SATANIC KHATRIS. By Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc., Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa. This Dark Age is the Age of spirit, whatever happened in the past the opposite happens in it for what applies to flesh, the opposite applies to spirit. Thus, in the Traeta Yug, the people of the Khatri tribe were so religious that they were nicknamed Devtas, shortcut "Dev", for obedience to the moral laws so much so that any person who went against the moral laws was cast out of their tribe and they were called him "ARORRA" meaning a "RORRAEAH HOAEAA" and they would not deal with him any more. People of the other tribes were no match to them and in Vedant, they were so well versed that the saying:- PUTT JAMAN KHATRANIAN; KOI KOI BAHMANIAN. in that, they even surpassed the people of tribes assigned the Brahmanical work in Vedic knowledge. The surnames of Khatris such as Chaturvedi, Trivedi, Davedi, and above all "Bedi" bear witness to their competence in Vedic knowledge. In the Traeta Yug, they were the rulers and the third Varan Khashtri that deals with politics is named to honour the wisdom of the people of the Khatri tribe i.e. the people who should be in politics should rule the people as wisely as the Khatris did in Traeta Yug. The Duapar Yug belonged to the people of the Yadav tribe who were simpletons, MOORAKH, and they displayed all the foolishness in their rule and fought a pitched battle against each other. Jats are the main branch of Yadavs and the others are Gujjar, Ahir, etc. mostly doing farming for their living. Among the recent Moorakh Jatts, Maharajah Ranjit Singh Sansi Jatt tops the list. Flattered by the Turkoo Khatris occupying Harmandir Sahib, he gilded "Harmandir Sahib" turning it into "Harimandir" and further allocated landed properties against almost all the Gurdwaras creating greedy or Turkoo Mahants (Bishops) such as the famous Mahant of Nankana Sahib Gurdwara where the Sikh devotees were murdered. Remember that Satguru Ram Dass Ji refused to accept landed property from King Akbar but this Maha Moorakh Jatt did the opposite. So, who is to be blamed for the massacres that followed to get rid of the Turkoo Mahants, the foolish Jatts themselves as Satguru Nanak Dev Ji had said, "DADA DOSS NA DI JIYAE; DOSS KARMI APNIYIA; JO MAE KIYIA SO MAE PAYIA; DOSS NA DI JIYAE AWAR JANAH" Now, Kal Yug lacks light and there is total Darkness in this Yug. Under the cover of this Darkness, the people who are clever take advantage of cheating people. This is the only Age in which people tell falsehoods and cheat each other as in the other Ages Brahman being efficient they won't tolerate such nonsense and for keeping law and order, they were referred by Satguru Jesus as the rulers. As Mammon and God are not compatible, so Kalyug is the rule of Mammon and to serve God, you need honesty, as Satguru Amar Dev Ji presented. So, in Kal Yug opposite happens; the wise people of Traeta Yug become the greatest cheats and satanic whilst the simpletons of Doapar Yug, the Yadavs become Saints. Yadavs in general were clean-hearted people but they were arrogant for they were big landlords. Arrogance or HAUMAE is a stumbling block to a Bhagat and only those who were humble succeeded in becoming Bhagats like Dhanna Bhagat whilst the people of other village tribes were mostly not arrogant but humble also became Bhagats with ease. None of the people of the Khatri and Arorra tribes became a Bhagat and they being Devtas in the past Age were satanic in Kal Yug that all the Satgurus and Sachae Paatshah took birth among them, the spiritually sick people needing the Doctor the most. In the Middle East, the people of the Judah tribe, the tribe of King David, were in a similar situation when Christ (Satguru) Jesus took his Virgin Birth among them. So, the people of the spiritually sick Khatri tribe became the staunch enemies of Satgurus and Sachae Paatshahs and the forms they adopted for their satanic works will be outlined below:- 1. Greed is the dominant factor in Kal Yug and, therefore, some Khatris became Mohammadans and changed their tribe from Khatri to Sheikh. Wise men tried to put them to shame by saying:- JISS SOOT DAA KUJH NAA BANAE; UHDAA BANAE KHES, JISS DI KOI JAAT NA; UH HAE SHEIKH. As Sheikh stands for a knowledgeable person and it is not a tribe, most of the other people who also became Mohammadan took this tribal cover as well but the people of Jat, Gujjar, Ahir, etc. tribes did not change either their surnames or the tribal names except the people of the Saini tribe, who changed their tribal name to Araian saying that they have come from Arab countries whilst doing so none of them settled beyond Multan as if they took a flight from Arabian countries. Thus, of the farming tribes Mohammadan Sainis, the Araian, are the most satanic people and they headed the Muslim League during the 1947 riots. 2. Next to the Khatris who became Mohammadans were those who became the so-called Sikhs of form and not of the heart like Lala Tara Singh Malhotra. They exploited the simpletons under the cover of Sikh Kaum when in reality it is a Panth, a community and not a tribe. They never stopped making fools of the people as is clear from the 22 imposters who started to collect money at Baba Bakalae when a Sikh of Surtti Makhan Shah of Lubaana tribe tested them in spirit, PAEKHAEYA. Guru is seen, DHAEKHNA, whilst a Satguru is perceived, PAEKHNA. That is, the satanic Khatris were so daring that they started to rob the House of Satguru Nanak Devji even when the rightful Owner of the House was still alive. A man of Surtti should imagine what the hell they are doing now when the Light is gone long ago. Here is a Youtube Video that describes their utmost "greed":- Punjabi - Ch. Saddam Hussein Khokhar was a Jatt of the same Calibre as our Ch. Chhotu Ram Ohlyan Jat GET THIS JATT UNITY BANNER MADE AND DISPLAY THEM AT THE BORDERS TO MELT AWAY THE BORDERLINE DIVIDING OUR JATTS. Banner of our Jatt Unity:- Satanic greedy Khatris’ Youtube videos; channel Punjab Siyan:- Much more on my website:- Punjabi - Taliban - Al-Djmar Al-Aksa is best defeated by the tribal sons of Man and not by the guns. NAHI TO LALLON NAE AAP KAA DAMM BANDH KRNA HAE; KALI JHANDI LAGWA DO LALLON KAE. Youtube video in Punjabi:- Playlist for our Jatt Unity:- 3. The Khatris who remained MONAE as the originals were, i.e. the so-called Hindus, are exploiting people under the cover of Ariya Samaj. Ariya is a race like the other races such as Dwaradian, Mongol, Semitic, Negro, etc. but not a Samaj or community like Hindu, Sikh, Khalsa, etc. into which anybody could join. The Jats of Haryana are in their grips as the Jats of the Panjab in the grips of Jatta Joot Khatris and of the west Panjab in Mullahs/Sheikhs. These Ariya Samaji Lalas call themselves MAHASHAH, teasing the Mohammadan "Shahs" that we are superior to you. 4. All the Khatris are not satanic as all the Jats are not Bhagats. You will still come across honest Khatris and they are still Devtas but their number is very small indeed. This will become clear from the statistic presented by W.H. MacLeod in his works mentioning that the least supporters of Satgurus and Sachae Paatshahs were the people of the Khatri tribe (0.9 %) followed by Arorras (1.3%). The people of village tribes such as Jats, Chamiyaars, Choorahs, Julahae, Shheembae, etc. supported them overwhelmingly. The Jats being the SHIV SENA supported the work of Par Shiv Shakti started by Sachae Paatshah Har Gobind Ji overwhelmingly to sort out the satan created by the Khatri Mullahs under the cover of Sheikhs. Now, as the opposite happens in Kal Yug to those in the previous Ages, the Khatris of Kashmir were number one in the knowledge of Vedas as the Brahmans of Kashmir were known as "guru Brahmans" as that of Kurukhshaetar were known as ADI Brahmans. So, the satanic Khatris of Kashmir when they became Mullahs started to terrorise the Sarsuts and other people so much so that they went to Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji to complain against them for their satanic activities. So, Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji presented his own sacrifice to those satanic Khatri Mullahs of Kashmir. Today, the people who are doing much writing to exploit people the simple village people are those satanic Khatris in one form or another as Kal Yug belongs to them and that was the reason why the Two Lights, Satguru Nanak Devji (Son of SattPurakh) and Royal King Gobind Singh Ji (Son of AkalPurakh) appeared among those spiritually sick people. Ahluwalia is the latest cover taken by these satanic Khatris. For further discussion, please contact:- Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc. Younger Brother of Jesus, the first anointed Christ and of Nanak, the second anointed Christ (Satguru), Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy. A Jat of the Panjab. 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