​The Golden Age of Christ, the “Innerman” in the Temple of God to be worshipped in truth, as Peter spoke, and the Holy Spirit = common sense.


In this Dark Age called Kalyug in Punjabi, the Priests become very greedy and do not care for the devotees. So, our Supernatural Spiritual Father Who has adorned the creation of Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. sent His Own Son called Christ to look after His Devotees. The devotees had become religious of appearances outwardly but not of the hearts and the Priests had turned them into the sons of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa and created sectarian divisions. As the loving God and the hating Satan are not compatible. So, God sent the last Prophet among such people to turn them, the “Tares” into the faithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the Lord of the visible nature. He was John, the Baptist with full knowledge of the “Oral Torah”, His Word, the Cornerstone of the Temple devoted to Yahweh where people recited prayers to the heavenly father Yahweh; Luke 16v16 – Law that binds you, the Scriptures and Prophets, the whip masters for the Rabbis were till John, the Baptist and after that the Era of Christ starts Who clears the Threshing floor of Wheat, the tribal people of “Salt” that John prepared by baptising the Jewish men of Age in the water in the name of Abraham faithful to Yahweh. Only the Jewish men needed this baptism at that time. So, John never baptised a woman for she doesn't carry the tribal “seed”, a Gentile or a Samaritan, the generation of Joseph whom the 11 crook brethren – John 8v44 had sold him as a slave to the Egyptians who were the “Salt” of Abraham, a Saint. He was much honoured by the faithful sons of Ishmael for his spiritual wisdom. But the old habits die hard and the 11 crooks kept their characteristics till the arrival of John of Yahweh and Jesus, the Christ of Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. In Christ, your FREE heart is concerned and not bound by law, the Scriptures as your physical body. Or the heart is the very Taproot of the Scriptures or the moral laws lacking nothing whilst the Scriptures lack the “Oral Torah” of heart. The heart itself is subject to the FIVE Temptations that the Talmidim = Sikhs are to overpower them as the Samaritan Woman at well in John 4 demonstrated to Christ Jesus in deep discussions. Here is the significance of the FIVE in Luke 12.52: For from henceforth (i.e. in this Dark Age of the holy spirit and not of the previous Ages of works = KARMA that led to the next rebirth, anymore), there shall be five in one house (physical body) divided, three (of the once-born people of id, called Ego = HUMAE in Punjabi, which are 1. Lust for sex called “KAAM”, 2. Anger = KRODH and 3. Haughtiness = HANKAAR of the dead letters of the Holy Books as the University Professors display) against two (​​of the twice-born doubting mind, called MUNN in Punjabi and NAFS in Arabic, which are 1.greed = LOBH and 2. worldly temptations = MOH) and two (clever psychics of the ​​evil spirit) against three (hylic simpletons of the flesh = Goyeishi Kopah). Thus, Christ Jesus ​​came to purify the hearts of the spiritually sick Jews of appearances with His Word= Logo but they refused not only the baptism of John, the Baptist in the ​​name of Abraham to become the “Salt” of the Earth as the Samaritans, a Nation of Prophets, were but killed Him; That is, the true Workers of Jesus would have body circumcised of the sins by obeying the moral laws of Moses and the heart circumcised of the Five temptations and be not blasphemers or hypocrites. Thus, 7 of the flesh in the name of John, the Baptist + 5 of the heart in His Own Name = 12, the number of Labourers Picked up by Christ Jesus for Training in the Royal Vineyard of our Father God. The 12 had nothing to do with the 12 tribes of Israel as the Messianic Jews,​ the sacked ruling in the dead letters of the Holy Books, the Husbandmen of ​​the Wine Press, the Temple that coined the corrupted moral laws, Old Wine, to fleece ​​the devotees had propagated in the Bible written by them. Remember that the ​​first Church was soon occupied by the Jews of appearances, the “Tares”, and they created the ​​Pope and his stooges who killed the Apostles by throwing them to the hungry lions ​​to be eaten alive. There was hardly any Samaritan in the Congregation. They, ​​the True Fold of Christ Jesus, became a Nation of Apostles and suffered heavily ​a​t the hands of Emperor Nero. The Samaritan Woman at the ​​Well – John 4 became known ​a​s St. Photina, the Spark of Light. Thus, the Messianic Jews brought in the leaven of Pharisees and Sadducees, the Old Testament into the Churches of Satan Pope that Christ Jesus had warned them against as a man of holy spirit in the manners of Samaritan people could understand the moral laws and the spiritual base “His Word = Logo” without any difficulty. These Super Blind in the dead letters ​​of the Old and the New Testaments, the University Professors of Theology are no match to the Jewish Pharisees. Thus, the TRUE FOLD OF CHRIST JESUS WAS THE SAMARITANS OF “SALT” WHILST JOHN, THE BAPTIST WORKING FOR “YAHWEH”, THE CREATOR OF MALE AND FEMALE AND CHRIST JESUS WORKING FOR OUR SUPERNATURAL FATHER OF OUR “SOULS” ELOHIM, ALLAH, PARBRAHM, ETC. SPENT MOST OF THEIR TIME AMONG THE “OTHER FOLD” OF THE SONS OF SATAN TO REDEEM THEM BUT THEY KILLED THEM. Today, worse than those are getting bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning through the ATOMIC WAR, which is expected on 14 May 2030 when Israel is 82 = 70 + 12 years old. I expect a very DRASTIC ANNOUNCEMENT by Donald Trump on this 77th birthday of Israel. Remember that on the 70th Birthday of Israel, Donald Trump declared Jerusalem to be the Capital of Israel.

Here is one of my YouTube videos on this topic:- Five Husbands of the Samaritan Woman at Well John 4 Part 3:- https://youtu.be/cNQ9u5eFhyw

My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO



YouTube Channel:- Jatt Unity Ch. Chhotu Ram Ohylan:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogc8-g5e_Og

Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf

and in Punjabi

KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf


John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf

Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf