Matt 25v14-30-Talents -
5 to the Samaritans turned into 10, 2 to Jews squandered and one to Gentiles ESSENCE OF THE PRABALE OF TALENTS - MATT.25v14-30.
Matt 25v14-30:- Three people of Trinity -- Sealed to serve God of the Holy Ghost
- 5; to the clever psychic delivering the sugar-coated sermons of Falsehoods,
the hypocrite - 2, who became the evil spirited man like Juda Iscariot and
squandered the Talents by seeking his own praises as the politicians do today
and to the once-born hylics, who could only "see", read the holy
books as in the Universities and Colleges, the “Milk” but they cannot
"perceive" the Root, Oral Torah = His Word, “Butter” hidden in the
Scriptures and turn up as the Super Donkeys carrying the Holy Books the
University Professors of Theology are today - 1.
The description was too
long and I have put it on my website:-
Further to my above
video, here are the people that were given 5, 2 and 1 talents by our
Supernatural Father. Samaritans or Gentile:- They received
5 Talents for they were living in holy spirit. A typical example is the
Samaritan Woman at well – John 4 who had overpowered the 5 Temptations of the
heart. They were 1. KAAM, immorality (once-born), KARODHH, anger (once-born)
Peter displayed against Jesus when he took Jesus by the arm and started to
rebuke him that how could you die when you make the dead alive, LOBHH, greed
(twice-born), MOH, worldly attraction – Jesus was taken to a High Mountain and
shown all the worldly attraction and Satan told him, “I will give you all this
if you forget God and worship me cruelty, which Popes, the Antichrists did”,
(twice-born) and finally HANKAAR, the haughtiness of the degrees in dead
letters that makes you stiff-necked (once-born). These are the three of the
once-born against two of the twice-born, they quarrel
over once-born being cheated (3) by the twice-born cheat (2) whilst the Gospel
Truth brings Harmony among them, the society. The Samaritan had overpowered all
of these 5 Temptations of the heart and they were of the white-hearted crop
ready for Christ Jesus to Harvest. The Generations of clever and crook Eleven
Patriarchs who sold Joseph, (Spirituality for they loved Darkness to cheat
people) to the faithful sons of Ishmael as a slave got 2 Talents as they were
twice-born but of the evil spirit of the devil. They squandered over wine and
women cheating and robbing the poor and as the result, they had many “Lepers”
not to be cleansed by Prophet Elisha because none of them was worthy but as the
Syrian General Nama was of the clean heart. They were the liability to our
Supernatural Father Elohim, the Middle Candle of Menorah. Thus, they were
unfaithful to Abraham, Yahweh and Elohim. That is what Saint Philip said, “A
Gentile never dies for he does not live to die”. They made a business out of
the Scriptures corrupting at will and that created sects under Darkness created
out of the greed whilst the faithful to Abraham, Yahweh and Elohim, the
Samaritans looked after people on the philanthropic basis picking up the
wounded person was an example cited by Christ Jesus. The simple-minded Gentiles
kept the Scriptures as the Word of God and preserved it and they had One
Talent. These are mostly, the people of the West in the colleges and
Universities who would pay a heavy price for the written fragments. Chosen
People are "Elite" because, from them, we learn our moral laws
through PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATIONS. They are a nation of Priests and among them,
God Elohim, the Middle Candle of Menorah, created a Nation of the Royal
Priests, the Samaritan generation of Joseph, the ONLY faithful son of Jacob,
Isaac, Abraham and Yahweh whom the other eleven crook brethren wanted to kill
as they were liars but they sold him, much loved by Jacob for speaking the
truth and trustworthy, as a slave to Egyptians, the faithful sons of Abraham
and Yahweh but not the real sons as the people of Isaac. It was to Isaac
Abraham gave the "TRIBAL MARK CIRCUMCISION, the covenant in flesh but not
to Ishmael born of the slave girl Hagar. In fact, morality went to Ishmael and
spirituality to Isaac because he was born out of the Boon of the Sadhus. Thus,
to the Egyptians went for the Temple of Adam, Shiva, etc. Kabah whilst the very
Holiest of Holy Temple of God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. to whom blood sacrifice was made to atone the sins of people at
Thus, Baby Jesus was
sent to Egypt to be looked after the morally sound Egyptians who loved people
so much so that they mummified the dead bodies of their tribal elders and even
today, they put the elected President Morsi in jail for raising his ugly head
as Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa in which he formed a political party called “Muslim
Brotherhood”, the Mountain of fanatic devils. In Israel, the Temple Priests
were making people Jew outwardly at the times of Jesus, the Mountain of super
bastard fanatic devils and Jesus, the anointed Christ was to appear among them
the spiritually sick people but they loved Darkness for their satanic
activities and they were his staunch enemies. John, the Baptist, Prophet
Elijah, an ideal Rabbi Matt 13.v52 was sent ahead of him to make people tribal
outwardly faithful to Abraham and spiritual Jews inwardly for the worship of
Adam, Shiva, etc. That is why you see some Synagogues devoted to Shiva or Shua
in Israel today but most of them are Jew outwardly, the super bastard fanatic
devils – John 8v44. Temples of Shiva being based upon the tribal people, they
are many but the Temple of God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., being of our
souls in which we have One Father, is One only and that was the Holiest of Holy
in Jerusalem but today it is the Golden Temple in Amritsar and it was in the
hands of the most knowledgeable greedy people of the Khatri tribal people.
These Khatris turned Mullahs misused that religious knowledge and hated the
House of Satguru = Christ Nanak the most. The people of Jatt tribe resembling
the Samaritans appreciated the Gospel the most almost 70% against the Khatris
arrogant in the knowledge of Vedas less than one per cent. In general, the
village people most appreciated the spiritual Message of Christ Nanak the most
and the opportunist “Saltless” shop keeper tribes, like the Jews outwardly, the
least. Whereas in the Middle East, the Jews were mostly Princes of Darkness to
whom the word of mouth was enough whilst in the East, India, the tribal people
Khatris turned Mullahs, the Kings and Emperors of Darkness, created an army of
the most powerful super bastard fanatic devils, Muslims outwardly, in the
Mosques and they set a record of cruelty by putting Christ Arjan on a hot iron
plate with hot sand pouring over his head and that too in the hottest month of
June for four days and on the Fifth Day, Christ Arjan mingled his body in the
River Ravi water to water he disappeared. Then, the next Light was Sachae Patshah
= Royal King Har Gobind Ji of Par Shiv = Akal Purakh who met the stubborn Kings
and Emperors of Darkness with sword power of Righteousness and punished the
culprit Lala Chandu, a Sodhi Khatri, a Diwan of Lahore, who had organised the
torture of Satguru Arjan Dev Ji out of the revenge for rejecting the marriage
of his daughter with Sachae Patshah Har Gobind Ji for him being arrogant in
wealth against the poor Christ Arjan Dev Ji, also a Lala Sodhi Khatri, which
was a humiliation to his secular position of a Diwan in the society that was
well supported by Khatris turned Mullahs in the Mosques. In fact, the people of
Lahore were the staunch enemies of the Labourers of Christ Nanak, the Sikhs -
Talmidim. Also, the Moghul Forces that uprooted Royal King Gobind Singh Ji from
Anand Pur Sahib were headed by a Khwaja Khatri.
Today, these very
Chosen People, Jews outwardly and the Khatris very proudly claim that those
holy men belonged to their tribes thereby certify that it were their tribal elders
who tortured and killed them.
P.S. In Jesus, the Ten
labourers including the doubting but believing Thomas were given 5 Talents, the
clever greedy thief Judas Iscariot of evil spirit 2 and the clean-hearted
once-born devoted to God Peter, a holy son got 1 but at Pentecost all of the 12
with Matthias included got 10 Talents, Holy Spirit that made them the
Twin-Brethren of Christ Jesus, their Bridegroom..
Any suggestions and
publishers willing to undertake my research in holy spirit
papers? Co-authors are welcome.
Here is a related Youtube Video on the Family of God:-
For further information, please
visit my website and watch my Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1.
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach The Gospel, more you please
Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) =
The Gospel
Hajj is for the Heavenly Peaceful living of the sons of Man,
"Ba-Ilah" and not for the sons of Satan in "La-Ilah".
Punjabi - How a Pathan Zaildar who performed Hajj
and became Super Bastard Fanatic Devil?
True Story.
Four types of loves:-
Family of God:-
Solitary Royal Priests.
Test for twice-born:-
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible
Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Trinity is explained:-
John's baptism:-
Please print these pages to understand Baani as
Punjabi Book:-
Youtube Playlist on Trinity:-
John's baptism:-