Mark 8v14-21:- When you have One God then His Will is One. Loaf = Flesh of Jesus One for all the people of the Four Varnas.


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The twice-born Brethren of Jesus and NOT THE ONCE-BORN DISCIPLES OF THE CROOK RABBIS had forgotten to bring bread, and they had only one loaf, the Word of God, the Christ was with them in the boat. He enjoined them, "Watch out, guard against the leaven of the Pharisees, the rotten Scriptures FULL OF HOLES and the leaven of Herod, the laws coined by the Roman King Herod. Remember that in Luke 16v16, Christ Jesus said; Law and Prophets were till John, the Baptist and after that you go by the holy spirit, which is “common sense” as that possessed by the illiterate shepherds and farmers who went by their “intuition” when God and not Mammon of the greedy Rabbis was within them and taught them. The Second Coming of Jesus Satguru Nanak declared, “PAVANN –PNEUMATIC AIR – John 3 Air that moves freely around and one doesn’t know - ARANBHH – START – SATGUR – LOGICAL REASONING THAT BREWS “LOGO = HIS WORD” – MATT – WISDOM – WAILA – TIME; SHABD – HIS WORD “LOGO” – GURU – TEACHER – SURAT – THE HOLY SPIRIT = COMMON SENSE – DHUNN CHAELA – Listener = HE IS THE SINCERE DISCIPLE OF SHABD = Christ = Innerman = ANTAR SATGURU ARADHIYAE = ADOPT within you JEEVA = your tongue JAPPAE NAAM = proclaims His Word. AND NOT OF ANY MAN. THUS, EVERYONE IS TO GIVE HIS OWN ACCOUNT TO GOD SET FREE OF THE ANTICHRIST POPE AND HIS STOOGES, THE “HIRELING” DOG-COLLARED ROBED CHURCH FATHERS “". They concluded among themselves that it was because they had no bread. When he became aware of this he said to them, "Why do you conclude that it is because you have no Bread of Life His Word, the Juicy Flesh of Jesus? Do you not yet understand or comprehend? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes to see the Miracles that I have performed and not see, ears to hear His Word and not hear as the Temple Priests turned their Deaf Ears to Him and they are still proud of their Rabbis who called “Sukkot, thrown out of the Family Home as the Prodigal son Isaac was thrown out of the Promised Land called Exodus and the Rabbis call it a Festival? And do you not remember, when I broke the five loaves, the Five Husbands of the Samaritan Woman at well St. Photina were Kaam = immorality, Karodh = Anger, Lobh = Greed, Moh = Worldly attractions; The third temptation of Satan to Jesus and finally the Haughtiness of the Book knowledge of the dead letters of the Scriptures that the Temple Priests and their Disciples possessed and they turned their “Deaf Ears” to Christ Jesus. The same is true of these University Professors who are proud of their Degrees in Theology, the Super Donkeys carrying the defunct Holy Books turn their deaf ears to me stand for. That is why Five Loaves, the Flesh of Jesus that purifies hearts of these Five ailments, impurities of heart were served to the five thousand, how many wicker baskets full of fragments you picked up or the Fruit the Flesh of Jesus bored after disgesting the Flesh?" They answered him, "Twelve made up of seven = Menorah that made them morally sound called “TANN, physical body or morally, NIRMALL, Clean with the water = Baptism of John, the Baptist to the Jewish men and no woman, Gentile or a Samaritan was Baptised in the name of Abraham that made them the “Salt” of Abraham, Noble Men. And Five of Heart, the Five Husbands of the Samaritan Woman at well St. Photina = 12 = KUMBH MELA = 12 Labourers of Christ Jesus, the Very Source of “Water” and “Blood” or His Word that Christ Jesus delivered made them morally sound called “Nirmal” and spiritually = MINDS “Nirmal” called TANN MUNN NIRMAL ." When I broke the seven loaves DELIVERED THE MESSAGE “Every plant, person, that my heavenly father Yahweh” did not plant, breaks his covenant with Yahweh when they become unfaithful to Abraham who was planted by Yahweh as an Ideal Saint will be uprooted, killed, by the roots, supporters of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa = for this Hajj rites were created by Abraham to repulse the Satan and remain faithful to Abraham and Yahweh to enjoy the best fruit of the Mother Earth which the faithful to Abraham Samaritans and the Gentiles enjoyed but not the Jewish people who became Jealous of them. That is why the Samaritan man of God picked up the wounded person and extending the Godly Love “Agape” to him as the Salvation Army Soldiers of God do today. for the four = Four Advent Candles = Four Varnas, Professions, Shoodar = Once-born serving others, Vaish = Businessmen, Khashtria = politicians and the Brahmin = Rabbis/Brahmins, the moral teachers – Matt 13v52 defines an ideal Rabbi - thousand, how many full baskets of fragments did you pick up? They answered (him), "Seven = Menorah = morally sound men of Salt as the Samaritans and Gentiles were. The Jewish moral teachers, Rabbis, were making their Disciples Jews outwardly of body in which they replace their tribal self with the spiritual Jew making them unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the “Saltless” people. Thus, the Real Fold of Christ Jesus were the people of “Salt” faithful to Abraham and Yahweh called “Wheat” Plants with conscience called Sharm in Punjabi and among them Jesus spent only two days to iron out their questions and they became the Nations of Apostles whilst the Jews outwardly who broke their covenant with Abraham, the “Tares” – Matt 13v24-30, the stooges of the crook hypocrite Temple Priests being “Saltless” fleeced the Gentiles and by circumcising them made fake sons of Isaac of the Semitic race or more “Saltless” than themselves who killed Jesus for doing good to them or do not throw Pearls before Swine, they will turn around and harm you. That is why Jesus told the people he cured not to pronounce that he was the Messiah but to the people of His Fold, the Samaritans, He proclaimed it happily and they believed in Him hundred per cent." I can tell much more but hardly anyone is interested in the Bitter Pill of the Gospel Truth. My services are totally FREE. He said to them, "Do you still not understand?"

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