Sufi Muslim
Chaudhry Rajinder
Nijjhar of the Jatt tribe.
T-shirt design:-
Banner of Real Shariah-Free Islam of
Allah – InshAllah and not Inshmullah:-
I was born to Jatt tribal parents in Multan in 1932 where my father was
a Science Master in the School. He was promoted to Inspector of Schools and for
not taking bribes or giving, he was demoted in 1942. He had a keen interest in
religion and through logical reasoning, he learnt a lot. During the partition
of India, he averted many sectarian killings.
After his death in Ghana in 1981, where I was a Senior Lecturer in
Metallurgy at UST, Kumasi, I took over his Mantle and started writing Booklets
in his honour. In 1983, I wrote the exposition of the Parable of Matthew and
sent around 1300 copies worldwide but no reply. The same year, I returned back to
the United Kingdom where I had done my M.Sc. and kept on writing articles. In
1993, I compiled my articles in Book form; FIRST GNOSTIC PRINCIPLES OF ONE GOD
ONE FAITH – No Copyrights in Mammon.
I started attending Churches and the German Kirchentag
but had no interest in the Gospel. Later on, I found that they are Super Blind
Theologians of the dead letters with no interest in God but Mammon; COE headed
by Queen is a Church of Satan that glorified God by killing and looting people.
The Second coming of Jesus was Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji but the
Khatris of the Punjab are most opportunist sons of Satan. Kashmir used to be
the centre of spirituality producing the best quality Al-Djmar Al-Aksa sons of
Satan Mullahs.
However, learning the Gospel Truth by the power of the holy spirit, which is “common sense”, gave me immense
Pleasure and encouraged me to keep on writing and producing YouTube videos that
stand around 8700; channel One God One Faith.
In this Dark Age, the Universal Religion is Islam, which Christ Jesus
and Christ Nanak Preached called “HUKUM RAZIAN CHALNA; NANAK LIKHIA NAAL” –
moral laws originate from Allah or are applied to His Sons such as my Elder
Brother Royal Shah Shams Tabrizi whose Mukbra is in
Multan, my birthplace.
I am a Sufi Muslim; no prayer, fasting, circumcision or Hajj. I am in
Allah and Allah is in me and I always speak that pleases my Supernatural Father
Allah whilst the politicians turn their back to Allah and speak sugar-coated Kuffar that the general public likes; Tony Blair and Bush
are the greatest hypocrites that destroyed one country after the other:-
Greatest Blasphemers and Killers Blair and Bush being considered by
Anti-Christ Bishops for the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace
Prize should rather go to Asange and the Iraqi
Journalist who threw both his shoes at the hypocrite Bush in Iraq.
Here are the Four qualities of a True Muslim:-
A True Mussallmaan, is a solitary man, son of Allah whether in flesh,
the person is a male or a female, with Mussallum =
Firm belief, Eemaan in Allah. Thus, a True Mussallman is in Allah and Allah is
in him if he has these Four qualities:-
1. He has Heya/sharm/conscience/Salt of his tribal father or of his
family/Khandaan called “Ba-Ilah”, son of Man – This is Nesiff or Half Eemaan.
2. He speaks the truth but nothing else but the truth
3. He is content with his lot or Haq. He is satisfied with “HAQ HALAL”
earning or no cheating which is drinking the blood of the poor – Ramzan lesson.
4. He is Merciful and helps the poor on a philanthropic basis.
Such a Person is a Mussallmaan and they are very rare whilst the Kafirs
to dominate in this Islam of Mullahs Al-Djmar Al-Aksa.
There is no brother and sister in the Islam of Allah (Spirit) but Sons
of Allah, the Brethren whether you are a male or a female in the flesh. Unless
a female becomes a male, she cannot enter into the Royal Kingdom of God.
Playlist on True Shariah-Free Islam of Allah, NOOR:-
In honour of my Elder Brother Royal Shah Shamas Tabrezi,
the Son of Allah – Shariah-Free Islam of Noor-e-Allah for the Ba-Ilah sons of
Man whilst the Full of Shariah Inshmullah Islam for the Super Bastard fanatic
devils – John 8v44.
Here is a special video on this Sufi Islam of InshAllah:-
John8v41-48:- Jesus told Jews they were the sons of the Devil. I have
explained this in detail. Why? They went begging for food from Egyptians, the
Elder son of Father Abraham who was faithful to him whilst the Younger, the
Chosen People of Isaac became arrogant and unfaithful to Abraham. They said to him,
"We were not born of sexual immorality. Jesus must have told them that
they were unfaithful to Abraham; then they become bastards of their own choice
as the Sikhs become after adopting Sikh as a tribe or KOM and not as a Panth, a
way of life or community. We have one Father and his name was Yahweh, the
demiurge god of creation -- even God -- this is wrong." 42 Jesus said to
them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and
I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. Thus, when you are born
in a family, you did not take the birth of your own accord but our Father gave
us the birth into that tribal family. 43 Why do you not understand what I say?
Because you are unfaithful to Abraham Super Bastards and acting as the sons of
Satan, Al-Djmar Al-Aksa of the Highest orders do.
Recently Morsi of Egypt wanted to be the same by proclaiming the Brotherhood of
Muslims in politics that belong to tribes or the sons of Ishmael. It is because
you fanatics cannot bear to hear my word. Only the sons of Abraham would have
loved to hear the Gospel Truth or no son of Man; no son of God. 44 You are of
your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. The Devil
is Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the Satan in the West having a Mountain of religious
fanatics as they have in different countries today. He was a murderer from the
beginning and has nothing to do with the truth because there is no truth in
him. Al-Djmar Al-Aksa feeds sugar-coated Tablets of Falsehoods that the
fanatics love to hear. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he
is a liar and the father of lies. Well said as Morsi wanted to propagate the
Muslim Brotherhood which has nothing to do with secular selves, the tribes.
Same way, the Temple High Priest was making them the Jews outwardly of
appearances and not of their qualities. That is why Christ Paul stressed,
"A Jew is inwardly and not outwardly. Thus, not a single Jew died during
the Holocaust but the tribal people of Judah, Levi, etc. tribes and they would be
saved among the 144000, all mentioned by their tribes. 45 But because I tell
the truth, you do not believe me. Same way hardly anyone believes in me when I
tell them that when you make Sikh your KOM or tribe, then you become Bastard
sons of the highest Satan al-Djmar al-Aksa. 46 Which one of you convicts me of
sin? If I tell the Gospel truth, why do you not believe me? 47 Whoever is of
God hears the words of God. God is Spirit and only the twice-born of spirit
having common sense or ears to hear His Word will understand the Gospel Truth.
The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God." Well said
my anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus. They were of the Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa
and like Pope would do what their Anti-Christ Master would order them to do.
They are the blind followers or the Disciples of Satan and His Rabbis of
Letters. In Jesus, we have been moved from the brick-built Synagogues made by
human hands for the Rabbi, a Priest of Moses or teacher of the moral laws, to
the Temple of God made by Nature where Christ, our Royal Priest greater than
John, the Baptist, Prophet Elijah, called Innerman is sitting in your heart
that leads your life to Salvation through Preaching Gospel called Drinking the
Life-giving Blood of Christ. Thus, with Christ in our hearts, we are solitary
and capable of entering into the Royal Vineyard of our Royal Father where the
True Vine of Christ Jesus is Planted by our Father.
This Vineyard has a Narrow Gate for the solitary and through grace, you find
this Gate. In Jesus, we have a Fellowship of Royal Priests and those who employ
Hireling Dog-Collared Priests in Moses for Prayer and fasting, the old rituals
in Moses are Anti-Christ annulling the Sacrifice of Jesus as the Lamb of God.
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Holy spirit, common sense, shatters the fetters of the dead
letters, the Holy Books.
If we have One God, our Supernatural Father of our souls, then there
should be one Faith. In Christianity, Jesus said One Fold called the Church of
God headed by One Shepherd, our Bridegroom Christ Jesus/Christ = Satguru Nanak
Dev Ji, the Second coming of Jesus. Solid Proof; this Golden Temple is of the
same size as the Holiest of Holy that used to be in Jerusalem and its Curtain
held the Secrets of the Oral Torah = His Word was rendered from the Top, the
Temple High Priests, to the Bottom, the village Rabbis off you go – Luke 16v16;
Law and Prophets were till John and thus, everyone makes a direct approach to
God through His Word = Logo = SATGUR PARSAD. So, these hireling Dog-Collared
Priests and Mullahs, cannot give your account to God as the Rabbis used to give
at Passover. So, they are "ANTICHRISTS" that have a following of the
spiritually blind Super Bastard Fanatic Devils - John 8v44 -, Hindu, Jew, Sikh,
Christian, Muslim, etc. Outwardly, and not spiritually
inwardly. These spiritual selves Hindu, Jew and Christian, are never
born like Christ, the Title and they never die but the tribal selves Judah,
Levi, Jatt, Tarkhan, etc. were born and they will
die. Thus, Jesus was born and Jesus died on the Cross and rose on the Third Day
Greatest Blasphemers and Killers
Blair and Bush being considered by Anti-Christ Bishops for Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Peace
Prize should rather go to Assange and the Iraqi Journalist who threw both his
shoes at the hypocrite Bush in Iraq. 9 qHdTpTXHvE & list=PL 0 C 8 AFaJhsWz 7 HtQEhV 91 eAKugUw 73 PW 1
Christ Jesus was killed by the Temple High Priest Hypocrite/Blasphemer
against the Holy Spirit and so are these Bush and Blair who at the backing of
Jewish people in the USA destroyed one country after the other starting with
the cradle of Humanity Iraq, the Land of the forefather of the Chosen People
who are no more faithful to Abraham but has become sons of the Highest Satan
Al-Djmar Al-Aksa.
Blair and Bush’s blasphemies against the Holy Spirit are bearing Fruit
in economic chaos created by Virus 0 WBYOmpDuCs
American Jews are today –
They are destroying one country after the other so that the scripture is
Also, do not forget the partition of India and how the dirty
hearted-British divided the homeland Punjab of the brave Jatt tribal soldiers
who fought in the two World Wars for the British.
Dear Mr Nijjhar
Thank you for your email. I have consulted my colleagues and we have
agreed that we will in future admit you to online seminars. However, you will
not be invited to ask questions because, as you know from past experience,
these are seldom on the topic of the seminar – a requirement for all questions
asked. We also request that you do not post unrelated statements or questions
in the chat function. If you do, you will be removed from the room and will not
be granted future access. I hope that meets with your consent.
Best wishes
Dr Richard McCallum
Director, Solomon Academic Trust
Song School, 109A Iffley Road, Oxford OX4
+44(0)1865 548500 |
The Centre for
Muslim-Christian Studies is operated by Solomon Academic Trust
Charity registered in England & Wales No. 1124950 | Limited
Company registered in England & Wales No. 6576101
From: Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar <>
Sent: 09 March 2023 13:53
To: Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies <>
Subject: Seminar on 08 March - Why removed?
I tried
to join your webinar on 07th March, 2023 but you removed me off
Would it
be possible to know the reasons, please?
years ago, I wanted to join a Christian Jew seminar at Oriel College and a lady
Professor organiser told me that the students do not like what is written on my
hoody. I told her that this is the Light on the living lampstand and those who
are interested will knock on my shoulder and I will discuss with them. That is,
I won’t be throwing Pearls before swine as the two Saints were doing in
Genersate and ended up locked in the silence of the graveyard with heavy chains
that were broken with the Power of the Holy Spirit as Silas and Paul in the
prison sang the praises of God and those prisoners who lent their ears, their
chains fell off and set FREE.
It was to
teach the local people in Genersate a lesson that if you reject the life-giving
Gospel, then you will die like those swine, which happened on the destruction
of the Temple.
I hope
you won’t mind my views. We learn from each other. You receive the Gospel Truth
by the grace of our Father Allah and no man can give you.