Hi Brother,
Jesus had no Disciples but Labouring
Brethren, the sons of Most High our supernatural Father. The root of the word
Disciple is discipline and you discipline natural once-born through moral laws.
Rabbis, John, the Baptist had Disciples but not Jesus. Messianic Jews corrupted
the New Testament as well.
Here is a design of my T-shirt, the
Light on living Lampstand:-
There are two spirits; erring spirit of
Man called “common sense” that forms the basis of Oral Torah, the root of the
moral laws that apply to Flesh or our physical body in Nature to discipline the
once-born natural man and the Non-Erring Spirit of God that applies to our
supernatural spiritual self-soul, the mind of the twice-born people. Thus, the Rabbis
have Disciples whilst the twice-born of Spirit are the Labouring sons of God.
Or we have no Disciples in Christ Jesus.
Spirit of Man is nothing else but
“common sense”; when used for humanitarian causes then it is called “holy
spirit” of God, the son of Most High but when it is used for the evil purposes,
then it is called “evil spirit” of Satan, the Devils – John 8v44. During the
Passover, the Rabbi used to present himself to our Supernatural Father God for the
forgiveness of mistakes that he might have committed during the year.
Thus, the name of Jesus in Hebrew is
called YeShua or YeShiva in which:-
Ye = Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc., the
demiurge god of Nature and
Shua or Shiva = Adam, our Noble Forefather
in flesh as God is our Supernatural Father of our supernatural “soul”.
Thus, Jesus stands for the First Born
of Yahweh, the Second Adam with no place to rest his head or He came as a
“Floating Adam” and left no mark on earth. Mary was the Surrogate Mother whilst
Joseph of the Judah tribe, the Foster father. Jesus could not marry and produce
children for the second Adam. Jesus had many solitary Virgin spiritual Brides,
Who Preached Gospel in His honour to glorify our Supernatural Father Elohim,
Allah, Parbrahm, etc.
John, the Baptist, the Prophet Elijah
(My god is Yahweh), Angel of Israel baptised Jesus in the name of his heavenly
father “Yahweh”; whilst He baptised the Jewish men especially the people of
Judah tribe in the name of Abraham. He did not baptise a woman, a Gentile or a
Samaritan. Do you know why?
Whereas the Holy Spirit of God is His
Very Spirit, Essence, that He bestows upon His Sons to represent Him on earth.
Thus, both John, the Baptist and Christ Jesus possessed that very Spirit
of God right from their conceptions and they were the Cousins in Holy Spirit
that were jumping with Joy when their mothers Mary of Judah tribe and Elizabeth
of Levi tribe met.
Thus, Christ stands for His Word that
was in the beginning and is forever; never born and He never died but Jesus.
Jesus was born, lived among us and He Preached the Gospel Truth with the Power
of Christ in His Heart and showed us the Way to Resurrection through Lazarus, a
Friend of Jesus for his compatibility in Preaching the
Gospel Truth.
Thus, Adam is our natural father whilst
God is our Supernatural Father controlling the demiurge Yahweh and his Nature
at large. This Jesus, the Omnipotent Ambassador of our Supernatural Father
Allah, showed us through the Miracles performed in the name of our Supernatural
Father God.
Truly blessed are those in whose heart,
our Father has planted His “seed” holy spirit = common sense. In God, you have
the Freewill to use or misuse it.
In short, the demiurge god of Nature is
called Yahweh = Brahma = Khudah, etc.
Whilst our Supernatural Real Father God
is called Elohim = ParBrahm = Allah, etc.
Youtube Video:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia2I7rKE9lY&feature=youtu.be
For further information, please visit my website and watch my
Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1.
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach Gospel, more you please Father
to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = Gospel
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Videos by a Cuban worth watching how Messianic Jews killed Christianity:-
St. Photina, an article by a Russian Bishop:-
Hajj is for boys 12 to 16 years old to make them faithful to their tribal
fathers, Ilah:-
My master Piece on Trinity
and the Five Husbands of the Samaritan Woman at well:-
In Jesus, we are to be
solitary. Much confused Trinity is explained.
Youtube Playlist on Trinity:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWyU_oUMJodHvSZGoNDPk5bu
John's baptism:-