The 12 Labourer Talmidim of Christ Jesus? Seven in the name of Yahweh and Five in the name of Elohim - Part 1.

Holy Gospel of our SUPERNATURAL FATHER of our supernatural “souls” Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc., delivered by the first Anointed Christ, which in my native language Punjabi, we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. that dwells within His most beautiful living Temple of God created by the greatest artist demiurge Potter, the lord of the visible Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” if you are not “greedy” according to Christ = Satguru Brother Rajinder Dass:-

The 12 had nothing to do with the 12 tribes of Israel but 7 in the name of Yahweh and 5 in Elohim.

The 12 Talmidim of Christ = Satguru Jesus were 7 in the name of Yahweh, flesh or TANN or the moral laws related to the Scriptures and 5 of heart, the Christ = Satguru, the “Innerman” related TO “mind” called MUNN in Punjabi and Nafs in Arabic that forms the “Taproot” of the Tree of Life. This is called TANN AND MUNN NIRMAL purified = KUMBH MELA of India. Now, there are 10 religious qualities and the last 10th is the Very Power of God “Holy Spirit” that was given to Peter at the Pentecost. These 10 were also possessed by King Ravana of Lanka and he could change his form from human to animals or any other that he wished. Brahmins with this 10th “Holy Spirit” called “DASSUM DWAAR” COULD FORETELL THE FUTURE EVENTS AS JOSEPH DID TELL THE PHEROHS and they highly honoured Him. Their congregations enjoyed the best fruit of Mother Earth and Power to Protect themselves from foreign invaders. Thus, King Ravana was a “Perfect” Brahmin or Cohen possessing the “Taproot” His Word that Christ Jesus came to deliver to the dead in the letters Jerusalem Priests but they loved Darkness to carry on fleecing the people in the name of religion and ending with Leprosy in the next birth that only the Son of Elohim could cure or forgive them. Thus, 10 x 7 Candles of Menorah or works makes 70, the Quorum in the name of Yahweh called Synhedrion. This 70 formed the outer circle Talmidim in the name of John, the Baptist, a Messenger of Elohim worshipping “Yahweh”, the creator of male and female he possessed with the same Holy Spirit as Christ Jesus was blessed but to perform different jobs. So, when Mary of the Judah tribe and Margaret of the Levi tribe met, they were not cousins but John, the Baptist and Christ Jesus, they were “Cousins” with the “Holy Spirit”, the Very Spirit of Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. As this secular world is of the pair, then the 70 outer circle Labourers, the Prophet Messengers, Witness to the Light but not the Light, went in Pairs to Baptise the Jewish men in water in the name of Abraham making them the “Salt” of Abraham for Jesus to deliver such people of “Salt”, faithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the Gospel Truth, the Taproot of the Scriptures or their Laws got written over their hearts. They never baptised a woman, Gentile or a Samaritan. The women being the counterpart of God for supplying the life-giving blood, they do not carry any tribal seed and are free to marry anyone from any country or they are “International” but not the men. Remember that Pharaoh was so much upset by the behaviour of the “Saltless” brethren of Joseph, the old habits die very hard that he wanted to extinct or terminate the seeds of such liars and murderers – John 8v44 and ordered all the male of the “Chosen People” be killed. Now, the generation of Joseph “Salt” of Abraham and Yahweh as the Good Samaritans demonstrate were not baptised in the water because they were already faithful to Abraham and Yahweh. That is why James and John who went to a Samaritan village to baptise them, they refused to be baptised as they had not become Jews of the physical body by replacing their tribal self or identity with the spiritual self of heart “Jew” to become unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the “Tares”, sons of the most high Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa. Such sons of Satan are called “Tares” and for them the Western Wall of the Temple was left “intact” for them to worship. Today, they are getting bundled up in Israel for the FINAL BURNING THROUGH THE ATOMIC WAR, which is expected on 14 May, 2030 when Israel is 82 years old – Matt 13v24-30. On this coming Birthday of Israel marking the End of 7 years in Yahweh, Menorah, related to “sins”, you will find Donald Trump, A Puppet of Mammon making a DRASTIC DECLARATION THAT JORDAN, LEBANON, PART OF SYRIA, ETC. BELONG TO THE GREATER ISRAEL. This will bring great Tribulations making people to harass the Jews of the flesh “outwardly”, the “Tares” and not spiritual “inwardly” of heart to run for Israel for their safety. Remember on the 70th Birthday of Israel, our Brother Donald Trump declared that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel telling the “Tares” Mohammedans to leave the Mosque Al-Aksa. The Jews would try to rebuild the Temple the “Third” time and it will bring the Atomic War. Finally, we should highly appreciate the sacrifices the “Chosen People” of Israel have made in order to give us practical demonstration of the Will of “Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc.”, the Lord of “Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc.”. We will deal with the 5 of heart in the name of Christ = Satguru, the “Innerman” in another video. Our Father Elohim blesses everyone according to the FRUIT the person bears. Or everyone is to give his own account to God. God, the Holy Spirit teaches to the people of the holy spirit, which is common sense called Surt. Surti vich Surt Kamaee. You earns His Treasures with the Power of the holy spirit = common sense as possessed by the illiterate shepherds and farmers and not by the dead in the letters, the University Professors of Theology, who dread the living Gnostics and they hate them as the Temple Priests hated our Anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus. So, expect great hatred from these hireling Dog-Collared Priests of Satan that create the sectarian riots in the Islam, Inshallah. Amen.   Remember that our covenant of the letters ended with the Last Prophet Elijah in the Promised Land John, the Baptist – Luke 16v16; Law and Prophets were till John, the Baptist and after these crook University Professors, authority on Law, our New Covenant is of the holy spirit called wind – John 3 or “Pavan” in Punjabi. This is how the Second Coming of Jesus Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji born among the most greedy well-versed in the Scriptures Vedas describe this Golden Age of Kalyug for the ordinary hard-working people and Jesus came to Feed His Flesh to them – New Born Baby Christ Jesus was laid in the Manger:-

“PAVAN ARANBH = Time of the dead letters has gone and that of Surti by His Grace has started, Sattgur; Satt means the Gospel Truth and “GUR” means the formula to attain = Logical reasoning that Brews “Logo” = “His Word” = the Gospel truth that rests in one’s “heart” and not head to memorise like the dead letters of the Law, MATT = Wisdom WAILA = Time; SHABD = His Word =Logo = Guru = Teacher instead of the crook Rabbi/Brahmin Guru teaching the Scriptures that used to be based upon “His Word” called the “Oral Torah”, the Taproot of the Scriptures = VEDON MAE NAAM UTTAM = High Quality His Word is in the Scriptures, SURT = common sense DHUNN CHAELA = is the sincere Disciple as Saul was an obedient Disciple of Gamaliel working against his own conscience. That is, the Quality of the New Disciple of Logo going against the norms of the society in “Ego”, Na Nak = Baesharm, the name “Nanak” originated and people would call you “KOORAHIYA” going in the wrong direction asking people to turn their other cheek if someone hits you on one = Ego is destroyed in order to enter the low for the humble and Narrow for the solitary Gate of the Royal Kingdom of God where your “soul” is concerned and not the flesh or caste and we, whether in the flesh are a male or a female, Chosen People or the Gentiles, etc., we have One Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. and we are all Brethren Bhagats enjoying the family life or the Roving Preacher called Nirmallae Sants = Apostles, resident not in our family homes anymore but the Celestial World of Sadhus Melchizedik. A Gentile never dies for he does not live to die in the dead letters of the Law but goes by His Innerman, the Christ as the Samaritan Man picked up the wounded person and in Agape, Master of “Eros”, he looked after him.  The arrival of Jesus, the First Anointed Christ = Satguru was also emphasised by Bhagat Simeon that this Child is the Light to the Gentiles and the suppressed maltreated by the crook Temple Priests who called them “Goyeishi Koppa”, stone-headed or PATHAR DIMAGH. About these, John, the Baptist told the clever greedy Temple Priests in Matt 3v9, “Don’t you say that we have Abraham as our forefather, Demiurge god Yahweh is able from these stones, simpletons called Goyeishi Koppa, to raise up children to Noble Abraham”. So, these dead in Letters University Professors are Super Donkeys carrying the Holy Books and they are ready to pay millions of pounds to buy the old Scriptures not knowing that God lives in His Most Beautiful Temple created by the demiurge Potter Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. Christ Nanak said, “NANAK TAE NAR ASSALL KHAR = A person is a super donkey; JAE BINN GUNN GHARBH KARANT = if he is very proud without the QUALITIES”.  Our Father God blesses you. Amen.

Ask                   Seek                  Knock


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Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.

Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy.

More you spend "His Treasures", Preach the Gospel, more you please Father to receive more.

Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = Gospel

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My master piece on trinity and the five spiritual Husbands of the Samaritan Woman at well:-

In Jesus, we are to be solitary. Much confused trinity is explained.

YouTube playlist on trinity:-

John's Baptism:-

Atomic War should take place soon after 14/05/2030 when Israel is 82 years old then Israel will attack a country making Atomic Bombs. Israel was fully protected for 70 years. Then the real tribulations for SEVEN years in the name of “Yahweh = Menorah” did start.

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