Luke 5v27-32:- Under the DEFUNCT
Law - Luke 16v16, rapists have been put behind the bars whilst the sons of most
high Satan, Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the hypocrite USA Presidents that destroyed Iraq,
Libya, Lebanon, etc. are Scott Free.
Labouring Solitary Brethren/Friends called “Talmidim or Sikhs” and not the
once-born natural disciples of the crook Rabbis who disciplined them through
the moral laws of Moses. These Rabbinic Disciples did what their Rabbis told
them to do. Thus, Saul being the Disciple of Rabbi Gamaliel did obey him
obediently as required of him and persecuted the Labourers of Jesus but in his
own heart or sub-conscience, he was not happy. For the Disciples doing what
their Rabbis tell them to do, they are called spiritually blind with no Freedom
or Freewill. Thus, the substitutes “Disciple and Lord” are the corruptions by
the Messianic Jews to set up the same Temple system from the yoke of which
Jesus set us FREE by giving his own life as the Lamb of God. Or these robed
hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches of Mammon have fulfilled Matt.
12v43-45 making the situation worse than before the arrival of Jesus, the First
anointed Christ of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc.: BIRTH OF JOHN, THE
BAPTIST, AN IDEAL RABBI MATT 13, V52:- and the Proofs of the Virgin
Birth of Jesus: - Second coming of
Jesus:- Satguru =Christ Nanak:- FAMILY OF OUR
our Royal Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc.:- St. Photina, the
Samaritan Woman at well John. Her Five Husbands were spiritual and not
physical. Here are their names:- Holy Gospel of our
Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., delivered First by Jesus,
the First Anointed Christ = Satguru of the highest living God Elohim that
dwells within our Temple of God called Harmandir or “Emmanuel”. He was the
First Anointed Light from our Father and Satguru = Christ Nanak, the Second
Anointed Greatest of all the Christs because he had to confront the Kings and
Emperors of Darkness of Khatri tribal people (less than one per cent Khatris
adopted Sikhism against Jatts = Samaritans 70%) against the people of Judah
tribe, the Princes of Darkness. Nanak came in 1469 and Preached
The Gospel to Perfection through Five more Lights for 150 years. Still, the
Darkness created by Satanic Khatris turned Mullahs couldn’t be comprehended.
Then, our Father Himself came in the name of Royal King = Sache Patshah Gobind
Rai Ji with His Consort, Shakti, “Holy Spirit” in the name of “Maha or Sahib
Devan”, the very living Holy Spirit against the mythological Devis or Shaktis
of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. He organised the last two Panths of Khalsas and
Nirmallae Santan to sort out the stubborn sons of Satan with sword power and by
Preaching The Gospel from Akal Takht, the Seat of
Nirmallae Santan respectively. Gurdwara stands for
Gur = Dhanghh = Tareeka which is logical reasoning that Brews Logo, His Word
and Dwara means a place of Sangat. So, Gurdwara is the place where GURMUKH
Sikhs meet. Gur = logical reasoning and Mukh = Mouth. A mouth that speaks
logically is called a Gurmukh. Gur doesn't mean Guru. Satgur means the formula for speaking
SATGUR PARSAD. Once-born people are incapable of logical reasoning and,
therefore, the logo is for the twice-born people of discerning intellect called
the “holy spirit”, surtti or “common sense”. So, if you want The Gospel, then you must think logically
over your own heart. Thus, listen to everyone and ponder over it logically in
your own heart. Then, the Gospel would be written over the living tablets of
heart – 2corn 3. Scriptures, the dead letters are “deadly poison” to The
Gospel. Scriptures, the “dead letters” that the once-born people are
taught in the universities and colleges, they are “old wines” or “milk for the
babies”. This is the Jewish leaven which Jesus forbade. The twice-born
people of “discerning intellect” are like the “birds of the air” capable of
“logical reasoning” to brew the “New Wine” within their own hearts. For this,
you need to be “impartial and unbiased” as the little children are. Thus, you do not
need to go to a university to know The Gospel but a heart burning for “The
Gospel Treasures”. University degrees in “dead letters” will turn you into a
super donkey carrying “Holy Books”. “Letter killeth, spirit giveth Life”. Typical Youtube
Video on Son of God:- Son represents Father, so in Jesus, we are the sons of Elohim
and we should display His qualities for Salvation. Natural bastards
versus supernatural Bastards. Holy Gospel of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm,
etc., delivered by the First Anointed Christ = Satguru of the highest living
God Elohim that dwells within our Temple of God called Harmandir or “Emmanuel”
according to Saint Luke 5,27-32. Jesus saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the customs
post. He said to him, "Join me and not Follow me
like a blind." Jesus knew he was seeking the Gospel Truth = Oral Torah,
which the local Rabbis lacked. So, the exposition of the Scriptures by the
local Rabbi made no sense as today these Neo-Rabbis, Matt 12v43-45, the
hireling Dog-Collared Priests vomit out without any common sense. For example,
John, the Baptist, the Angel of Israel Prophet Elijah, the Rightful headstone
of the Temple of Yahweh, the heavenly father of Jesus (YahShua stands for Yah =
Yahweh and Shua = Shiva = the Primal Adam or Jesus was the Second Adam, Mary
Surrogate Mother and Joseph of Judah tribe Foster father) said that I am
baptising you in water in the name of Abraham but the one coming after me,
Christ Jesus, to whom he handed over all the glory will baptise you in Holy
Spirit, the Eucharist called entering into the Bridal Chamber in which the
Bridegroom Christ Jesus married the Eleven Virgin Brides, the one who attained
the Doctorate in the Gospel Treasures. At Pentecost when they were Rewarded by our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm,
etc., the His Very Spirit that made all the Virgin Brides His Twin-Brethren in
Holy Spirit and not flesh. And leaving everything secular behind, he got up and
joined Him and not followed him. Then Levi gave a great banquet for him in his house, and a
large crowd of tax collectors and others were at table with them. The Pharisees
and their scribes complained in accordance with the Law of Moses that existed
till John, the Baptist – Luke 16v16; Law and Prophets were till John, the
Baptist, then the Era of Christ in your heart has started to his
Brethren/Labourers/Workers and not the once-born disciples, saying, "Why
do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners for they would not attend
their Synagogues to listen to the psychic babbler as today these Anti-Christ
hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches are and they still ply Scriptures
to catch the sinners of the moral laws but letting the Blasphemers against the
Holy Spirit Scott Free? That is, rapists are put behind the bars but the
hypocrite politicians go Scott Free. Our Brother in Christ Jesus Asange exposed them as Jesus exposed the Temple Priests and
he is locked up. This is called carrying your own Cross. Thus, more Scientists and
informers should put on their own Crosses to expose those who created these
deadly Viruses or did evil to the countries such as Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. in
which they supported the Terrorists against the legitimate Governments. This is
the work of Satan supervised by the Jewish Mammon and Media of USA or USA is
Israel in disguise. Never mind, these Chosen People are a Nation of Priests,
the moral teachers and through these “Elite Chosen People”, we learn the moral
laws. People who go against those moral laws of Moses suffer such as the
Holocausts. These Neo-Rabbis in Dog-Collars are Master Hypocrites and they will
usher in the sectarian riots and the ensuing Atomic War that is expected on
14/05/2023 when Israel is 75 years old – Matt 13v24-30 is being fulfilled
now." Jesus taunted them (said to them) in reply, "Those who are
healthy in the dead letters of the Scriptures as today the Christians of the
Bible are dead today, the dead do not need a physician, but the sick do. I have
been rejected by the Keeble and Oriel Colleges in Oxford and the German
Protestant Kirchentag, Dortmund (2019) by offering me a School accommodation
when I paid for the private accommodation. I, 87 years old, applied well in
advance and the excuse was that there were not enough places available. Such
are the Blasphemers who run the Churches as well. So, we need Labourer Royal
Priests to expose these hypocrites. I have not come to call the righteous to
repentance but the sinners in their eyes of the moral laws that were defunct
after John, the Baptist. Only Anti-Christs Dog-Collared priests working for
Mammon to protect the interests of their Disciples in Mammon as demonstrated by
the Satanic Church of England in which they glorify the soldiers who died in
the two world wars." Prayer and fasting Anti-Christ:- Matt 9v14-15:-
Four Communities of Religion - One God One
Some of my Youtube videos have been
banned by Facebook. So, I have shifted them to my website:-
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural
Disciple of the Rabbis Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring
son of God John's baptism:-
Here is a related Youtube Video on the Family of
For further information, please visit my website and watch my
Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1.
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach The Gospel, more you please
Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = The
is for the Heavenly Peaceful living of the sons of Man, "Ba-Ilah" and
not for the sons of Satan in "La-Ilah".
Punjabi - How a
Pathan Zaildar who performed Hajj and became Super Bastard Fanatic Devil?
True Story.
Four types of
Family of God:-
Solitary Royal
Test for
Flesh + soul =
Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul +
spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are
super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Trinity is
John's baptism:-
Please print
these pages to understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
Youtube Playlist on Trinity:-
John's baptism:-