I have
such experiences and would like to share with you. First of all, most people do
not bother to take the matter to the Ombudsman for the efforts and time spent
on the procedure and those who have energy, less than 5 per cent dare to take
it over to the Ombudsman.
Many people
suffer injustices from the companies and the cheating companies are blasphemers
telling lies from the cores of their hearts making fool of the people. Telling
lies from the core of their hearts is more serious than “sin”, which is
transgression against the moral laws in ignorance and they are punishable by
the moral teacher say Rabbi, Brahmin, Fetish Priest, etc. Now, law and Prophets
were till John, the Baptist – Luke 16v16 – and after this Christ Jesus has
opened up the Narrow Gate for the solitary that leads to the Royal Kingdom of
God that is within our own hearts if your Temple of God is clean of the
hypocrisy or blasphemy. Thus, the kingdom of heaven, the keys to which were
given to the Rabbis and that led to Peace and harmony in the society was no
more as the Rabbis had become Blasphemers or hypocrites. They started to flout
the moral laws themselves knowingly and that created kingdom of hell in which
people bribed and killed each other. Remember how the Temple Priests bribed the
soldiers to tell lies about the Body of Jesus? So, there was a need to purify
the hearts of people to stick to the righteousness if they would like to be the
sons of most High Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., the Supernatural Father of our
souls, for resurrection, rest, redemption, etc. Thus, the righteous persons are
sons of God and as son represents his father, so, they are Saints of God whilst
the unrighteous blasphemers are sons of Satan that appears only in this Dark
Age and Satan is Super Bastard. This Jesus demonstrated when the sons of Satan
bring a woman caught in adultery that would have produced a natural bastard, a
regime of the moral teachers such as John, the Baptist but Jesus being the
Anointed Royal Priest of our Most High Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah,
Parbrahm, etc. then confronted satanic Jews outwardly who had broken their
covenant with Abraham and Yahweh and thus, they were not the natural bastard
but the Super natural Bastards. So, Jesus called those Super Natural Bastards
as the fanatic Devils in John 8v44 that hypocrisy is their language as today of
these cheating company who employ Ombudsmen that act as their defence lawyers. Or
in short, the Ombudsmen encourage the companies to cheat and the general public
to suffer.
With this
introduction, I present some cases that support my claims:-
1. I had two telephone lines; one with Virgin Media and the other with Talktalk, my business number. I transferred both lines to BT at a monthly charge of £69.19 + VAT. But on transfer, BT closed my business line and made my residential line as the business with the result that I lost all my business. So, after struggling with BT, I told them that I do not need my business line any more. Then, they formulated another package still charging me the same amount £69.19 or so but charged me double for the Broad Band £21. After a long struggle, BT refunded me those over charges but never reduced my Bill but kept on charging over £89.00 or so + VAT. Now, the BT inquiry staff made cases of mis-sales but their customer services lady kept on rejecting it. For two years I suffered and finally took the matter to OFCOM Ombudsman. Here, I supplied all the facts whilst BT didn’t supply the vital information of mess up and the Ombudsman send decision against me based upon the first sale that was superseded by another after a month + Ombudsman added £10.00 extra making my original contract as £79.19, a punishment. When I challenged the decision, Ombudsman told me that they cannot force BT to send them all the information or in another words they rejected my plea altogether. I have appealed against the decision and told the Ombudsman to get all the correspondence from the start. Let us see what will happen.
2. I had a boundary issue and very fortunately there was a special boundary drawing accurate to very cm. Being a retired lecturer in Metallurgy, I could have demarcated it but my solicitors wanted a drawing from a qualified Surveyor. So, a Fellow of the RICS was hired and he demarcated rightly that my neighbour is encroaching the land but he put the front or end line four foot into my forecourt. Then, he suggested that I should let my neighbour had the encroachment and he will give me the mine four foot forecourt land, which made his boundary length four foot longer and mine four court four foot shorter. I reported to the RICS and they told me to hire more accurate laser demarcation. I did and the South African white lady demarcated it but cleared the neighbour’s encroachment and ended the line correctly. When challenged that I employed her to catch the encroachment and you have set it free, then she sent me another showing encroachment marked red as correction. Then, I hired another laser people whose worker came to play tennis with me. They took the measurements and trustingly, I paid over £700.00 in advance of the drawing. They also sent me wrong drawing setting the encroachment free and I showed to this tennis player and he was surprised. He did instruct them to put things right but no way and I got nothing. Attending a Messianic Jews Seminar, I met a Boundary Surveyor and I told him my stories and he openly told me that if a surveyor has done the job, then they cannot be involved. Or in short, this RICS is a free mason organisation supporting the crook surveyors at all costs.
3. There are more such cases but this is the trend that Ombudsmen work as the defence lawyers protecting the crook companies.
It is in these cases, the saying of Christ Jesus is fulfilled
that if someone is taking you to court, try to settle it before reaching the
court; otherwise you suffer heavily.
is a related Youtube Video on the Family of God:-
further information, please visit my website and watch my Youtube Videos;
channel nijjhar1.
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach The Gospel, more you please
Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = The Gospel
Hajj is for the Heavenly Peaceful
living of the sons of Man, "Ba-Ilah" and not for the sons of Satan in
Punjabi - How a Pathan Zaildar who performed Hajj
and became Super Bastard Fanatic Devil?
True Story.
Four types of loves:-
Family of God:-
Solitary Royal Priests.
Test for twice-born:-
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible
Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Trinity is explained:-
John's baptism:-
Please print these pages to understand Baani as
Punjabi Book:-
Youtube Playlist on Trinity:-
John's baptism:-