Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
God is "Spirit", only
the predestined people of "spirit" can perceive the Family of God.
The distinction between the nature of "flesh" and that of the
"spirit" is well documented by Jesus in John 3.6-8; where Jesus told
Nicodemus that what is born of the Flesh (Adam or Son of Yahweh, the heavenly
father) is flesh and that of the Spirit (Our Supernatural Father God) is
spirit. Also, the spirit is not mattered, it cannot be seen by the two naked
eyes or studied in the manners as the natural sciences of matter are but it is
perceived through the "third eye" of mind capable of logical
reasoning. Further, the moral laws apply to nature and the once-born “natural
man” but not to the twice-born Supernatural sons of God and that is why in
Jesus we are Free of Sins such as the woman caught in adultery but of blasphemy
or hypocrisy such as Jesus told in the Temple that your forefathers are super
bastard fanatic Devils – John8-v44.
Jesus came from our Supernatural Father, Who is Spirit
and thus he had the dominance over the spirits in this world which the Rabbis,
men of “letters”, did not. This fact was known to the once-born child-like
clean hearted Nicodemus of the Letters of the Law. So, Jesus performed miracles
with the authority of our Father. For example, He took the life out of the Fig
tree and made it wither and gave life back to the only son of the widow.
Thus, the spirit of God rests in our hearts because the
heart is the "organ" which supplies blood (life) to all the other organs
and also refreshes the "grey matter" of our brain. Without blood, all
the organs will wither away. Now, our brain picks up the knowledge of Books or
the "letters" but if our heart does not supply blood to our brain,
then it is "dead". This is emphasised by Jesus in the Parable of
Neighbour in which a Rabbi and a Pharisee, both men of the "letters"
passed by the wounded person whilst a Samaritan who took passion in his heart
gave him the first aid and looked after him i.e. "letter" killeth and
"spirit" giveth life.
Therefore, after understanding the nature of
"flesh" and of "spirit" from John 3.6-8, you will realise
that it was not God (called PAARBRAHM in Panjabi or Allah) who created
the "flesh", "Adam and Eve" but a demi-god
"creator" (Yahweh, BRAHMA, Khuda), who although without God is
powerless yet his concept is propagated in order to teach people of
"flesh", mostly children, the moral laws (Natural laws for the
natural man) and the nature of "flesh", which is opposite to that of
the "spirit". The Rabbis taught the matters of "flesh" or
the moral laws of Moses and that is why they were concerned with
"sin" and related all the physical diseases to the past sins; whereas
Jesus Preached the Principles of Spirit to the people of spirit and in spirit,
the cleanliness of heart, where the Holy Spirit rests, counts and those who
have evil spirit are "hypocrites". Thus, in Jesus it is the hypocrisy
that counts most and not the "sins"; whilst in Moses, whose ideal Priest was John, the Baptist, it is the
"sin" that counts most. If the tree of moral laws has its
"roots" in the holy spirit, then the person
is said to be in the "image" of God otherwise in the image of Devil
when the "hypocrites" dominate the society. For example, have you
come across a politician who is not a hypocrite?
Thus, Jesus seeks such clean-hearted people as was
Matthew who before joining Jesus publicly declared that if he owes anybody
anything, have cheated anybody or has done wrong to anybody, let him come
forward and he will repay him seven times. That is, Matthew entered into the
service of God with a clean heart to receive and multiply the Treasures of God,
the Gospel.
Keeping in mind that what applies to the flesh, the
opposite applies to spirit, the Moses' priest used to enter the Holiest of Holy
Temple of God every year to offer animal sacrifice for the atonement of the
sins of people to whom he had led during the year, whilst our Royal High Priest
Jesus gave His own sacrifice for the atonement of not sins but
"blasphemies" or hypocrisies, which we sometimes commit in our
worldly dealings for the sake of money. Worldly dealings are also emphasised in
the Parable of Sower in which the "tares" choke the "plant"
of our "faith" in God but when one renounces the worldly affairs as
Matthew and the other Labourers did in order to join hands with Jesus, then we
have a ground called Wilderness "free" of the "weeds" and
that produces fruit (of faith) not thirty, or sixty but hundred times. Thus,
the "Preachers" of Word in honour of Jesus have to be the one who has
renounced the secular world and they are to be the roving Royal Priests and
Royal Kings going from one church to the other sowing the Seeds of His Word in
the "hearts" of people; whilst most of the present clerics or the
so-called priests or preachers are "hirelings" of Mammon dead in
Further, the Rabbis used to act as an intermediary
between the "jealous and revengeful" demi-god Yahweh, the
"creator" of male and female and the people whilst the Rabbis
themselves had the access to God through the Holiest of Holy Temple (Mat.
13.52) or the Oral Torah (Word of God, the New Treasures) i.e. they kept the
public "alienated" from demi-urge god Yahweh and anybody who
mentioned His name or proclaimed His sonship of
Elohim, he was branded a "blasphemer" i.e. Jesus opened the Narrow
Gate for the solitary Virgin Brides of Jesus to the Royal Kingdom of God, which
the blind priests of Moses highly opposed as they might lose their authority
over the people. The “Password” that would open the Narrow Gate is “His Word”
and NOT prayers or fasting as our Father lives in His Temple within our hearts
called Emmanuel. Thus, Jesus has set us "free" in spirit but the law
mongering priests, Matt. 12v43-45, still want to keep the people bound. So,
whosoever binds people or imposes his views in the name of Jesus is an
anti-Christ. Pope, bishops, cult leaders, Mullahs, etc. are typical examples of
the anti-christs.
After having a grasp of the natures of "flesh"
and "spirit", we say that our demi-god Yahweh, the
"creator" of male and female is a "jealous and revengeful"
demi-urge god; whereas our Father in Spirit is a "Loving and
Merciful" God - just the opposite of each other. The merciful, loving and
forgiving nature of our Father is further highlighted by Jesus in the Parable
of "prodigal son", where the younger son is Isaac, the elder is
Ishmael and the father is Abraham.
Thus, our fleshly mother and father are two separate
persons or entities and each person has his/her own parents whereas our
spiritual Mother, "Holy Spirit" and spiritual supernatural Father God
from Whom all life emanates is the same Persons. The same way our fleshly
brothers and sisters are different people whereas our spiritual sister,
"holy spirit", the daughter of "Holy Spirit", through whom
we learn or are fed the Word of our Father and the brother, "son of
God", through whom we represent the "Loving and Merciful" Nature
of our Father are the same. Further, the fleshly father gives his daughter in
marriage to another person whereas our spiritual Father God marries His very
own Virgin daughter - the Parable of Ten Virgins. A spiritual Virgin is one who
is led by her own Christ, the "inner man" and such a person is not
swayed by the common views or the edicts. When a Virgin daughter marries Her
Father God, then the "holy spirit", which knows the things of men, in
the person becomes "Holy Spirit", the very Spirit of God which knows
not only the things of men but also the Things of God as St. Peter came to know
the matters of the hearts of Sapphira and Ananias who kept part of the money
out of the sale of their property. The state of this spiritual marriage was
described by Jesus in Matt. 22.23-33. This Holy Spirit was also the Gift that
our Father God bestowed over the honest Hired Labourers of Foreman Christ Jesus
at Pentecost. Jesus did not allow the Thief Judas Iscariot to share the
"Last Supper" as his "heart" was not devoted to God but
Mammon. Christ Paul also received this Gift of Holy Spirit even though he was
spiritually "blind" but his heart was clean and longing for God i.e.
by "faith" and not by the "works". Holy Spirit,
also made all the Apostles including St.Paul, the Twin Brethren of Jesus, the
Christs. For example, in S.India, St.Thomas was called a "Christ" but
the antichrists of Pope killed His Labourers, the Christs and burnt their
"Books" as it was done to Cathers in France recently.
Thus, the whole Family of God could be summarised as
GOD:- Our
Supernatural spiritual Father when He displays His Loving and Merciful Nature
as in Jesus who performed Supernatural Miracles.
Holy Spirit, our Supernatural Mother:- She Feeds
us with "His Word", our Daily Bread and gives us Her blessing the
"holy spirit", common sense, by the "grace" of our Father
and not by our "works", which enables us to understand "His
Word". "holy spirit" is common sense whilst "Holy
Spirit" is the extraordinary Sense.
SON:- If a person
possesses "Holy Spirit", the very Spirit of God as Jesus did at the
very conception, then He can do what God can do. Thus, He will give
"life" to the dead and perform "Merciful" deeds to enhance
and manifest the very loving and merciful Nature of God. A person with
"Holy Spirit" is called a "Saint" and She
as a Mother will feed “His Word”, the spiritual Food, to her Virgin Solitary
Daughters. Thus, Jesus represented our Father God when He performed the
merciful "Deeds", the miracles and Holy Spirit, our Mother when She
Preached Gospel culminating into the "Last Supper", the Baptism of
Jesus in Holy Spirit as John, the Baptist stressed that I am baptising you in
water and the come coming after me will baptise you in Holy Spirit. Thus,
equipped with Holy Spirit all the Sons of our supernatural Father were
dispersed into the Service of God.
Son:- They are
the people with "holy spirit" and they know the things of men through
"common sense" only. The person, whether male or female, represents
God as long as he/she does merciful deeds. The wisdom of the person is
"she" or Virgin if the person has "inner man", the Christ
to lead him/her in the performance of the merciful deeds (Rom. 14.12) but if
the person is swayed by the thoughts or views of others and she does not have
the original Logos learnt through intuition or logical reasoning of his own
with "holy spirit", the "comforter", then the person has
"inner woman" and that too is a "super prostitute", which
cannot Marry our Father God as the person has already married the blind or
psychic guide whose thoughts she is propagating. Thus, Pope, bishop, Mullah and
many other cult leaders deal in this spiritual prostitution when they impose
their own views upon others for the sake of a following in which case the wide
road with wide gates is followed blindly.
The subject is not so easy to understand. It is only for
those who have "ears" to hear His Word, and it is best understood
through heart-to-heart discussions. No wonder the epistles of Christ cannot be
written down in ink on paper.
For further information, please visit my website and watch
my Youtube Videos:-
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach
Gospel, more you glorify Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common
sense) = Gospel
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