1. Life-giving Gospel Truth that our Anointed
Elder Brother and Bridegroom Christ Jesus delivered and the
"Saltless" sons of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa killed Him. https://youtu.be/cXTKPSe8dks
2. Mammon, Greed and self-praise keep you in the
Darkness that the Christs of the Discerning Intellect expose. https://youtu.be/C0bV_lyllJM
3. Mark 3v20-21:- Hypocrite Temple Priests of the
order of super hypocrite Messianic Jews who created
the Pope and his stooges that killed many, sent a high-level delegate to Mary
and her relatives to ban Jesus from Preaching the Gospel Truth which exposed
their hypocrisy. https://youtu.be/tfJcd2pYTp0
4. Mammon, Greed and self-praise keep you in the
Darkness that the Christs of the Discerning Intellect expose. https://youtu.be/C0bV_lyllJM
5. Bitter language of my Bridegroom Christ Jesus
that the Sukkot unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh liars - John 8v44 - that are
getting bundled up in Israel - Matt 13v24-30 did not like but killed Him. The
Samaritans loved to hear - John 4. https://youtu.be/Pe11UagNeSI
6. The Last Prophecy Matt 13v24 - 30 is getting
fulfilled and the Atomic War is around the corner. https://youtu.be/aIfQiigjDFA
that world haven;t seen
beforehand finishing with the Atomic War. https://youtu.be/FscfRzrqc84
8. Christ = Satguru Rajinder Preaches the End Time
Gospel that cannot be written down in ink on paper. Let them hear those who
have ears and not books as in the Universities but the illiterate Shepherds
possessing common sense = holy spirit. https://youtu.be/acDLhmOULf8
9. A GREAT DILEMMA; Gospel Truth is very bitter
for the "Saltless" Jews outwardly and not of heart. Gospel enables
you to "Perceive" the very Face of God https://youtu.be/Y-4yh3NBqRc
10. Proofs of the VB of Jesus - Part 1. Why Jesus
had to take a Virgin Birth among the "Tares" unfaithful to Abraham
and Yahweh - Matt. 13v24-30. https://youtu.be/bJ5W-OQKFmg
11. Proofs of the VB of Jesus - 2:- Why the Angel
gave the name "YahShua"? First Proof Son of
Yahweh. https://youtu.be/kV7dmMcuu40
12. Gospel is Bitter for
the men of dead letters. The Bible is forbidden in the Royal Kingdom of God. https://youtu.be/wi8RolWPcD4
13. Matt 2v13-18:- Christ Jesus came among the
spiritually sick Jews outwardly and they wanted to kill Him. https://youtu.be/ng6Ys7pvh2w
14. Punjabi - End of Kalyug upon Atomic War. The
Tares need to be bundled up in Israel - Matt 13v24-30. https://youtu.be/87iH49M3rGY
15. Promised Land belongs to the Real Son of
Abraham Isaac so far they are faithful to Abraham and Yahweh. https://youtu.be/nHywexr7lYc
16. The role that Moses played in making the Chosen
People faithful to Abraham and Yahweh - Prodigal Son Isaac who was kicked out
of the Promised Land by Abraham. https://youtu.be/yBkjliAzlLc
17. Israel is for the faithful sons of Abraham.
They are known for their nobility worth praising. https://youtu.be/-Sm2ZeMbz0s
18. Ever faithful son of Abraham
"Ishmael" who put President Morsi son of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa in
jail and in jail, he died. https://youtu.be/g8i-XzjMf2g
19. Mark 5v1-20:- A Saint called by the sacked
Husbandmen of Temple, the Messianic Jews possessed with demons. https://youtu.be/nSw9v0M7_FY