Youtube Video:- https://youtu.be/qdGAzQy8VEs
Flesh (Natural that you can see and study scientifically is the creation
of demiurge Potter called Ghumiar Yahweh, Brahma, Khuda, etc., Lord of the visible
physical Nature that is born and dies) + supernatural soul, son (For this
reason, man, soul, leaves his Mother Holy Spirit and Father Elohim, Allah,
Parbrahm, etc. to join his wife flesh in the womb of our mother to form one
person Matt 19. Abortion is against God), of our Supernatural Father is infused
into the physical body, the stone pots at Cana arranged according to Menorah
and contained the old wine = dead letters, the Scriptures studied by the
natural man for the kingdom of heaven whilst the soul from our Supernatural
Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. that has domination over Nature) =
Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis that were lead to works called KARMA
to earn re-incarnation called KARMI AAWAE KAPPRRA, rebirth is through the past works.
Flesh + soul + spirit (By the grace of our Supernatural Father to those
who enter into His Fold that enables you to perceive Supernatural Father
through logical reasoning that Brews the New Wine Logo = His Treasures that you
multiply by Preaching the Gospel Truth from the Rooftops or you can misuse this
spirit to make money by cheating and destroying the humanity through evil
doings as Blair and Bush did to Iraq under the Blasphemy that Saddam Hussain
had WMD against your own conscience of Satan. Peter was once-born incapable of
logical reasoning but for being truthful, the Foundation of the Gospel Truth, he
was given the Key to the kingdom of heaven that you can see in the law and
order based upon the strong foundation of secular truth. That is why He killed
the two liars Ananias and Sapphira. Whereas Judas Iscariot was twice-born but
of the evil spirit stealing money from the Church Purse or donations to the
House of Christ Jesus, One Fold, Church of God headed by Christ Jesus. That is
why that Thief was thrown out of the Fold or the Wedding Banquette of the
Marriage of the Son, Christ Jesus at Eucharist and the rest of Eleven were
Baptised by Christ Jesus in Holy Spirit of Clean Hearts called entering into
the Bridal Chamber, the Eucharist that is highly MOCKED today because of the
hireling Dog-Collared hypocrite Thief Priests of the order of Judas Iscariot
stealing money from the Church Purse as their salaries in the service of Mammon
that make them the sons of Satan as they proclaim that the soldiers who died in
the world wars, they glorified our Supernatural Father God especially in the
COE headed by Queen. Whereas the people who formed the first Church of God, they
sold their possessions to join the Mammon-Free Church of God headed by Christ
Jesus. Saints, the Sons of God have supernatural powers as it was demonstrated
by my late father who died in the hospital over six miles away but when he had
the heart attack around 0230, his body fell on his bed in the next bedroom
where I was sleeping. There was a shuffle of papers as he used to write his religious
notes and then silence and death in hospital. Many more mysteries you can experience.
Families and friends are a reunion of souls = Twice-born sensible Labouring son
of God for Resurrection as demonstrated by Jesus in the death of His Friend
Lazarus that upset the Temple Priests the most for their cheating business in
Mammon was coming to an end. These
hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches fulfil Matt 12v43-45 making the
situation worse than before the arrival of Jesus. No wonder they created the
sectarian riots.
Finally, nature at large also demonstrate that how soul passes on the
skills in building the nests, throwing eggs of the host bird out of the nest,
Salmon fish returning to the fresh water where she laid the eggs to die, etc.
Much more in my
Youtube 7500 videos; channel nijjhar1.
Here is a related Youtube Video on the
Family of God:-
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach The Gospel, more you please
Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = The
Hajj is for the Heavenly Peaceful living of the
sons of Man, "Ba-Ilah" and not for the sons of Satan in
Punjabi - How a Pathan Zaildar who
performed Hajj and became Super Bastard Fanatic Devil?
True Story.
Four types of loves:-
Family of God:-
Solitary Royal
Test for twice-born:-
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural
Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born
sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils
John 8v44:-
Trinity is explained:-
Playlist:- www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWyU_oUMJodHvSZGoNDPk5bu
John's baptism:-
Please print these pages to
understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
Youtube Playlist on Trinity:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWyU_oUMJodHvSZGoNDPk5bu
John's baptism:-