The Anti-Semitic Jews outwardly and not
spiritual inwardly.
Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.,
Retired Senior Lecturer,
KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa.
For the
full article:-
Hi Brethren,
I am a 90-year-old University
retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy from Punjab, India where the Second
Coming of Jesus in the name of Satguru = Christ Nanak took place in 1469. I
Preach Christianity, Sikhism and Real Shariah-Free Islam of Allah, Noor called
Inshallah and not this Satanic Islam of Mullahs, called Inshmullah full of the
Sharia Laws. My views are not common but I can explain them in detail.
Here are my views on the present
At Easter Time, Jesus is showing
the Miracle of the Burning Bush. Two times, you have tried to rebuild your
Temple and you lifted up the remaining foundation stones but when you wanted to
relay the Foundation, a Fire came out and made you run away from the Temple.
Let us see what happens when you build the Third Temple.
The Gospel Truth you
receive directly from God and not from any man. This Jesus demonstrated in
the once-born Peter when he declared that you are the Messiah. People sold
their possessions to enter the One Fold, the Church of God headed by our Elder
Brother and Bridegroom Christ Jesus, and not these Churches in Mammon like the
Church of England, a Synagogue of Satan, headed by King Charles in which the
soldiers who died in the two world wars are proclaimed that they glorified God,
for the Mammon-Free Royal Priests to ponder over His Word that cannot be
written down in ink on paper for it is for the living in the holy spirit, which
is common sense, as the Shepherds possessed and not the University Professors
in Jerusalem dead in the letters of the law who hated the Light that would
stifle their money churning efforts to become rich in Mammon and put on
the silken clothes. Now, Prophet Elijah (My god is demiurge Yahweh, the Potter
of male and female) John, the Baptist was the Cornerstone of the Temple of
Yahweh, where Juda Iscariot threw his thirty Shackles. They bought a Potter's
Field for that money, the hypocritical Temple Priests threw John, the Baptist
out as they had killed a similar Prophet Zachariah in the Temple previously and
the hypocrisy is exposed with His Word, the Light and they,
"Saltless" people unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the Tares – Matt
13v24-30 hated the Light Most and Christ Jesus went into the Temple to expose
those hypocrites and they killed Him. Whilst the sinners killed John, the
Baptist, Herod marrying the wife of Philips, etc.
Much more in my article below:-
Intuition - Taught by God:-
Circumcision is the Tribal Mark or Covenant of Abraham to Isaac and his seed
ONLY. Angel Stephen warned them not to make fake sons of Abraham but they
killed him.
The Circumcision of the flesh was so much
floated by the Temple Priests that it has become OBSOLETE.
The Promised Land belongs to the Faithful sons of Abraham and not to
fake "Saltless" Jews outwardly who cannot build their tribal
"Covenant" with Abraham.
Return under Moses faithful to Abraham, and
Yahweh “Wheat” plants whilst under Christ Jesus just the opposite “Tares” –
Matt 13v24-30.
Allah is NOOR and you cannot apply
Sharia Laws that bind you on NOOR that sets you FREE. This Islam is not of
Allah called INSHALLAH but of Mullahs called Inshmullah.
Our Khokhar Jatt Chaudhry Saddam Hussein
Khokhar Jatt was executed by the American Jews.
A Jew is
spiritual of heart inwardly and not in the flesh outwardly. So a Jew is never
born or dies but the tribal people of Judah, Levi, Benjamin, etc. led by their
blind guides, the “sinners” died. Such sinners were killed by the tribal
English and Germans in the Holocaust. Today, Matt 13v24-30 is getting fulfilled
and the sons of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa are being bundled up in Israel for the
Final Burning. The Palestinians also cannot build their covenant with Abraham
and so, the Tares will burn and kill each other. This planet Earth is for the
habitation of 144000 tribal sons and not Jews, Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims. Watch
my over 8900 YouTube Videos; channel One God One Faith. Atomic war is very near
Proofs of the Virgin Birth of
Jesus: -
Matt 21v33-46:- As the
Jews killed the Prophets and then collected money from the devotees, so they
did the Messianic Jews to Christ Jesus and created the Antichrist Pope and his
killer stooges.
Hitler tribal Putin will destroy Blasphemer USA and the West as the German
Hitler killed the unfaithful Abraham and Yahweh sinner Jews outwardly.
were no WMD in Iraq and these Blasphemer USA and Western nations destroyed his
peaceful country. These evil-spirited Blasphemers against the Holy Spirit
destroyed many more countries like Libya and they are not forgivable as the
sinners are. Super Hitler Putin will punish the Blasphemer USA and the West.
The tribal people of Salt are of God whilst Mammon and Media are of Satan.
The Udege
tribal Son of Man Super Hitler Putin speaks the truth versus the great
blasphemers of the USA and the West. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not
forgivable and Putin will punish them very hard.
Thus, everyone is to give his account to God and
you cannot blame anyone other than yourself for not waking up to the Golden Occasion
of resurrection. Just wean off the Milk, and the
Scriptures and go for the refreshing Meat of Jesus for your Daily Bread of
Life. Then, put on your Cross and enjoy the Blood of Christ by Preaching the
Gospel from the Rooftops. This is America - Israel in Disguise:-
American Jewish Reaper waving sickle to kill more in Venezuela as they did in
Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc.
attended the recent seminar on the Nicene Creed that bound the people that
Jesus had set FREE but it was rather in the name of the sacked Husbandmen of
the Winepress, the Temple Priests, that coined the
adulterated moral laws to make money. Gen 17 on circumcision is a typical
example. This is the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and his generation only
and was not given to Ishmael or anyone else. But the Temple Priests gave it to
the Gentiles and made them the sons of Isaac of the Semitic race. They
circumcised the Negro and white Aryans to increase their number of the
Disciples for income. Angel Stephen was baptising the repenting sensible Jewish
people of the Semitic race in the name of Abraham or disclosing their
malpractice. He was summoned to the Sanhedrin where he stressed that our
forefather Abraham was a Nobleman. Do not make fake sons of Isaac and Abraham
through the tribal mark of circumcision. That made them grind their teeth and
they took him out and stoned him to death. Also, when these satanic Jews
outwardly entered the fold of Hazrat Mohammed Sahib, they introduced all the
Temple practices such as Kosher = Halal, circumcision, Elohim has no son, etc.
Under Moses, all of them were the real sons of Abraham of the Semitic race and
after making them repent for 40 years in the wilderness, they all became the
faithful sons of Abraham and Abraham welcomed them back with lush green fields
or killed the fattened calves to welcome the lost younger son Isaac, the
Parable of the Prodigal son Isaac, elder son Ishmael and Father Abraham. So,
when they entered Jericho on the Seventh Judgement Day of Elohim, the Elder Son
Ishmael’s people left the Promised Land peacefully and with no killing.
greater than the Prophet Moses, came Christ Jesus. They had many fake sons of
Isaac that were not of the Semitic race but of the Aryan and Negro races who
were made Jews outwardly of appearances and not inwardly spiritual of heart by
the greedy Temple Priests. So, these sons of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa killed
Jesus, the Christ and when the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., the sacked
Temple Priests, the Husbandmen of the Winepress, could not do any other job
than that of the ruling Priests. So, they took the Old Testament, the forbidden
Jewish Leaven under their armpits and dressed as the Temple Priests jumped over
the walls of the Church of God headed by Christ Jesus – One Fold One Shepherd –
and established themselves with their old Temple Customers. Apostles rebuked
them as our Covenant with God is of the holy spirit and not the dead letters of
the Bible that finished with John, the Baptist – Luke 16v16 – Take no money in
your pocket, no two pairs of shoes or tunics and no Scrip = Scriptures, the
Bible. The Gospel gets written over your own heart through logical reasoning
called “Intuition” that the Shepherds and Farmers possessed and not the dead in
the letters, which finished with John, the Baptist – Luke 16v16; Law and
Prophets were till John.
Messianic Jews still keep the Middle Candle of Menorah representing Elohim,
Called Shams, the Christ Lord of the Sabbath at the same level as the other six
of Yahweh, the Potter, or even missing altogether that the Messiah as the
present Jews believe, has not come yet. Or the Messianic Jews created utter
Darkness and the Antichrist Pope and his Dog-collared stooges killed many
people who wanted to express their opinions – Matt 12v43-45 was fulfilled in
them. The Second Coming of Jesus was Satguru = Christ Nanak in India in 1469
but the Khatris of the Punjab, Kings and Emperors of Darkness, surpassed the
Princes of Darkness of the Judah tribe. I enclose some articles that would
clarify my views further.
interested, I can deliver my Seminars free of charge at your place. The General
Public living in the holy spirit = common sense as the
Shepherds would understand better than these University Professors dead in the
letters incapable of “Intuition”. As demonstrated in the recent Conference on
Nicene Creed of the Antichrist Popes, let the dead bury their dead. Ask them a
simple question, “Why Jesus was given the name Yahshua or why John never
baptised a woman, Gentile or a Samaritan”?
Gospel is for the New Skins like me, a retired senior lecturer in metallurgy
not brainwashed by the University Professors of Theology. My late father, a
B.Sc. in Science, had this knowledge and saved our village from attack during
the 1947 Partition of India, a very Dirty Trick by the “Saltless” British
Captions:- Matt 21v33-46:- As the Jews killed
the Prophets and then collected money from the devotees, so they did to Christ
Jesus and created the Antichrist Pope and his killer stooges.