For the full article:-
If interested send your email to me to receive such articles
in future. Pass this to your colleagues. It is a fight against these hireling
Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches, the Anti-Christs that create sectarian
APPEAL - Many Sauls in the Churches who have the conscience
but they need the Light of Christ.
will be appreciated by those who will understand why Saul left the company of
his “Saltless” colleagues and went for Christ Jesus? Saul didn’t come from
Israel but from Tarsus, Turkey and had a Roman nationality. In this Dark Age,
people of good conscience rule over the people of bad conscience otherwise
godly hard working honest people would suffer heavily. This is very true in
India where the second coming of Jesus Nanak compared the delicious food of the
rich Khatri administrator with the dry bread of a hard working carpenter of the
village. Blood oozed from the food of the rich Khatri’s food and milk out of
the poor carpenter’s bread. So, in the Middle East Romans of clean conscience
and justice ruled whilst in the East, Mughals ruled. Thus, Saul being of Roman
citizenship had a better conscience than his counterpart Saltless greedy Chosen
People. This is reflected in him telling the Saltless Jews, the Tares stoning
Angel Stephen to death, “Hey, look he is praying for you. Why are you killing
be a religious person, you need the base “conscience” called shame, Sharm,
Heeya, etc. and this is among the tribal people who think twice before doing
anything that would blemish their family names, which Saul possessed. But Saul
was a Disciple of a reputable Rabbi Gamaliel and he wanted to obey him at all
costs to remain an obedient Disciple of him. Thus, the root of the word
Disciple is discipline and the Rabbis, the School teachers disciplined their
natural once-born intake by teaching them the moral laws of Moses. Those who
transgressed against the moral laws of Moses in ignorance were proclaimed by
the Rabbi as “sinners”.
an Ideal Rabbi was defined by Jesus in Matt. 13v52 as the master of a House,
the Synagogue who bringeth forth treasures old, written Torah called Scriptures
and the New, the Oral Torah, which is His Word that is derived through “logical
reasoning” over your own heart (Gospel cannot be written down in ink on paper
but over the living Tablet of your own heart through logical reasoning called
intuition). Prophets wrote the written Torah in the Light of His Word in the
form of reflection and this is what Prophet Moses did. He saw the Face of God
Elohim through the Burning Bush (remember Jesus said, “I have brought fire to
bake your faith hard for resurrection.) But Moses showed the back of Gospel to
the people in the form of written Torah. In India, Christ Nanak said,
“Vedon Mae naam uttam”. Now, John, the Baptist was the last
Prophet Elijah (My god is Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc., the creator of male and
female Pots into which the supernatural “soul” of Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc.
is infused to make the Pot, the person living), the Whip master, for the Rabbis
– Luke 16v16 – but the Temple High Priest rejected Him or the head stone the
builders, the sons of Man with Salt of families, rejected had become the
headstone, Chief Priest, of the Temple. Same is true in India today; the sons
of Satan are sitting at Akal Takht, the Holiest of Holy Seat of Apostles.
Saul having the Salt of earth, the tribal shame or conscience with the
knowledge of Scriptures as today these University Professors and the hireling
Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches have, was the most suitable person to
Preach Gospel quoting the written Torah to convince their congregations. We
Royal Priests are roving Apostles who Preach Gospel to people with conscience
or Salt of the earth whereas the Priests used to be the ruling administrators
of the congregations. Angel Stephen played the role of John, the Baptist, an
Ideal Rabbi and he was baptising the Jewish men in water in the name of
Abraham, which the Temple Priests, the Brood of Vipers, hated and so, they
killed him. The Temple Priests were making Jews outwardly, the Tares, sons of
the highest Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the Temple High Priest.
let my brethren with conscience working for Mammon in the Churches come out of
the den of robbers and become solitary Preachers to serve God as effectively as
Paul did.
why Saul changed his name from Saul to Paul? If you study Matt. 19, the Parable
of Marriage and Divorce spiritually, then our “soul” represents our
Supernatural Father God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. and as without soul, the
person is dead, so “soul” is the master of our physical natural body, the Pot
called female, wife or Mistress in spiritual sense. Thus, when Saul was the
Disciple of Rabbi Gamaliel, then he had given or divorced his wife “Saul” to
Gamaliel and Gamaliel misused his wife Saul to persecute the Labourers of
Christ Jesus against his own conscience as a Roman of integrity or of being the
Salt of earth. So, Saul wasn’t happy persecuting the Labourers of Jesus but he
had to obey the orders of his Rabbi Gamaliel in order to remain obedient for
his degree in Theology from the Jerusalem University. Thus, Jesus setting him
free by grace for his religious devotion, he became a New Free Man and his wife
“Saul” was no more divorced but he had redeemed her from the clutches of
Gamaliel, the anti-Christ, who created “spiritual blindness” in himreflected in the thickness of scales that came off his
eyes. Being a New Man and master of his own House called Saul; he remarried his
divorced wife Saul and gave her a new name “Paul” to serve God with full
strength of the knowledge of both the old cloth, the Scriptures learnt from
Gamaliel and the New by the grace of Christ Jesus, our anointed Bridegroom or
Royal High Priest.
that this Dark Age is the time to serve your own Christ, the “Innerman” within
your own heart for Salvation, rest, resurrection, Mukti, etc. and unlike the
Rabbis who used to give accounts of their congregations to God Elohim at
Passover, you have to give your own account God because Jesus has opened the
Narrow Gate for the solitary leading to the Royal Vineyard of our Father where
our Father has Planted the True Vine Christ Jesus and Christ = Satguru Nanak
for you to Graft yourself to or lend your ears, the spiritual Mouth to eat the
Flesh of Jesus to enjoy the very tasty spiritual Food and then Chew it with
your twice-born teeth of “logical reasoning” to Brew the New Wine, Gospel to
multiply His Treasures by Preaching Gospel openly from the roof-tops. The Royal
Priests gave to the Church of God, One Fold, headed by Christ Jesus, One
Shepherd and not stole money from the Fold as Judas Iscariot did from the Purse
he was holding and these hireling Dog-Collared priests do as their salaries. If
you are serving Mammon and Mammon has paid you in his own treasures, then our
Father won’t let you have His Treasures, the Gospel. That is, you cannot serve
Mammon and God. In Jesus, our Yes is Yes and No is no.
a Nutshell, the Royal Kingdom of God is for the sons of God and not for the
super bastard sons of Satan, who are blasphemers of the order of Ananias and
Sapphira, which St. Peter killed, and they tell lies from the cores of their
hearts where Holy Spirit rests. These Dog-Collared Priests and the politicians
head this list of Blasphemers.
is a related Youtube Video on this Topic:-
of Priests and the Royal Priests:-
Holy Gospel of our Supernatural Father Elohim,
Allah, Parbrahm, etc., delivered by Jesus, the First Anointed Christ of the
Highest living God Elohim that dwells within us called “Emmanuel”. He was the
First Anointed Light from our Father and Satguru = Christ Nanak, the Second
Anointed and Greatest of all the Christs because he had to confront the Kings
and Emperors of Darkness of Khatri tribal people against the people of Judah
tribe, the Princes of Darkness that Jesus confronted. He came in 1469 and Preached Gospel to Perfection through Five more Lights for
150 years. Still, the Darkness couldn’t be comprehended. Then, our Father
Himself came in the name of Royal King = Sache Patshah Gobind Rai Ji with His
Consort, Shakti, Holy Spirit in the name of “Maha Devan” to sort out the
stubborn sons of Satan with sword power. Sons have no authority to take the
life but our Father and His Philanthropic Soldiers of Akal Purakh, Khalsas, the
Puritans do have.
Once-born people are incapable of logical reasoning
and, therefore, the logo is for the twice-born people of discerning intellect
called the “holy spirit”, surtti or “common sense”.
So, if you want Gospel, then you must think
logically over your own heart. Thus, listen to everyone and ponder over it
logically in your own heart. Then, Gospel would be written over the living
tablets of heart – 2corn 3.
Scriptures, the dead letters are “deadly poison” to Gospel.
Scriptures, the “dead letters” that the once-born people are taught in
the universities and colleges, they are “old wines” or “milk for the babies”.
This is the Jewish leaven which Jesus forbade.
The twice-born people of “discerning intellect” are like the “birds of
the air” capable of “logical reasoning” to brew the “New Wine” within their own
hearts. For this, you need to be “impartial and unbiased” like the little
Thus, you do not need to go to a university to know Gospel but a heart
burning for “Gospel Treasures”.
University degrees in “dead letters” will turn you into a super donkey
carrying “Holy Books”. “Letter killeth, spirit giveth Life”.
Typical Youtube Video on Son of God:-
Son represents Father, so in Jesus, we are the sons of Elohim and we
should display His qualities for Salvation.
Natural bastards versus supernatural Bastards.
Hajj is for the Heavenly Peaceful living of the sons of Man,
"Ba-Ilah" and not for the sons of Satan in "La-Ilah".
Punjabi - How a Pathan Zaildar who performed Hajj and became Super
Bastard Fanatic Devil?
True Story.
Four types of loves:-
Family of God:-
Ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO
Solitary Royal Priests.
Test for twice-born:-
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Trinity is explained:-
John's baptism:-
Please print these pages to understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
Also, the Brethren in Christ Jesus,
In Christ Jesus, we have relationship of our
supernatural souls that has no colour or gender but being the sons of most High, we are Brethren.
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I urge my Brethren to join hands with each other in
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Gospel is by His grace only. I am just a servant; freely I have received Gospel
through “logical reasoning” and freely I give. Anyone who asks for donations,
he is a crook and Anti-Christ. Remember, a Labourer of Jesus who cured a King
of his disease but he refused to accept the parting gift from the King. Royal
Priests do not sell Gospel as these hireling Dog-Collared Priests do sell their
sugar-coated sermons of falsehoods.
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In the service of our Supernatural Father,
Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar Jatt, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
K.N. U. S. T.
Ghana, West Africa.