The British left India in 1947 but with a very dirty conscience. We Indians of the
farming marshal tribes Jatt, Gujjar, Pathan, Arian, Saini, etc., the once-born simpletons served the British
faithfully and made them win the two world wars but they colluded with the twice-born
people of business tribes and hypocritically divided our Jatt tribal
homeland, the Punjab plunging us into the
sectarian civil war that could have been
avoided. This is how they ignited this civil war:-
1. They knew that the
people kill each other frantically in the name of religion as Catholics and
Protestants did in Britain and so, they supported the heads of religious
parties financially and paid them money secretly under the table.
2. There used to be
elections held for the Parliament but no such election was held to hand over
the Government into the hands of responsible political leaders in 1947.
3. They just colluded
with the heads of religious Parties; all clever shopkeepers - Lala M.K.
Gandhi, a Baniya, Lala Tara Singh Malhotra, a Khatri and Lala Mohd. Ali Jinnah,
a Babla Bhatia. These Lalas least served in the
British Army.
4. We Jatts of the Punjab served the British Army the best but
we were divided into India and Pakistan like the deserted Christmas Puppy.
5. And our Governments
were told that when you fight with each other, then we will sell you weapons of
mass destruction to kill each other. What a business idea out of misery?
Politics is a dirty game of the psychic hypocrites whom Jesus condemned
the most and he was killed by them. Look what the USA, U.K. and other European
collaborators are doing in the world today?
End times are not far away – Matt. 13v24-30 and the TRIBULATIONS have already started from 14/05/2018 when the child-like USA
President Donald Trump pressed the TRIBULATIONS BUTTON by declaring
Jerusalem to be the Capital of Israel. These world-wide TRIBULATIONS will last
let us join hands together to expose these hypocrites with the Gospel Truth of
our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. In Jesus, we are
Labourers working in the Royal Vineyard of our Father that has a Narrow Gate
for the Solitary of discerning intellect called “holy spirit”, common sense or
Surtti. Earn your Salvation by Preaching the Gospel.
Holy spirit, “common sense”, shatters the fetters of the dead Letters,
the Holy Books and their Laws that have been corrupted. Remember that Law and Prophets were till John, the
Baptist – Luke 16v16 and after that, the
Narrow Gate to the Royal Kingdom of God has been opened by Christ Jesus and He has appointed St. Peter as the
“Gatekeeper”. That is why Peter killed two hypocrites/Blasphemers Ananias and Sapphira for speaking against the
Holy Spirit that rests in our own heart, the Treasury of the Gospel Truth
Brewed through “Logical Reasoning”.
Watch mine over 7000 Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1 and my services are FREE. I have written two Books; one in English; “FIRST GNOSTIC PRINCIPLES OF ONE GOD ONE
FAITH” and the other in Punjabi; “KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH”. Search them on
internet. I need technical help to revise them for publication. FREELY RECEIVED; FREELY GIVEN IS OUR
“Agape”, our Father God blesses everyone alike and please do not miss your great opportunity to earn salvation by Preaching
Gospel from the Rooftops.
Qom and not Hindu Jatt, Sikh Jatt, Muslim Jatt, etc.
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar Jatt, M.Sc. Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy.