By Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
This is often proclaimed in the Gurdwaras but hardly
any one knows how and why?
Christ Jesus was the First Anointed Satguru. Within
a century of His death, the immoral, greedy and corrupt Bishops not only smothered
His Light by refusing the Apostles to preach Gospel in their Churches but they
also turned out to be the greatest anti-Christs who started to kill people for
not obeying their "wills". The disciples of Hazrat Mohammed Sahib,
the Mohammadans, under the pretext of "Islam" surpassed the
atrocities of the Popes and the Bishop accomplishes. Some of the ruling
Mohammadans would not hesitate to kill those who refused to become Mohammadans.
But before you would be able to appreciate the
qualities of a Christ, it is important to know why Christ or Satguru comes into
this world?
In the past Ages, honest and dedicated Brahmins or
Rabbis used to lead the people and the people used to follow them like a blind
without asking any question. Those Brahmans and Rabbis used to leave their
tribal homes to take over the headship of a Temple/Synagouge in another
village. John, the Baptist, Who was a Prophet in the name of Elijah, was an
example of an ideal Rabbi. They did not have any material attachment or the
love of their own kith and kins - MOH. In giving their
Judgements, they were impartial and such an honest and devoted Priest led
people of all tribes into Peaceful living called "heaven". This Jesus
stressed by Saying that the key to the kingdom of heaven was given to the
Rabbis, neither they themselves would enter nor they would let others to enter.
That is when the Rabbis had become greedy, dishonest and liars as they
displayed their nature during the Trial of Jesus, they misled the people. This
is amply reflected in the Sikh Gurdwaras where a greedy and psychic/clever
Granthi can cause friction among the members of the congregation leading them
to hatred rather than Agape, the divine Love.
The people used to trust and follow their
Brahmin/Rabbi in the manner of a "blind" without thinking of their
own or intuition called "SURTI" or "spirit" (common sense).
Among the Jews, there are some recent stories of houses catching fire on a
Sabbath. The house occupants would not put the fire off as it involved working,
which is forbidden by law on a Sabbath without the permission of their Rabbi.
In some cases, the house got burnt down whilst the occupants sought the
"permission" of their Rabbi to put it off. That is why Jesus said,
"If your animal falls into a ditch on a Sabbath Day, wouldn't you save him
or leave him to suffer and die?" Thus, the Jews and the Hindus were called
"Blind to spirit" or "MUNN DAE ANAHAE".
Christ Jesus said the blind leading the blind into the Pit and Bhagat Nam Dev
Ji said,
Under such circumstances when the Brahmin
"Gurus" had become incompetent and the people were left of their own,
it created "chaos". Thus, it became popular that the Brahmins
themselves "sank" and also with them sank their followers:-
In order to look after the suffering people, the
First anointed Christ Jesus appeared and showed to them the narrow Gate leading
to the Royal Kingdom of God, RAAM RAJAY, for the Peace of their
minds, ANAND. This Gate is to be sought by an individual of his
own through the seeking power of his "ANTAR SATGURU" or
the "inner man", the christ that is to be renewed every day through
open-mindedness. This Satguru Amar Dass
Ji stressed by putting on a new dress every morning after his bath.
Now, Christ or Satguru goes by the Will of our
Father and he does not do his own Will. Our Father being "Merciful",
all the merciful "deeds" of a Bhagat or Christ represent the
Qualities of God. This Christ Jesus stressed by saying, “Those who have
perceived me have perceived our Father”.
God being Spirit is “perceived”, PAEKHNA, and not “seen”, DAEKHNA.
Thus, you won't find a Bhagat or a Christ thinking evil of others but goodness
with the moral that "Goodness reaps goodness and evil reaps
Thus, when Christ Jesus was returning to Jerusalem
to lay down his life, two of His disciples, James and John, went to a Samaritan
village to ask them to get prepared to receive Jesus. But the villagers told
them, "Let him go by and they don't care". At this the two disciples
were extremely angry and asked Jesus to put that village on fire as Elijah, a
Great Rabbi, did in the past. But Jesus replied, “Don’t you know what spirit
you are of”? I have come to do the Will
of our Father and not my own Will. Thus, our Father being Spirit, He sets
people "FREE" in spirit. He does not bind them in the "letters" of the law. In
other words, you cannot "sin" against God but "blasphemy"
called hypocrisy. Thus, by going by doing the Will of our Father, HUKUM
RAZIAN CHALNA, the religion of Jesus and Nanak was "Islam",
in which INSHALLAH prevailed and that "Islam" is FREE
of the moral laws of Moses that binds people in the "letters" of the
Law or Shariah. In short, "Islam" of Allah is FREE of
Shariah laws. Thus, Shah Shamas Tabraez
was stoned to death trying to stress that Arif or Saints are "FREE"
of the Shariah Laws that were enforced by the satanic Mullahs in the name of
Around 1250 A.D. about 250 Cathers of France who
disobeyed Pope were burnt alive and the Mohammadans led by their satanic
Mullahs went around enforcing their own version of Islam. Both the Popes and
the Mullahs created great HAVOC in the world especially the East
where the most clever and opportunist satanic people of Khatri tribe exploited
this concept of Islam in which the Mullahs hypocritically proclaimed "INSHALLAH",
God be Willing, but they did their own "wills", INSHMULLAHS,
the edicts or Fatwas. Mohammadans proclaimed to themselves as
"Mussallmaans" but in deeds they were cruel Kafirs/infidels, who were
imposing their own "wills" upon others. In short, what people
proclaimed was just the opposite what the REALITY was. That confused people and
they needed a Christ or Satguru to throw Light on such matters.
Remember that a Mussallmaan stands for a FIRM
believer of Allah and, therefore, such a person reflects all the good qualities
of Allah. Thus, a true Mussallmaan he is in Allah and Allah in him. Such a
Mussallmaan never tells lies, usurps the rights of others and he is always
"merciful" according to the Saying of Christ Nanak Dev Ji:-
So, God sent the Second Anointed Christ (Satguru)
that was predicted by Christ Jesus in the name of Nanak Dev Ji to dispel the
religious Darkness, Fog of falsehoods that was created by the sons of Satan.
Satguru Nanak Dev Ji was the Greatest of all the Christs, Sunlights, because He
had a bigger Job ahead of Him. Five other Satgurus took the form of Satguru
Nanak Dev Ji to fight the Darkness that was created by the sons of Satan
especially the people of Khatri tribe who had become Mullahs in the Mosques.
Thus, in Sikhism there were SIX SATGURUS
whilst in the Khalsaism, there were FOUR
Today the sons of Satan have created so much so
Darkness again that some people have even forgotten their own tribal fathers in
flesh never mind knowing our Father in Spirit AKAAL PURAKH. Down
to earth FOOLISH people, who have replaced their tribal surnames
by the names of their villages, towns or even districts are sitting on the
world’s Holiest of Holy Seat at Akaal Takht meant for the Nirmallae Sants, the
Apostles. Remember that a prostitute who serves the whole village or town if
she gives birth to a boy, then such a boy is given the surname of the village
or town. So, many of the Jathedars of Akaal Takht fall among this category of
their "foolishness" in that they were born in a father's home but
they adopted the surname of their village or town to boost their "ego".
About such people, Satguru Nanak Dev Ji said,
How effective is the preaching from such people
sitting at Akaal Takht that they do not know whether it is right to say, "HARIMANDIR
hell of difference as it is between a "Guru", a Rabbi/Pandit/Priest
and a "Satguru", Christ/Royal Priest. Remember what gold has to do
with God? That is why the offering of
gems presented by a king to Sachae Paatshah Gobind Singh Ji was rejected and
thrown into the rivulet nearby.
Gurus are mother, father and Brahmin, who teach us
the moral laws pertaining to our physical selves or TANN whilst a
Satguru directs His preaching to one's conscience, ZAMEER or MUNN
and not to the physical body or TANN. Whilst a Sachae Paatshah
enforces JUSTICE in the society without any partiality under the
Finally, I can't justify my views in such a short
article, as you need people of discerning intellect, BIBEK BUDHI,
to judge the situation under which Satguru Nanak Dev Ji and Sachae Paatshah
Gobind Singh Ji appeared. A fair comparison may be drawn from the cruelty that
the First Anointed Christ Jesus suffered at the hands of the Temple Priests led
by a man of Judah tribe, the tribe of King David, and the Light of Satguru
Nanak Dev Ji in the Name of Satguru Arjan Dev Ji, who was tortured by a Khatri
in the name of Chandu Shah by making Him to sit on a hot iron plate with hot
sand being poured over his head and body for four days in the hottest month of
June when the temperatures soared 115 degree or more. Thus, greater the
Satguru/Christ, the greater He was tortured by the sons of Satan.
Who was greatest of all the Christs of the world? Satguru Jesus or Christ Nanak
Dev Ji? Judge for your self.
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar JATT,
Retired Senior Lecturer in
144, Hamilton Road, Reading,
Berks., RG1 5RE, U.K.
0118 962 3200
Gnostics are the living christs (satgurus) and NOT Christians, of Living
God/Par Brahm (Spirit),
Holy spirit (common sense or
Surti) shatters the fetters of the Letters (Holy Books).
Remember that to your Three "Gurus" mother, father and Pandit/Rabbi,
you render money or "MAYA" and they would give you
"TANN CHINDAYA PHALL", a healthy physical body.
To your "Satguru" Nanak Dev Ji/Christ Jesus, you render your
"MUNN" or "mind" for receiving Gospel, "MUNN CHINDAYA
PHALL" and,
To your "Sachae Paatshah" Gobind Singh Ji, you render your
"TANN" or the "physical body" as sacrifice for acquiring
Salvation or "MUKT DAAN".
SACH is bitter but it leads you to heaven whilst SATT is extremely bitter but
it leads you to ANAND/Salvation.
Falsehoods or KOORRS are extremely sweet, MAKHAEON MITHHA, but they lead you to
Hell as it happened during the Partition.
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