Chaudhry Rajinder
Nijjhar. M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer
in Metallurgy,
KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, W.Africa.
We have two fathers; one the natural
father of Adam, the physical body called a “Pot” that was fashioned by Brahma,
Khudah, Yahweh, etc. called “demiurge or mythological” and the other our Real Supernatural
Father of our supernatural “element = Tatt soul” called Allah, ParBrahm,
Elohim, etc. that makes the Pots living and for this reason “Allah” is the Lord
of the creator of “Pots” Yahweh or the Lord of Sabbath as Christ Jesus
stressed. Both of them look after their creations if they are faithful to them both
or thrown out of the tribal Folds in Adam into the fanatic world of Super
Bastard Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa who devours them in the sectarian riots . Accordingly, we have two Kingdoms; one of Yahweh,
Brahma, Khudah, etc. called “Kingdom of Heaven” in which you live in this
secular world of the sons of Man, the tribes “Peacefully” and the other is the
“Royal Kingdom of Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc.” in which you try to detach
from the secular world of tribes into the “Purely Spiritual World of souls”
called “CELESTIAL WORLD OF SADHUS” and become the Son of Elohim called “Christs
= Satgurus” possessing the Supernatural Powers of our
Supernatural Father of our “souls” Allah.
In a nutshell, we have two fathers;
one demiurge “Potter” called Brahma and the other Real living in us called
“ParBrahm”, Supernatural Father of our “souls”. Let us ponder over the Two
Kingdoms; one secular of the tribes , “visible” and
the other “Celestial” of Sadhus “Invisible” within your own heart but known to
the Sadhus.
“Perishable” world of Brahma, Yahweh, Khudah, etc. called “Maya” (Iss Maya kae teen naam; Parsoo, Parsa
Pars Ram – Trinity applies)for people faithful to Adam and Yahweh; they can
live in Peace in their tribal homes called countries. Brahma created a Model so
that the people could learn their moral laws through them and for that Model
Brahma picked up “Abram” of the Semitic race from the Iraq area, a Noble
country for they loved the white of the Aryan race and the black of the Negro
race equally. Yahweh gave Abram and his wife Sarah, Adam and Eve, a “Promised
Land” called “Garden of Eden”. They lived peacefully under the “Lordship” of
Yahweh and Abram for “Faithfulness to Yahweh” became “Abraham”. Now, Abraham
had two sons; one born of the servant “concubine” Hagar and the other “Isaac”
for his “Faithfulness to Elohim” in which He was known as a “RIGHTEOUS” Son of
Elohim taught by the Royal Priest “Melchizedik”, a Sadhu of the Celestial World
of our Supernatural World of “Elohim”, a Christ of Satyug,
a Yug in which every righteous person is a Saint, Bhagat,
Arif, etc.
Now, when Isaac was born to his real
wife Sarah as the result of blessing of Sadhus whom they served very well, then
Abraham gave a tribal mark of “circumcision” to his real son Isaac and he
himself also got circumcised. For the real son is the owner of the property
after the death of his father, then Abraham took Hagar and his elder son
“Ishmael” outside the boundary of the Promised Land and settled them there. So,
Hagar and Ishmael survived and flourished so far they had covenant with father
Abraham and the Lord of Nature at large “Khudah”. For this, there was a very
strong urge among the Egyptians to worship “Adam” and became famous for
“Hospitality” of the strangers. Whilst, the people of Isaac
became too big-headed proud that they possessed the estate of their Father
Abraham and had spirituality bestowed by Sadhu “Melchizedek”. They
became spiritually twice-born clever people so much so that they started
telling lies to their own father Jacob who had twelve sons; only the younger
one Joseph was telling the “truth” and that pleased Jacob who rewarded him with
special dress making the other crook brethren jealous of him and they wanted to
kill him but instead sold him as a slave to the Egyptians. As Joseph was the
True Salt of Abraham, his “faithfulness” to Yahweh in “Morality” and the
spirituality of Elohim gave him “wisdom”, which the “Faithful sons of Abraham”,
the Pharaohs appreciated and handed over the rule of the country into his hand.
On the other hand, the liars and murderers sons of Jacob being unfaithful to
Abraham and Yahweh, their land became barren and they had to leave their
country for Egypt where the “Goyeishi Koppa” honest people had the food for
being faithful to Abraham and Yahweh. Thrown out of the Promised Land is called
“Sukkot” and they all were well looked after by Joseph but their nature hardly
changed. They started cheating, telling lies, etc. to the truthful Egyptians,
who started to maltreat them that Moses brought them back into the “Promised
Land” as the faithful sons of Abraham and Yahweh. Christ Jesus has summarised
the whole story in the Parable of the Prodigal son, Isaac and on their return,
they enjoyed the best fruit of the earth and they again became spiritually
“Arrogant”. By the time Christ Jesus came, they had degraded themselves so much
that Jesus had to take a “Virgin Birth” among them, the spiritually sick “Saltless”
people that needed the spiritual Doctor Christ Jesus, the most. Whilst the
generations of Joseph remained his “Salt” faithful to Abraham and Yahweh, a
Nation of “Prophets” and the Jewish unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh became
crook Priests – John 8v44 that your forefathers are liars and murderers super
Bastard (Saltless) fanatic devils and they took stones to kill him. For
speaking this Bitter Gospel Truth, Youtube has given me two strikes and one
more, my account would be deleted. So, I will put most of my article on my
2. THE CELESTIAL WORLD OF “SADHUS”:- The Sadhus of the type “Melchizedek” are the very Sons of Elohim, Allah,
Parbrahm, etc. and they are called the “Royal Priests”, Bhagats, Saints, Arifs,
etc. They worship God by singing His Praises in Puzzles for the twice-born
sensible people of the holy spirit, which is “common
sense” called Surti in Hindi. Thus, they are “Solitary” worshipping God in
truth and spirit; demonstrated by the Samaritans who welcomed Christ Jesus into
their village and the whole village became Apostles that Emperor Nero killed
mercilessly. The Samaritan Woman at well of John 4, became St. Photina but the
men of the dead letters call her a sinner. Because the Samaritans were the
generation of the “Faithful” younger son Joseph, their Forefather Jacob gave
his plot to them and not to the other his crook sons.
Further, as there is One God and His
Faith is also One, there in the world used to be One Temple of Elohim in
Jerusalem called “Holiest” of the Holy and it has a Curtain around it because
the Royal Kingdom of God is within your own heart known through the merciful
deeds. Thus, in the Jerusalem Complex, there used to be the Temple of Yahweh, Khudah,
Brahma, etc. where Judas Iscariot threw the 30 Shackles that had become the
Blood money after the killing of Jesus and he was so remorseful that he killed
himself. This Temple had a wall and the “Chosen People” of Isaac circumcised to
be faithful to Abraham and Yahweh with stiff necks and gadgets tied here and
there well-dressed sitting there whilst the Gentiles and Samaritans were behind
as the second class devotees of Yahweh. The “Cornerstone” of this Temple was
Prophet Elijah (My god is Yahweh) John, the Baptist of the Levi tribe but the
High Priests of the Judah tribe ousted Him into the Wilderness and themselves put
on the silken clothes to impress their clients. Remember that these hypocrite
Temple Priests had previously killed an honest “Cohen” in the name of Zachariah
in the Temple for not obeying their will and they would have done the same to
Prophet Elijah, John, the Baptist. The Temple Priests
had become so “Saltless” hypocrites that John, the Baptist dare not visit the
Temple devoted to Him but his Superior Christ Jesus was supposed to lay His
Life for exposing the hypocrites in the Light of His Word, the Light that they
hated most “Oral Torah = His Word”. Like Zachariah, Jesus was crucified by the
very authoritarian Temple Priests that no one known to them dare come forward
to help Jesus carry his “Cross” but an outside merciful stranger Simon seeing
how mercilessly was Beaton helped him to carry the Cross. The denials of His
Bosom Friend once-born Peter also confirm how badly he was beaten. Here, it is
worth mentioning that the King Pilate on understanding the Nature of his Royal
Kingdom, never got him beaten by his soldiers but washed his hands under the
Sun (God) of the Blood of Jesus. King Pilate taunted the Temple Priests by
dressing Christ Jesus in a King’s attire and handing Him over to the Temple
Priests as their “King of the Jews”. Remember that the Messianic Jews have corrupted
the New Testament as well and their hypocrisy in the Temple Priests is
represented in creating the AntiChrist Pope and his
stooges who killed many to fulfil Matt 12v43-45 and created situation worse
than before the arrival of Christ Jesus. And the physical proof is the Menorah
with all the seven candles of Menorah at the same level whilst in the Catholic
Churches of the Pope, the Middle Candle of Elohim or Christ is missing
altogether and replaced with an icon of Jesus made of metal that also is used
to make guns for killing or these Priests are Wolves in the sheep’s clothing.
In Jesus, we are the Royal Priests
and in the round table Fellowship, we ponder over our hearts and not the
forbidden Jewish Leaven, the Scrip Bible as our Covenant with God is of the
holy spirit, which is “common sense” that is possessed by the common man like
the illiterate shepherds or the farmers that were present at Cana Marriage and they
much appreciated the Quality of the Gospel. The University Professors have no
common sense or capable of “intuition” over their hearts but use their heads
what this man or that man had written. In short, the illiterate people of heart
are “Taught by God whilst the men of the dead letters by the once-born men of
the dead letters – 2 Corn3. That is why Christ Jesus said, “Let the dead bury
their dead in letters” or “Letter killeth (under
“Eros” two moral teachers passed by the wounded person, the spirit giveth life
(The Samaritan Man of the holy spirit picked and
looked after him under “Agape”).
In conclusion, the Temple was the
Winepress coining the moral laws but corrupting them. Many Prophets like John,
the Baptist were sent but they beat and maltreated them. Then, they had a
nation of Prophets, the Samaritans and Gentiles but they hated them most. Thus,
when Jesus declared in the Temple that He is the Messiah, the twice-born of the
evil spirit “Saltless” unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh Jews outwardly of
appearance, the “Sinners”, took stones to kill Jesus by declaring him a
Blasphemer by proclaiming Himself to be “God” as Son represents Father whilst
the people of “Salt”, the Samaritans honoured Him very much and the whole
village became Apostles. The Woman at Well is Saint Photina whilst the
University Professors, who hate me still call her a “Sinner”. I know the names
of her Five Husbands (Kaam – immorality, Karodhh – Anger, Lobhh – Greed, Moh – worldly attractions and finally, the Last Husband
living with her but no more dominating Hankaar –
Haughtiness of the Book knowledge as these University Professors possess). The
University Professors are not interested to know them but keep on repeating what
their teachers had told them – limited knowledge against the Royal Priests
possessing unlimited Gospel Knowledge, Logo, that keeps them extremely HAPPY.
The replacements of the destroyed
Holiest of the Temple whose Curtain Christ Jesus rendered from top, the Temple
High Priest to the Bottom, the village Rabbis off you go and the people were
asked to have a Direct approach to God through His Word Logo, the end product
of the logical reasoning called “SATGUR PARSAD” and the Salome Pool of Mercy in
which the Temple of God called “Harmandir Sahib” is sitting. World’s
greediest of all the people of the Khatri tribe got it gilded from a foolish
Jatt Emperor Chaudhry Ranjit Sansi
Jatt to attract their preys. Amritsar is the worst place in the world and the
last Christ Satguru “Tegh Bahadur Ji proclaimed,
The “Chosen People” being the nation of Priests, through them we can also
predict the Atomic War. Today, Matt 13v24-30 is getting fulfilled. Thus, Israel
was established in 1948 + 70 years of full protection. Then, on 14/05/2018
President Donal Trump declared Jerusalem to be the Capital of Israel and the
unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh Palestinian Hamas and Fateh
political Parties of the sons of Ishmael started reacting to the atrocities of
Israel whilst this May, 2023, Israel has declared the whole Jerusalem belongs
to them. So, these Jews outwardly cannot build their covenant with Abraham and
they are “Tares” that are getting bundled up for the Final Burning during the
Atomic War expected soon after 14/11/2023. These Tares are supposed to run for
Israel for the Final Burning.
Here is a Video devoted to my talk:-