In the whole world, there is nothing more
instructive in the "Will of God" than the history of the "chosen
people". So, a detailed study of the Jews will sum up the whole concept of
Thus, we have all heard about the claims made
by the Jews as to be the "chosen people" of God but unfortunately
very few try to understand the lessons that God is continuously imparting to us
through favours and disfavours to these chosen people. Therefore, it is very
important for us to understand the origin and history of these chosen people.
Anyone of you who will comprehend the God's Temperament towards these people,
will also be able to foresee the future events in the world.
Thomas Logo 5: Jesus said, "Recognise
what is in your sight, and that which is hidden(of God) from you will become
plain to you. For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest".
Also, Thomas Logo 103: Jesus said, "Fortunate is the man who knows where
the brigands will enter, so that he may get up, muster his domain, and arm
himself before they invade".
The story of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael
and Isaac is well-known to most of us but still it will be worthwhile to
recapture the highlights. Abraham was an upright person who loved God through
loving and serving the people. His hospitality to the strangers was exemplary
and he always gave an honest and earnest opinion to others. He always upheld
righteous people. It is for this spirit of hospitality that Abraham is still
living and being respected in our memories as Christ Jesus is living and being
honoured by us for the spirit of Gospel.
Abraham had Sarah as his lawful wife but they
were getting advanced in age without having a son to carry on the
"seed" of Abraham. Sarah was troubled at heart and presented the
young slave girl called Hagar to Abraham to have a son from her. Abraham being
still capable of producing children and Hagar being a young slave girl, there
was no biological problem in giving birth to a son named Ishmael. Even after
the birth of Ishmael, Sarah kept on loving and serving Abraham undauntedly even
though Hagar had become a bit "arrogant".
One day, Abraham and Sarah served the
devotees of God so well that pleased with their hospitality they announced that
Abraham and Sarah will have a "son". Both Abraham and Sarah being
well advanced in age started to "laugh" that how could an old couple
have a "son"! But the "Boon" of the holy men was not in
vain and they did produce a "son" called "Isaac".
Now, Isaac being born because of the blessing
of the Saints, he was called a "Promised Child" in order to
differentiate him from Ishmael born of the natural young age of Hagar. Further,
as Sarah was the lawful wedded wife of Abraham, Isaac was taken to be superior
in the eyes of Sarah but to Abraham both the sons were equal in all
The descendants of "natural"
Ishmael are known as "Arabs" whilst those of the "spiritual"
Isaac as the "
These favours of God made the descendants of
Isaac "arrogant" as one could see in the treatment that the Jews gave
to the Gentile whilst the descendants of Ishmael remained humble in
"spirit" but remained proud in the moral qualities especially the
righteousness and hospitality of Abraham.
So, the Arabs, mostly nomads, earned their
world-wide reputation for hospitality to the strangers in the spirit of Abraham
whilst the chosen people in the knowledge of Holy Scriptures by the
"letters". This arrogance or stiff-neckedness in "letters"
among the Jews of flesh is still observed in their Synagogues. Thus, Jacob, the
son of Isaac was so well-versed in the Scriptures that he became
"arrogant" to God.
Arrogance means ones challenge to the Wisdom
of God that leads one to works that are against the "Will of God";
remember the "arrogance" of Peter when he rebuked Jesus. This
arrogance of Jacob caused strife among his sons and Joseph was the only son who
remained humble and submissive to the "Will of God". Therefore,
Joseph remained honest in his dealings with his brothers and under the gracious
"Hand of God", he did good deeds to his brothers in return for the
bad ones they had done to him.
Thus, God gave Joseph wisdom which his other
dishonest and selfish brothers and arrogant father were denied of and at the
same time the Promised Land of honey and milk turned barren as the sons of
Jacob had become disloyal to God. Further, the story of starving brethren of
Joseph going to
The above facts Jesus summarised in the
Parable of Prodigal son - Luke 15.11-32. In this Parable, Father is God, the
elder son are the descendants of Ishmael, the Arabs whilst the younger prodigal
son are the descendants of Isaac, called Jews. The suffering of Jews in
Their repentance is the forty years stay in
the wilderness when Moses looked after them and their return to the lush green
Promised Land is compared to the killing of the fattened calf. This Parable
also gives us a lesson that in God, unlike in Moses, a person has a "free
will" either to leave Him, i.e. to become un-faithful to God, and suffer
at the hands of Satan or stay with Him humble and enjoy His blessings. So, also
the people have a "free will" in Jesus.
This faithfulness and unfaithfulness to God
by the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael is further reflected in the stories
relating to the sacrifices of Abraham-Ishmael and Abraham-Isaac. In the
Abraham-Ishmael story, there is a mention of the repulsion of Satan by Ishmael
before God presented to them a ram for sacrifice and rejoicing whereas in the
Abraham-Isaac story, there is no mention of the repulsion of Satan, because,
unlike Ishmael, the people of Isaac being the Jews of flesh were already of the
Satan and not of God. Therefore, no ram could be presented to Abraham - Isaac
and this is depicted in the Promised Land becoming barren.
And this is a typical example of the
"corruption" of the Holy Books analogised by Jesus to the "old
cloth", the written Holy Books, developing holes, which cannot be patched
with the Brand New Cloth but they are repairable through the knowledge of
Gospel i.e. Jesus came to fulfil the law but not to destroy it.
The key to understand the criterion of
faithfulness and unfaithfulness to God lies in the Saying, "A Jew is one
who is inwardly(of the spirit) and not outwardly(of the flesh)". Thus, the
descendants of Isaac when they become the Jews of flesh through the
circumcision of flesh and the birth of a Jewish woman, who has no
"seed", then they are un-faithful to God whilst when they become Jews
of spirit through the circumcision of their heart, then they become faithful to
God. Thomas Logo 53: His disciples said to Him, "Is circumcision
beneficial or not?" He said to them, "If it were beneficial, their
Father would beget them already circumcised from their mother. Rather, the true
circumcision in spirit has become completely profitable".
Thus, most of the present Jews of flesh who
But with the passage of time the chosen
people again became arrogant and un-faithful to God. Thus, their freedom was
short-lived and they became slaves in their own country. So, at the times of
the arrival of Christ Jesus, they were slaves to Romans and were leading a
highly immoral way of life in which the women could be divorced at will. The
reason for the high immorality among the Jews of flesh against very little
among the Gentiles(Arabs or Samaritans) or the Jews of spirit is that the Jews
of flesh are very proud of their mighty king David. Now, among the other good
deeds that king David did, he committed an act of "adultery" with the
wife of an army officer. So, the Jews of flesh who take king David as their
hero and model also commit adultery with pride.
Thus, in the times of Christ Jesus, those
immoral Jews of flesh brought to Christ Jesus a woman, that they had caught
red-handed in the act of adultery, for justice. Christ Jesus knowing the
immoral nature of those Jews of the flesh, stayed cool-headed whiling away the
time by writing over sand their sinful deeds so as to make them aware of their
nature and also to let them steam off their anger at the immoral woman by
quoting the various moral laws of Moses and the subsequent punishments.
Jesus also allowed them to make the taunting
remarks at Him such as that He considers Himself to be superior to our Rabbis,
let us see what type of justice He can do? Christ Jesus knowing their nature
and the matters of their hearts told them, "Let the one among you who has
not committed adultery or such a sin throw the first stone at the woman."
All of them, the adulterers and sinners, dispersed one by one and not a single
stone was thrown at the woman.
But the woman was humble and repentant of her
acts. Christ Jesus cautioned her to behave in future. This incident clearly
leads one to the conclusion that the Jews of flesh were highly immoral and
sinful people. In fact, they were doing deeds against the moral laws of Moses.
Now, morality being the base for spirituality, it was to establish this moral
order that John, the Baptist, an ideal moral teacher(Matt. 13.52) of Levi stock
came to pave the way for the anointed Spiritual Preacher, the Christ of God, in
the name of Jesus.
Not all the Jews were immoral. The Jews who were
leading an honest and hard working life, with the fear of God in their hearts,
were the people which the Christ Jesus chose as His close-circle twelve
disciples. Whereas, the arrogant Jews of flesh were too proud of the
"letters" of the moral laws of Moses to absorb the "spirit"
of God that the Christ Jesus came to pour out in abundance.
In the New Testament, "letters" are
analogised to "old wine" and "spirit" to the "New
Wine". So, those who were drunk with the old wine of the
"letters" could not take the New Wine of "spirit" on top of
it and it was for this reason that the Christ Jesus did not choose any Pharisee
or Sadducee as His close-circle disciple but the ordinary working class men
with the inclination towards God. The fruit that Judas Iscariot, a man of
"letters" well-versed in many languages and disciplines, bore is
well-known to us. From literature, I understand that Jesus did not choose Judas
Iscariot but he rather pleaded strongly to be taken into the twelve for his
The Christ Jesus summarised the situation in
Thomas Logo 28: Jesus said, "I took My place in the midst of the world,
and I appeared to them in flesh. I found all of them intoxicated; I found none
of them thirsty. And My soul became afflicted for the sons of men, because they
are blind in their hearts and do not have sight; for empty they came into the
world, and empty too they seek to leave the world. But for the moment they are
intoxicated. When they shake off their wine, then they will repent".
Typical example of a person who was drunk
with the old wine of "letters" was "Saul" who later on
became Apostle "Paul". Saul was an ardent student of Rabbi Gamaliel,
an old scholar of the Scriptures. He obeyed the moral laws of Moses by the
"letters" and un-like the other Jews of flesh, he did perform acts in
accordance with the moral laws of Moses. For devotion to God, he, like the
Samaritan woman at well John 4, was leading a celibate life and, therefore,
there was no question of immorality with him.
Thus, Saul was morally good and had great
inclination towards God but he was drunk blind with the old wine of
"letters". Because of his clean heart and devotion towards God that
the Christ Jesus came into his life and shook off his old wine of the
"letters" through the Damascus miracle of Lightening. The degree of
blindness that the "letters" had caused in him towards
"spirit" is best sensed through the thickness of scales that came off
his eyes. For Saul, it was a new birth in "spirit" and, therefore, in
honour of the Christ Jesus he changed his name from "Saul" to
Taking into consideration the above, the
present theologians of "letters" in the universities and colleges are
doing a great deal of harm to the Christianity of Jesus by producing the blind
"Sauls" drunk with the old wine of "letters" of both the
old and the New Testaments and thus creating a far greater spiritual blindness
than that which St.Paul had experienced.
And if you can realise that the Christ Jesus
came into the world because the manly priests or the moral teachers in the name
of Moses had become corrupt - Thomas Logo 102: Jesus said, "Woe to the
Pharisees, for they are like a (greedy) dog sleeping in the manger of oxen(hard
working people), for neither does he eat(cannot understand Gospel) nor does he
let the oxen eat(ordinary people who can understand Gospel)".
The Christ Jesus being the living Mediator
between God and us, we do not stand in the need of any manly interposer such as
the present Pope, false fathers, bishops, The reverend, etc., the super hypocrites.
We being the children of Light are Royal
Priests and Royal Kings of living God of the living present. Then by comparing
the present dead clerics with the corrupt and blind Pharisees and Sadducees in
the name of Moses, you will come to the conclusion that the present clerics are
far worse off than those blind guides of the blind.
Thus, the present clerics are the people, who
are worst of all drunk with the old wine of "letters", and therefore,
they are very incapable of taking the New Wine of Spirit. Thus, the best
disciples of Christ Jesus are the ordinary working class people with
inclination towards God. Remembering that you cannot sell something that you
have received "free", "His Word" is received
"free" and, therefore, It is to be preached "free". The act
of receiving free and giving free is called a "Royal" act. Therefore,
the present clerics are neither the Royal Priests called the
"Christs" because they are paid for their services i.e. they are the
"hirelings" of Mammon. Nor they are the "Royal Kings" in
that they are mostly the greedy parasites(dogs) of churches which are nothing
else but the social clubs of Mammon which are nowhere near the serving and
sharing communities of the Christ Jesus that set up the first Churches of God
headed by the Christ Jesus.
In fact, a hireling of Mammon commits an act
of "treason" if he preaches the Gospel of God instead of the
atrocities of Mammon. Thus, none of the Apostles of Jesus was a
"hireling" and St.Paul, Who had to stay longer than usual earned His
living by making tents. However, let us return to our main theme, the
"chosen people".
Thus, the Christ Jesus came among His own
chosen people but they maltreated Him in the manner outlined by Him in the
Parable of the "wicked husbandmen" Matt.21.33-46. Whilst in Matt.
23.34-39, Jesus counts some of the favours that God had rendered to the chosen
people and describes how arrogantly they reacted to such favours of God. As the
Jews of flesh drunk with the old wine of the letters rejected the Christ Jesus,
the very Son of God, God displayed His anger against such arrogant and
un-faithful to God people by destroying their Holiest of Holy Temple in the
world in 70 A.D. Thomas Logo 71: Jesus said, "I shall destroy (this) House
(Jerusalem Temple), and no one will be able to re-build it". Re-building
of the
Why the destruction of
Further, a religious person longs for ten
religious qualities based upon 3+3+3+1=10 i.e. the 9 religious qualities are
acquirable by people through "works" whilst the tenth quality,
"Spirit", is received through the Grace of God only. The "Tenth
Quality" is also represented by the "Tenth Golden Gate"(DASAM
DAWAAR) situate eastwards of
Also, Jesus had 70 outer circle disciples who
were sent in pairs to cure the physically sick people, the part of normal
duties performed by the Priests of Moses. They were sent in "pairs"
because this physical or secular world of flesh is of the pairs whereas the
spiritual or Celestial world of spirit is for the "solitary" - refer
to the Parable of narrow and wide gates.
Here, it is also worth mentioning that the
reason for Jesus choosing the twelve close-circle disciples was that they will
be perfect in the "works" represented by the seven candles of Menorah
i.e. in the name of John, the Baptist, an ideal Levi Priest of Moses, and their
hearts shall be pure of the five specific spiritual limitations - refer to John
4. Thus, we have 7+5=12, the perfect number that signifies that the disciples
of Jesus shall be capable of teaching the moral laws of Moses in order to
induce morality in the name of John, the Baptist and be capable of preaching
the Gospel in honour of Jesus to pour out the spirituality. Thus, the twelve
tribes of the Jews of flesh have nothing to do with the twelve disciples of
Jesus. This is another example of the corruption of the New Testament.
After the destruction of
Now, our 1000 years are equal to one Day of
Lord and, therefore, 2000 years will make two Days of Lord. Also, the Christ
Jesus sowed the Seed of "His Word" among the hearts of people almost
2000 years ago and, therefore, on the Third Day, Jesus should send His Angels
to reap the "Crop" that is outlined in Matt.13.24-30: "That at
the end of Age(KAL YUG), I will ask my Angels to bundle-up the
"tares" and burn them".
The present collection of the Jews of flesh
How could the Jews of flesh, the
"tares", be gathered among the mighty Arabs, the "wheat
plants", who hated them? God had His own plans. A person becomes weak when
the Hand of God is removed from his head. Thus, in order to make the Arabs
weak, God let Mammon loose among them in the form of oil wells. These oil wells
brought in riches to them and alongwith it the curses of Mammon, the strife and
killing, which the Europeans and the N.Americans are facing to-day.
Mammon also attracted first rated sons of
Satan especially from
Thus, when the Arabs were poor -- the poor
shall inherit the earth --, they were hospitable and displayed the natural
qualities of Abraham but as they became rich, their hospitality dwindled and
they turned from merciful Muslims of spirit to the fanatic Muslims of flesh.
The above is best summarised in that the time
of Gentiles ended in May, 1948 and that of the Jews of flesh started. St.Luke
21.24: "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led
away captives into all nations: and
Further, the times of Gentiles are not just
over in the Arabian countries but they are also over in the Western countries
as well, where in the past, they were tortured. Thus, in the countries where
the people had tribal integrity i.e. they were sons of Man, the Jews of flesh
were tortured. For example, in
The last tribal integrity and awareness in
the West was displayed by the Germans and the resultant persecution of the Jews
of flesh are still fresh in our memories. But they also have become
"tares" to some degree and the domination of the Jews of flesh in
these countries is well demonstrated by the court actions against such persons
as Barbie and Dr.Kurt Waldheim. These people have no defence against these Jews
of flesh unless they become sons of Man again through their tribal awareness as
it was under Hitler, the natural man of flesh.
In fact, the situation in the United Germany
is ripe for serious disturbances to occur from 1992 to 1994. Thus, the
countries without any tribal domination or awareness such as the
Remember that man cannot produce weapons or
act without the "Will of God" and, therefore, the present
technological developments are taking place according to the "Will of
God", which Jesus has outlined crystal-clear in the New Testament and
those who shall take to sword shall be killed by that very sword.
Finally, it is very difficult indeed to do
justice to such an interesting and instructive subject in such a short space. I
cannot write everything in detail as the things of spirit are for the sensible
people only; the main reason for Jesus not proclaiming His Christship to the
general public.
I also must stress that some of the Jews of
spirit, like the "centurion" of spirit, whose servant was sick, are
nice and very frank in admitting that they were turned out of their Promised
Land because they had become un-faithful to God by proclaiming that a Jew is
one who is born of a Jewish woman i.e. a "seedless" person.
But in the
In Jesus, Love(Agape) and not hatred is our
base in preaching the Gospel. Therefore, the people of world should show a
great sympathy towards the "Chosen People" for the sacrifices and
sufferings they underwent in order to demonstrate to us the "WILL OF
GOD" that is not easy to grasp. For this reason, they are also known as
the nation of "priests", who will guide the world how to become
faithful to God.
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