Why Christ Jesus could walk on water but not the
once-born Peter? Of the 12, Peter was Hylic, Juda Iscariot Psychic in Mammon,
and the rest Pneumatic sealed to serve God only.
Holy Gospel of our
SUPERNATURAL FATHER of our supernatural “souls” Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc.,
delivered by the first Anointed Christ, which in my native language Punjabi, we
call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. that
dwells within His most beautiful living Temple of God created by the greatest
artist demiurge Potter, the lord of the visible Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah,
etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” if you are not “greedy” according
to Christ Rajinder:-
We have two fathers;
natural of flesh, the creator of Pots Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. called
Demiurge for creating the lifeless physical body, and Supernatural of our
supernatural “souls”, the invisible supernatural that puts life into the Pots
created by Yahweh. So, our visible flesh is related to the Potter Yahweh and
the invisible “soul” to our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc.
Yahweh created the whole world out of the water and Mary was sired by “Yahweh”
to give birth to the “Son” of Yahweh called Yahshua; made up of two words; Yah
= Yahweh and Weh = sired of Him and Shua = Shiva, the
First Primordial Adam. So, Jesus was the Second Adam, Mary his Surrogate
Mother, and Joseph of the Judah tribe his Foster father. Thus, Jesus being the
Second Adam, had no secular rights on this planet
earth of the First Adam. So, he came Floating leaving
no mark on this Planet earth. That is why He Said, “Foxes have holes to rest
their heads, but the Son of Man has none”. So, all the natural once-born people
were created by Yahweh of different colours and races. As the planet Earth
belongs to the tribal people, so Moses gave them the law and promoted “Eros”,
the love of your own people that lifted the “Rift” among them called the
“Lifting of the snake”. So, Moses gave them the “Law” and gave it to a Priestly
tribe of “Levi” from whom the Cohens were chosen. Such Cohens kept law and
order that created the kingdom of heaven and people lived “Peacefully” through
“Works”, and Karma, which earned them reincarnation into the next birth. The
crook Rabbis who cheated people in the name of God got leprosy in the next
birth which the Prophets cannot forgive but Christ Jesus only. That is why
Prophet Elisha did not cure a Leper from Israel but Nama from Syria only. Thus,
in the First Adam, people performed works called “Karma” whilst in the Second Adam, people were introduced to the Royal Kingdom of God for
the Sons, Saints, of Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. Saints are called “Christ”
who Preach the Gospel from their own hearts in honour of our Bridegroom Christ
Jesus to glorify our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. So,
John, the Baptist baptised the Jewish people of age who had realised that by
becoming a Jew outwardly, you cannot build your covenant with Abraham and
become unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, a liar, murderer super fatherless
“Saltless” people. Here, Jesus used a word that is not considered civilised and
called them fanatic devils to which the Jewish people retorted that we are born
of the legitimate parents – John 8v44 - You belong to your fathers, the eleven
Patriarchs who wanted to kill Joseph, a truthful person Salt of Abraham and
Yahweh, they were devils, and you want to carry out your forefather’s desires.
He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no
truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and
the father of lies as displayed amply today in the news. So, they behaved well
under the Priests of Moses, the Prodigal son Isaac brought back to the Promised
Land faithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the Salt of Abraham. with
time, Moses’ Priests become greedy and start corrupting the Holy Books, the
written Torah or Scriptures to suit their whims – Gen17 on circumcision, the Tribal
Mark of Abraham to Isaac and his “seed” only but they were circumcising slaves,
Aryans and Negros for the sake of money. They also became the cruel Masters.
Then our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. sends His Own Son
called “Christ” to deliver the “Oral Torah”, the Taproot of the Tree of Life,
the written Scriptures so that the corrupted Scriptures are rectified by the
Sons of Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. called “Saints”. First, the Prophets were
sent in the name of Yahweh and John, the Baptist was the Last Prophet in the
Promised Land called “Elijah”, my god is Yahweh. He was the Cornerstone of the
Temple of Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. but the hypocritical Temple Priests,
especially of the Judah tribe, had overtaken it from the Cohen of the Levi
tribe that Moses had assigned to and they were staunch enemies of John, the
Baptist as in the past, they had killed Cohen Zachariah of the Levi tribe for
not obeying the orders of the Temple High Priest of the Judah tribe. So, Christ
came in the name of our ultimate Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm,
etc. to deliver the knowledge of His Word, the Oral Torah upon which the Tree
of Life, the Scriptures stood green. But the corrupt Jewish Rabbis killed Him.
In the Seven Candled Menorah, the Middle thick Candle is of God Elohim, Allah,
Parbrahm, etc. but the sacked Temple Priests were fit for no other job than the
job of a ruling Priest. So, they entered the Church of God headed by Christ jesus by jumping over the walls
like a Thief and established themselves with greater FORCE – Matt 12v43-45.
They created hireling Presbyters, Pope, etc. and killing became the order of
the Day. Then Hazrat Mohammed Sahib sorted them up and lately, the Second
Coming of Jesus Satguru = Christ Nanak but the Indian Khatris were the King and
Emperors of Darkness and greater killing. Our Father God blesses you in Agape
that lifts International rifts, the Cobras.
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to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:-
and in Punjabi
informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan.