Our Royal Father Elohim, Allah, Parbram, etc. teaches us through our "Innerman", the Christ within us.


Holy Gospel of our SUPERNATURAL FATHER of our supernatural “souls” Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc., delivered by the first Anointed Christ, which in my native language Punjabi, we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. that dwells within His most beautiful living Temple of God created by the greatest artist demiurge Potter, the lord of the visible Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” if you are not “greedy” according to Christ = Satguru Brother Rajinder Dass:-

The Gospel Truth is received from SatPurakh, the True Person - Father and it is known to the Christ = Satguru called “Innerman” within you. Here is a Saying of the Second Coming of Jesus Satguru Nanak Dev Ji:- SATPURAKH JINN JANAYIA (One who knows SatPurakh, the Owner of the Gospel Truth); Satguru = Christ is his name. Christ Thomas went to the South India and His Brethren were known as the Christs of hearts and not the Christians of the Bible. They were solitary and each was speaking logically. The Portuguese Antichrist Pope went there and told them, you cannot call yourself Christ. There is only One Christ Jesus and he killed them. They left their prosperous businesses to hide in the Hills. If you study John 3, Christ Jesus clearly states that below in the secular world of the once-born Disciples that are taught Scriptures by the School Teacher Rabbi/Brahmin as today, these University Professors do and create men of the dead letters not capable of logical reasoning to know the Root of the Scriptures, the Oral Torah, Logo = His Word. Logo is the end product of the logical reasoning called SATGUR PARSAD. For example, Abraham was of the Semitic Race and he gave Isaac circumcision as the Tribal Mark or covenant. So, only the boys were circumcised and not the girls as the girls do not carry the tribal seed but they belong to God for giving life to the children, which is blood. Thus, water, semen comes from man and blood from the woman. Man is the counterpart of Adam and Yahweh whilst the woman of God. That is why the Jewish people drain the blood of the animals in Kosher that our Father, we are not eating your life blood but the flesh of Yahweh, the creator of Nature, Sarishhti at large. So, those who are taught by men in the Universities, they know what is written in the dead scriptures whilst this is Age of Christ and of the Royal kingdom of God where your soul and the holy spirit (Pneumatics) matters and not the flesh and the dead letters of the moral laws. The Moral Laws finished with John, the Baptist Luke 16v16; Law and Prophets were till John and after that the era of Christ Jesus has started and He has opened the low for the humble and Narrow for the solitary spiritual men’s Gate to the Royal Kingdom of God ABOVE (Celestial World of Sadhus) has been opened whether in the flesh you are a male or a female, Jew or Gentile, etc., it doesn’t matter. The Tribe of the soul is known by the “Deeds” (KARMA) of the person, a Son of God Saint and no Saintess. In the Royal Kingdom of God, we speak what we know ourselves and for this reason Christ Thomas wanted to see the nail marks in the hands of Jesus so that he could speak with authority. A typical example of the Gospel Truth called Logo is that not a single Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. is ever born or died but the tribal people Judah, Levi, etc. were born and they died during the Holocaust led by their spiritually blind Rabbis who killed Jesus. Today, worse than those sons of Satan are getting bundled up in Israel for the final burning – Matt 13v24-30. The Gospel truth is very hard for the University Professors to grasp as they got their degrees based upon the study of the dead letters and anything that is not written is beyond their grasp however hard they may try. I live near Oxford University and I told the Dean of the Christ College why was Jesus given the name Yahshua and explained to him but his answer was “I will go home, have a cup of tea and then I will look in which book it is written what you have told me”. As you know the Gospel Truth cannot be written down in ink on paper but over the living tablets of hearts longing for the Gospel Truth as the illiterate Shepherds with the New Skins were capable of the logical reasoning to get Logo. I called the University Professors, Super Donkeys carrying the Holy Books and to this a Professor of Theology reacted that here in the Universities, we teach the letters of the Old and the New Testaments whilst the interpretation is left to the individual student, which is correct but are the students left capable of taking the New Wine on top of the old of the dead letters? No way. They will say Old is better than the New as there would be no controversy. The Gospel is received by One in a thousand and two in ten thousand or hardly there would be any University Professor who would be interested in the New Wine. I am a retired lecturer in Metallurgy and with my lecturing skill, I have put over 9100 YouTube Videos in honour of my late father who too was a B.Sc in Chemistry and Physics but had a keen interest in Sikhism as in India number one crooks were cheating our once-born hylic village people. Watch my videos and I welcome your comments.


Intuition - Taught by God:- Circumcision is the Tribal Mark or Covenant of Abraham to Isaac and his seed ONLY. Angel Stephen warned them not to make fake sons of Abraham but they killed him. https://youtu.be/hhJIzWLxdAQ

The Circumcision of the flesh was so much floated by the Temple Priests that it has become OBSOLETE. https://youtu.be/oOqHQc3kjA8

The Promised Land belongs to the Faithful sons of Abraham and not to fake "Saltless" Jews outwardly who cannot build their tribal "Covenant" with Abraham.


Return under Moses faithful to Abraham, and Yahweh “Wheat” plants whilst under Christ Jesus just the opposite “Tares” – Matt 13v24-30. https://youtu.be/cKvnXH538WE 




Other:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Nobility.htm



Proofs of the Virgin Birth of Jesus: - www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bojes.htm

Matt 21v33-46:- As the Jews killed the Prophets and then collected money from the devotees, so they did the Messianic Jews to Christ Jesus and created the Antichrist Pope and his killer stooges. https://youtu.be/aOH6r380ECo


Super Hitler tribal Putin will destroy Blasphemer USA and the West as the German Hitler killed the unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh sinner Jews outwardly.



There were no WMD in Iraq and these Blasphemer USA and Western nations destroyed his peaceful country. These evil-spirited Blasphemers against the Holy Spirit destroyed many more countries like Libya and they are not forgivable as the sinners are. Super Hitler Putin will punish the Blasphemer USA and the West. The tribal people of Salt are of God whilst Mammon and Media are of Satan.



The Udege tribal Son of Man Super Hitler Putin speaks the truth versus the great blasphemers of the USA and the West. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not forgivable and Putin will punish them very hard.



Thus, everyone is to give his account to God and you cannot blame anyone other than yourself for not waking up to the Golden Occasion of resurrection. Just wean off the Milk, and the Scriptures and go for the refreshing Meat of Jesus for your Daily Bread of Life. Then, put on your Cross and enjoy the Blood of Christ by Preaching the Gospel from the Rooftops. This is America - Israel in Disguise:-

Grim American Jewish Reaper waving sickle to kill more in Venezuela as they did in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc.



Allah is NOOR and you cannot apply Sharia Laws that bind you on NOOR that sets you FREE. This Islam is not of Allah called INSHALLAH but of Mullahs called Inshmullah.

Our Khokhar Jatt Chaudhry Saddam Hussein Khokhar Jatt was executed by the American Jews. 



A Jew is spiritual of heart inwardly and not in the flesh outwardly. So a Jew is never born or dies but the tribal people of Judah, Levi, Benjamin, etc. led by their blind guides, the “sinners” died. Such sinners were killed by the tribal English and Germans in the Holocaust. Today, Matt 13v24-30 is getting fulfilled and the sons of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa are being bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning. The Palestinians also cannot build their covenant with Abraham and so, the Tares will burn and kill each other. This planet Earth is for the habitation of 144000 tribal sons and not Jews, Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims. Watch my over 9100 YouTube Videos; channel One God One Faith. Atomic war is very near indeed.


My eBook by Kindle:- ASIN: B01AVLC9WO

YouTube Channel:- Jatt Unity Ch. Chhotu Ram Ohylan:-


Any helper to finish my Books:-

ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf

and in Punjabi

KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf


John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf

Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf