Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc
Matt 21v33-43:- Vineyard is the Temple Complex. The destroyed
Holiest of Holy is Golden Temple, India.
Holy Gospel of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah,
Parbrahm, etc., delivered by the First Anointed Christ, which in Punjabi we
call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim that dwells within His
Temple of God created by the demiurge Potter, the Lord of the Nature Yahweh,
Brahma, Khudah, etc., the Greatest Artist of all and it is called Harmandir or
“Emmanuel” according to Saint Matthew 21,33-43.45-46. Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders of the people,
the Principal/Vice Chancellor and the Professors: "Hear another parable.
There was a landowner who planted a vineyard, the Jerusalem Temple Complex to
coin the moral laws or write the written Torah, which is corruptible put a
hedge around it, ecclesiastical world, dug a wine press, established a school
of theology to create the moral laws in it, and built a tower, as a Symbol of
the School of Theology. Then he leased it to tenants, the Temple Priests and
went on a journey. Remember that the Promised Land is the Garden of Eden, Abram
= Adam, Sarah = Eve and they lived in the company of Yahweh, Brahma, Khuda,
etc., the demiurge Potter or the creator of nature. When vintage time drew
near, he sent his servants, Prophets who are witness to the Light but not the
Light as John, the Baptist was, to the tenants, the Temple Priests, to obtain
his produce in works that leads to the next birth reincarnation. But the
tenants seized the servants, the Prophets as they did to Zachariah in the
Temple and one they beat, another they killed - Zachariah, and a third they
stoned, Angel Stephen; one of the 70 outer circle Labourers that Jesus trained
for John, the Baptist, an Angel Prophet Elijah. Again he sent other servants,
the Samaritans faithful to Abraham and Yahweh more numerous than the first
ones, Moses, Elisha, Daniel, etc. but they treated them in the same way. They
hated them even though their forefather Joseph, faithful to Abraham and Yahweh
had treated them very well and got them the best land to settle down. Finally,
when their greed had no limits, he sent his Son Christ Jesus to them, thinking,
'They will honour/respect my son.' But when the tenants saw the son and
recognised Him as they were clever twice-born of the evil spirit, they said to
one another, 'This is the heir as son represents father and not the daughter
whose surname changes upon marriage and for the same reason, a woman cannot be
a moral Teacher but only the men of certain tribe/tribes. Come, let us kill
him, the Christ Jesus and acquire his inheritance.' Remember that Ishmael is
not the real son of Abraham, on the birth of Isaac, he
was thrown out of the “Promised Land” for the inheritance is to the real son
only. Also, Abraham gave the tribal mark of circumcision to Isaac and got it
done to him as well. Thus, only the sons of Isaac could have the circumcision
tribal mark but the Temple Priests were circumcising the Gentile for fleecing them.
The Chosen People are the “Elite People” of Nobel Abraham,.
They, the “Saltless Jews outwardly” seized him, threw him out of the vineyard,
the Temple that belonged to his Father and killed or crucified him. What will
the owner Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. of the vineyard do to those tenants
when he comes? They, the common people of Salt that the Temple Priests called
Sinners for not attending their Synagogues on Sabbath, answered him, "He
will put those wretched men to a wretched death as it happened on 70 A.D. when
the Temple was destroyed forever and lease his Royal Vineyard to other tenants
who will give him the produce at the proper times. This Holiest of Holy was
given to the people of the Khatri tribe in India and it is called Golden Temple
but what gold has to do with God? It is the most corrupt Temple in the world.
It beats the greedy fleecers of Banares. Amritsariyae thugs beat the old
Brahmin thugs of Banares". Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in
the scriptures: 'The stone, the building blocks, the Temple Priests that the
builders, sons of Yahweh faithful to Abraham rejected, sons of Satan Al-Djmar
Al-Aksa, the religious fanatics has become the cornerstone; by the Lord of
creation Yahweh has this been done furnished with gold, and it is wonderful in
our eyes'? The greedy crook Priests get it decorated with gold as today you see
the golden temple in Amritsar that pleases the eyes of people and they visit to
“see” its beauty. Therefore, I say to you, the Royal Kingdom of God, the
Holiest of Holy Temple of Elohim will be taken away from you and given to the
people of Punjab that will produce its fruit but today, it is very corrupt.
When the twice-born evil-spirited crook chief priests and the Pharisees heard
his parables, they knew that he was speaking about them. That is they very well
knew that Jesus is the Christ of Bhagti Marag in which you hate none and turn
the other cheek. And although they were attempting to arrest him, they feared
the clean-hearted crowds, for they regarded him as a prophet but He was the
Very Son of Elohim, the Christ and not a Prophet, a Witness to the Light as
John, the Baptist was. It is corruption.
Any help to improve the two
Proofs of the Virgin Birth of Jesus: - www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bojes.htm
Here is a related
Youtube Video on the Family of God:-
For further
information, please visit my website and watch my Youtube Videos; channel One God One
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach The Gospel, more you please
Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = The
Gnostic heretic explains why Jesus had 12 Labourers? 7 in the name of
Yahweh (John, the Baptist) and 5 in Christ Jesus = 12. https://youtu.be/zNtyGuUbwuA
From Judaism born of water + 7 to
Christianity born of the holy spirit + 5 = 12 TANN (Physical tribal body) +
MUNN (Mind, Nafs, etc.) = 12 Purified (Nirmall)
Hajj is for the Heavenly Peaceful living of the sons of Man,
"Ba-Ilah" and not for the sons of Satan in "La-Ilah".
Punjabi - How a Pathan Zaildar who performed Hajj and became Super
Bastard Fanatic Devil?
http://youtu.be/ 9 DqMvO 1 hb 0 U
True Story.
www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Pathan 201 .pdf
Four types of loves:-
Family of God:-
www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/FamGod- 1 .htm
Solitary Royal Priests.
Test for twice-born:-
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Trinity is explained:-
Playlist:- 085085www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL 0 C 8 AFaJhsWyU_oUMJodHvSZGoNDPk 5 bu
Johns baptism:-
Please print these pages to understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
Youtube Playlist on Trinity:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWyU_oUMJodHvSZGoNDPk5bu
Johns baptism:-