In Punjabi, YouTube Video:-

Punjabi - What should a Sikh Temple and Church flag should be like? The flag should signify ADVENT CANDLE. Holy Gospel of our SUPERNATURAL FATHER of our supernatural “souls” Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc., delivered by the first Anointed Christ, which in my native language Punjabi, we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. that dwells within His most beautiful living Temple of God created by the greatest artist demiurge Potter, the lord of the visible Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” if you are not “greedy” according to Christ = Satguru Rajinder:- GURDWARA DAA JHANDAH. Sikh Temples are called Gurdwaras; Gurdwara is made up of two words; Gur = Formula, Tariqa. Dhangh, logical reasoning, etc. that the twice-born people of Surti, holy spirit sealed to serve God GurMukh speak in the Royal Kingdom of God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. our Supernatural Father of our supernatural “soul” Above – John 3 in which you are His Sons whether in the flesh you may be a male or a female. That is why Christ = Satguru Jesus made us the Fishers of Men who are of the holy spirit, Surti = common sense to sing the praises of our Father. Such Sikhs students Talmidim were prepared by Satguru Angad Dev Ji by killing their tribal egos or buried their tribal seeds to germinate the twice-born humble Plants. Bhagat Kabir Ji has expressed this, “JISS MARNAE TAE JAGG DAREA MERAE MUNN HAA CHAO. He encouraged his Sikhs to make their physical body fit for the Abode of SattPurakh, in which we have One Father Parbrahm, Allah, Elohim, etc. and we are the True spiritual Brethren capable of His Word fed by our Mother Holy Spirit. AIK PITTA HUM BARAK OSS KAE. They exercise Agape called “PREM” in Punjabi. As all the souls hail from the same Father, we have no stranger or enemy in God. Bhai (Brother) Ghaniya Ji set an example by rendering first aid to the wounded alike whilst the Khalsas of the Third Community of Philanthropic Soldiers establishing the Rule of Righteousness were fighting against the aggressors. The Khalsas were prepared by Sachae Patshah Gobind Rai Ji by beheading the Five on Stage and then sowing the head of one with the torso of the other and revived them with Amrit Bani, His Word. They were given the blue uniform of Sky that they are the Soldiers of Akal Purakh, our Eternal Father seeking no secular rule and given the common surname “Singh”. So, such revived Khalsas being the Sons of Akal Purakh and Son represents Father, so Sachae Patshah Gobind Rai Ji took Amrit from them to stress that my Sons are my Life so far they remained “Solitary” – NIAARA - governed by their “ANTTAR SATGURU” THAT EARNS PRAISES “WAH WAH” OR WAHEGURU FOR PERFORMING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS, THE GREATEST TEACHER CHRIST = SATGURU WITHIN THEIR OWN HEARTS. This is embodied in their Slogan, “WAHEGURU JI KAA KHALSA; WAHEGURU JI KI FATEH”. Now, this is the Dark Age in which most moral teachers - Matt 13v52 - become “crooks”. Then, our Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. sends His Own Son Christ = Satguru to enlighten the hearts of the people of Four Varnas, Shoodar – once-born rendering service to others, Vaish – twice-born doing businesses, Khashhtri – involved in the political affairs and last the fourth Brahmin Varna educating the others. They also form the Four Advent Candles with the Thick Candle of Christ = Satguru in the Middle Preaching the Gospel truth, Oral Torah, to the people of four Varnas stressed by Christ Nanak “CHOHN VARNO KO AIK UPDESH”, to the people of four Varnas, One Message “His Word”. Further, in the previous Ages when the Rabbis and Brahmins were efficient, people performed “works” and got their next birth – KARMI AAWAE KAPRRA whilst through His Grace, you know Him through His Word Logo to earn Salvation – NADRIN MOOKH DWAAR into the Royal Kingdom of God for the humble and “solitary”. In the previous Ages, the solitary used to leave their families to become Sadhus Melchizedik whilst in this Dark Age, you Preach the Gospel Truth whilst leading a family life. Thus, the Flag of the Church and Sikh Temple should be of BASANTI YELLOW COLOUR SQUARE and in the Middle should be Sun called SHAMS, the Primary Source of Light with inscriptions Christ Jesus and Satguru Nanak. At the corners, there should be four Divas – lamps representing the four Varnas – Once-born – Shoodar Varna people Diva having oil but no Vick or capability of logical reasoning – Peter and they are in the grip of their Brahmin or Rabbi – SOCHIAN SOCH NAA HOWEYAE; JAE SOCHI LAKH VAAR. The Diva of Vaish Varn have oil and Vick much desiring the Gospel Truth – That is why the Last of the Six Satgurus Tegh Bahadur Ji rejected by the MunnMukh greedy Khatris occupying the Harmandir Sahib went to Patna where the sensible business men were the Customers of the Gospel Truth. Farmers and shepherds run businesses with deep sense of God and they are the best customers for His Word. So, should be the Diva of Khashtri Varn with very little oil because the politicians thrive on KOORR and have little Vick or desire for the Bitter Gospel Truth that most people hate and they go for the sweeter than honey KOORR, Falsehoods to attract the voters. The Fourth Diva of the Brahmin Varn has speck of oil but no Vick at all as demonstrated in the once-born Nicodemus because they are drunk with the old wine of the Dead Letters, the Scriptures desiring not the New Wine, the Gospel Truth; they mostly fleece once-born people in the name of religion and hate the Light; in the next birth, they are serpents or get leprosy. That is why the Temple Priests killed Jesus as He was exposing their hypocrisy. They also killed Angel Stephen for exposing their malpractice of making fake sons of Abraham through circumcision, which is the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and his seed ONLY but they were dishing it out to the Gentiles, slaves, etc. for money – Gen 17. Thus, there should be rays of Light pointing to all the three twice-born Divas written over them – SHABD MALAAWA HOWAE Logo is the Way to Meet Our Father. Related Sayings are:-

1. SACH KAAL KOORR VARTAEYA; KAL KAA LAKHH (characteristics) BAETAALL people speak irrationally, illogically – BAEGURAY.


3. Face-to-face discussion is essential for a deeper understanding of the Gospel Truth.

My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO 8V44.htm

Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:-

and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-

EXPOSES the CROOK KHATRIS:- Punjab Siyan Channel.

John's baptism:-
