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Holy Gospel according to Christ = Satguru Rajinder:-

People study Theology from men in Universities and Colleges and become licensed = Bound Hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches and vomit out the dead letters learnt from their Professors. If the men were any good, Christ = Satguru need not come. Because they had become greedy and aggressive fleecing the people in the name of God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., our Supernatural Father of our supernatural “souls”, then He sends His own Son, the Anointed Christ to bypass the greedy Temple Priests and Preach the Gospel Truth called DHUR KI BANI or REVELATIONS RECEIVED THROUGH LOGICAL REASONING called “Logo” and Logo is His Word, the very Face of God. Now, the University Professors of Theology are incapable of logical reasoning and they dig into the Books for the answers. For example, Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. are the spiritual selves of heart never born or died but the tribal people Levi, Judah, Khatri, Arorra, Jatt, etc. were born and they died during the sectarian riots or the Holocaust. Men of the dead letters go by what is written in the Books and to memorise it they use their “heads” whereas those who find the Gospel Truth think logically over their own “hearts” sitting in a round circle would proclaim how a Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Doctor, Professor, etc. called “SOOKHSHUM ROOP” “Abstract selves” that you cannot touch or see but perceive through the “Third Eye” of logical reasoning or qualities never born then how could they die. The people capable of “intuition” or logical reasoning would say the tribal people Judah, Levi, Khatri, Jatt, etc. were born and died during the Holocaust which is the Gospel Truth. Or we say, the University people of the dead letters written in the Books and Newspapers go by their “Heads” to memorise whilst the illiterate village people use their “Hearts”, seat of the “Innerman” Christ = Satguru for “intuition” called logical reasoning to Brew Logo, the Very Face of God. That is why the Good News of the Birth of Jesus was broken by the Angels called Devtas in Punjabi, Perfect in the Moral Laws with Christ in their hearts to the illiterate shepherds and farmers, New Skins that were capable of holding the New Wine, the Gospel Truth received through logical reasoning ONLY and not to the enemies of the illiterate people, the stiff-necked greedy Jerusalem University Professors dead in the holy spirit, which is “common sense” called Surti in Punjabi. Remember that our covenant of the letters ended with the Last Prophet Elijah in the Promised Land John, the Baptist – Luke 16v16; Law and Prophets were till John, the Baptist and after these crook University Professors, authority on Law, our New Covenant is of the holy spirit called wind – John 3 or “Pavan” in Punjabi. This is how the Second Coming of Jesus Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji born among the most greedy well-versed in the Scriptures Vedas describe this Golden Age of Kalyug for the ordinary hard-working people and Jesus came to Feed His Flesh to them – New Born Baby Christ Jesus was laid in the Manger:- “PAVAN ARANBH = Time of the dead letters has gone and that of Surti by His Grace has started, Sattgur; Satt means the Gospel Truth and “GUR” means the formula to attain = Logical reasoning that Brews “Logo” = “His Word” = the Gospel truth that rests in one’s “heart” and not head to memorise like the dead letters of the Law, MATT = Wisdom WAILA = Time; SHABD = His Word =Logo = Guru = Teacher instead of the crook Rabbi/Brahmin Guru teaching the Scriptures that used to be based upon “His Word” called the “Oral Torah”, the Taproot of the Scriptures = VEDON MAE NAAM UTTAM = High Quality His Word is in the Scriptures, SURT = common sense DHUNN CHAELA = is the sincere Disciple as Saul was an obedient Disciple of Gamaliel working against his own conscience. That is, the Quality of the New Disciple Logo goes against the norms of the society in “Ego”, Na Nak = Baesharm, the name “Nanak” originated. People would call you “KOORAHIYA” going in the wrong direction and asking people to turn their other cheek if someone hits you on one = Ego is destroyed to enter the low for the humble and Narrow for the solitary Gate of the Royal Kingdom of God where your “soul” is concerned and not the flesh or caste and we, whether in the flesh is a male or a female, Chosen People or the Gentiles, etc., we have One Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc.. We are all Brethren Bhagats enjoying the family life or the Roving Preacher called Nirmallae Sants = Apostles, residents not in our family homes anymore but the Celestial World of Sadhus Melchizedek. A Gentile never dies for he does not live to die in the dead letters of the Law but goes by His Innerman, the Christ as the Samaritan Man picked up the wounded person and in Agape, Master of “Eros”, he looked after him. The arrival of Jesus, the First Anointed Christ = Satguru was also emphasised by Bhagat Simeon that this Child is the Light to the Gentiles and the suppressed maltreated by the crook Temple Priests who called them “Goyeishi Koppa”, stone-headed or PATHAR DIMAGH. About these, John, the Baptist told the clever greedy Temple Priests in Matt 3v9, “Don’t you say that we have Abraham as our forefather, Demiurge god Yahweh is able from these stones, simpletons called Goyeishi Koppa, to raise up children to Noble Abraham”. So, these dead in Letters University Professors are Super Donkeys carrying the Holy Books and they are ready to pay millions of pounds to buy the old Scriptures not knowing that God lives in His Most Beautiful Temple created by the demiurge Potter Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. Christ Nanak said, “NANAK TAE NAR ASSALL KHAR = A person is a super donkey; JAE BINN GUNN GHARBH KARANT = if he is very proud without the QUALITIES”. In the Second Coming of Jesus, Satguru Nanak proclaimed, “SATT PURKH JINN JANAEYA; One who knows the Embodiment of His Word”; “SATGURU TISS KAA NAOW = His name is Christ = Satguru”. And what the super donkey University Professors say, “Guru Nanak” = a moral teacher and not a spiritual Preacher Satguru that knows SATTPURAKH. In short, to these super donkeys, he looks to be a donkey Guru. This is well supported by a story that Sachae Patshah = ParShiv Gobind Singh Ji greater than Satguru = ParVishnu Nanak Dev Ji decided to donate a Cow to the well-versed in the Vedas Adi Gaurr Brahmins of Kurukeshaettar and to the local Brahmins well-versed in the Scriptures, it was looking a “Donkey” and they were very angry with Him. After a few days, a widow of the Gaurr tribe from Thanaesar heard of this story, so she sent her sons to accept that donation; whatever He has Said is the Gospel Truth. So, they took the Cow away meaning that in this Dark Age, the women, counterparts of God for supplying blood = life to the babies are wiser than the men; just the opposite that applied to the flesh under the Rabbis who used to teach the men only whilst in Christ Jesus, women are more devoted to God than the men. There is a Saying of Christ Thomas; Logo 114; UNLESS A FEMALE BECOMES A MALE, SHE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE ROYAL KINGDOM OF GOD. Let me see if any of the University Professors can give me the interpretation or they are super dead = blind in the letters. What will happen when the super Blind Neo-Rabbis, the hireling Dog-Collared Priests lead the super blind fanatic devils? The answer lies in John 8v44; your forefathers are liars, murderers and “Saltless” super bastard fanatic devils. That is what you are seeing today how the “Tares” are killing people around them; if their forefathers killed Jesus, Christ why they should not kill innocent people today? - Matt. 13v24-30 is getting fulfilled; Tares will burn and kill each other. Christ Jesus has introduced us to the Royal Kingdom of God and to enter this He advises, “Take no money in your pockets, no two pairs of shoes, no Scrip = Scripture, the Bible, etc. = NIRMALLAE SANTS”. Thus, when you speak “logically”, then you are a SattGurMukh Royal Ambassador of God. Ask Seek Knock For further information, please visit my website and watch my YouTube videos; channel One God One Faith.


Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.

Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy.

More you spend "His Treasures", Preach the Gospel, more you please Father to receive more.

Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = Gospel

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