Sectarian riots are created by the
super blind guides, the hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches.
Youtube video:-
Christ Jesus came because the Temple Priests were making the
Jews outwardly of appearances and not of the heart and for this reason, Jesus
had to take a Virgin Birth among the most satanic people of Judah tribe who
were almost 100% Jews outwardly. The sensible people such as the Tax Collectors
who realised that by becoming Jews outwardly of flesh, you break your Covenant
with the Noble Man Abraham of the outward Semitic race and by doing so, you
become Anti-Semitic. That is why Jesus had to take a Virgin Birth in the tribe
of Judah of King David, the Angel. That is why a woman admired the womb that
gave birth to Jesus and He was given the name “Yahshua”; Yah = Yahweh and Shua
= Shiva = Primal Adam or Jesus was the First born of Yahweh, the Second Adam.
Mary was sired by Yahweh and she was the Surrogate Mother of Jesus, a woman and
Joseph of the Judah tribe, a foster father. First the Temple High Priest in
collusion with King Herod wanted to kill Jesus but for the safety of Jesus,
Joseph was told to leave Israel for Egypt, the land of the faithful to Abraham
and Yahweh son Ishmael born of Hager. The Egyptians looked after Jesus very
well indeed as expected of the people who are the salt of the earth. But when
Jesus returned to Israel, then hostilities out of jealousy erupted. Pharisees
and Sadducees created out of the spiritual blindness hated Jesus celebrating
the Sabbath, a Day devoted to Elohim, the Lord of Sabbath for being the Source
of His Word, which is the Oral Torah, by performing philanthropic work whilst
the greedy Rabbis hated Philanthropy the most and told their congregation, for
healing they should another day when they could charge money. This Oral Torah
of Mercy as enjoyed by the Samaritan man who picked up the wounded person was
missing among the Jewish Rabbis and Jesus came to fulfil it the Law tempered
with mercy as the court Rabbis used to do but they not only hated but killed
him. Whilst the Rabbis of the faithful to Abraham and Yahweh of the Gentiles
and the Samaritans, they were one undivided and St. Phillip Said, “A Gentile
never dies for he doesn’t live to die spiritually”. That is why the Samaritan
leper cured by Jesus was told that he doesn’t need any spiritual knowledge as
his Rabbis are efficient – Matt 13v52. The Samaritan woman at well never mind
the men was so spiritually knowledgeable that she enjoyed discussing with Jesus
the spirituality and told him that he is a Prophet but when Christ comes, he
will tell us everything. Her Five spiritual husbands – Immorality (KAAM), Anger
(KARODHH), Greed (LOBHH), Worldly attractions (MOH) and the last Husband living
with her but no more was Haughtiness of the spiritual knowledge gained in holy
spirit against the stiff-necked arrogant Jerusalem theologians of the dead
letters as today you have Super Donkey Professors carrying the Holy Books in
the Universities and Colleges working for Mammon instead of God those who sold
their possession to buy this Field of theology.
My late father had this knowledge and in his honour, I have
written two books; one in English, “FIRST GNOSTIC PRINCIPKES OF ONE GOD ONE
FAITH” and the other in my native Punjabi language, “KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH” – both
are available on internet but they need revision. My late father saved many
villages from the sectarian riots and withy the shield of His Word, he turned a
2000 strong party of Arain tribe ready to attack our village, 91 RB in Pakistan
from foe to our best friends in Allah. The Dirty-hearted British and the Indian
Shopkeepers, Lala Tara Singh Malhotra Khatri, Lala M.K. Gandhi, a Baniya and
Lala Mohd. Ali Jinnah, a Babla Bhatia are responsible for the bloodshed of the
child-like innocent people. Our village tribal people made the British to win
the two world wars and our homeland was divided so that when fight over
Kashmir, then the British could sell arms under obligation. What a clever
British business people?
Today, these hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches
are Neo-Rabbis that not only fulfil Matt 12v43-45 but created sectarian riots
all over the world. These Neo-Rabbis are the produce of the dead in letters
theologians at Universities and Colleges called ”Super Blind Guides” and their
stooges in Churches are Super Blind leading their congregations into the
sectarian riots. This is the time of the End of the Age, Kalyug – Matt 13v24-30
and the Tares, sons of the most high Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa are getting bundled
up in Israel for the Final Burning expected on 14/05/2023 through Atomic War.
The Second coming of Jesus was Nanak and Atomic War is the last Prophecy to be
Finally, as you know St Paul harvested a very heavy crop when
he was locked up in the Jail and at night, he sang the praises of our
Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. and those sensible prisoners
who lended their ears were rewarded by setting them free of the chains and
walls. In the morning, the jailor was astonished and wanted to kill himself for
the prisners had fled but St Paul assured him, we are all here. That is outside
the prison, the people wounded him badly but inside the prison, they highly
admired him. Keeping this in mind, I applied for the Voluntary job of Police
Chaplain at Reading Police Station and I was interviewed by the Lead Chaplain
of the Thames Valley Police, HQ South, Kidlington, OX5 2NX. So, I asked her some
simple questions such as why Jesus was given the name “Yahshua”? She had no
knowledge and told me that our role is different from theology. What could the
spiritually blind dead in letters University Professors tell her? Next to
nothing as myself has been thrown out of the theological seminars for being a
Gnostic. I gave her my book but she wanted to take my Police Volunteer Badge as
well but I insisted that I want to carry on.
So, these hireling Dog-Collared Priests who fulfil Matt.
13v43 – 45 who have created so many cults are the main cause of the hatred and
the sectarian riots. In God, our base is divine “Agape Love” that brings Peace
in society but how could these robed Anti-Christs in the Churches profess this?
No way.
is a related Youtube Video on the Family of God:-
For further information, please visit my website and watch my
Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1.
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach The Gospel, more you please
Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = The Gospel
is for the Heavenly Peaceful living of the sons of Man, "Ba-Ilah" and
not for the sons of Satan in "La-Ilah".
Punjabi - How a
Pathan Zaildar who performed Hajj and became Super Bastard Fanatic Devil?
True Story.
Four types of
Family of God:-
Solitary Royal
Test for
Flesh + soul =
Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul +
spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are
super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Trinity is
John's baptism:-
Please print these
pages to understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
Youtube Playlist on
John's baptism:-