Every one knows that the Roman Soldiers, who were told to crucify Jesus on the
Cross, put a Plate on the Cross of Jesus with inscriptions “KING OF
THE JEWS” to mock Him. The once born Roman soldiers
were bribed and instigated by the Temple Priests and their
stooges to mock Him, which no twice born person would dare to do.
ONCE BORN AND TWICE BORN: - This concept Jesus clarified in the Parable of Nicodemus, John 3
but still it is not clear to most people. Once born people know what
they see with their two naked eyes or proved to them through natural sciences
such as the birth of a child in a family but they are incapable of perceiving
the powers of God such as the Virgin Birth of Jesus through the Power of our
Mother Holy Spirit.
So, the once born people are natural people who are led by animal
instincts of tit-for-tat and a Rabbi/Pandit normally
teaches them moral laws. They can learn natural laws in the colleges
and universities but mostly they are incapable of learning the Will of God or
the spiritual Principles.
Such people form the majority of people and letters learnt in the
Universities make them more incapable of having Gospel through logical
reasoning. Such people are also called Book people and Jews are a
typical example. Gentiles being not the people of
the Book enjoyed the spiritual freedom and St.Paul
was happy to take them to spiritual heights.
Whilst the twice born people are capable of logical reasoning and they
go not by the Books but by “logic”. As most people get hooked up by
what is written in the Books and kill their own spirit of logical reasoning,
such people cannot enjoy the fruits of Holy Spirit, such as “common sense”.
Thus, people of spirit are rare to come across and they understand the
message that Christ Jesus brought into this world. Such people are
solitary and you cannot persuade them to follow your own way of thinking unless
you convince them through logical reasoning. For them Books are
means to an end.
They are so rare that Christ Thomas said, “One in thousand and two in
ten thousands” in the Middle East whilst
Christ Tegh Bahadur Ji said, “One in ten millions” in
the East.
You may not believe me but just think of this Church of England headed
by Queen, who appoints the Bishops and what not. Her hireling
Priests tell her CoE Congregations that the
soldiers who died expanding her Empire during the Wars died to glorify God and not
Mammon. Further, Queen is the head of Mammon in Great Britain,
how could she defend the faith of people in God? No way and it make
no “sense”. That is, how rare are the “Twice Born” people?
If this is the case today, then just think of the days when Christ Jesus
introduced Christianity to people?
So, the clever twice born Temple Priests with “evil
spirit” as Christ Jesus stressed in Matt.21.33-46 that they knew Jesus to be
the Heir of the Temple (Winepress) and they killed Him through
Blasphemy or hypocrisy knowingly.
So, when Jesus brought in the Message of the Royal Kingdom of God to
people, then these clever Priests took the opportunity to exploit the once born
nature of Pilate in that Christ Jesus is establishing a rival Kingdom against
his kingdom and that Jesus was a “rebel”. How spiritually blind was the King Pilate could be judged from the banners in
his court bending down to honour Christ Jesus to which the Jews objected? Jesus
was asked by Pilate to go out and come again in his court. The same
thing happened again and a twice born Roman soldier dropped his handkerchief
for Jesus to tread upon it.
This twice born soldier and those who spoke in favour of Christ Jesus
were so few that their pleas for Jesus drowned in the shouts of the stooges of Temple Priests that
Jesus be crucified and the robber be released.
Pilate asked Jesus if He was a King but Jesus did not answer his
question as he was once born with no knowledge of Royal Kingdom of God or what
he was talking about? On his repeating
the question, Jesus answered, “If you say so”. Jesus told
Pilate that His Royal Kingdom is not of this earth but of the inner hearts
where the Light of God rests.
Finding no fault in Christ Jesus, Pilate told the Jews if you call him a
king, then take your king away and do whatsoever you like to do with him. Thus,
Pilate washed his hands off the affairs of Jesus outside the court in the Sun
(God) that I am not guilty what treatment the Jews render to Christ
Jesus. Jesus was handed over to the Roman soldiers and the Jews told
the soldiers of his kingship as they did tell to Pilate. The
soldiers were once born and they were bribed and groomed by the Jews to
maltreat and mock Him too. They put on His Head a deserving Crown of
Thorns, robed him, spat at Him, etc and finally the
soldiers prepared a plate with the inscriptions, “King of the Jews” and put it
over his cross. The soldiers and the stooges of Temple Priests mocked
Him till a soldier pierced the side of Christ Jesus. Out came first,
in the name of John, the Baptist, water that fell on the hands of soldier
remitting his sins for crucifying Christ Jesus unknowingly followed by
splashing of Blood over his face that made him twice born to make him realise
who was Christ Jesus? It was at this moment, the soldier knew the
Truth about Christ Jesus but it was too late.
In a nutshell, the clever evil spirited Temple Priests knew
that Christ Jesus is the Son of God and Heir to the Temple but they
hypocritically incited their once born fanatics to kill Him as Christ Jesus had
predicted in the Parable of Winepress.
So, the once born Roman soldiers were bribed to give a rough treatment
to Christ Jesus and to mock Him. As the Jews had told the Roman
soldier of his rival kingship, so they mocked Him more by putting a plate with
the inscriptions, “KING OF THE JEWS”. Twice born people
being very few, they would be mocked and thrown out of the Churches in the name
of Christ Jesus. Gospel is always preached through discussions and I
can explain in much greater detail the topic. My lectures are FREE.
further information, please visit my website and watch my Youtube Videos:-