articles and information on the “Chosen People”, a Nation of Priests, which
Jesus called “gods”.
For their
sacrifices in teaching us the Moral Laws of Moses, we should SALUTE THEM.
Full article available on my website:-
ATOMIC WAR PREDICTION – MATT. 13V24-30 – 14/05/2023. The Bible has all the answers for the twice-born
of the holy spirit, “common sense” or Surti.
“CHOSEN PEOPLE” have the Keys to this Secret: -
Abram = Adam, Sarah = Eve and Promised Land = Garden of Eden. “Abraham” is the
“Father of the Faithful”.
Watch my Youtube videos on Hajj for “The Kingdom of
And the Proofs of the Virgin Birth of Jesus: -
We are the sons of Elohim. We should display His
qualities for Salvation.
https:// - Facebook banned this link.
Natural bastards versus supernatural Bastards.
FULL PROTECTION TO MAY, 2018. Youtube Video: - Facebook banned this link.
Then, Real Tribulations world had never seen before
for FIVE years to May 2023 when ATOMIC WAR COULD TAKE PLACE. Our Supernatural
Father God (Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc.) knows better.
Grim American Jewish Reaper waving sickle to kill
more in Venezuela as they did in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc.
RESURRECTION. No raw brick, no baked brick; no born of water, no born of Allah.
Over 7500 Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1. Free
Seminars. Email:-
What is the Gospel Truth?
Truths are of two types; natural truth that applies
to the physical nature of Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc., which is “seen” by the
two natural eyes and it is “relative”. The other is spiritual Truth, which is
of our Supernatural Father God (Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc.) and as it is
Light, NOOR, it is only “perceived” by the Third eye of logical reasoning; no
relativity applies to this “Absolute Truth”.
Here is a video:- https:-
Facebook banned this link.
Donald Trump would make Jews run for Israel to
fulfil Matt. 13v24-30, which Hilary couldn't.
https:- Facebook banned this link.
Child-like Donald Trump has pressed the
Tribulations Button on 14/05/2018 by declaring Jerusalem to be the Capital:-
https://- Facebook banned this link.
Ask your Priests, these Seven simple questions:-
1. What is the difference between Yahweh, Brahma,
Khudah, etc. and Elohim, Parbrahm, Allah, etc.?
2. What is the difference between a Priest and a
Royal Priest?
3. Why Yahweh created Adam first and Eve out of the
rib of Adam and not both together?
4. Why a woman cannot “teach” the moral laws of
Moses/Scriptures but she could “Preach” Gospel?
5. Why Jesus made a whip and beat the traders when
He Preached that if someone hits you on one cheek then
present the other?
6. What are the names of the Prodigal son, his
elder brother and the father?
7. What is the difference between the “kingdom of
heaven” of the Rabbis and the “Royal Kingdom of God” that Jesus ushered in?
Why Jesus is not the Lord: - Facebook banned this
URL:- – Menorah:-
END TIMES – 14/05/2023
John 8v44:- The "Elite Chosen People" were the First to severe
their covenant with Abraham to become the Supernatural Bastard Fanatic Devils.
Jesus and His Second Coming Christ = Satguru Nanak:-
My dear Brethren in Christ Jesus,
If you believe me, then you are spiritually
blind person but if you can think logically, then you will Brew Logo, which is
His Word and you have become the Master of your own destiny – John 9, the born
blind person with New Skin capable of receiving the Gospel Pearls. In Jesus, we
are Fishers of spiritual men and NOT the women who follow the others than God.
In Jesus, everyone has to give his own account to God.
– Matt 13v24-30 – Atomic War could be on 14/05/2023.
I am a
retired Lecturer in Metallurgy and here I have rendered exposition of John 8 in
which Jesus told the Jews in the Temple that their forefathers are Super
Bastard Fanatic Devils:-
8v44:- The "Elite Chosen People" were the First to severe their
covenant with Abraham to become the Supernatural Bastard Fanatic Devils.
Here is
the link to my article on the Proofs of Virgin Birth of Jesus and His Second
Coming Christ = Satguru Nanak:-
Over 7500
Youtube Videos rendering expositions of the Parables hardly known to any;
channel nijjhar1.
Playlist on
John 8v44:- The
"Elite Chosen People" were the First to severe their covenant with
Abraham to become the Super Bastard Fanatic Devils. Playlist:-
Over 7500 Youtube
videos: channel nijjhar1. No copyrights.
When the Labourers of Jesus, the Virgin Brides sealed to serve God only
First formed the Church of God headed by their Bridegroom Christ Jesus, they
gave away all their possessions and formed a communal life praising our
Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. whilst there was a couple who
sold their possessions but kept back money and told lies to Holy Spirit that
rests in your own heart and Peter killed those Super Bastard Devils - John 8v44
- Ananias and Sapphira. That was the ideal Church that some Monks try to follow
but they get into the net of Scriptures, the Jewish Leaven for the once-born
and they never become twice-born to Preach the Gospel
Truth, Logo, through logical reasoning done over your own heart. This Gospel
Truth = His Word = Oral Torah was exercised by the Samaritans and they didn't
need Christ Jesus as our anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus told the Samaritan
Leper who was healed. This is also reflected in the Samaritan Woman at well,
St.Photina, who had over powered all the Five Temptations of the heart and she
possessed the knowledge that Christ is greater than the Prophet. Such people
who live lavishly fulfill the first temptation of
Satan to Jesus, "If you are hungry, then turn stones, child-like devoted
people, into bread, the lavish leaving as Pope too is doing in fulfilling the
Third Temptation, forget about God, I will give all the worldly kingdoms. I
will make a Youtube Video and if people are prepared to join hands with me, we
can Preach the Gospel before the Atomic War expected
on 14/05/2023 when Israel is 75 years old. These Chosen People are the Nation
of Priests called gods in Yahweh teaching us the moral laws. Today, Matt 13 v
24-30 is being fulfilled. Watch mine over 7500 Youtube Videos; channel
nijjhar1. The Gospel is by the grace of our Father and not by reading the dead
letters of the Bible. Oral Torah = His Word puts life into the Scriptures as
Jesus demonstrated in the Synagogues. Sins being the transgression against the
moral laws, letters, were the regime of John, the Baptist and not of Christ
Jesus. Regime of Christ Jesus is hypocrisy which is transgression against the
Holy Spirit that rests in your own heart.
Hi Brother,
I am from the Punjab where the replacement of Holiest of Holy, where at
present is the Mosque Al-Aksa, exists in Amritsar called Golden Temple. But
what gold has to do with God. It is Holiest of Holy Complex in the world but at
the same time the most corrupt religious place. Sikhism is a continuation of
Christianity and you don't need to believe me.
My question is this that Hinduism and Judaism have many similarities and
if you have any reference or book on this topic, I would appreciate.
Now, the name Ram Chander, the lawgiver as Moses was, is made up of two
words; Ram, the life-giver and Moon, Chand. So, Ram Chander stands for the
giver of the Moon Light, the Moral Laws that apply to our flesh whilst the
Light of Ram to our hearts and is received by His Grace called Nader.
Please tell me if the name Moses is connected to Moon as well? Further,
it looks like all the Prophets were born of the Chosen People but they were not
appreciated or honoured by the Chosen People as said by Christ Jesus.
Hi Brother,
I am from the Punjab where the replacement of Holiest of Holy, where at
present is the Mosque Al=Aksa, exists in Amritsar called Golden Temple. But
what gold has to do with God. It is Holiest of Holy Complex in the world but at
the same time the most corrupt religious place. Sikhism is a continuation of
Christianity and you don't need to believe me.
My question is this that Hinduism and Judaism have many similarities and
if you have any reference or book on this topic, I would appreciate.
Now, the name Ram Chander, the lawgiver as Moses was, is made up of two
words; Ram, the life-giver and Moon, Chand. So, Ram Chander stands for the
giver of the Moon Light, the Moral Laws that apply to our flesh whilst the
Light of Ram to our hearts and is received by His Grace called Nader.
Please tell me if the name Moses is connected to Moon as well? Further,
it looks like all the Prophets were born of the Chosen People but they were not
appreciated or honoured by the Chosen People as said by Christ Jesus.
I enjoyed your seminar and hope to attend others. Also, your Shua is our
Shiva and Kabah is the Temple of Shiva.
I enjoyed your seminar and hope to attend others.
Hi Brethren,
Isaac people have great spirituality whilst the Ishmael people have
great morality. That is why Baby Jesus was sent to Egypt under the care of the
faithful sons of Abraham as the unfaithful sons of Isaac wanted to kill him.
Jesus performed so many good deeds such as curing 9 Jewish Lepers and none of
them returned to Jesus to thank him as the one Samaritan Man did. Such was the
nature of the Saltless people of Isaac at the times of our Anointed Elder
Brother Christ Jesus and today, they are getting Bundled
up in Israel for the Final Burning through Atomic Bombs of Iran. The irony of
these Saltless Tares, Matt 13v24-30, is that they started destroying humanity
with the destruction of Iraq, the very Birth Place of Abram where no WMD were
found by a retired Major General Roddy Porter and both Tony Blair and Bush were
Blasphemers against Holy Spirit, which is not forgivable as the sins
transgression against the moral laws are forgivable by the Rabbi. Here is a
Youtube Video on this topic:-
Destruction of Iraq was the Destruction of the Homeland of Abraham, the
Forefathers of Chosen People, the very roots of Humanity; work of the Tares,
USA, Israel in disguise as Jesus was the Lamb of God.
How the Saltless S.B. Devils - John 8v44 Jews outwardly destroyed the
very roots of Abram or Adam.
John 8v44:- The "Elite Chosen People" were the First to severe
their covenant with Abraham to become the Supernatural Bastard Fanatic Devils.
Natural versus Supernatural Bastards.
Any Webinars coming up Brother?
Moses created “Eros” tribal love among the Chosen People that lifted the
Rift called “Snake” whilst the message of Christ Jesus is for whole world and
it will create “Agape” Divine Love far greater than Eros among the once-born
but these Super Blind create sectarian riots as they did in Ireland. So, these
hireling Dog-Collared Priests in fancy dresses are trouble makers or the Cobra
Snakes. The COE is a typical example in which the soldiers who died fighting
for the king and country, they proclaimed that they glorify God by killing and
looting. St.Paul’s Cathedral in London have the
statues of Vice Roys and Generals stating that they
gloried God whereas the nearest to God Salvation Army says that they died for
king and country but he is out. The disputed statue of Winston Churchill and
Lala Gandhi, the creator of sectarian riots and killing can also go there. In
Jesus, prayer and fasting that used to BE to the demiurge Yahweh is out whilst
the praises of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. in.
Do you want to know the names of the Five Husbands of the Samaritan
Woman at well called St. Photina? I know their names. Tell me why you have two
men standing in front of the Bishop one with two candles and the other with
three candles and they keep on crossing each other whilst the Bishop reads Sermon?
What those Candles stand for?
The Gospel Treasures are not thrown before the swine as the man in Gerasene
was doing and the local Rabbi locked him in the silence of the graveyard so
that nobody will listen to him.
Dear Brethren in Christ Jesus, our Anointed Royal High Priest in whom
Freely we receive and freely we give but there are hireling of Mammon Priests,
Super Blind in the dead letters of the old and the New Testaments created by
these Universities no better than the School of Theology, the Temple that was
destroyed forever as the Gospel Truth is known by His Grace only. Today, they
are dominating and stealing money from the Church Purse like Judas Iscariot, a
Thief that was thrown out at the last Supper had done and he joined the fold of
Mammon as these present Dog-collared Priests are incapable of entering through
the Narrow Gate into the Royal Vineyard of our Supernatural Father Elohim,
Allah, Parbrahm, etc. where Mammon and the dead letters have no place as it is among
the Sadhus of the Melchizedek type. Matthew gave away half of his worldly
possessions to join hands with Christ Jesus, our Bridegroom. And also, the
first Church of God headed by Christ Jesus was Mammon Free. But after the death
of Apostles, the Messianic Jews entered the Church by jumping over the walls
like a Thief of the Judas Iscariot and created these hireling Dog-Collared
Priests as Presbyters to read the dead letters of the Bible.
Moses created “Eros” tribal love among the Chosen People that lifted the
Rift called “Snake” whilst the message of Christ Jesus is for whole world and
it will create “Agape” Divine Love far greater than Eros among the once-born
but these Super Blind create sectarian riots as they did in Ireland. So, these
hireling Dog-Collared Priests in fancy dresses are trouble makers or the Cobra
Snakes. The COE is a typical example in which the soldiers who died fighting
for the king and country, they proclaimed that they glorify God by killing and
looting. St.Paul’s Cathedral in London have the
statues of Vice Roys and Generals stating that they
gloried God whereas the nearest to God Salvation Army says that they died for
king and country but he is out. The disputed statue of Winston Churchill and
Lala Gandhi, the creator of sectarian riots and killing can also go there. In
Jesus, prayer and fasting that used to BE to the demiurge Yahweh is out whilst
the praises of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. in.
Youtube Video:-
Hi Brethren,
You know that Abraham was a Noble
Righteous Man and Yahweh Planted Him in Israel as Adam and Sarah as Eve,
Promised Land, the Garden of Eden lacking nothing as compared to the land of
Ishmael, the Egyptians but Eleven of your Patriarchs became unfaithful to
Abraham and Yahweh when they plotted to kill the righteous person Joseph but
you sold him as a slave to Egyptians. After he had left the Promised Land
whatever you were eating because of the presence of Joseph, that also stopped
and you had to leave for Egypt to beg for food from the much hated son Ishmael
but Joseph showed the inherited character of Abraham and he looked after you.
Then, you suffered badly at the hand of a very cruel Pharaoh and Moses brought
you back as the faithful sons of Abraham. The same land became lush green
welcoming the faithful sons of Abraham who were lost but regained their
Forefather Abraham in qualities. Jesus, the First Christ in the world told this
exodus in the Parable of the Prodigal son Isaac and his people; Father is
Abraham and the Elder son is Ishmael.
At the times of Christ Jesus, you
had become unfaithful to Abraham by becoming Jews of appearances or outwardly
and you were circumcising the people who were not the seed of Isaac; circumcision
is the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and no one else can have it or he
becomes a super bastard fanatic Devil. Angel Stephen warned your people in the
Temple that do not make the fake sons of Abraham by circumcising the Gentiles
and the slaves but greed made you to kill Noble Angel Stephen. The Messianic
Jews tried to enforce circumcision in the Church but they failed. But on
entering the fold of Hazrat Mohammed Sahib, they succeeded in the widespread
“circumcision and Kosher called Hallal”.
Today, those very fake sons of
Abraham Mohammedans especially in Iran are going to kill you and you have no
one else to blame but yourself. This is well stressed by the second coming of
Jesus in the name of Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji of the Punjab, “DADA DOSS
DOSS NAA DI JAYE AVAR JAANAH”. That is, you cannot blame a third person
but yourself as you reap the reward of your past deeds. You can see
Afghanistan, Kashmir, etc. are reaping the reward of their past deeds. Afghans
used to raid India and loot people whilst the Kashmiris misused the religious
knowledge in performing the satanic deeds.
So, the Chosen People are Noble
men if they are faithful sons of Abraham but by becoming Jews outwardly of
appearances and not inwardly spiritual of Noble heart, they have become Super
Bastard Fanatic Devils – John 8v44 and they killed the very Spiritual Doctor in
the name of Christ Jesus, who did nothing wrong that deserved the
Crucification; this was the verdict of a Robin Hood type robber who was also
crucified along with Jesus.
Further, Abraham was not a Jew of
physical self but of the Semitic race otherwise the sons of Ishmael would have
been Jews as well. The clever people of Judah tribe started Judaism and it were
they who by making people Jew of appearances and thus breaking their covenant
with Abraham. By doing so, such people became unfaithful to Abraham
Anti-Semitic super bastard fanatic devils, the character they displayed in
their first attempt to kill Baby Jesus when Yahweh sent Joseph and Mary to the
care of the faithful sons of Ishmael but
the Jews outwardly, the Tares – Matt 13v24-30 succeeded at the end to
crucify Him for exposing their hypocrisies.
Thus, Angel John, the Baptist,
Prophet Elijah (My god is Yahweh, the creator and protector of Nature at large)
baptised the unfaithful to Abraham Jewish Men of age in the name of Abraham to
re-establish their Noble Covenant with Abraham, Salt of the earth and such
twice-born people were seeking Christ Jesus, the Master Shepherd to become the
solitary sons of Elohim, the Christs. But soon after the death of Jesus and the
Apostles, the sacked Temple Priests entered the Churches to re-establish their
last authority as the ruling Rabbis and they killed solitary Apostles by
throwing them before hungry lions to be eaten alive. Most of those Apostles
were from the Egypt area and Hazrat Mohammed Sahib put a stop to their killing.
Much more in my Youtube 7500
videos; channel nijjhar1.
Here is a related Youtube Video
on the Family of God:-
I am a retired
lecturer in Metallurgy from UST, Kumasi, Ghana from 1969 to 1983 and now, I
Preach Christianity. Sikhism is the continuation of Christianity. I have proved
the Virgin Birth of Jesus. You need a New Skin to contain the New Wine and this
Jesus/Yahshiva prepared at Cana when he asked the Labourers to rinse all
aspects of the Old Wine from your heart. Fill the Vats, our physical body, with
a clean heart in order to be an unbiased little child. Then, use holy spirit, common sense, to Brew Logo, His Word through
logical reasoning. Here is the link to
my article on the Proofs of Virgin Birth of Jesus and His Second Coming Christ
= Satguru Nanak:-
Playlist on
John 8v44:- The
"Elite Chosen People" were the First to severe their covenant with
Abraham to become the Supernatural Bastard Fanatic Devils. Playlist:-
Hi Brethren,
someone tell me why the Angel went to the Shepherds to proclaim the Good News
of the Birth of Jesus and not to the Temple High Priest? I have produced over 7500
Youtube videos; channel nijjhar1 explaining most of the things in holy spirit, common sense.
In fact,
holy spirit, "common sense", shatters the fetters of the letters,
holy books".
Hebrew name
of Jesus is Yahshua or Yahshiva. This is made up of two words
"Yahweh", the creator demi-urge god of Nature at large that you can
see with your two natural biological eyes and "Shua or Shiva" stands
for the Primal Adam. So, Jesus was the First Born of Yahweh, the Second Adam
and Mary was his Surrogate Mother whilst Joseph of Judah tribe in the line of
King David was his Foster Father. That is why Jesus addressed Mary as
"Woman" and not Mother except at Crucification he told her "Look
how your son is suffering".
Now, we have
our "invisible" Super natural Father of our invisible
"soul" that is neither male nor female, brown, white or black, etc.
that is not seen by our natural biological eyes but He is "Perceived"
through the "Third" eye of logical reasoning. Then, we exercise Agape
love. For more, watch....
When the
days were completed for their purification according to the law of Moses, Mary
and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord Yahweh, the
creator of male and female just as it is written in the law of the Lord Yahweh,
"Every male that opens the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord
Yahweh," and to offer the sacrifice of "a pair of turtledoves or two
young pigeons," in accordance with the dictate in the law of the Lord
Yahweh. Elohim is Spirit and Free of Commandments or Laws. It was under the Law
of Moses, Jesus presented Himself to John, the Baptist
for Baptism in water in the name of Lord Yahweh for his Judah tribe people had
become unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh. John, the Baptist baptised the Jewish
men of age in the name of Abraham in repentance that they would not be Jews
outwardly, the super bastard fanatic Devils – John 8v44 anymore but the
faithful sons of Abraham or Salt of the earth out of which the most faithful
Adam was created. Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon? This
man was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy
Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the holy Spirit that he
should not see death before he had seen the Messiah of the Most High Elohim,
Allah, Parbrahm, the Lord of Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. He came in the Spirit
into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to perform the
custom of the law in regard to him, he took him into his arms and blessed God,
saying: Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your
word, for my eyes have seen your salvation that Christ Jesus will bring through
The Gospel, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, a light for
revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel, the “Chosen
People of Lord Yahweh." The child's foster father and Surrogate mother
were amazed at what was said about him; and Simeon blessed them and said to
Mary his Surrogate mother, "Behold, this child is destined for the fall
and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted in that
He will serve the people instead of ruling as the Rabbis and Kings did (and you
yourself a sword will pierce in which “innocent Lamb of God” was killed by the
most satanic Saltless super bastard fanatic Devils, John 8v44, will kill Him)
so that the thoughts of many hearts, hypocrisy dwells in one’s heart, may be
Youtube Video:-
Hi Brethren,
You know that
Abraham was a Noble Righteous Man and Yahweh Planted Him in Israel as Adam and
Sarah as Eve, Promised Land, the Garden of Eden lacking nothing as compared to
the land of Ishmael, the Egyptians but Eleven of your Patriarchs became
unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh when they plotted to kill the righteous person
Joseph but you sold him as a slave to Egyptians. After he had left the Promised
Land whatever you were eating because of the presence of Joseph, that also
stopped and you had to leave for Egypt to beg for food from the much hated son
Ishmael but Joseph showed the inherited character of Abraham and he looked after
you. Then, you suffered badly at the hand of a very cruel Pharaoh and Moses
brought you back as the faithful sons of Abraham. The same land became lush
green welcoming the faithful sons of Abraham who were lost but regained their
Forefather Abraham in qualities. Jesus, the First Christ in the world told this
exodus in the Parable of the Prodigal son Isaac and his people; Father is
Abraham and the Elder son is Ishmael.
At the times of
Christ Jesus, you had become unfaithful to Abraham by becoming Jews of
appearances or outwardly and you were circumcising the people who were not the
seed of Isaac; circumcision is the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and no one
else can have it or he becomes a super bastard fanatic Devil. Angel Stephen
warned your people in the Temple that do not make the fake sons of Abraham by
circumcising the Gentiles and the slaves but greed made you to kill Noble Angel
Stephen. The Messianic Jews tried to enforce circumcision in the Church but
they failed. But on entering the fold of Hazrat Mohammed Sahib, they succeeded
in the widespread “circumcision and Kosher called Hallal”.
Today, those very
fake sons of Abraham Mohammedans especially in Iran are going to kill you and
you have no one else to blame but yourself. This is well stressed by the second
coming of Jesus in the name of Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji of the Punjab,
MAE PAYIA; DOSS NAA DI JAYE AVAR JAANAH”. That is, you cannot blame a
third person but yourself as you reap the reward of your past deeds. You can
see Afghanistan, Kashmir, etc. are reaping the reward of their past deeds.
Afghans used to raid India and loot people whilst the Kashmiris misused the
religious knowledge in performing the satanic deeds.
So, the Chosen
People are Noble men if they are faithful sons of Abraham but by becoming Jews
outwardly of appearances and not inwardly spiritual of Noble heart, they have
become Super Bastard Fanatic Devils – John 8v44 and they killed the very
Spiritual Doctor in the name of Christ Jesus, who did nothing wrong that
deserved the Crucification; this was the verdict of a Robin Hood type robber
who was also crucified along with Jesus.
Further, Abraham was
not a Jew of physical self but of the Semitic race otherwise the sons of
Ishmael would have been Jews as well. The clever people of Judah tribe started
Judaism and it were they who by making people Jew of appearances and thus
breaking their covenant with Abraham. By doing so, such people became
unfaithful to Abraham Anti-Semitic super bastard fanatic devils, the character
they displayed in their first attempt to kill Baby Jesus when Yahweh sent
Joseph and Mary to the care of the faithful sons of Ishmael but the Jews outwardly, the Tares – Matt 13v24-30
succeeded at the end to crucify Him for exposing their hypocrisies.
Thus, Angel John,
the Baptist, Prophet Elijah (My god is Yahweh, the creator and protector of
Nature at large) baptised the unfaithful to Abraham Jewish Men of age in the
name of Abraham to re-establish their Noble Covenant with Abraham, Salt of the
earth and such twice-born people were seeking Christ Jesus, the Master Shepherd
to become the solitary sons of Elohim, the Christs. But soon after the death of
Jesus and the Apostles, the sacked Temple Priests entered the Churches to
re-establish their last authority as the ruling Rabbis and they killed solitary
Apostles by throwing them before hungry lions to be eaten alive. Most of those
Apostles were from the Egypt area and Hazrat Mohammed Sahib put a stop to their
Much more in my
Youtube 7500 videos; channel nijjhar1.
Here is a related Youtube Video on the
Family of God:-
Youtube Video:-
Hi Brethren,
You know that
Abraham was a Noble Righteous Man and Yahweh Planted Him in Israel as Adam and
Sarah as Eve, Promised Land, the Garden of Eden lacking nothing as compared to
the land of Ishmael, the Egyptians but Eleven of your Patriarchs became
unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh when they plotted to kill the righteous person
Joseph but you sold him as a slave to Egyptians. After he had left the Promised
Land whatever you were eating because of the presence of Joseph, that also
stopped and you had to leave for Egypt to beg for food from the much hated son
Ishmael but Joseph showed the inherited character of Abraham and he looked after
you. Then, you suffered badly at the hand of a very cruel Pharaoh and Moses
brought you back as the faithful sons of Abraham. The same land became lush
green welcoming the faithful sons of Abraham who were lost but regained their
Forefather Abraham in qualities. Jesus, the First Christ in the world told this
exodus in the Parable of the Prodigal son Isaac and his people; Father is
Abraham and the Elder son is Ishmael.
At the times of
Christ Jesus, you had become unfaithful to Abraham by becoming Jews of
appearances or outwardly and you were circumcising the people who were not the
seed of Isaac; circumcision is the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and no one
else can have it or he becomes a super bastard fanatic Devil. Angel Stephen
warned your people in the Temple that do not make the fake sons of Abraham by
circumcising the Gentiles and the slaves but greed made you to kill Noble Angel
Stephen. The Messianic Jews tried to enforce circumcision in the Church but
they failed. But on entering the fold of Hazrat Mohammed Sahib, they succeeded
in the widespread “circumcision and Kosher called Hallal”.
Today, those very
fake sons of Abraham Mohammedans especially in Iran are going to kill you and
you have no one else to blame but yourself. This is well stressed by the second
coming of Jesus in the name of Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji of the Punjab,
MAE PAYIA; DOSS NAA DI JAYE AVAR JAANAH”. That is, you cannot blame a
third person but yourself as you reap the reward of your past deeds. You can
see Afghanistan, Kashmir, etc. are reaping the reward of their past deeds.
Afghans used to raid India and loot people whilst the Kashmiris misused the
religious knowledge in performing the satanic deeds.
So, the Chosen
People are Noble men if they are faithful sons of Abraham but by becoming Jews
outwardly of appearances and not inwardly spiritual of Noble heart, they have
become Super Bastard Fanatic Devils – John 8v44 and they killed the very
Spiritual Doctor in the name of Christ Jesus, who did nothing wrong that
deserved the Crucification; this was the verdict of a Robin Hood type robber
who was also crucified along with Jesus.
Further, Abraham was
not a Jew of physical self but of the Semitic race otherwise the sons of
Ishmael would have been Jews as well. The clever people of Judah tribe started
Judaism and it were they who by making people Jew of appearances and thus
breaking their covenant with Abraham. By doing so, such people became
unfaithful to Abraham Anti-Semitic super bastard fanatic devils, the character
they displayed in their first attempt to kill Baby Jesus when Yahweh sent
Joseph and Mary to the care of the faithful sons of Ishmael but the Jews outwardly, the Tares – Matt 13v24-30
succeeded at the end to crucify Him for exposing their hypocrisies.
Thus, Angel John,
the Baptist, Prophet Elijah (My god is Yahweh, the creator and protector of
Nature at large) baptised the unfaithful to Abraham Jewish Men of age in the
name of Abraham to re-establish their Noble Covenant with Abraham, Salt of the
earth and such twice-born people were seeking Christ Jesus, the Master Shepherd
to become the solitary sons of Elohim, the Christs. But soon after the death of
Jesus and the Apostles, the sacked Temple Priests entered the Churches to
re-establish their last authority as the ruling Rabbis and they killed solitary
Apostles by throwing them before hungry lions to be eaten alive. Most of those
Apostles were from the Egypt area and Hazrat Mohammed Sahib put a stop to their
Much more in my
Youtube 7500 videos; channel nijjhar1.
Here is a related Youtube Video on the
Family of God:-
For further information, please visit my
website and watch my Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1.
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach The Gospel, more you please
Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = The
Hajj is for the Heavenly Peaceful living of the
sons of Man, "Ba-Ilah" and not for the sons of Satan in
Punjabi - How a Pathan Zaildar who
performed Hajj and became Super Bastard Fanatic Devil?
True Story.
Four types of loves:-
Family of God:-
Solitary Royal
Test for twice-born:-
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural
Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born
sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils –
John 8v44:-
Trinity is explained:-
John's baptism:-
Please print these pages to
understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
Youtube Playlist on Trinity:-
John's baptism:-
Holy The Gospel of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm,
etc., delivered First by Jesus, the First Anointed Christ = Satguru of the
highest living God Elohim that dwells within our Temple of God called Harmandir
or “Emmanuel”. He was the First Anointed Light from our Father and Satguru =
Christ Nanak, the Second Anointed Greatest of all the Christs because he had to
confront the Kings and Emperors of Darkness of Khatri tribal people (less than
one percent Khatris adopted Sikhism against Jatts = Samaritans 70%) against the
people of Judah tribe, the Princes of Darkness. Nanak came in 1469 and Preached The Gospel to Perfection through Five more Lights
for 150 years. Still, the Darkness created by Satanic Khatris turned Mullahs
couldn’t be comprehended. Then, our Father Himself came in the name of Royal
King = Sache Patshah Gobind Rai Ji with His Consort, Shakti, “Holy Spirit” in
the name of “Maha or Sahib Devan”, the very living Holy Spirit against the
mythological Devis or Shaktis of Brahma,
Vishnu and Mahesh. He organised the last two Panths of Khalsas and Nirmallae
Santan to sort out the stubborn sons of Satan with sword power and by Preaching
The Gospel from Akal Takht, the Seat of Nirmallae
Santan respectively. Annand Pur Sahib is the Seat of Khalsas and not Amritsar.
That is why Sache Patshah Gobind Singh Ji never visited Harmandir Sahib but the
Hindu Mandirs of Shiv to recruit his Army of Khalsas – Deh Shiva, Bundae dae
Puttar, Var mohe …… is sung by the Khalsas. But the Saltless, Meehne Sodhi
Khatris not only turned away the Last Sixth Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji,
Commander-in-Chief of Sikhi but they also threw away the Nirmallae Sants,
Apostles, from Akal Takht as well. Apostles set up their Khahrra, spiritual
wrestling gym, outside the Holiest of Holy Complex in Amritsar. Remember that
Sons of God under Bhagti Marag have no authority to take the life but our
Father Royal King Gobind Singh Ji, giver of Life and His Philanthropic Soldiers
Khalsas, the Puritans do have the right to kill the sons of most high Satan
Al-Djmar Al-Aksa.
Most of the Christians of the dead Books, the Bible even do not know who
died on the Cross; Jesus or Christ? Do you know it?
Prediction based on Chosen People, a Nation of Priests, and Moral
Teachers – Matt. 13v52.
Matt. 13v24-30: Sons of most high Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa - Tares are
getting Bundled up in Israel. Israel was established
on 14/05/1948 + 70 years of full protection to 14/05/2018. Then, there shall be
5 years of Hard Tribulations world had never seen before to 14/05/2023 when the
Atomic War is expected. People with strong tribal instincts would be saved –
144000 of tribes and not of the Tare Jews.
The Five were beheaded on the stage and not taken into the Tent as a
Thief will do. So, once you have been beheaded and given the common surname Singh,
you do not use caste-like Jatt, Khatri, Tarkhan, etc. or go back into your
tribal homes but wilderness. Khalsas sleep in the wilderness and they are ever
ready to help the victims of aggression. So, this surname "Singh" is
not that cheap as satanic Khatris have made. No woman was given Amrit and only
sons of Shiv were given Amrit. Mai Bhago wasn't baptized. Only Bandai Khalsas,
the super donkeys live in family homes.
Khalsas are the Fauj of Akal Purakh and they seek not the secular rule
but the spiritual of philanthropy. Thus, the hired Fauji Brars who wanted
money, they were refused the Baptism.
Vaisakhi Celebration:-
Royal Vineyard of our Royal Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm,
St. Photina, the Samaritan Woman at well John 4:-
Gurdwara stands for Gur = Dhanghh which is logical reasoning that Brews
Logo, His Word and Dwara means a place of Sangat. So, Gurdwara is the place
where GURMUKH Sikhs meet. Gur = logical reasoning and Mukh = Mouth. A mouth
that speaks logically is called a Gurmukh.
Gur doesn't mean Guru. Satgur means the formula for speaking logical
reasoning that Brews = Parsad = Logo.
Hi Brother,
You seem to be Jewish. I am not against the Chosen People but support
them. They are the demonstration Nation for us to learn the moral laws but as
their Rabbis became greedy, the knowledge of Oral Torah or His Word was taken
away from them. Jesus came to fulfil the Law and not to destroy.
We have the physical natural body which could be human or non-human from
the demiurge god of creation Yahweh, Brahma, Khuda, etc., the Lord of Nature,
which is jealous and revengeful and then we have the soul from our Supernatural
Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., which is NOT jealous and revengeful but
Loving Father showering Agape unconditional Love.
Watch some of my Youtube Videos for greater and deeper details.
How greedy are the present Clergy in the Churches
especially the COE headed by Queen, Head of Mammon?
Remember how the ruling Rabbis and Pharisees
objected to the Preaching of The Gospel by Christ Jesus because they were good
for nothing if removed from their positions? This Jesus told us in the Parable
of Winepress, the Jerusalem School of Theology in that those robed Priests were
good for nothing if sacked from the Winepress. That is why the Temple was
destroyed forever as now is the time to worship our Supernatural Spiritual
Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. in truth and in holy spirit. But after the
destruction of the Temple, those hypocrite Rabbis and Pharisees entered the
Church of God, One Fold, headed by our penniless Royal Shepherd Christ Jesus or
in the Church of God, you cannot have a Bank account. Whatever the members of
congregation bring in is spent or passed to the poor immediately. Thus, in the
Sikh Temple at Amritsar, which is the replacement of the Holiest of Holy that
used to be in Jerusalem, people used to bring flour, vegetables, etc. that were
cooked on the day and what was left over was thrown into the water pool for
fish to eat. The cooking pots were cleaned for the next day. Today, these
Neo-Rabbis in Dog-Collars, robes, etc. are worse than those Rabbis from the
yoke of which set us Free and in them is fulfilled Matt 12v43-45:-
I have sent this article to almost all the COE
Cathedrals but no reply in appreciation because they are enjoying the best job
in comforts of Mammon. Why should they Preach The
Gospel to set people Free? Thus, what prayer has to do with our Father living
inside us, the Temples of God and He is glorified when we Preach
The Gospel. He is no more alienated as the creator demiurge Potter god Yahweh,
Brahma, Khuda, etc. was in heaven.
Jesus said to his twice-born Labouring Solitary
Brethren/Friends called “Talmidim or Sikhs” and not the once-born natural
disciples of the crook Rabbis who disciplined them through the moral laws of
Moses. They did what their Rabbis told them to do. Thus, Saul being the
Disciple of Rabbi Gamaliel did obey him obediently as required of him and
persecuted the Labourers of Jesus but in his own heart or sub-conscience, he
was not happy. For the Disciples doing what their Rabbis tell them to do, they
are called spiritually blind with no Freedom or Freewill. Thus, the substitutes
“Disciple and Lord” are the corruptions by the Messianic Jews to set up the
same Temple system from the yoke of which Jesus set us FREE by giving his own
life as the Lamb of God. Or these robed hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the
Churches of Mammon have fulfilled Matt. 12v43-45 making the situation worse
than before the arrival of Jesus, the First anointed Christ of our Supernatural
Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc.: "Beware of false prophets, who come
to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. First of all,
there is no more Prophets in this Dark Age but Christs, the very sons of God –
Luke 16v16. Jesus was not a Prophet but the Anointed Son of God. By their
fruits, you will know them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes
or figs from thistles? That is vetting them by the holy
spirit, common sense, in the Light of The Gospel. Just so, every good
tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit. Pope
and the American televangelists living lavishly at the expense of the poor’s
donations. Same, these Dog-collared Priests in the Churches, they are
Judas Iscariot’s in Sheep clothing. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can
a rotten tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be
cut down and thrown into the fire as in the sectarian riots you see today in
Syria, Libya, Iraq, etc. So by their fruits, you will know them." Watch
mine over 7500 Youtube videos; channel nijjhar1.
Hi Brethren,
I shall be attending Kirchentag from 23 to 28 May, 2017 in Berlin and I
shall be available for discussion:-
Why call Easter? Beware of these Neo-Rabbis in Robes and Dog-Collars.
They can't give your account to God, Allah, ParBrahm, Elohim, etc. Here is a
Youtube Video:-
7500 Youtube Videos like this: channel nijjhar1.
disciples ask to be better taught as to this matter.
The root
of the word Disciple is “Discipline”. The once-born Disciples of the Rabbis
were disciplined through the Moral Laws of Moses taught by their Rabbis, the
Priests – Matt. 13v52. In Jesus, we are to be twice-born to Chew
the Meat of Jesus with the teeth of logical reasoning. The end product of
logical reasoning is called “Logo”, His Word.
The Gospel is Preached like a Sower and not taught in
Where a
weak head doubts concerning any word of Christ, an upright heart and a willing
mind seek for instruction. It is the heart that is desperately wicked, Jer
17:9, for there is no sin in word or deed, which was not first in the heart.
Sins are
transgressions of the moral laws under ignorance and those who transgressed
against the Moral Laws knowingly as the Rabbis and Temple Priests were doing,
it is called Blasphemy, which is not forgivable but punished – John 9.
They all come out
of the man, and are fruits of that wickedness which is in the heart, and is
wrought there. When Christ teaches, he will show men the deceitfulness and
wickedness of their own hearts; he will teach them to humble themselves, and to
seek to be cleansed in the Fountain opened for sin and uncleanness.
teachers teach the written Torah, the moral laws whilst Christ Jesus and his
Apostles Preached The Gospel through logical reasoning
as Paul did in 2Corn 3.
29:13: "Then you will call upon
Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
Jesus, we are to be twice-born of holy spirit that
rests in our hearts. Our Father being living in His Temple with us called
Emmanuel, we do not pray or fast as He is Omniscient.
will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with
all your heart."
That is
TRUE. You need to a twice-born Seeker to have His Word called Logo.
who praise Christ and worship him, bow to him as Almighty God daily and
constantly, will be able to gain eternal life.
came to worship our Father and do His Will and not his own will. We worship God
by Preaching The Gospel in honour of our Bridegroom
Christ Jesus. We need to be Virgin to Marry His Son, Christ Jesus.
have absolutely no proof to show that we "neo-rabbis" are leading
people to destruction.
What you
see in Ukraine, Syria, etc. is a solid proof where the Blind Guides like you
Neo-Rabbis in Robes are leading the blind into Pits of deaths. Can you explain
this verse of Jesus, “Every plant which my heavenly father didn’t plant shall
be uprooted by the roots”? Can you tell me who the plants – Matt. 13v24-30 are?
What is the name of Jesus’ heavenly father or the Farmer – Matt. 13v24-30?
issue is, you're applying Sikhism to Christianity. You
cannot do that. The two don't mix, and they simply don't relate to each other,
not as much as Islam. Your statement is also highly inaccurate.
Do you
know why the Jews couldn’t re-build their Temple that was destroyed in 70 A.D.?
Why? This destroyed Temple and the Bethsaida Pool of Mercy are in Amritsar.
Golden Temple is of the same size as the Holiest of Holy used to be. Do you
know a Sikh is different from Khalsa? Here is the True Islam of Allah:-
http://www Your own choice; Inshmullah Islam of Shia/Sunni Shariah or
Inshallah Islam of Noor “Free of
Playlist on Hajj: -
He speaks truth but nothing else but
He is Merciful and helps the poor on
philanthropic basis.
Youtube Video on this topic:-
Christianity and Islam are similar, then why these Mohammedans are killing the
so-called Christians outwardly? Because both are “Tares”.
don't have colourful robes. Orthodox priests, monks, bishops (etc.) cassocks
are mainly coloured black. Perhaps you are referring to the Roman Catholics?
The Orthodox Christian Church is the second-largest Christian Church with over
225-300 million adherents.
Why your
Cassocks are coloured black please? Black is a mourning cloth. What you mourn?
Have you seen a Russian Bishop with big impressive hats that are bigger than
the Popes? Why? To frighten the simple minded people in the name of sins that exist no more after John, the Baptist?
identifies itself as the present-day continuation of the theology and
episcopacy established by the Lord Jesus Christ through his Apostles at 33 AD.
We believe that we are the True Church that came at 33 AD, and we have
historical evidence and proofs to support this.
On that
day, Jesus advised His Friends not to carry any money in their pockets, no two
shoes, no Scriptures (Bible), the Jewish leaven as The Gospel gets written over
the living Tablet of heart as it is on my own heart, etc. Is that right
you saying that we are wrong is completely idiotic, we praise the One True God
unlike you, praising some kind of false God who apparently sent a polytheist to
"save the world", like the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ
is the truth, not your imbecile Nanak.
have slaves whilst Father has sons. Slaves are not allowed into the Father’s
House and sit at His Table to enjoy the Food prepared by our Mother Holy
Spirit. We enjoy lavish food as the faithful sons of Abraham enjoyed after
being brought back to the Promised Land by Moses _ Read the Parable of the
Prodigal Son and tell me the names of Father, Elder son and the younger son
please? Slaves eat what the Chosen people ate when they were slaves of
Egyptians. We are not slaves of the Rabbis or these Neo-Rabbis Fathers in
Orthodox Churches but the Solitary Free-Men of one accord in The Gospel Truth.
was the Second coming of Jesus as you are Blind Guides of the Blind creating
havoc in your countries.
Gospel is not for everyone but one in a 1000 and two in 10,000 whilst Sikhism
is for one in a million. So, Brother, do not be surprised with my answers and I
would love to visit your Monastery for a heart-to-heart discussion. No one can
give you The Gospel as Jesus couldn’t to Peter but by the grace of our Father
to the pre-destined.
Brethren in Christ Jesus, our Royal High Priest and my Elder Brother,
Beware of
these Robed Anti-Christs, who cannot give your account to our Father God. They
are turning stones, simpletons, into Bread and Butter.
Get rid
of them and Preach The Gospel from your own mouth for
your own Salvation as the living Christs, Royal Priests, of our Father.
robed Monks are Neo-Rabbis in Sheep's clothing. They are spiritually dead in
prayer and fasting people. Do not follow them as they are super blind guides of
the blind.
Monks who indulge in Prayer and Fasting, which Jesus performed when he was a
Disciple of John, the Baptist for 40 days is the stepping stone to Christianity
in which our Father lives in His Temple and He knows the matters of your heart.
In Jesus, we eat the Flesh of Jesus or what came out of the Mouth of Jesus and
after digesting it over our hearts with the Teeth of logical reasoning, then we
Preach The Gospel from our own Mouth with full
confidence and authority as expected of the Royal Priests.
Here are
some simple questions and if you cannot answer any one of them, then you are an
Anti-Christ standing between man God, which Jesus removed forever by giving His
own Sacrifice as the innocent Lamb of God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc.
Yes. You
have the knowledge but in the dead letters. Tell me the names of the Five
Husbands of the Samaritan Woman, the name of the Father of the Prodigal son, in
whose name John baptised Jewish men in water and Jesus? Why John never baptised
a woman, Gentile or a Samaritan man?
have the answers but the dead in the Letters of the Holy Books have no clue at
all. Or holy spirit, common sense, shatters the
fetters of the Letters, Holy Books.
For further information, please visit my
website and watch my Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1.
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach The Gospel, more you please
Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = The
Hajj is for the Heavenly Peaceful living of the
sons of Man, "Ba-Ilah" and not for the sons of Satan in
Punjabi - How a Pathan Zaildar who
performed Hajj and became Super Bastard Fanatic Devil?
True Story.
Four types of loves:-
Family of God:-
Solitary Royal
Test for twice-born:-
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural
Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born
sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils –
John 8v44:-
Trinity is explained:-
John's baptism:-
Please print these pages to
understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
Youtube Playlist on Trinity:-
John's baptism:-