”. Women cannot teach
the Moral Laws of Moses but they could Preach Gospel. They long for “His
Treasures”, the Gospel Truth that is received Free and given Free. If you are paid in Mammon, then you will
despise God. MEAT =
BORN “Son” Soul + water + Holy Spirit by Grace of God % # & ! ' $ ( Gospel Truth
received through Revelations. Spokesmen of God. No Teacher or
Preacher required as Saul turned Paul received. They go by the
Wisdom of God And not by their own
wisdoms. SPOKESMEN
( $ ' Doubting stage or Rocky
soils. They should remain honest in
dealing with their customers, public, etc.
By nature, they are selfish and tend to seek their own praises. Those
who are greedy and blasphemers, they wither away under the Sun or the Gospel
Truth. They are bound by DUBDA, Mammon + God. |
in heart |
(%$#&' Sealed to serve people in
God, DASS, through performing
philanthropic and merciful deeds. They glorify God by Preaching Gospel and
performing “Merciful” Deeds. They rule
over the hearts of people and not over countries as the secular kings do. Put on simple dress. They are Super Servants, bound to serve God only. |
Holy Spirit, the Wage paid to
the Workers at PENTECOST SERVANTS OF GOD – FIVE VIRGINS Roving Preachers or Royal
Priests sowing the Seeds of “His Word” in Churches built of Rock,
truthful people. They Harvest the White-hearted
Crop through Eucharist of Sacrifice or entering into the Bridal Chamber. They
are the Twin Brethren of Christ Jesus. Like Christ Jesus, they too are the
Sons of God, the primary source of Light.
Christ Jesus was the anointed Christ, the Prophet of this Dark
Age. They normally prefer
the weed free soil, the Wilderness to the family homes for bearing maximum
fruit that is 100 per cent. Satan cannot tempt them. |
Works Performed : Spiritual
States : Spiritually
Speaking : Way to
God : |
Feed / Serve People Hylic led
by Id or ego Holy son ASK |
Businesses Psychic
of mind Holy
father SEEK |
Politics Pneumatics
for God Holy ghost KNOCK |
No hirelings of
Mammon-St Paul Bliss of
Holy Spirit, wage paid at Pentecost
– Holy Spirit SERVANTS
– Matt. 13.24-30 |
Forgivable |
They act
knowingly – Not forgiven. |
Non Erring. |
Sons of Satan have
no “conscience”/ZAMEER. Wheat Plants, the “sons of Man” always kill them as
in The Holocausts in Presently, the Tares
are bundled up in |
They become fanatics
in the manner of Saul. They cannot be blamed for wrong doings. That is why
St. Stephan, St. James and other Saints did pray for them to awaken their
conscience. They are “stones” easily
turned into “Bread”. Bae Mukh.
Priests thrive on these people. |
Mountain fanatics |
They go after Mammon.
Typical example, Judas Iscariot. He being a Baby Prince of Darkness, killed
himself of the rebukes showered by Christ Jesus that such a person not be
born. Munn Mukh or sweet spoken psychics. |
in heart |
They go for Politics
and become great Hypocrites. Popes. Put on expensive colourful robes to
impress upon the simpletons or the “stones”.
Third Temptation of Satan to Jesus. Dogs sitting in the Manger of
Churches. Korriyar. |
spirit |
Kingdom of Satan or Hell ruled by the Emperors,
Kings and Princes of Darkness. Kashmir
Valley produces the Emperors, the Punjab, the Kings and the Middle East, the
Princes of Darkness. End Time has come. Matt.13v24-30
is being fulfilled and the sons of Satan are reaping the harvest of their
past atrocities. Atomic War is expected in December, 2012 when the spiritual
Mayan Calendar approaches “zero”. |
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