Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar Jatt, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
Email:- Nijjhar@gmail.com
In this Kal Yug, Dark Age, people are Blasphemers speaking
lies from the cores of their hearts—KOORR, which men cannot forgive. https://youtu.be/V5hSQknPTTg
The Description is too long. Please visit my website:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/CorrupBirr.htm
Kalyug is the time when
the basic quality “Truth” also disappears and people become blasphemers
speaking against their own “Innerman”, the Christ = Satguru that advises the
person not to cheat people for the sake of Mammon but most people do not listen
to Him but go for Satan, the Blasphemers uttering “Falsehoods” from the cores
of their hearts called “KOORR” in Punjabi. This is how the Second Anointed
Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji defined Kalyug:- “SACH KAAL = There is a famine of truth, KOORR
VARTAEYA = Falsehoods are prevalent and KAL KAA LAKH = Characteristics of
Kalyug are BAETAAL people speak illogically such as so many Hindus, Sikhs,
Muslims, Jews, etc. died during the Holocaust when the persons born were the
tribal people such as Judah, Levi, Benjamin, Jatt, Tarkhan, Khatri, Arorra,
etc. tribes were born and they led by their greedy blind or the hypocrite
leaders died. A typical example of the hypocrisy is the proclamation by Toni
Blair and Bush that Saddam Hussein had WMD but none were found by the British
Military after destroying Iraq. Thus, they killed innocent Saddam Hussein and
out spoken Gaddafi. Such Blasphemies being the Transgressions against the Holy
Spirit of ParBrahm, Allah, Elohim, etc., they cannot be forgiven by men as the
sins are against the transgression of the man-made moral laws and the men
forgive them. That is why the Pharisees and Sadducees/Brahmins were objecting
Christ Jesus curing the sick people. Under such circumstances, those people who
did not forget their tribal identities, BEEO BEEJ, their honour will remain
intact as it happened in the 1947 Partition of India and, they stayed where
they were among their tribal people whilst the others were uprooted by the
“KOORR” in which people replaced their tribal identities in Adam with religious
Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. and they were kicked out of their tribal homes by
their tribal fathers and suffered like the “Orphans”. The Jewish people call it
“Sukkot”, cut off from their tribal family tree and you are no more under Hari
Om Shanti in Hinduism, green and healthy branches of your tribe but become dry
wood that catches fire in the sectarian riots. Our Jatt Qom Pillar Chaudhry
Chhotu Ram Ohlyan Jatt kept us united by Preaching that “Religion” is like a
shirt that you can change many times but not your
physical self “Jatt”. These Lalas that used to greet our Jatt Qom Pillar with
black armbands around their arms dare not apart us and the one who dared, Lala
Mohd. Ali Jinnah, a Babla Bhatia, our Pillar told him to leave the country
within 24 hours or he would lock him up in the jail. The blindness of the
Brahmin has been defined by Bhagat Nam Deo in His Saying, “HINDU ANAH,
spiritually blind as Saul was under Gamaliel, TURKOO KANA, Munnmukh is clever
like Lala Prithvi Chand Sodhi Khatri and Lala Banda Bahadur Sodhi Khatri who
used to learn mystical powers from Sadhus and always longed to kill his Master
to take over His Dera, the establishment and that is what he did with Sachae
Patshah Gobind Singh Ji; tested His weapons and became arrogant and reverted
back to his old habits. He sent two stupid Pathans to kill Sachae Patshah
Gobind Singh Ji so that he could take over his Gadhi, the establishment and
become the next Sachae Patshah. But he fell off the tenets of Tatt Khalsa and
got himself married and started his secular kingdom in full swing whereas the
TATT Khalsas were the Philanthropic Army of the Mammon-Free Akal Purakh
fighting against the injustices in the society. Thus, Khalsas stood for
“RIGHTEOUNESS” of Akal Purakh and they were offered the state of Kapurthala,
which they refused and ordered that it be given to the secular man looking
after their horses. Thus, TATT Khalsas live in the Celestial World of Sadhus,
the wilderness or Jungles and not in the family homes anymore after the baptism;
the Five were beheaded on the stage and not taken into a tent as a Thief will
do. Then, the head of one was sown with the torso of the other and revived with
Amrit Bani. They were given the common surname or Gotra “Singh”. Thus, the
“Singhs” are not family or the secular men but purely “spiritual” as the Sadhus
are. Father of the Khalsas is ParShiv Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji and Mother
Holy Spirit = Maha or Sahib Devan, the Supreme Shakti of the “Solitary Men”.
Although she was married to Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji, but she was not
consumed and remained “Virgin Bride”. So, this is time of “PAVANN ARANBHH = The time of the holy spirit = common sense SATGUR = Logical
SHABD = Logo = His Word is Guru = Teacher; SURATT = common sense DHUNN CHAELA =
Disciple”. And everyone is to give his own account to God and no more to the
Brahmin or these Jathedars, Dog-Collared Priests, etc. And, “SAT PURAKH =
Embodiment of the Gospel Truth, JINN JANIYA = whosoever knows SATT PURAKH, He
is His Spokesman, a Christ = Satguru = is His name”. In South India, Christ
Thomas came among the Hindus, sons of the tribal people with HOND = JAATI AUR
BASSI intact and they didn’t need the Baptism of water. So, He Preached the
Gospel Truth to them and they were his Brethren in Christ, the Christs capable
of Preaching the Gospel from their own mouth by speaking logically or they were
Gurmukh Sikhs. Antichrist Pope went there and killed them for being the Freed men “Christs” and no more the Disciples of the
Antichrist Pope. In short, Satgurus set you Free of the Scriptures but the
clever Meenae Khatris, the imposter Satgurus started propagating their own
Baani in the name of Christ Nanak and for reason Satguru Arjan Dev Ji, One with
God in His Fourth spiritual state, “CHITT BIRTTI”, He got it written from Bhai
Gurdass Ji sitting in one Tent whilst Satguru Arjan Dev Ji sitting in another
inviting all the past Satgurus and Bhagats to dictate their own Banis directly to Bhai Gurdass Ji making it DHUR KI BANI
that cannot be written down in ink on paper by men – 2Corn3. The reliable Sikhs
made a copy of the Original and presented two volumes; One Original and the
other copied version by men. So, Christ Arjan rejected the copied version as it
became a Scripture and forecast that the spiritually blind people will read
them. Recently, the original Kartar Puri Birr was thoroughly examined by Prof.
Jodh Singh and Prof. Trump in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Jalandhar
and they found that almost 250 pages were washed clean and the letters twisted
with ink. They put their findings in a Book, “KARTARPURI BIRR DAE DARSHAN”
available from the Patiala University Press. These Birrs in the Sikh Temples
are so corrupt that some Gianis refused to read them. Most of these Gianis work
for money or are Munnmukh and, they do not have the discerning intellect called
“BIBEK BUDHI” and also, it is against their interests to criticise. I will make
a separate YouTube Videos to pinpoint some corruptions. So, think logically
to Perceive the Very Face of God through SATGUR = LOGICALLY THINKING PARSAD =
LOGO = HIS WORD = FACE OF GOD. The illiterate village people are the New Skins
that can hold the New Wine but not the University Professors with skins full of
the old wine, the dead letters.
My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO
Any helper to finish my Books:-
ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf
And in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-
Punjab Siyan.
John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf
Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf