Why did Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji and His Tatt Khalsas never enter the Holiest of the Holy Amritsar Complex?


There are four spiritual states called “BIRTTIS” in Punjabi. They are 1. Ego called Humae in Punjabi and Khudi in Urdu, 2. Mind called Munn in Punjabi and Nafs in Urdu, 3. Wisdom called Budhi in Punjabi and Akall in Urdu and 4. Will called Chitt Birti or Padh in Punjabi and Al-Haam in Urdu. Based upon these spiritual states, there are FOUR Communities, Panths, Millats or Samaj.

1. The First community in which their Ego in Brahma, Khudah, Yahweh, etc. is boosted is called Hindu in India and Jew in the Middle East. Their intake is once-born children who are first taught the Moral Laws of Moses and Ram Chander Ji, Muryada Parshotam Avtars of “Vishnu” for social affairs and Lord Krishna and King David Neeti Parshotam Avtars of “Shiv”, Prophets, of political affairs as they grow up and their Ego is so fully boosted that they are ready to die for their country or called “Shiv Sena”. Those who have over powered their Ego and learn about our Supernatural Father of our supernatural “souls” in which we have One Father and we are all his spiritual Sons, the moral teachers would introduce to them the Spiritual Principles, “His Word” of our Supernatural Father and this is the knowledge of the Oral Torah = His Will, “Inshallah”, the Taproot of the Tree of Life, the Scriptures; “Vaedon Mae Naam Uttam”. In this, our Most Merciful, Al-Rahim, Supernatural Father Allah, Elohim, Parbrahm, etc. is reminded of Righteousness and to love God through His creation in Agape = Prem which is much greater than your own love for the tribal people in Eros = Piaar. As a Tree is known by its fruit so is the quality of the Moral Teacher is reflected through his students as demonstrated by the Samaritan man who picked up the wounded person and looked after him on a philanthropic basis, “Agape = Prem”, whereas the dead in the letters Pharisee and Sadducees passed by in Eros. Thus, the Deliverer of the “Oral Torah” Christ Jesus was much needed by the “Saltless” Jewish people than the Samaritans and Gentiles, “His Fold”. Out of the ten lepers that Christ Jesus cured, only the Samaritan man of “Salt” returned to thank Jesus. Thus, the Samaritan people of Joseph were faithful to Abraham and Yahweh, sons of Man, Bandae dae Puttar, didn’t need the Spiritual Doctor Christ Jesus so much as the “Saltless” unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh needed. They rather loved “Darkness” and killed him. Today, they are getting bundled up for the FINAL BURNING through the Atomic War as predicted by Christ Jesus in Matthew 13v24-30. About this, Christ Jesus said in Matt.24.22; "And unless those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved; but for the elect's sake, those days shall be shortened". I expect the ATOMIC WAR on 14/05/2030 when Israel is 82 (70 + 12) years old. This 12 is related to the Konmbh Mela and the 12 inner circle Labourers of Christ = Satguru Jesus; 7 to Mitti, our physical body Tann and 5 to our spiritual temptations KAAM, KARODH, LOBH, MOH and HANKAAR related to DHUNDH = Fog. Satguru Nanak Pargetteya; Mitti = Moral Laws and Dhundh, the spiritual Principles are made to SHINE through His Word. Our Father ParBrahm knows BETTER.

2. When the Rabbis/Brahmins had become crooks KOORRIYAAL and start twisting the moral laws to suit their whims, the people were highly cheated. Then, the very Son of Elohim, Parbrahm, Allah, etc. appears among the hypocrites to redeem the victims of the Rabbis/Brahmins, the Gentiles = Village illiterate people as Saint Simeon in the Temple of Brahma stressed, a Light for the Gentiles = village people. Thus, the First Anointed Christ = Satguru appeared in the Middle East to introduce the Royal Kingdom of God = Ram Rajay that has a low for the humble like Lazarus and narrow for the solitary masters of their own destinies = NIAARE as the Sadhus are; Melchizedek. To be spiritually twice-born, you must first be faithful to your tribal father as the Samaritans were the faithful sons of Brahma, Yahweh, Khudah, etc. Bandae Dae Puttar, sons of Shiva, KACHA PEO to Serve ParShiv Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji, PAKKA PEO as His Purely Spiritual Khalsa Soldiers do to establish the RULE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS in which the ego of serving Shiv in Hinduism = Kacha Peo is changed to ParEgo of serving the ParShiv Royal King Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji of the Third Khalsa Panth of the Khalas = PURE; Tann and Munn “NIRMAL”, Men (Puritans) and not women, THE SHAKTI – MAI BHAGO. Thus, TANN, PHYSICAL BODY IS CLEANSED NIRMAL WITH WATER, SHARM of the tribal father (tribal seed = Jaati) and Munn, mind, Nafs, heart, etc. with His Word delivered by Christ Jesus and Satguru Nanak Dev Ji of the Bhagti Marag in which our “souls” of all, friends or enemies, are the Sons of God Parbrahm, Elohim, Allah, etc. and in which case we are all Brethren and hate none and love all in Agape called “Prem” as demonstrated by Bhai Ghaniyia Ji who gave the First Aid to everyone alike in the Battle of the Khalsas against the tyrants. Of those Khalsas who wanted to Preach the Gospel Truth, they were sent to Banares, the Jerusalem of India, to study the Vedas as Saul had studied the Scriptures under Gamaliel so that they are Proficient Preachers of the Gospel Truth, the Oral Torah – 2Corn3. They formed the Fourth Panth of the “NIRMALLSE SANTS, the Apostles, BRAHM GIANIS, as St, Paul was” leaving no stone unturned in the moral laws and the spiritual Principles, His Word, the TAPROOT OF THE SCRIPTURES; VEDON MAE NAAM UTTAM. Remember that the Third Khalsa and the Fourth Nirmallae Santan Panths were initiated by Sachae Patshah Har Gobind Ji and FINISHED by Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji by beheading the Five on the Stage in front of the Congregation so that to seal them to serve our Eternal Father Akal Purakh watched and stayed to lay down their lives for such a Noble Cause whilst the doubting left frightened of the scene. Then, the head of the One was Sown with the Torso of the other to finish their secular tribal identity, wife, children property, etc. in the service of our Eternal Father as the Workers, Talimdim = Sikhs of Christ Jesus did for Salvation. Such Khalsas were called “TATT KHALSAS” and of those who wanted to Preach the Gospel Truth, they were sent to Banares, Jerusalem of India, to study Vedas to become Perfect Spiritual Scholars, the Apostles called “Pneumatic SattGurMukh” and carried no holy books, the Scriptures liable to corruptions, with them; PAVANN ARANBH = PNEUMATICS SATGUR MATT WAILA; SHABD GURU SURATT DHUN CHAELAH. So, the men of the Third Khalsa and the Fourth Nirmallae Santan are NOT FAMILY MEN. The women could be Bhagats as Meeran Bhai; Son of God was but not the Khalsas. Mai Bhago Ji was not given Amrit. Thus, the Khalsas have the common surname “Singh” whilst the Apostles have “Dass”, the Super Servant Roving Preachers. Today, the world is full of the Mammon-infested FAKE and the Real are hard to find – KOTON MAE AIK – One in a Million.

3. In short, the people of the First Hindu community and the Third Khalsa Community = Panth are compatible and thus, the Khalsas were mainly recruited from the Temples devoted to Shiv Kali Maata seeking sacrifices or the men ready to give their sacrifice. Further, the people of the Second Sikh Bhagtan, Harmandir Sahib and the Fourth Nirmallae Santan, Akal Takht are compatible to sing the praises of ParBrahm, Elohim, Allah, etc.; Both of them serve people as demonstrated by Bhai Ghaniyia Ji and not killers in the Sikh Regiment, a wrong name given to the turbaned Jatts or the fake Sikhs of appearances. This demand of Khalistan is of these FAKE turbaned men who do not know the difference between a serving Sikh and non-compatible fighting Khalsa.


THAT IS WHY SACHAE PATSHAH GOBIND SINGH JI OR HIS TATT KHALSAS NEVER ENTERED THIS HOLIEST OF THE HOLY COMPLEX IN THE WORLD IN AMRITSAR. NO JAIKARA OF THE KHALSAS OR WEAPONS WERE ALLOWED IN THIS COMPLEX. No Tatt Khalsa of the Third Panth visits a Sikh Temple of the second Panth for non-compatibility but visits Shiv Mandirs of the First Hindu Panth for compatibility.

As a higher Panth is greater than the lower Panth, Khalsa would enter this Complex to flush out the terrorists or burn the greedy Mahants, Bishops as it was done by Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji. What does gold have to do with God? In short, Amritsar is the DEN OF ROBBERS, ANDAR SARRIYAE far greater crooks than the Brahmin crooks of Banares. This Dark Age belongs to the greediest of all people of Judah and the Khatri tribes. Watch my other YouTube Videos; Channel One God One Faith.

For further information, please visit my websites and watch my over 9200 YouTube videos; channel One God One Faith.


Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.

Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy.

More you spend "His Treasures", Preach the Gospel, more you please our Father to receive more.

Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = Gospel

For articles on sister Christian and Sikh communities, visit: -


Living Islam of Living Allah is of the “Al-Kitab” that gets written over your own heart through "Logical Reasoning" by the Grace of our Supernatural Father of our supernatural “Soul” Al-Ilah = Allah. No son of your tribal father, Qom, "Ilah" no son of Supernatural Father Allah = INSHALLAH ISLAM.

Only “fools” will believe in me and not in Allah.






Sants of the Fourth Panth = Millatt are “Dass”. They are the Apostles residents of the Akal Takht but today, terrorists with Guns and swords are occupying it. Remember that Akal Takht is the Holiest of the Holy Takht for the spiritual rule over the hearts of the people. Next to the Apostles are the Khalsas of the Third Panth and are of the “Singh” surnames, Gotras. And Christ Nanak was the Second Coming of Satguru Jesus, the “Christ = Satguru” and not a Brahmin “Guru” of the world – BRAHMIN HAE “GURU” JAGATT DAA; BHAGTAN KAA NAHI. The greedy Khatris have messed up the devotees so much that they do not know the First and the Second Panths.


Akal Takht for the Roving Apostles, NIRMALLAE SANTS and Harmandir Sahib for the Sikh Bhagtan are occupied by TERRORISTS. https://youtu.be/QasTTQLRs2~8

Punjabi - What should a Sikh Temple and Church flag be like? The flag should signify SHAMS CANDLE of the Menorah. https://youtu.be/vlr7HOOzrDc

St. Photina, an article by a Russian Bishop:-


My master piece on trinity and the five spiritual Husbands of the Samaritan Woman at well:-

In Jesus, we are to be solitary. Much confused trinity is explained.


John's Baptism:-



My lectures/talks are given “free”.


If someone wants to make a documentary, I can render help.