Mool Mantar
defines the characteristics of the Trinity; hylic, psychic and Pneumatic
Christ = Satguru
BEWARE OF THE UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS OF THE DEAD LETTERS; THEIR DISCIPLE STUDENTS, “Hylic” AS SAUL WAS OF the “Psychic” Gamaliel whilst the God-Orientated illiterate village people are “Pneumatics” = Wind and they learn through “intuition” or are taught by God within them. That is why Christ Jesus stressed that to enter the Royal Kingdom of God within you, do not carry money in your pocket, no two tunics, no corruptible Scriptures = old cloth full of holes written by the psychic men such as Gamaliel = Milk that is to be sifted with the power of the holy spirit = “common sense = Surti in Punjabi” to obtain the “Butter”, the Gospel Truth = Oral Torah. The characteristics of the Three types of people that form the “Trinity” have been defined by Christ Nanak in the MOOL MANTER = formula = Satgur, which is the First stanza of Japji Sahib. Here we go:-
Hylic:- They are once-born natural boys who are sent to the School to learn the Scriptures from a school teacher – Matt 13v52. The teachers will teach them from the various holy books written by psychic men called “Scriptures”. A typical example is the Bible which was written by the sacked Husbandmen, the crook Temple Priests who killed Jesus. They were good for no other job than that of the ruling Priests. After killing Jesus, they entered the Churches in honour of Christ Jesus and fleeced the devotees that he was born among us as they did to the Prophets after killing them. These Messianic Jews created the Pope, the Replacement of the Temple Priest and his stooges in the fashion of the old destroyed forever Temple. Thus, Pope and his stooges bound the people so tight or made them deaf and dumb that they killed many who wanted to open their mouths – Matt 12v43-45 was fulfilled in them. The nature of these once-born hylics was defined by Christ Nanak, “SOCHIAN SOCH NAA HOWEEYE; JAE SOCHI LAKHH VAAR” – However hard they try to ponder over His Word, they were incapable of doing so. Such Disciples are spiritual Females.
Psychic:- Typical examples are the politicians, Pastors, etc. who are very clever selfish people seeking their own praises. They tend to be rich and politically powerful. Most of them exploit the once-born people and turn them into fanatics. About such twice-born evil-spirited people, Christ Nanak Said, “CHOPIAN CHOPP NAA HOWEYE; JAE LAYE RAHAN LIVTAAR” – like the birds of the air, they keep on praising themselves. They read the minds of the people and would emphasise those desires. They would speak illogically knowingly. They are blasphemers against the Holy Spirit as Toni Blair and Bush made people believe that Saddam Hussein had WMD but none were found. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not forgivable as the sins against the moral laws made by men and forgiven by men are. Super Hitler Putin is going to punish them. The German Hitler and the English killed the “Saltless” sinner Jews unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, who killed Jesus too.
Pneumatic:- As the name implies, without any Scriptures, you speak logically from the core of your heart and the Logo is His Word Face of God. Such people possess the holy spirit and they render praises to God and seek not the praises of men. They are solitary and humble capable of entering the Royal Kingdom of God that has a Low for the Humble and Narrow for the “solitary” Gate for people of the order of Melchizedek Sadhu. These are the living Gnostics of the Living God within them. They long for His Word so much so that their Hunger is never satisfied. Christ Nanak Said, “BHUKHIAN BHUKH NAA UTTRAE; JAE BINNAH PORIAN BHAAR”; they are so hungry that no amount of spiritual food could satisfy their spiritual hunger.
So, this form the trinity of the once-born hylic Peter who was given the Key to the kingdom of heaven of “Yahweh” for speaking the truth, twice-born evil-spirited Juda Iscariot who was thrown out for being a thief as these hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches are “Evil Fathers” indulging in sex too and twice-born of the holy spirit rest of them ten sealed to serve God ONLY called “Holy Ghost” frightening the other two hylic and the psychic. They enjoy STORGE DEVINE BLISS. The rest of the “MOOL MANTAR = Formula = SatGur consists; SANS SANIAPAN LAKHH HON; TAN IKK NAA CHALLAE NAAL – your worldly wisdom does not count in the Fourth spiritual state “WILL” called CHITT in Punjabi. You have become the Spokesman of God speaking logically. KIV SACHIARA HOWEYE; KEUN KOORRAE TOTTAE PAAR; why to be truthful so that the wall of falsehoods between man and God is shattered for UNION with Him; First you were One. Then you became two. When you have become two what will you do to be united again. Learn a lesson from Salmon Fish that returns to the freshwater (Sinless state) to lay her eggs. Abortion is the killing of a sinless person of the order of Christ Jesus and such sins are associated with Mammon-infested countries. So, Mammon is the enemy of God and this is well displayed by the Jewish people of America today.
That is why the Good News of the Birth of Jesus was broken to the illiterate Shepherds and Farmers.
Do not carry any money in your pocket, no two pairs of shoes, no Scrip = Scriptures = Holy Books = Bible, Ad-Granth = Quran, etc.
University Professors are SPIRITUALLY dead in the letters, Old Wine that makes you egoistic among the common man as you have been to a University or College to learn the Scriptures on Letters. They have no common sense at all called Surti. They always consult books written by men, while an illiterate shepherds and farmers Jatt always thinks of himself, the “Innerman Christ = Satguru” in Surti called the Holy Spirit. Thus, the village people always think of God whilst the town people of Money and how to cheat people. Thus the University Professors are spiritually blind whilst the village people are spiritually alive.
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