Mark 2v18-22:- You cannot patch the New Testament, Tap Root
of the Scripture with the Old Testament.
Holy Gospel of our Supernatural Father
Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., delivered by the First Anointed Christ, which in
Punjabi we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim that dwells
within His Temple of God created by the demiurge Potter, the Lord of the Nature
Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” according
to Saint Mark 2,18-22.
The disciples of John and of the
Pharisees were accustomed to pray and fast. People came to Jesus and objected,
"Why do the disciples of John and the disciples of the Pharisees pray and
fast, but your disciples as known to the once-born Disciples of the Rabbis but
they were rather twice-born Labourer/Workers of the Bridegroom Christ Jesus do
not fast?" Jesus answered them, "Can the wedding guests, the
“Solitary Virgin Brides” fast while the bridegroom is with them Feeding the Spiritual Food, His Word? As long as they have
the bridegroom, the Christ Jesus within their hearts with them they cannot fast
but enjoy the Food world doesn’t know – John 4. But the days will come when the
bridegroom is taken away from them and replaced with Antichrist Pope and they
are no more solitary Virgin Brides but do what Pope tells them to do – Matt
12v43-45, and then they will fast on that day. No one sews a piece of unshrunken cloth, the Oral Torah, the New Testament on an
old cloak, the old testament full of holes as
demonstrated by Marcion. If he does, its fullness of the Oral Torah, the Tap
Root of the Scriptures pulls away from the corrupted written Torah, the new
from the old as they are not compatible – Moses saw the Face of God and He
showed the back to the people, and the tear gets worse as they are confused
between Yahweh and Elohim. Likewise, no one pours new wine into old wineskins.
Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins out of confusion as St. Thomas was
killed by the efficient local Brahmins who were not corrupt and inefficient,
and both the wine and the skins are ruined. Rather, new wine is poured into
fresh wineskins as Jesus prepared at Cana by flushing out the old wine, the
Scriptures by thorough rinsing creating a new skin as those of the Shepherds in
the fields tending their sheep in the wilderness as their own and not as the
hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches, the Synagogues of Satan, are
doing today.
" Prayer used to be to Yahweh,
the demiurge whilst our Real Father lives in His Temple and He is no more in
heaven as Yahweh was but within us. He appreciates His Word that our anointed
Elder Brother Christ Jesus has delivered. Thus, prayer and fasting are
antichrists and Jesus told this to the Pharisee who questioned his Labourers
why they do not pray and fast like the Disciples of John, the Baptist,
Pharisees and Sadducees do. To this, Jesus replied, so far Christ is in their
hearts, they do not need to but when Christ is gone and they become the
Christian of the dead letters, the Bible, Jewish Leaven, then
they will do. That is, the Bible Thumpers pray and fast whilst carrying the
Bible on your Preaching Tour is forbidden; carry no money, two pairs of Shoes,
Tunic, etc., and no Scrip, the Bible as our covenant with Christ Jesus is of
the holy spirit which is common sense and not of the dead letters that makes
you dead burying the dead as they do in the Universities and Colleges in
debates what is written here and there but the Gospel gets written over the
living Tablets of the heart through logical reasoning and we acquire
Bottom-line Gospel Truth, the Rock over which our Temple of God is built. I am
making a Youtube Video on this topic. Putting the Bible in the hands of the Apostles make them
antichrist. Our covenant with Christ Jesus is of the holy
spirit and not of the dead letters. That is why Jesus said, "When
you go for the Preaching Tour, do not take money in your pocket, no two pairs
of shoes, etc. and no Scrip = Scriptures, the dead letters. The Bible is the
Milk for the once-born whilst the Apostles dwell upon the flesh of Jesus to be
eaten by the ears, taken to heart, digested with the teeth of logical reasoning
to purify and extract the Nectar Gospel Truth and then Preach
the Gospel from your own mouth. That is why the Gospel cannot be written... Company of our Real Father of our souls will make you
understand that entire you see with your two naked eyes or you become a Brahm
Giani. These Book people are super donkeys carrying the holy books and they
argue and fight with each other.
Here is a related Youtube Video on the
Family of God:-
For further information, please visit my
website and watch my Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1.
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach The Gospel, more you please
Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = The
Hajj is for the Heavenly Peaceful living of the
sons of Man, "Ba-Ilah" and not for the sons of Satan in
Punjabi - How a Pathan Zaildar who
performed Hajj and became Super Bastard Fanatic Devil?
True Story.
Four types of loves:-
Family of God:-
Solitary Royal
Test for twice-born:-
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural
Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born
sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils –
John 8v44:-
Trinity is explained:-
John's baptism:-
Please print these pages to
understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
Youtube Playlist on Trinity:-
John's baptism:-