In Bhagats, the "Ego" is destroyed -
Satguru Angad Dev Ji whilst in Khalsas "Ego" is super boosted.
The description is too long. Full on my website:-
Gospel according to "Christ = Satguru
Brother Rajinder Dass:-
Why the Khalsas of the “Third Panth” could not
understand Bhagat Bhai Ghaniyia Ji of the “Second Panth” who was offering first
aid to everyone? Now, this is ample proof that the Khalsas were
once-born sons of Shiva whilst the twice-born Sikhs of our Mother the Holy
Spirit by the grace of God were serving the people under “Agape”, called “Prem”
in Punjabi which is the unconditional divine love of Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm,
etc., our Supernatural Father of our supernatural “souls” in which we are all
Brethren representing our Supernatural Father and no sister – FISHERS OF
SPIRITUAL MEN. Soul in a man and a woman is the same and the bodies in Yahweh,
Brahma, Khudah, etc., the Lord of Nature at large are different. The time of
the Brahma is gone with the corrupt greedy Brahmins; Luke 16v16 – Law and the
Prophets were till John, the Baptist, Prophet Elijah, Whip
Master for the crook Rabbis and He was the “Cornerstone” of the Temple of
Yahweh in Jerusalem. Jesus called Yahshua was the son of Yahweh and not born of
any tribal man. That is why He was known as the Second Adam. So, Sachae Patshah
Gobind Singh Ji took the tribal sons of Shiv ready to lay their lives for
“Righteousness” as demonstrated by Kali Mata and in the Doappar
Yug, Lord Krishna, the incarnation of Shiv played the same role but on the
secular basis whilst ParShiv Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji on the spiritual
basis, PARUPKAARI. In the temples of Shiv, Humae “Ego” is boosted to the
maximum and they served under “Father Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji” and
“Mother Holy Spirit, Mahadevan” to establish the Rule of the spiritual
righteousness in which you cannot force the people to change their spiritual
way of life – AAKI RAHAE NAA KOYE – no body suffers. The Khalsas fought against
the aggressors to protect the “Freedom of People”. For the Warriors of ParShiv
Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji, praises of good fighters were praised and songs
of Parshiv and Mahadevan were sung - Dahdis. In a nutshell, what
applies to the twice-born Sikhs, is just the opposite
to the once-born Khalsas. Some Khalsas who were
inclined to become Apostles called “NIRMALLAE SANTS”, were sent to the Brahmins
in Banares to teach them the knowledge of the scriptures called Vedas and
become similar to St. Paul, a great Preachers of the Gospel Truth. Thus, the
Sikhs of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji who have no enemy or stranger are not compatible
with the Khalsas fighting against the aggressors with weapons. That is why
Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji or his Tatt Khalsas never entered the Holiest of
the Holy Amritsar Complex meant for the Sikh Bhagatan to learn about ParBrahm,
Allah, Elohim, etc., the Harmandir Sahib and for the abode of Apostles Akal
Takht to Preach the Gospel Truth to the Talmidim Sikhs by rendering exposition
of Bani with full knowledge of the Scriptures, the Vedas. As the Ad-Granth was
not the Scripture written by men as Bhai Banno Mangat’s Brethren copied the TRUE DHUR KI BANI that was
dictated by each past Satguru and Bhagat to Bhai Gurdass Ji sitting in another
Tent. Copies of the Pothis collected from the various
sources were destroyed, JALL PARWAH. Thus, the copied versions are corruptible
but not the One Dictated by Each past Satguru and Bhagat to SatGurMukh
Bhai Gurdass Ji. This Kalyug is the time of the Holy Spirit called “PAVAN =
Time of the dead letters has gone and that of Surti by His Grace has started,
Sattgur; Satt means the Gospel Truth and “GUR” means the formula to attain,
which is Logical reasoning that Brews “Logo” = “His Word” = the Gospel truth
that rests in one’s “heart” and not head to memorise like the dead letters of
the Law, MATT = Wisdom WAILA = Time; SHABD = His Word =Logo = Guru = Teacher
instead of the crook Rabbis/Brahmins Gurus teaching the Scriptures that used to
be based upon “His Word” called the “Oral Torah”, the Taproot of the Scriptures
= VEDON MAE NAAM UTTAM = High Quality His Word is in the Scriptures, SURT =
common sense DHUNN CHAELA = is the sincere Disciple as Saul was an obedient
Disciple of Gamaliel working against his own conscience. That is, the Quality
of the New Disciple of Logo going against the norms of the society in “Ego”, Na
Nak = Baesharm, the name “Nanak” originated and people would call you
“KOORAHIYA” going in the wrong direction asking people to turn their other
cheek if someone hits you on one = Ego is destroyed in order to enter the low
for the humble and Narrow for the solitary Gate of the Royal Kingdom of God
where your “soul” is concerned and not the flesh or caste and we, whether in
the flesh are a male or a female, Chosen People or the Gentiles, etc., we have
One Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. and we are all Brethren Bhagats
enjoying the family life or the Roving Preacher called Nirmallae Sants =
Apostles, resident not in our family homes anymore but the Celestial World of
Sadhus Melchizedek. A Gentile never dies for he does not live to die in the
dead letters of the Law but goes by His Innerman, the Christ as the Samaritan
Man who picked up the wounded person and in Agape = Prem, Master of “Eros = Piaar”, he looked after him. The arrival of Jesus, the
First Anointed Christ = Satguru was also emphasised by Bhagat Simeon that this
Child is the Light to the Gentiles and the suppressed maltreated by the crook
Temple Priests who called them “Goyeishi Koppa”, stone-headed or PATHAR DIMAGH.
A great deal more in my other videos.
My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO
YouTube Channel:- Jatt
Ch. Chhotu Ram Ohylan:-
Any helper to finish my Books:-
and in
Punjab Siyan.
John's baptism:-