Royal Priests. |
Dog-Collared greedy Priests – Matt. 12v43-45. |
Freely they receive “His Word” called Oral Torah by the grace of our Supernatural Father of our “souls” Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. through “logical reasoning” that Brews “Logo” and freely they explain to the twice-born of holy spirit called “common sense” = Surti. |
The once-born go to a School of Theology to learn Scriptures from a “hireling” Professor of Theology called Rabbi, Pandit, etc. Thus, Scriptures are Milk for the once-born babies. Scriptures are based upon the “reflection” of the “Oral Torah”. Priests are entitled to “tithe”. |
Daily Life-giving Bread is the Flesh of Jesus and his second coming Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji or what came out of their Mouths. We Chew the Meat with our Teeth of “logical reasoning” over our hearts called “intuition” and Brew the New Wine Gospel within our own hearts. This is called “Revelation” and the individual “solitary” enjoys the Bliss of Nectar called Gospel. |
Student of Theology are fed with the “Dead Letters” of Scriptures by their Moral Teachers. The students are encouraged to hold debates over Scriptures. They are not allowed to ponder over His Word because it cannot be written down in ink on paper but over the living Tablets of Heart. Or they just bury their dead Letters in debates. They prefer old wine to the New. |
In God, our progress is through “Ask, Seek and Knock”. Thus, the twice-born are seekers of the Narrow Gate for the solitary to the Royal Vineyard of our Father where He has Planted the True Vine Christ Jesus and Christ = Satguru Nanak for our grafting to them. Because the Royal Priests are devoted Shepherds of their Sheep, they are ready to die fighting against the Wolves who use force to convert people. |
Rabbis or Professors of Theology, they being authority over the dead Scriptures would keep their Disciples under their Yoke by making them “Deaf” to other views and “Mute” by banning them to say anything else than what they have been taught. For those who were not happy with the Yoke of their Rabbis, the Shepherd less people, Jesus created for them One Fold, Church of God, headed by One Shepherd Christ Jesus. |
They are living in holy spirit and they go by their “Innerman”, the Christ. They enjoy life by Preaching Gospel from their own mouths that ensures them ENTRY into the Palace of our Father as Lazarus enjoyed. |
They keep on memorising the dead letters of the Scriptures for the sake of Mammon and authority. They end up as Super Donkeys carrying Holy Books with no knowledge of Yahweh or Elohim. |
With the knowledge of Oral Torah, they
are capable of darning the holes created by the corrupt Rabbis to create a
wide Gate and a Wide Road that leads to Hell. Thus, John, the Baptist, an
ideal Rabbi – Matt. 13v52 – Angel of Israel, Prophet Elijah (my god is
Yahweh) baptised Jewish men in water in the name of Abraham and Yahshua in
the name of his heavenly father Yahweh. He never baptised a woman, Gentile or a
Samaritan. Thus, Jesus came to fulfil the law and not to destroy it. |
Without the knowledge of Oral Torah, they keep on teaching the corrupted Scriptures such as Gen. 17; circumcision is the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and his seed only. Angel Stephen warned them of this corruption but they killed him. Today Matt. 13v24–30 is being fulfilled and the “Tares”, unfaithful to Abraham Jews outwardly are being bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning by the Fake circumcised sons of Abraham, the Mohammedans. The Atomic War is expected on 14/05/2023. |
As Christianity is of the heart and we worship God, in Truth and spirit. Thus, both men and women can Preach Gospel or become Saints. St. Photina, the Samaritan woman at well – John 4 – a Pure of heart woman of holy spirit who vetted Jesus, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Meera Bhai, etc. The Messianic Jews killed Christianity and set up a system similar to the old with Pope as the Temple High Priest – Matt 12v43-45. |
As Yahweh is the creator of male and female or Lord of the Nature at large, so only the Men can represent him. That is why only men of certain tribe of Levi or tribes of Sarsut, Gaur, Mohyal, etc. in India could become the Priests. That is why no woman can teach the moral laws but she can Preach the Gospel of our Supernatural Father. The present hireling Dog-Collared Priests are no better than the Rabbis from the Yoke of which Jesus set us FREE. |
None of the Twelve inner circle Labourers of Jesus baptised anyone in water but the outer circle Seventy that were being prepared for John, the Baptist and they went in pairs ahead of Jesus to Baptise Jewish men in water as John had done. Temple Priests were making Jews outwardly, the “Tares” whilst Angel Stephen baptised them in the name of Abraham as John had done but they killed him. |
Today, corrupt Dog-Collared Anti-Christ “hireling” Priests of dead letters – Matt 12v43-45 – baptise infants, women, men, etc. in the name of God, Holy Spirit and Son Christ Jesus, which John, the Baptist said that Christ Jesus will do. The Eucharist called entering into the Bridal Chamber is the Baptism of Jesus in Holy Spirit and it is highly mocked by the hireling Dog-Collared Anti-Christs. |
In Jesus, everyone is to give his own account to God. That is why the Curtain of Holiest of Holy, the Temple of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. was torn from top, Temple High Priest, to Bottom, the village Rabbis. Now, we approach our Father by singing His Praises through Gospel Preaching also called Keertan only. No rituals in the worship of our Father. |
The once-born men render services to the Lord of creation Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. by obeying his natural laws based upon tit-for-tat. These laws are taught by the Rabbis – Matt 13v52. Kings used to do justice according to the moral laws or the dead letters and the court Rabbi will temper them with Mercy in the Light of the Oral Torah and gave the Final Verdict. |
They are super servants and they would wash the feet of those who do the Will of our Father, Who is dwelling within our hearts called “Emmanuel”. Thus, unlike the alienated heavenly father Yahweh of Nature, our Supernatural Father, Spirit being inside us, we do not pray or fast but sing His Praises. Thus, praying and fasting are Anti-Christ hypocrisies. |
They are uniformed arrogant rulers and would impose their views upon their Disciples. For them attending Synagogue, prayer and fasting is essential. The Pharisee Simon didn’t honour Jesus by washing his feet, which one of his “sinners” did. Sensible Tax Collectors would not attend their Synagogues and the Priests called them “sinners”. |
They themselves are “Solitary” and so they urge others to become solitary capable of entering the Narrow Gate that leads to His Palace. |
They are not solitary but under the command of their Pope, Bishops, etc. They work for Mammon with Dog-Collars to deceive people. |
The Royal Priests called Christs/Satgurus appear in this Golden
Dark Age when people can earn their REST, Salvation, Resurrection, Muktti, etc. by Preaching Gospel. |
No wonder Gospel is for one in a thousand and two in ten
thousands whilst in India where the second coming of Jesus took place in
1469, one in a million will receive Gospel. |