Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar Jatt, M.Sc.,
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
“Holy spirit, “common sense” shatters
the fetters of the “Dead” Letters.
Sun Yahweh/Brahma/Khudah ß------------------------------Of------------------------------------- God/ParBrahm/Allah John,
the Baptist. Living God = Elohim = Parbrahm = Allah Christ Jesus + Nanak. |
Adam – YeShua = YeShiva (Jesus) |
Royal King Gobind Rai Ji, Representation of God. |
Angel of Israel, John, the Baptist, Last Prophet
Elijah. |
Anointed – Christ Jesus + Satguru Nanak Dev Ji. |
Angel Stephen, one of the 70 outer circle Labourers,
who took over John, the Baptist. |
Sons of the Highest Elohim/ParBrahm/Allah. Saints, Sants, Arifs, etc. of Melchizedik order. |
Outer Natural once-born tribal Disciples – Shariah. |
supernatural twice-born Labourers – no Shariah. |
7 (Menorah) x 10 = 70 – Synedrion Members. |
7 (John/Law)
+ 5 (Christ/heart) = 12 – KUNBHH MELA. |
Kingdom of Heaven seen in Law and order – Rabbis. |
Royal Kingdom
of God is perceived in Peace of Mind. |
Ideal Moral Teachers of Scriptures – Matt. 13v52. |
Preachers of Gospel from “Hearts”. |
Transgression of the moral laws is “sin”. |
Transgression of Holy Spirit is “Blasphemy”. |
Sins are forgiven by Priests of Moses at Passover. |
Blasphemy/hypocrisy is not forgivable. |
Prayer + Fasting for the once-born Disciples. |
Seeking + Preaching Gospel for T/Born Labourers. |
Temples made by human hands – imperfect. |
Temple of God created by Nature – Perfect Art. |
Circumcision of flesh for tribal covenant. |
of heart for spiritual Covenant with God. |
Temple Priests present a “scapegoat” at Passover on
behalf of their trusting blind Disciples. |
Royal Priests present themselves as Lambs of God as
everyone is to give his own account to God. |
Perfection in the moral laws – Angels. |
Worship of God in truth and in spirit – Saints. |
Works lead to re-incarnation. |
Grace rewards you with Resurrection or Rest. |
John 4 –
Local Rabbi, Sower, prepared the “White Crop”. |
Christ Jesus came to “Harvest the Crop”. |
Resident Moral Teacher Angel Matthias promoted to
Roving Preacher Royal Priest, Saint Matthias. |
“Holy spirit”, “common sense”, shatters the fetters of
the “Dead” Letters, the Holy Scriptures.
Logical reasoning Brews the
New Wine, “Logos”.
“Logos” rests in your own heart and it does not rust
or gets stolen.
You cannot Pour the Eucharist
New Wine, Blood of Christ, from one Cup, person, into another.
Unless you Eat the Flesh of Jesus (What came out of
the Mouth of Jesus), take it to your heart for Digesting or pondering over it
and Bring it out from your own mouth called Drinking the Blood of Christ, You
have no Part in Christ Jesus. Thumping of the Bible and addressing Jesus a Lord
are the Anti-Christ activities.
No Copyrights. A translation into other languages is
encouraged. Technical help needed.
We are in the TRIBULATIONS END TIMES – Matt. 13v24-30.
Our Father Blesses you.
No Copyrights whatsoever, Author.
First Gnostic Principles of One God One Faith.
ISBN – 13: 978-0-9520936-0-2
ISBN – 10: 0-9520936-0-X
Author: Rajinder Nijjhar
Binding: Paperback
Publisher: Gnostic Fellowship
Published: March, 1993.
2nd Edition:-
ISBN – 13: 978-0-9520936-1-9
Binding: ebook
24 December, 2015.
Price £5.00
Let them hear those who have “ears”.
To the Glory of our invisible Supernatural Father,
God, Elohim, ParBrahm, Allah (Al-Ilah), etc.
In honour of the anointed Christs Jesus and Nanak and
Gnostic Fellowship
144 Hamilton Road
Reading, Berkshire, U.K. RG1
Phone: +44 (0) 118 966 6345
Fax: +44 (0) 118 966 6345
Contact: (Chaudhry)
Rajinder Nijjhar of Jatt/Jaatt tribe, M.Sc.
Hi Brethren,
My services are FREE and I
can explain Gospel in details. I have over 8100 Youtube Videos; channel
nijjhar1. None of the proceeds will be going into my pocket. All will be used
for Gospel propagation.
Gospel is by grace and
more you Preach, more is given to you. Anyone who takes money in Christ Jesus,
that person is a Hypocrite or Judas Iscariot in sheep’s clothing.
People shall be seeking
Gospel as we are in the Last Days of this Dark Age – 14/05/2023.
S.No. Contents Page
1. Foreword 6
2. Chapter 1 Introduction 9
3. Chapter
2 Who
are the predestined? 12
4. Chapter
3 Once-Born versus the
Twice-Born 20
5. Chapter
4 Why did Jesus have
twelve Labourers? 25
6. Chapter
5 Age for Gospel 34
7. Chapter
6. Belief and Faith 38
8. Chapter
7. Flesh versus Spirit 42
9. Chapter
8. Two Covenants 47
10. Chapter 9. The
Hajj 51
11. Chapter 10.
Circumcision 60
12. Chapter 11. Baptisms
of John and Jesus 63
13. Chapter 12. Swastika and the Four Ages 71
14. Chapter 13. The Chosen People 77
15. Chapter 14. Gnostic Trinity and Gospel 86
16. Chapter 15. Heaven, Hell and the Royal Kingdom
of God 92
17. Chapter 16. Spiritual Marriage and Divorce –
Matt. 19 96
18. Chapter 17. Five Husbands of the Samaritan Woman
19. Chapter 18. Ideal Church of God 108
20. Chapter 19. Real Shariah-Free Islam of Allah
(Sun) 114
21. Chapter 20. Nanak, the Second Coming of Jesus 118
22. Chapter 21. Virgin Birth of Jesus – Proofs 122
23. Chapter 22. Four Religious Communities of India 127
24. Chapter 23. P R E D I C T I O N S 158
25. Tables, drawings and illustrations. 163
Gospel stands for Good News of Rapture and
it is received from our Supernatural Father by His grace by those who long for
it. That is why you cannot pour the Eucharist Wine, Gospel, from one cup,
person, into another cup and it is to be served from One Bottle (Source, our
Father) only.
Gospel cannot be written down in ink on
paper but over the living Tablets of heart as stressed by Christ Paul in 2Corn.
we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some people,
letters of recommendation to you or from you? 2 You yourselves are our letter,
written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. 3 You show that you are a
letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with
the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human
hearts. 4 Such confidence we have through Christ (within us called Innerman)
before God. 5 Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim
anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. 6 He has made
us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the
Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” Or Salvation is not
through the moral laws or Scriptures but through Christ in your heart praising
our Father in honour of Christ Jesus, our Bridegroom. This is further stressed
by Jesus in Luke 9v3-: “3 And he said unto them, Take nothing for your journey,
neither staves, nor scrip (The Bible as Letters are corruptible and they are
old wine deadly poison to holy spirit), neither bread, neither money; neither
have two coats apiece.” Remember that Christ Paul gave to the Church and not
take out of the Church. He earned his living as a tent maker. These hireling
Dog-Collared Bible Thumping Priests in the Churches are not only Anti-Christs
but they are Thieves of the order of Judas Iscariot, who was thrown out at the
Last Supper for he was a thief not worthy to enter the House of our Father where
Jesus honoured them by washing their feet that even the proud man of letters
Pharisee Simon did not but a twice-born Brother Mary Magdalene, a stranger did
give Him the Right High honour that Jesus deserved. In the same sense, the
Messianic Jews, the men of letters, would not honour Jesus as much as the
people from other countries especially the West. In fact, most of the Messianic
Jews are Anti-Christs like the Pharisee Simon. These Anti-Christ Messianic Jews
put the Bible in the hand of idol of Jesus to stress their Torah, the Jewish
leaven forbidden by our Elder Brother Christ Jesus. No wonder these Messianic
Jews addressed Jesus as Lord as if we are his slaves and they are his Masters
as the Rabbis were of Yahweh – Matt. 12v43-45.
My late father longed for Gospel and he
received it by thinking logically and not going by what this man or that man
says. Second Jesus Satguru Nanak Dev Ji says, “GIANI OH; JO AAP VICHARAE”.
That is a person is said to be a knowledgeable person if he has acquired Gospel
through intuition called logical reasoning, the “Gur” or Formula to understand
the hidden Gospel. When you ponder over the situation logically, then you get
all the answers. For example, you live in the tribal home of your father and if
you change your tribal identity say to Sikh Kom (tribe), then you are no more
the son of your natural tribal father as you have adopted a new tribal identity
or father Sikh. Then, I become unfaithful to my Nijjhar Jatt tribal father and
he would kick me out of his home. That is what happened during the Partition of
India in 1947 and it is happening now in Iraq, Syria, etc. where people have
become Christians and Muslims outwardly of tribes, the super bastard fanatic
devils (John 8v44) and they are suffering as such Tares are good for nothing.
People should study the Chosen People for
they are a Nation of Priests, the moral teachers. Today, they are Jews
outwardly and being the Tares, they are getting Bundled
up in Israel for the Final burning expected soon after May, 2018.
So, we are in the Tribulation Period and
there shall be a lot of upheaval in the world. Gospel lightens up your Path so
that you have nothing to fear of.
Although Gospel is as simple as ABC but many
have no interest in it. They go by the dead Scriptures. Living Gospel is not
there in the Books but it is within your own heart when you have pondered over
the New Testament logically. That is why Christ Thomas said: Gospel would be
known to one in a thousand and two in ten thousands whilst Satguru Tegh Bahadur
Ji said: One in a million.
This being the Dark Age in which all the
three religious qualities, truth, contentment and mercy, disappears among the
majority of people and only those who have conscience and are pre-destined
twice-born would long for Gospel whilst the rest would go for the sugar-coated
sermons of falsehoods called KOORR delivered by the crook twice-born psychics
seeking. Thus, the world is full of the clever psychic fake Anti-Christs who
seek their own praises rather than glorifying our Father as the solitary
pneumatic Preachers of Gospel do in honour of Christ Jesus and Satguru Nanak
Dev Ji. About the fakes, Satguru Nanak Dev Ji says: “NANAK TAE NAR ASSALL KHAR;
JAE BINN GUNN GHARB KARANT.” That is, a person is a Super Donkey carrying Holy
Books if he is a fake.
This Book is dedicated to my parents and my
Bosom Friend Late Jasmail Hans, who got my Punjabi Book, KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH
printed from Ludhiana.
Mother |
Father |
Bosom Friend |
Son |
Chaudhrani Ajaib Nijjhar |
Chaudhry Udham Nijjhar, B.Sc. |
Ch. Jasmail Hans |
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar |
Temple of the Most High God, our
Supernatural Father Allah, Parbrahm, Elohim, etc., the Hospital for the
spiritually sick people was built in Amritsar for the people of Lahore and
Amritsar were great hypocrites – AMRIT SARIYAE; ANDAR SARRIYAE. They are worse
than the crooks of Banaras, the Jerusalem of India.
I have got two Books published; one in
English – First Gnostic Principles of One God One Faith in 1993 and the other
in Punjabi – KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH in 2005. The English one was printed in Park
Royal, England whilst the Punjabi one was twice printed by two unreliable printers -
In fact, the Punjab is the epicentre of the
crooks. That is why the Holiest of Holy Amritsar Complex is situated there to
cleanse their hearts with Gospel but they greatly love Mammon. That is why the
Lightning strikes in the Punjab but it shines in the West or Gospel is much
appreciated by the people of West.
I have written many articles but the men of
letters would not entertain them for I have no degree in theology. So, I
started putting up videos on Youtube in 2007 and today they are over 8100;
channel nijjhar1.
My services that include lectures, seminars,
scrips for films and documentaries are all Free. Money
generated by my publications would be ploughed back into Preaching Gospel.
Let them hear who have ears to honour Christ
Jesus and Satguru Nanak Dev Ji to Glorify our Father
Elohim, Parbrahm, Allah, etc.
Avil Alh nUru aupwieAw kudriq ky sB bMdy ]
aval aleh noor
oupaaeiaa kudharath kae sabh ba(n)dhae ||
First, Allah sends the soul, Noor, into the creation of
Nature. The creator of Nature is the Potter demiurge god Brahma, Khudah,
Yahweh, etc.
13V24-30:- ATOMIC WAR EXPECTED ON 14/05/2023
Chapter 1
the Holy Books of the world are based upon His Word. These Books or Scriptures
have their roots in His Word, and the moral teachers (the Rabbis or Brahmins,)
are supposed to have the knowledge of His Word, which is also called the Oral
Torah. It is this Incorruptible Gospel which cannot be written down on ink and
paper, as the corruptible scriptures are written down for the common natural
man to read. It is only in this dark age of Kal Yug that most of the Rabbis
have become materialistic or greedy family men, and that the logical reasoning
power to brew Logos (superior divine reasoning) or His Word is taken away from
them. They just ply the dead letters of the scriptures for their own
materialistic gains, whereas the True Gospel is received freely and it is to be
given freely to the sensible people of age, and not to the children who are
still under the domination of their parents or Rabbis. The Rabbis are the
school masters who teach the moral laws to the once-born natural boys and/or
men called disciples. Remember that the root of the word disciple is discipline,
and it is only the natural men who need disciplining through the moral laws.
Thus, the disciples of the Rabbis are mostly children, and when they make a
mistake or the transgression of the moral laws under ignorance, they are
punished by their Rabbi for having committed a “sin.” The moral laws are
related to Adam and Eve, so the Rabbi sitting in the seat of Moses has the power
to remit their sins as they do in the Passover, when they start the next year
afresh, free of any sins. Normally, a scapegoat or an animal is sacrificed for
atoning people to Yahweh, the creator of Adam and Eve, but some highly devoted
Rabbis gave their own sacrifices for their congregations. At the time of the
arrival of Christ Jesus, the temple priests had become very greedy, and for the
satisfaction of that greed they became liars and hypocrites. However, the
Rabbis of the Samaritan villages were very sincere and they kept their tenets
in honour of Joseph, whom the other eleven crook brethren wanted to kill. But
as the mighty hand of our heavenly Father Yahweh was on this
faithful-to-Abraham righteous man, he was instead sold as a slave to the
Egyptians, the sons of Abraham from the slave Egyptian girl Hagar. The
Egyptians treated Joseph fairly-and-squarely as expected of the sons of Man,
and for his wisdom he was promoted to the highest position under righteous
Pharaoh. The quality of the Samaritan village Rabbis was displayed in the
Samaritan woman as well – John 4, who engaged Jesus in a spiritual discussion
(whereas the Jerusalem Rabbis could not, for they hated Jesus out of jealousy.)
That is, the Light came among His Own people of the tribe of Judah, and they
hated Him the most, for they loved darkness. This Samaritan Woman became an
apostle called St. Photina, and I will outline her qualities in a separate
chapter: The Five Husbands of the Samaritan Woman.
the moral laws are centred on the creator demiurge god called Yahweh in
the Middle East, also called Khudah in Arabic and Brahma in Hindi. The word demiurge
comes from the Greek, and translates as public worker, architect, or craftsman.
Yahweh, being the Lord of Nature, is a jealous and vengeful god, just as the
once-born natural man is jealous and vengeful - for the natural man was created
in his image. Abraham was planted by Yahweh to demonstrate the moral laws
through practical examples presented by his “seed,” the Chosen People. Whenever
these Chosen People were faithful to Abraham and Yahweh, they received the
heavenly blessings of the heavenly father Yahweh through rain and crops, which
made the Promised Land a Garden of Eden, so that the faithful Chosen People
could enjoy the company of Yahweh through food and protection. But as soon as
they became unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, thus becoming “Tares,” then the
same land became barren and the Chosen People were forced out into exile.
Again, I will explain this in detail in a separate chapter on the Chosen
to their predominant religious qualities, there are four distinct ages
(symbolically represented by the Swastika, which appears all over the world.)
These ages proceed in the Great Cycle (also called Kalpa in Hindi,) and each of
these four ages is called Yug. The Age (or Yug) beginning with all the three
religious qualities of truth, contentment, and mercy, and the base conscience
(or shame) intact is called Sat Yug (the Golden Age,) in which all were living
in the company of Yahweh as the Sons of Most High Elohim, ParBrahm or Allah,
our Supernatural Father. Such people are called Saints or Bhagats. But today,
we are in the last Age of the current Kalpa: the Dark Age called Kal Yug, which
stands for the famine (Kal) of religious qualities. The age in which we find
ourselves is full of Mammon-orientated vices and is very heavy with the
negative qualities of ego and materialism or greed, and the deluding energies
of Maya are at their strongest.
is only during this Age that the Most High, our Supernatural Father Who has
dominion over the demiurge Yahweh and his nature sends His Very Son (called
Christ in English and Satguru in the Punjabi.)
His Son introduces to us the Very Royal Kingdom of God of our Father
that has a Narrow Gate for the Solitary Virgin Brides, and those who long for
the Royal Kingdom of God seek this Narrow Gate for Salvation, Resurrection, and
Rest. To them, our Supernatural Father shows the Narrow Gate by His Grace, and
plants the Seed of Holy Spirit (common sense) in their hearts, the spiritual
womb, so that through intuition or logical reasoning they could understand His
Word called Logos, the Nectar of Immortality, or Amrit. This is the Extract of
logical reasoning. In Punjabi, this is called SATTGUR PARSHAAD, where SATT
means Gospel Truth, GUR means Formula, which is logical reasoning, and PARSHAAD
means the End Product, or His Word. So,
you need to be a spiritually living, twice-born person capable of logical
reasoning to brew Logos or Gospel for you to receive His Word through
revelations, which no Scripture (the dead letters) can give you. You must have
a discerning intellect capable of digging out the Treasures of our Spiritual
Father buried deeply within the Parables. This I will demonstrate throughout
this Book, but the men of letters drunk with the old wine of the Scriptures or
Letters, as the university professors are today, and the Temple Priests were at
the time of Christ Jesus. They asked
Jesus, “By whose authority are You teaching these
things?” Such men will not be able to grasp the Logos. That is why Christ Jesus
asked them things of natural men, such as whether the Baptism of John in water
was from our heavenly father Yahweh or from men. They refused to answer Him the
question because John the Baptist baptized only the Chosen People in the name
of Abraham, whom they didn’t want to know, as they were producing fake sons of
Abraham through circumcision of the Gentiles. The ultimate goal of this was to
make more money by expanding their empire for the sons of Satan. Again, I will
explain this important issue later. The True Gospel is for the Sons of Man, who
are sensible enough to know their tribal fathers. This Christ Thomas stressed
in His saying, “First know what you see with your two naked eyes, then what is
not seen, but perceived of our invisible Supernatural Father God would be known
to you.” At the time of Christ Jesus, most of the Chosen People, especially of
the tribe of Judah, had become Jews outwardly by saying “bye bye” to their tribal fathers. By doing so, they replaced
their tribal fathers outwardly with the “spiritual self-Jew” inwardly, to
become unfaithful to their tribal fathers and Abraham - the super bastards
worse than those natural bastards that are born of the prostitutes, as they do
not know who their real father could be. That is why Christ Jesus told the Jews
outwardly, in the Temple, that their forefathers are super bastard fanatic
devils – John 8v44. And they retorted that they were not born out of fornication
but had legitimate parents. Jesus agreed with them, but He told them that by
replacing their tribes with Jew outwardly that they had renounced their tribal
fathers, and Abraham and Yahweh as well. Such people, who are unfaithful to
both Abraham and to Yahweh, are called “Tares,” the super bastard fanatic
Saltless devils such as these Mohammedans who killed the people looking after
the suffering people in the Middle East where all Hell has broken. Today, these
unfaithful people are being bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning that
will happen soon after the month of May in the year 2018, when Israel shall be
70 years old. As the True Gospel is intended for the Sons of Man, not many have
their tribal identities intact. Tribal identity would not let you do wrong to
others or the sons of Man give their forefathers a bad name!
is why Christ Thomas said, “Gospel will be received by one in a thousand and
two in ten thousand. They shall be solitary but of one accord.” No wonder these
organized churches that employ hireling dog-collared Priests, the very
apotheosis of Judas Iscariot in sheep’s clothing, are the synagogues of Satan
fulfilling Matt. 12v43-45, “When an impure spirit (sacked Temple Priests, the
Husband men of the Winepress) comes out of a person, it goes through arid
places seeking rest or green pastures to fleece people and does not find it. 44
Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left, the Church of God headed by
Christ Jesus.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, (Jews outwardly
seeking Darkness had killed Angel Stephen, St. James the Just, etc., the owners
of the House,) swept clean (clean-hearted people) and put in order (no liars or
hypocrites.) 45 Then it goes, occupies the Church of God, and takes with it
seven wicked deacons, other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and
live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first,
ending up with a much heavier Yoke than before the arrival of Jesus. That is
how it will be with this wicked generation.”
Saying of the Second Jesus, Satguru Nanak Dev Ji about the characteristics of this Dark Age:
ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ ੧ ॥ ਸਚਿ ਕਾਲੁ ਕੂੜੁ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਕਲਿ ਕਾ ਲਖ ਬੇਤਾਲ ॥ ਬੀਉ ਬੀਜਿ ਪਤਿ ਲੈ ਗਏ ਅਬ ਕਿਉ ਉਗਵੈ ਦਾਲਿ ॥ ਜੇ ਇਕੁ ਹੋਇ ਤ ਉਗਵੈ ਰੁਤੀ ਹੂ ਰੁਤਿ ਹੋਇ ॥ ਨਾਨਕ ਪਾਹੈ ਬਾਹਰਾ ਕੋਰੈ ਰੰਗੁ ਨ ਸੋਇ ॥ ਭੈ ਵਿਚਿ ਖੁੰਬਿ ਚੜਾਈਐ ਸਰਮੁ ਪਾਹੁ ਤਨਿ ਹੋਇ ॥ ਨਾਨਕ ਭਗਤੀ ਜੇ ਰਪੈ ਕੂੜੈ ਸੋਇ ਨ ਕੋਇ ॥੧॥
who will receive the Gospel or the New Wine?
Chapter 2
Who are
the predestined?
picked up the predestined remnant who were longing for Gospel, and they happily
worked in the Vineyard of our Father under the Foremanship of Jesus. Their friends,
relatives, etc., were pestered by the local Rabbis that they were joining the
company of a Heretic, but they were not deterred by such hatred against them.
Even some prominent Rabbis from Jerusalem were sent to Nazareth to persuade
Mary that her Foster Son Jesus was going against their traditions, and that He
was teaching strange things to the people. She was told ask Jesus to stop that
heretical teaching that people do not understand. Persuaded by these Jerusalem
Doctors of Theology, she went to Jesus to tell Him that He was misleading the
people from the Jewish traditions. That is why Jesus said, “My relatives,
parents, brothers, etc., are those who do the Will of my Father”.
Himself, was a Free solitary man and He encouraged His
Labourers to be solitary as well. Remember that when Jesus fed the 5000 people,
He stressed that Moses fed them on Manna in a similar Wilderness, but He was
going to feed them with the Heavenly Bread, which is much tastier than Manna.
After making them satisfied with their physical hunger (as they do in the Sikh
Temples today where food is served “free,”) then Jesus opened His Mouth that
unless you eat the flesh of Jesus, which is what comes out of the mouth of
Jesus that you need to understand by lending your ears, take it to your heart
for digesting or pondering over, and then Preach Gospel from your own mouth in
honour of Christ Jesus to glorify our Father (which is called Drinking the
Blood of Christ,) you have no part in me. This was a Test of their spirituality,
or of the Oral Torah, which they failed by taking His words in a literal sense,
as they were used to the Letters of the written Torah only. They all vanished,
taking Jesus for a mad man, and demanded that His body be cut into pieces and
His flesh eaten raw. When the 5000 had left and Jesus was alone, then Jesus
turned around asking His Labourers, “Do you want to leave me as well?” That is,
in Jesus you are totally FREE and you do not follow anyone in the manner of the
blind Disciples of the Rabbis. Then, the once-born Peter (who was highly
impressed by His Miracles) replied, “You have the living Bread from Heaven, we
will not leave You.” Later on Jesus explained to them
what is meant by eating the flesh of Jesus and drinking the Blood of Christ. By
the End of His Ministry, this sacrament was celebrated as the Eucharist, also
called the “Last Supper,” in which the same Oath was repeated by serving the
remaining Eleven (as Judas Iscariot had been thrown out earlier.) This
Eucharist is also called entering into the Bridal Chamber for Marriage with the
Son Christ Jesus, as outlined in the Parable of Father God, wishing to
celebrate the Marriage of His Son Christ Jesus by first inviting His Own
people, especially of the Tribe of Judah, yet the Tribe of Judah made excuses.
Then, the Invitation was extended to the Gentiles, and the Wedding Hall was
soon Full. That is, Gospel would not be appreciated by
the Chosen People, but by the Gentiles. When the Father of the Son appeared to
Greet and welcome them, He found one man not properly dressed for the
Eucharist. He was thrown out into the Darkness where he suffered. And this man
was Judas Iscariot - stressing that money thieves, such as these hireling
Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches, the very Synagogues of Satan, are NOT
entertained into the Royal Kingdom of God. People donate money, and this man of
no conscience, dead in letters of Scriptures with a Dog-Collar, steals the
donation as his salary as if he is working for Mammon. He hypocritically tells
his blind paymaster stooges that he is working for God and that they should
obey him as the Disciples of the Rabbis do. Such a spiritually-blind
Dog-Collared guide, as well as his disciples - they all fall into the Pit of
sectarian riots as you saw in Ireland. And today you are seeing killing in
Iraq, Syria, etc. Further, recently I was among the audience of a BBC show on The
Big Question; Is God the Problem? This program was of Series 8, Episode 18
that was presented on Sunday, 31 May, 2015. The presenter Nicky Campbell happened
to address a retired Vicar by using his former title. The Vicar, who was the
main spokesman on the topic retorted, “Please do not address me as a Vicar, as
I am retired from the post.” Nicky was taken aback, and he had to stop the
program for a fresh start. I was laughing that this retired Vicar worked for
Mammon all his life just as a Policeman in uniform does. What the hell would he know about God? This
is a typical example of the intellectual levels of the people with no
discerning intellect, who are not capable of digging the Treasures of our
Father from their own hearts through intuition.
the people who are devoted to worship our Father are very Few indeed; one in a
thousand and two in ten thousand. You should not be surprised with this
“intuition” based upon logical reasoning. Jesus led us to the spiritual
Heights, making us capable of Brewing His Word, called Logos, through logical
reasoning. First the Labourers were Brethren under One Father God and as they
learned “Logos” and were capable of Preaching from their own Mouths (called
drinking the Blood of Christ Jesus,) then they became Workers - His Philosopher
Friends ready to lay down their lives for each other. This Philia love they
proved when Jesus insisted upon visiting dead Lazarus in the most hostile Judea
region. They, as His Friends, warned Him, “Don’t You know
that they want to kill You, and yet You are planning to go there to see dead
Lazarus?” But when He insisted upon going, then His Friends did not let Him
down, expecting something serious might happen. But Jesus reminded them that
they were under the Protection of our Supernatural Father God and no one could
touch them unless our Father willeth. Remember that Christ Paul made many
dangerous journeys to visit Churches filled with people hostile to those who
preach The Gospel.
Jesus Presents the Two Extremes
has presented to us the two extremes: one - that the haughty and arrogant men
of letters in Jerusalem thought that the people of Galilee were most ignorant
of Scriptures, and the other - an illiterate person of Jerusalem that the
Rabbis of letters thought of as the most ignorant person living among them, the
born-blind person of John 9, who mocked those men of letters through an
open-mind of a child - so much so that they could not tolerate his challenges
the qualities that a person should possess in order to be His Labourer was
stressed by Jesus throughout His Ministry in an orderly manner, starting with
the Demonstration of preparing the New Wine at Cana wedding party. Here, Jesus
presented the complete “Formula” to prepare the New Wine. And who would appreciate the Taste of New
Wine - His Word?
John 2: The Wedding at Cana
the third day, (the First Day being for the hylic natural men or the Disciples
of the Rabbis, the Second Day for the doubting Psychic Labourers, and the Third
Day of decision for the Pneumatic Workers Sealed to Serve God who are Fit to
marry our Father,) there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the Surrogate
mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and His Labouring Brethren were also invited
to the wedding. When the wine ran short, or people were not satisfied with the
Scriptures of the dead Letters, the Surrogate mother of Jesus said to Him,
“They have no wine.” That is, the people were not satisfied or pleased with the
old wine of “letters” and they were still longing for something very pleasing
to their minds - the New Wine or the Oral Torah, the knowledge of which the
Rabbis had lost due to greed. But these simple and clean-hearted village people
were sincere, as they were not drunk with the old wine of the letters. They deserved Tasting the New Wine. So
Jesus knew that they were not satisfied
with the Scriptures, but instead desired Topping up with New Wine that would not
only satisfy their Hunger for His Word, but would also put their striving minds
at rest from their search for Gospel. [And] Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does
your concern affect me, a Solitary Free Man, the master of His own destiny?”
For a person who follows the Blind guides, such as the Rabbis, Pope, etc., is
not truly free. Christ Thomas Said, “Unless a female (a Disciple of the Rabbis
as Saul was) becomes a male (or master of his own destiny as the twice-born,
born-blind person of John 9 was,) she cannot get into the Royal Kingdom of God,
the Royal Vineyard with the Narrow Gate for the solitary.” The born-blind person of John 9 was under the
domination of no one at all. Jesus continued, “My hour has not yet come. Let
them first long for Gospel New Wine,” just as the ones Jesus had picked up as
His Labourers for the Royal Vineyard of our Father were longing for. His
surrogate mother said to the servers, “Do whatever He tells you.” Now, this is
how Jesus advised His Labourers, the “servers” or Apostles, how to Brew the New
Wine. Now there were six stone water
jars, six types of secular people represented by the Six Candles of Menorah or
the Star of David that involve the six types of secular works or KARMA we perform
in our secular life. This family was of the Tribe of Judah, and they, like
those of the Khatri tribe of India, were very religious in observing the
rituals that their Rabbi or Brahmin had told them. And they were there for the
Jewish ceremonial washings of the sins committed under ignorance of the Law.
They even put these vats in a certain direction as recommended by their Rabbi,
a sound proof of the blind leading the blind. Each stone vat was holding twenty
to thirty gallons. Before Jesus told them to fill the jars with clean water, He
advised them to thoroughly rinse out the specks of old wine of letters or
Scriptures from their hearts to start life afresh as the twice-born of spirit
do with the unbiased heart of a child. This is called filling the stone vat,
physical body, with crystal clear fresh water by throwing out all the
confusions caused by what this Rabbi said or that Rabbi said. That is, no more
muddy and murky water like the minds of those of the men of letters at
Jerusalem were, but as clear a mind as that of a little child. Jesus said,
“Fill the jars with water.” So they filled them to the brim. No more room for
the old wine of letters or dependence upon the religious Books or Scriptures,
but they were all ready and desiring for the New Wine.
the Holy Spirit is “common sense,” it works for our Father when you are
impartial and unbiased. Then you are capable of Brewing the New Wine through
logical reasoning called GURPARSAAD (Gur = logical reasoning; Parsaad, the
Nectar,) the Logos. Then He told them, “Draw some out now and take it to the
headwaiter.” So they took it. And when the headwaiter tasted the water that had
become wine, without knowing (received only through revelations direct from our
Father untouched by human hands or corruptible Scriptures) where it came from
(although the servers, the Apostles, who had drawn or Brewed the New Wine
knew,) the headwaiter called the bridegroom, the persons who are Solitary, the
sons of most High, and said to them, “Everyone serves good wine first, and then
when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; but you have kept the good wine
until now.” That is, these simple villagers were outspoken like the little
children that are free of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy was prevalent in Jerusalem, and
the Scribes and Rabbis knew that Jesus is the Christ, but they would not admit
that fact for the sake of their authorities as these hireling Dog-Collared
Priests are doing today. No, these simple villagers told what was in their
hearts. People study Scriptures, Old Cloth, as in the past Ages, but when that
Old Cloth gets highly corrupted through the hypocrisy of the clever, greedy
Rabbis, it becomes good for nothing. Then the twice-born people of age (as the
born-blind young man of age in John 9 was) would appreciate the New Wine
introduced by the Anointed Christ Jesus to prepare the Solitary Virgin Brides
for our Father. Remember that what applies to flesh, the opposite applies to
spirit. In flesh, a father gives his virgin daughter away to a boy, whilst in
spirit our Father Marries His own solitary Virgin daughters, SOOHAGHAN, to produce more sons of Most
High through the Solitary Virgin Brides - called Fishing
the spiritual men. Such spiritual people are masters of their own destinies,
and they are admitted into the Royal Kingdom of God that has a Narrow Gate.
Jesus did this Miracle among the simple-minded village people that the clever
psychic Jerusalem theologians were thinking of as good for nothing. Thus, in
this Miracle, He introduced to desiring people the purpose of His coming into
the world in Cana in Galilee, a place far away from Jerusalem that is full of
the spiritually dead men of letters who are heavily drunk with the Old wine of
Scriptures. The Old wine made them stiff-necked and haughty, desiring not the
New Wine. Such theologians of the letters were so proud of their degrees in
theology that they looked down upon the others from villages as stupid, or
Goyeishi Koppa. That is, once you get drunk with the old wine, you desireth not
the New. So, this village situation, far away from Jerusalem, was the best for
people to receive or appreciate the New Wine - the Gospel. In fact, these
University Professors of Theology, being the men of letters, and being
completely lacking in spirit, are best described as the “super donkeys carrying holy books,” capable of taking the skins of
letters only. They highly lack common sense - so much so that they do not know
who was born and died on the Cross, Jesus or Christ, or whether Jesus was a
moral teacher or a spiritual Preacher. It is clearly written in the New
Testament that Christ was in the beginning, and He is forever: Christ = His
Word. And so Jesus and His solitary
Workers, and not the slave disciples of the Rabbis, revealed the Glory of our
Father, and His Labourers began to believe in Him.
Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael
found Nathanael and said to him, "We have found Him of whom Moses in the
Law and also the Prophets wrote - Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."
Nathanael said to him, "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?"
Philip said to him, "Come and see." Jesus saw Nathanael coming to
Him, and said of him, "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no
deceit!” That is, Jesus could read the minds of His Labourers. And further, the
contempt displayed against these honest to God, simple-minded people by the
clever psychic Jerusalem Rabbis is shown by their opinion against such people
when they said to Nicodemus, “Are you also from Galilee? Search and look, for
no Prophet has arisen out of Galilee.” (John 7v52.) Prophets used to come into
the world to “Pull the ears of the Rabbis” to mend their ways. John the Baptist
was the last Prophet on Earth; Luke 16v16: "The Law and the Prophets
remained until John. Since then, the good news about the Royal Kingdom of God
has been proclaimed, and everyone entering it is under attack”.
hearing Him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things? And
what wisdom is this which is given to Him, that such mighty works are performed
by His hands! Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James,
Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” And they were
offended at Him out of jealousy (Mark 6v2-3). These people were the once-born
simpletons, and they, being egoistic, always think that they are wiser than
have a saying, “A hundred wise men have one opinion whilst a hundred egoistic
persons have their own opinions.”
Jesus presents the other extreme in Jerusalem, where the people were drunk with
the old wine of the letters, making them egoistic. Such egoistic people create
an atmosphere where they argue with each other about what this Rabbi said or
what the other Rabbi said, whilst they themselves will not air-out their own
views, as they are not well-known among the men of letters. In short, such
people create very murky water against the least drunk with the old wine men of
Galilee. But as the beautiful Lotus flower thrives even in dirty water, so here
Jesus presents a person, a Lotus, who was not drunk with the old wine of the letters
and he had the Holy Spirit, or “common sense” (John 9.)
His Will that is governed by His Word cannot be understood unless God blesses
the person with Holy Spirit to reason logically. Such persons of spirit are
rare, indeed. This has been revealed to us by Jesus in John 9 in which He
opened the eyes of a born-blind man with His spittle. Here, Jesus not only
stresses the type of people that He is seeking for His ministry, but He also
presents to us a confrontation between a living man of spirit, the new skin
very suitable for the New Wine, and the spiritually dead Priests of Moses, the
old skins full of the old wine of Moses' letters.
many of us are doing things wrong unknowingly in the manners of Saul before
Jesus opened his spiritual eyes and he became St. Paul. So this blind man was a
predestined and sensible person of his sensible parents through whom Jesus
could proclaim His mission (i.e. Jesus came to open the spiritual third eye of
the predestined, sensible people only.) And it was for this reason that He told
His Labourers not to publicly proclaim Him to be the anointed Christ of God.
But to this sensible man whom Jesus sought afterword, He was too pleased to
proclaim His Christship, and the man acknowledged it without any hitch. This blind
man was neither a stupid person nor a stooge of the Priests of Moses, but a
very outspoken and "solitary" sensible person who gave very sensible
and assuring answers to his neighbours, and the Priests who put all sorts of
silly questions to him. In fact, the blind man's answers to the Priests were
interesting in that Moses' Priests, who were totally blinded with the old wine
of Moses' letters, the written Torah, totally rejected the blind man's claims,
and they did not accept that Jesus was of God; whereas the less drunk Pharisees
and Sadducees did confess that unless Jesus was of God, He could not have
performed such miracles. This mixture of thoughts caused a great confusion in
their camp, and the blind man tactically mocked them by such remarks as in John
9v27: “Look!” the man exclaimed, “I told you once! Didn't you listen? Why do
you want to hear it again? Do you want to become His disciples too?” Finally,
Jesus summarizes His purpose of coming into the world in John 9v39: Then Jesus
told him, "I have come into the world to give sight to those who are
seeking spiritual Light and to show those who think they see, men of letters,
that they are blind". Thus, in the above passage, the predestined and
sensible person of spirit called Jesus a Prophet, whereas His opponents, Moses'
Priests of letters, called Jesus a Satan.
Priests of today, being drunk with the senseless letters of the New Testament
as well, are worse off than Moses' Priests. And no wonder that they label the
Gnostics of spirit as heretics! Firstly, one cannot be a Gnostic unless one is
a sensible and outspoken person - a solitary person in the manners of the blind
man. Such a person cannot be any other than that predestined of our Father. And
as you will realize, such persons are quite rare (remnants.) Secondly,
predestined persons normally meet people of light to have the "spark"
to kindle their own inner spiritual candle as Jesus did to the blind man. And
just to mention, I received this "spark" of light from my late father
Ch. Udham Nijjhar. Nobody is capable of receiving His Word unless God wills it.
The Gnostics, past and present, are the living persons of spirit called
Christs, the sons of Most High Elohim, Allah or ParBrahm, and not the dead
persons of letters as those University Professors who are studying the Gnostic
Gospels recently found in Egypt. Such dead men of letters cannot even
understand the very fundamental Logo 114 in the Gospel of Thomas: Jesus said,
"I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may
become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make
herself male will enter the Royal Kingdom of God." That is, in Jesus all
the brethren living in spirit in our One Supernatural Father God, being
solitary masters of their own destinies, are Male - whether in flesh they may
be male or female. That is, in Jesus we are Fishers of spiritual solitary men
and not the stooges of Priests, Pope, etc., the Female Prostitutes that have
already married the spiritually-blind guides leading them to Pits of Death, the
have tried to help the book-Gnostics explain such simple passages, but as they
are of the type worse than Moses' Priests of letters, they hate me much more
than the blind man experienced in his ordeal. We all know that a person without
spirit is dead. And the people who are full of the old wine of letters, as the
present university theologians are, may be best described as the super donkeys
- the most stupid animal - carrying Holy Books. One example of such donkeys was
Priests of Moses of letters, who called Jesus a Satan. Now, the things of
spirit being opposite to those of the flesh, the Spiritual Principles, i.e. His
Word, are opposite in narration to the moral laws of Moses - a fact that Jesus
exploited to mock the Pharisees and Sadducees e.g. Matt.19, the Parable of
marriage and divorce. In this context, think of the university theologians who
teach the New Testament by the letters. For it makes no sense
in letters at all against the moral laws of Moses that make sense in letters.
The present academic theologians are a breed of "super donkeys" and
their poor stable keepers, the vice-chancellors also being the men of letters.
They won't let a living Gnostic enter into their fold lest their "super
donkey" Mammon-orientated breeding process is stifled. Some of the obvious
effects of this academic Christianity of Mammon are:
People call Jesus to be their Lord and God but they take great pride in the
export of weapons to the poor third-world countries. In America, even the
Presidents are toppled if their armament factories cannot run.
Now, in God we love and serve people whilst in Mammon kill and rule over them.
Thus, the churches of these countries, being national rather than international
or Universal, have their archbishops honour the dead soldiers of their
countries, as if to have glorified God. And their main cathedrals are full of
the statues of those people who helped establish the empires (e.g. St. Paul’s
cathedral in London is full of the statues of those soldiers who killed others
in the third world countries for the sake of Mammon) and there is not a single
statue of a person who served the poor in the name of Jesus - even in the
manners of Bro. William Booth of the Salvation Army.
Their countries have the highest number of abortions which is infanticide -
the above facts point out that the God of such nations is not the loving Father
of Jesus but the killer Mammon. Mammon was also the God of Moses' Priests who
hated Jesus but sang the songs of His Father. The above crystal clear facts are
known to many but hardly a few speak out their mind;
Logo 23: Jesus said, “I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and
two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one.” In other words,
the men of spirit who honour Jesus are very rare indeed.
God blesses people according to their deeds or conscience. Thus, the Mammon
worshipers of Europe and America have been blessed with the Atomic Arsenals for
their own wholesale destruction which is expected to take place soon after May
2018, when Israel shall be seventy years old. The next few years will follow
the same pattern as when the Temple was destroyed in 70 CE, in which the
Holiest of Holy Temple of God belonging to Christ, the Royal High Priest of God
was destroyed forever. The above forecasts, including the establishment of
Israel, are contained in the New Testament. However, most people do not make
any effort to understand the Bible. They would rather depend upon a hireling, dog-collared,
soft-spoken, and neatly dressed clergyman of Mammon, like a cup shining from
outside, who has no place in the ministry of Jesus. Such Priests have been
replaced by Holy Spirit, “common sense,” that shatters the fetters of the
letters and sets us Free to receive the incorruptible Gospel of Spirit through
logical reasoning. Thus, the Pope and other clerics of different denominations
appear like the blind men describing an elephant, and are all but the prophets
of the Beast, and they act as the blind guides of the blind.
that the New Covenant of Jesus is of spirit and grace and not that of the
“letters” and “works,” please do not be misled by the blind guides of letters
who are even worse off than the blind guides of Moses – Matt. 12v43-45. Always
use your own common sense and renew your innerman, the Christ, and not an
innerwoman. Do so every day in honour of
Christ Jesus. After the proclamation of Gospel, you cannot hold any person
responsible for your deeds when God asks you for the account, i.e. your clergy
or bishop cannot defend you in the court of God. And further, it does not make
sense for a poor man to give money (alms) for the upkeep of Pope or other
clerics who live lavishly on widow’s mite.
everything that happens in the world is governed by the Will of God. For
example, why couldn't people produce Atomic Bombs, say, 200 years ago? The
answers to such questions are clearly stated in the New Testament, but you have
to be a predestined man of Holy Spirit to understand His Word - the Pearls that
cannot be thrown before either the super donkeys of letters or the swine of
Mammon. Many things will be explained, but unless you have a discerning
intellect you cannot be convinced. For example, Jesus came the second time in
1469 in the name of Nanak in India, and he has gone after Preaching Gospel
through Six Satgurus for almost 150 years, but hardly anyone could perceive
Him. This is like the coming of Elijah
in the name of John the Baptist, and was known to the real sons of Abraham
only. Also, Jesus has established the Royal Kingdom of God, and those who
become the Royal Priests and the Royal Kings of this Royal Kingdom of God enjoy
the Peace of Jesus. But the blind Priests of letters are expecting an earthly
Kingdom of God, which not only does not exist, but they indirectly proclaim
that Christ of God in the name of Jesus has not come yet - a blindness worse
than that of the Jews of flesh who are still expecting their Messiah. As there
cannot be kings without kingdoms, people should seek the Royal Kingdom of God
by letting Jesus enter into their way of life. Therefore, the Royal Kingdom of
God is of the hearts when we serve and not rule over the people in truth and in
spirit to honour our Anointed Elder Brothers Christ Jesus and Christ = Satguru
Nanak Dev Ji.
Holy Spirit,
“common sense” shatters the fetters of the dead Letters, the “Holy Books.”
Chapter 3
Once-Born versus the Twice-Born.
FLESH (Water
– semen or seed) SOUL (Blood) AND SPIRIT (Seed or son of God) CALLED “SURTTI.”
I took part in a BBC1 debate called Big Questions and the topic was Is
God the problem? As stated in the previous Chapter, a retired Vicar outed
himself as a servant of Mammon by stating his station as a mere job title. This being so, how could he know about God?
That is, these Priests in Churches like the Policemen on their beats are just
enjoying a secular job working for Mammon. No wonder that the Priests come number one on the job satisfaction survey by a
newspaper. If such Priests are working for Mammon only, then what the hell
would they know about God, which is pure Spirit and Mammon-Free? That is, why
did Jesus say that you cannot serve Mammon and God? You will love one and hate
the other. People working for Mammon cannot speak the Gospel Truth as it will
hurt them and their congregations. So they must deliver sugar-coated sermons of
falsehoods to keep their congregations, their paymasters, happy. Either that, or they would be thrown out of
the Church and lose their jobs. Even the University Professors hate Gospel
Truth. I told a University Professor that Jew is a spiritual self, inwardly and
not the physical self, outwardly. So, a Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. is never
born and he never dies but the tribal selves. He agreed with me that a Jew is a
spiritual self, but when I told him that not a single Jew died during the
holocaust, he was not happy to agree with me because it would upset his
congregation, his paymasters. That is, why is Gospel Truth not for everyone,
but only for those solitary, spiritual persons who can carry their own Crosses
of affliction? People who are used to the sugar-coated tablets of falsehoods
cannot absorb the Bitter Gospel Truth that saves life. The hireling Dog-Collared
Priests of Mammon would never admit that Gospel is for the remnant solitary
ones capable of carrying their own Crosses. But to please their congregation,
he would rather happily say that Gospel is for everyone.
Jesus hired Twelve Labourers for the Royal Vineyard of our Father, which has a
Narrow Gate for the solitary, and where our Father planted the True Vine Christ
Jesus. Of the Twelve, one of them called Simon was a once-born natural man.
Jesus nicknamed him Peter, a stone, because he could not understand Gospel that
He Preached. Only once, Jesus gave him the Taste of Gospel when Jesus asked him
what he thinks of Him. Or you cannot pour the Eucharist Wine, Gospel, from one
cup, person, to another cup. This Eucharist Wine is to be served from One
Bottle only. Here, I quote the New Testament to stress my point:-
Peter Declares That Jesus Is the Messiah
16v13: When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His
Labourers, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” 14 They replied, “Some says
John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the
prophets.” 15 He asked, “But what about you? Who do you say I am?” That is, in
Jesus, what come out of our own mouths are what matters and not what this man
or that man or the Books say because we are the living Christs of living God,
Who is within us and not alienated like the demiurge Yahweh in heaven. This is
called Emmanuel. 16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the
living God within us.” 17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah,
for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by our Father within
you. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my
Church of God, One Fold headed by Christ Jesus, and the gates of Hades will not
overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven that used to
be with the Rabbis:-
you bind on earth will be bound in heaven of Law and order, and whatever you
loose on earth, forgives them sins as the Rabbis used to do, will be loosed in
that Christ Peter was the Gatekeeper to the Church of God and people sold their
properties to join this One Fold that was Free from Mammon. But Ananias and
Saphira sold their property and upon telling lies to Christ Peter, they were
killed on the spot. These liars built their House Of God on Sand and it could
not stand the test. Truthful people build their Temples of God on solid rock
and such people then love Gospel Truth. Such Brethren Preached Gospel from the
Rooftops. In fact, the Brethren of the First Church of God used to go to town
to help people on Philanthropic basis and they never asked for money.
Philanthropy earns you honour in the hearts of people and they donate of their
own free-will.
16v20: Then He requested His Brethren, or Labourers, not to tell anyone that He
was the Messiah. Christ stands for Light, and to tell the arrogant blind men of
letters that you are the Christ, then you are inviting mockery and disrespect,
whilst Jesus happily told the twice-born Born-blind person and the Samaritan
Woman of spirit as well, that He is the Christ.
Jesus Predicts His Death
16v21: From that time on Jesus began to explain to His Labouring Brethren that
He must go to Jerusalem and suffers many things at the hands of the elders, the
chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that He must be killed and on
the third day be raised to life. 22 Peter, on receiving the Taste of Gospel,
had become arrogant as the once-born men of letters, like the Pharisee Simon
who invited Jesus to his house was, and he took him aside and began to rebuke
him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to You!”
(Peter, being the once-born, always took Jesus for a Good Rabbi. And like the
Rabbis, he addressed Him as “Lord” instead of as a Brother equal to him. That
is why he would not let Jesus wash his feet at Eucharist, which is entering
into the Bridal Chamber for Marriage to the Son, Christ Jesus, and the
Bridegroom.) 23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan!” (Peter
had become arrogant like the once-born men of letters heavily drunk with the
old wine.) “You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the
concerns of God, the spiritual sense that the twice-born possess but merely
human concerns in which Jesus made the dead alive, the Miracles performed in
honour of our Supernatural Father.” 24 Then Jesus said to His Labouring
Brethren, “Whoever wants to be My Wife must deny them or be ready to give his
sacrifice and take up their own cross to join me. 25 For whoever wants to save
their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for Service to Me will
find it.” (We, being the Solitary Virgin Wives of our Anointed Bridegroom
Christ Jesus, serve Jesus with honour of the Highest Order to glorify our
Father.) 26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world for the
sake of greed, yet forfeit their soul the chance to earn Resurrection by the
Grace of our Father as depicted by the soul of the poor Lazarus? Or what can
anyone give in exchange for their soul, the Real self that was given the great
chance in a human form to seek Rest? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in
His Father’s glory with His angels, the people perfect in the moral laws as
John the Baptist was, and then He will reward each person according to what
they have done. (This is the Pentecost, when each Labourer was Rewarded the
same Holy Spirit with different Gifts.) Peter was given the Key to the Kingdom
of Heaven, and for this reason, he laid the Foundation of the Church of God by
delivering the First Sermon to Congregation to be “Truthful” in order to create
a solid rock for the Temple of God. That is, no Temple of God - no Bitter Pill
of Gospel - but the sugar-coated pill of falsehoods that creates sectarian
riots. 28 “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death
before they see the Son of Man, YeShiva, the First-Born of Yahweh, the Second
Adam, coming in his Eternal Royal Kingdom of God, resurrected in the body of
Jesus. Remember that works lead to reincarnation, whilst grace to resurrection.
This Dark Age, Kalyug of Christ, is the Golden Chance to earn your resurrection
or Rest.”
I was born in an outspoken Jatt tribal family - who were very much interested
in Gospel that was Preached by Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji of the Punjab, Who
was the Second Coming of Jesus. Like Jesus, Nanak too was the anointed Son of
God. But unlike Jesus, He was not born of a Virgin, but of the Khatri tribal
parents. I will explain this later in another Chapter on the Virgin Birth of
the second coming of Jesus was the Satguru, Christ Nanak Dev Ji, born in 1469
in the Punjab. He explained everything in detail through Five Specialist
Lights. Further, Four Lights were in the name of Last and the Fourth Light
Sachae Patshah Gobind Rai Ji, or the Royal King Gobind Rai Ji, Who after His
Baptism became Royal King Gobind Singh Ji. Thus, two Lights came in the Middle
East: John the Baptist, an Ideal moral teacher and Rabbi, and Prophet Elijah,
the Angel of Israel and the Anointed Son of God, Christ Jesus, Preacher of His
Word called Oral Torah, to fulfil the Law. Those Two, Who came in the East,
were Christ Nanak Dev Ji, the Anointed Son of God and the Representation of our
Father God, ParShiv, in the name of Royal King Gobind Rai Ji with His Escort
Mahadevan, our Mother Holy Spirit. Royal King Gobind Rai Ji put the Last two communities, called Panth, the Ways of Life, the
Third Khalsa Community of Philanthropic Warriors, who sorted out the stubborn
sons of Satan troubling the sons of God, the Bhagats with sword power and the
Fourth Community of Apostles, Who Preached Gospel as the roving Preachers. My
grandparents used to look after the Roving Preachers and my late father had a chance
to meet them, from whom he learned the basics of Sikhism. We were told to be
honest and not to take or give bribes. But today, bribery is the order of the
day. In fact, Amritsar is the Epicentre of corruption, and that is why the
Replacement of the destroyed Holiest of Holy Temples that used to be in
Jerusalem, the Hospital for the spiritually sick and dishonest people called
Golden Temple, is in Amritsar. The Last Sixth Christ, Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji,
was not allowed to enter His Own House, the Harmandir Sahib, by the crook
Khatris who locked the Doors from inside. After paying Homage to Satguru Nanak
Dev Ji, He left for Bihar, a place far away from the crook Khatris, who created
a lasting Darkness to their heart’s content.
Jesus said Gospel is for one in a thousand and two in ten thousand, whilst
Christ Nanak said, One in a Million will know Gospel. Thus, Gospel is not for everyone, and here is
the very simple explanation: All living things have two things in common or
essential to exist; Flesh (water) and
Soul (Blood.) Flesh comes from flesh Adam and its creator Yahweh, called
Brahma in Punjabi and Khudah in Arabic - the demiurge god of Nature that
creates a Vessel like the stone Vats in Cana that Jesus used to demonstrate how
the New Wine is Brewed in us - the stone Vats in which the real self-soul
RABBIS THROUGH THE MORAL LAWS. Thus, a man fancies a woman and marries her
to produce natural family that obeys the man-made natural moral laws for good
behaviour leading to a civilized kingdom
of heaven for him to Rule over – Matt.13v52: Then said He unto them,
“Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like
unto a man that is an householder, the owner of the Synagogue which bringeth
forth out of his treasure of knowledge things new (the Oral Torah, or His Word)
and old (the written Torah or the Scriptures.)” This defines an ideal Rabbi.
was the typical example of the once-born natural man who could only understand
Scriptures learned through the letters as those in universities do. He also
obeyed his hereditary Rabbi. Such a person who goes by the instructions of his
Rabbi is a Blind Slave or a Disciple of his Ruler Rabbi, and he does what
pleases his Rabbi as Saul, of conscience, was not happy in the persecution of
the Labourers of Jesus, but his Ruler Rabbi Gamaliel was happy in the
persecutions. Thus, his conscience was against what his physical body was
doing. The actions of his body were those of the divorced wife named Saul,
which was controlled by his Rabbi Gamaliel. All that he was doing was against
his personal will, the will of his “innerman,” called Christ, as our physical
body is the Temple of God. That is why Saul changed his New
wife’s name to Paul, as he was redeemed by Christ for his utter devotion by the
Grace of our Father, making Him a Twin-Brother of Jesus.
our Supernatural Father God be willing, or Fancies you as the natural man
fancied his girl to get married, then He will induce His “seed” in our heart,
the spiritual Womb that will produce His supernatural son “Christ” with Holy
Spirit, called “common sense,” refreshing the person from once-born simpleton
or “stone-headed” person to a
sensible person of the discerning intellect that would set him not only Free of
the clutches of the Rabbis or their modern forms these hireling Dog-Collared
Priests in Churches, the Synagogues of Satan made by human hands in the fashion
of the destroyed Jerusalem Temple, but He will also help them to become the
solitary Virgin Brides of Jesus through understanding Gospel Preached by our
Bridegroom Christ Jesus. Such people have tendency to become Atheist, and those
who long for Gospel find the Narrow Gate to the Vineyard of our Father where
the True Vine Christ Jesus has been Planted by our Father. Thus, Christ Jesus
is The True Son of God, a Preacher called Christ, Messiah, or Satguru - a
Shepherd, Who knows the names of His Remnant Solitary Virgin Brides or the
Sheep. He Feeds them with His Word through Gospel
Puzzles or Parables that the once-born men of letters cannot grasp. Thus,
Christ appeared in the name of Jesus, the Clothing needed for His Word, the
Christ, to live among us and He knew His Sheep, the Remnant by their names, who
are seeking His Word. This is called predestination of our Father. Then, the
situation of the twice-born person becomes:
FLESH (SEMEN or son of Man) + SOUL
(BLOOD) + SPIRIT (the Christ, son, or
Seed of God, or the “innerman”) that makes the person twice-born of sensible
discerning intellect suitable to receive His Word. Thus, in the Pick of Jesus,
Eleven were picked by Jesus Himself whilst the Twelfth, clever Judas Iscariot,
begged Jesus to be included in His Party. In short, His Twelve were made up of
one Simon nicknamed Peter for him being a once-born man of flesh or of nature,
Judas Iscariot, a clever twice-born man of the greedy Judah tribe of evil or
arid spirit, the one lost Sheep out of the Perfect 100. Thus, ninety nine were
already in the Royal Kingdom of God,
The Secure Fold of our Royal Father God, and the rest of the Ten Labourers were
of Holy Spirit with Thomas, who was always doubting the Holy Father and testing
before believing, whilst the rest of those in the holy ghost were sealed to
serve God (or they were wise men,) the pneumatics. As for Judas Iscariot, being
a psychic Prince of Darkness, a Baby regretting so much of Missing the Boat
steered by Christ Jesus - he killed himself out of remorse. But the people of
the Khatri tribe of the Punjab, the Kings and Emperors of Darkness – these
showed no remorse at all. Remember that these hireling Dog-Collared Priests in
the Churches, Judas Iscariots in sheep’s clothing are mostly the psychic sons of
Satan. They love the comforts and glory of Mammon but hypocritically tell
people through their Dog-Collars that they are men of God. House Fellowships of
the Royal Priests (that the crook Messianic Jews banned in 300 by the decree of
Emperor Constantine) are the answer.
Two Lights that came in the Punjab, the land of Kings and Emperors of Darkness
of Khatri tribe were Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, and Royal King or Sachae
Patshah Gobind Rai Ji, who gave the finishing Touches to the last two philanthropic
communities; third of Philanthropic Soldiers of Akal Purakh or God called
Khalsas, the Philanthropic Puritans as Oliver Cromwell demonstrated in Europe
and the Fourth of Apostles called NIRMALLAE (Pure of heart) SANTS. People of
both these communities renounced their family homes to join these two
communities to work for God and no more for Mammon or their secular families.
Remember Peter telling Jesus in Matt. 19v27, Then Peter said in reply, “See, we
have left everything and followed you. What then will we have?” or that we have
forsaken our families and what will we get?
India, the greediest people of Khatri tribe have corrupted the Holy Book,
Ad-Granth for the Sikhs and other Holy Books heavily creating confusion among
the men of letters. Khatris, being the Kings and Emperors of Darkness, they
also became Mohammedans and Mullahs in the Mosques creating the Army of the sons of the Most High Satan Al-Djmar
Al-Aksa, which is represented in the Hajj rites by a Pillar in the West
leaning against a hillock of Super Bastard Fanatic Devils – John 8v44. The
present intact western wall of the Temple in Jerusalem has been left for the
sons of this Satan, the super bastard fanatic devils – John 8v44, some eunuchs
were made by men – Matt. 19v12 to worship.
Here is a Youtube Video on this topic:
Rajinder. “The strange name of John was to Matt.19v12” Youtube. Dec 24th,
2014. July 22nd, 2015.
the once-born natural men, having no common sense or spirit as the twice-born
of Spirit, as the born-blind man of John 9 displayed, are kept in strict law
and order by their Ruler Rabbis. However, the twice-born, being of spirit and
having common sense have Freedom in God either to stay with Him as a sealed
virgin bride or to leave Him for their Mammon orientated satanic activities
demonstrated by Popes, who killed those who were seeking freedom of speech. Men
of spirit are few, and most of them go for fleecing people in the name of God.
This you will find by knowing that in Jesus, we need twice-born Labouring sons
of Most High and not the spiritually-blind Disciples of these Dog-Collared or
robed Rabbis.
Chapter 4
Why did Jesus have twelve labourers?
twelve have nothing to do with the twelve tribes of Israel but they were picked
up seven in the name of our natural heavenly father Yahweh of works (10 times 7
= 70 Outer Circle Labourers that worked for John, the Baptist,) the creator of
male and female, and five in the name of our Supernatural Father Elohim, the
Most High (The Twelve of “inner circle” Labourers being Trained for the
Ministry of Christ. They never baptized anyone in water as their Elder Brother
or Bridegroom Jesus didn’t,) making it Twelve. They were all men because in
Yahweh, the “seed” is with man and not with woman. Or man represents Adam, the
first creation of Yahweh from dust, through “water or seed or semen” and woman,
the universal, represents Elohim through “blood or life” in the procreation.
Further, as Adam was a Noble Man and perfect in the image of heavenly father
Yahweh, so His noble sons should endeavour to be Perfect
in our Most High Supernatural Father to attain resurrection, salvation or rest
from the cycles of re-incarnations of births and deaths. That is why Christ
appears in this Dark Age when the Rabbis have become corrupt hypocrites, and
therefore He Preaches Gospel to the noble family men in which man is the
responsible head of the family. Thus, Yahweh is represented by the tribal sons
of Man, whilst the Messianic Jews corrupted the New Testament as well - and
this certainly is a major corruption. Here, it is worth mentioning that in the
Ministry of Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, the people had not forgotten their
tribal identities and, therefore, there was no need to prepare people in Brahma
(material energy) that you can see with two naked eyes, but Preach Gospel to our
supernatural self “soul” only that has no colour, gender, etc. as of flesh. Or
Satguru or Christ Preaches Gospel to our mind (called Munn, Nafs, etc.,) and
neither teaches nor interferes in the affairs of flesh or the moral laws as
John, the Baptist. John was an Ideal Moral Teacher, and lost his head for
exposing the immorality of Herod marrying the wife of Philip. Avoiding the same fate, the crook hireling
Temple Priests dare not as of today. No, the hireling Dog-Collared Priests of
Churches (especially of the COE) will do anything to protect their
Mammon-worshiping masters. Hypocrites killed Jesus on the Cross - an act of
extreme Terrorism, which is not forgiven. Today, they are getting Bundled up
(Matt. 13v24-30) to harvest the Fruit of the Tree of Terrorism sown 2000 years
ago before their Final Burning soon after May, 2018 when Israel shall be 70
years old.
Jesus Said, “What is born of Flesh (Yahweh,) Adam is flesh and what is born of
Spirit (God,) is spirit.” Let us ponder over this Saying to investigate our two
fathers; one in flesh, our natural jealous and vengeful father, the Demiurge
Yahweh, and the other in Spirit, our all loving and merciful Supernatural
Father Elohim, the Most High, with no trait of the natural man or his rituals.
Let us start with the Gospel of John 3.
Jesus Teaches Nicodemus (Once-born are
Taught Letters whilst the twice-born are Preached Gospel)
Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish
ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night because the Temple Priests hated
Jesus out of jealousy but Nicodemus was not jealous but a child-like righteous
person free of hypocrisy and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who
has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs those you are
doing if God were not with him.” 3 In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the
truth that no one can perceive, and not see, of the Royal Kingdom of God unless
he is born again.” 4 “How can a man be born when he is
old?” Nicodemus asked. Nicodemus being a man of letters, a School master, like
those 5000 that Jesus fed with heavenly Bread, and they could not understand
how to eat the flesh of Jesus and drink the blood of Christ, he too could not
understand and replied, “Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's
womb to be born!” 5 Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the
Royal Kingdom of God unless he is born of water, be a son of Man faithful to
his tribal forefathers, the creator demiurge Yahweh of Nature at large and the
Spirit, the 'Seed of Holy Spirit' or common sense capable of logical reasoning,
which is planted in our hearts by the grace of our Father. 6 Flesh in Adam and
Eve gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit, our Father God, gives birth to
spirit, 'common sense.' 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must
be born again.' 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. That is, our Father goes
by His grace freely planting His 'seed' in the hearts of people that are
longing for Gospel, the Remnant creating 'Solitary Freemen of spirit' that are
not bound by any Laws as wind moves freely wherever it likes. You hear its
sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. That is,
you must be capable of perceiving as well. Things of God are appreciated by the
people of spirit whilst the men of letters or the natural men cannot perceive
because they are used to seeing the things of nature that are created by the
demiurge god Yahweh of Nature in which our two physical eyes see. So it is with
everyone born of the Spirit.” That is they are as Free
as the wind that you cannot withhold or control like the once-born disciples
are controlled by the Rabbis through the moral laws. In short, you cannot stop
the men of Holy Spirit from Preaching Gospel even by locking them in the
silence of the graveyard as the two were locked near the Lake of Gennesaret
that Jesus went to rescue by telling them that, “As in God. Everyone is to give
his own account to God. So, Brethren, why are you throwing Pearls before swine?
Leave them alone.” He showed them the Fate of those who reject His Word by
drowning 2000 swine into the lake indicating that such spiritually-blind
stooges of the Rabbis will die in the thousands, as today they are being killed
in the Middle East led by their hypocrite Priests and Mullahs. 9 “How can this be?” Nicodemus asked. 10 “You are Israel's
teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? 11 I tell you
the truth, we speak of what we know through logical reasoning, and we testify
to what we have perceived and not seen, but still you people do not accept our
logical testimony because unless you yourself are capable of logical reasoning,
you cannot understand 'Logos or His Word' in your own heart. 12 I have spoken
to you of earthly things in my name YeShua, the Second Adam born of the 'Seed'
of Yahweh that you can see and you do not believe; how then will you believe if
I speak of heavenly or spiritual things that are to be perceived?” Or first
know what you see with your two naked eyes, the tribal world of Yahweh, the
demiurge god of Nature. Then you would be sensible enough to know what is of
our Supernatural Father God, and you will be able to perceive the spiritual
world of the Royal Kingdom of God. 13 No one has ever gone into the Royal
Kingdom of God, (not of heaven) except the one who came from our Supernatural
Father God. 14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of
Man must be lifted up, after he has emptied himself 15 that everyone who
believes in him may have eternal life or resurrection. Or we perform works
under Rabbis in the name of Yahweh and we are subject to re-incarnation; whilst
by the grace of our Father, we know our Father God within us, Emmanuel, and by
worshipping Him in truth (no liars that build their Houses or the Temples of
God on sand are allowed into the Royal Kingdom of God, which is why St. Peter
killed two liars Ananias and Saphira) and in spirit with an unbiased heart of a
little child, we earn our Salvation, Resurrection, and Rest. 16 "For God
so loved the world that he gave his anointed Son, (and not one and only Son,)
the Omnipotent Ambassador, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but
have eternal life. Or it is like Father, like son. 17 For God did not send his
Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Our
Father sent Prophets like Moses or Ram Chander to put the people on the Right
Track, and they were the incarnation of Vishnu, whilst Christ Jesus and Satguru
Nanak Dev Ji were the incarnation of Par(Super) Vishnu, in which you Preach
Gospel like a Sower. 18 Whoever believes
in Him or eats the flesh of Jesus by his ears, the spiritual Mouth and drinks
the Blood of Christ by Preaching Gospel from his own heart (mouth) in honour of
Christ Jesus is not condemned, but whoever does not believe in Gospel but
misuses the gift of “Holy Spirit,” common sense, that person is condemned
already because he has not believed in the name of God's Anointed Son, but in
Mammon (called the other fold.) 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the
world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil in
which you fleece people as these hireling Dog-Collared Priests in Churches are
doing in different countries. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and
will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. This
applies to the hireling Dog-Collared Priests of Mammon that work for Mammon and
not God. Thus, a retired Vicar in Oxford hated to be addressed as Vicar because
he had retired from his job of Mammon. He worked like a secular Policeman in a
Dog-Collar for Mammon, but told people he is a man of God. What Blindness!
God, you need to be open-minded like a little child, hiding nothing in your
heart. 21 But whoever lives by the truth or builds his Temple of God on solid
rock comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he had done
was done with the love of God in his heart. This Matthew demonstrated when he
boldly proclaimed that if he has cheated anyone of money, let him come forward
and he will pay him seven times. He
further gave half of his possessions to the poor. Jesus needed such Mammon-Free
Labourers for His Royal Vineyard that belongs to our Father."
Jesus, the flesh that Christ, the Word, within His heart bore, had natural
demiurge god Yahweh of Nature as His heavenly father in flesh, and for this
reason His Hebrew name was YeShua or YeShiva, which stands for Ye = Yahweh and
Shua or Shiva, Adam or the First Born of the Seed of Yahweh, the Second Adam.
Thus, Mary was his Surrogate Mother and Joseph of the Judah tribe was his
foster father. I will explain the reason for His Virgin Birth under “Chosen
when he was of the school age of 12, stayed behind in the Temple of his heavenly
father Yahweh to tell the Teachers of the Moral Laws in Yahweh the basic
Principles, “Oral Torah,” behind the sound moral laws. His knowledge astonished
the Temple Priests. The Temple of Yahweh, the creator of male and female or of
nature at large was to look after the secular affairs, Karma, of the people.
Secular affairs are concerned with “works or Karmas” that we perform in our
daily lives. They are social, economic, and political. Social affairs are
centred on family, economical for your upkeep or profession, and political for
your defence to stay free of slavery. To every holy work, you have his equal
evil work as well. To deter people from evil works, moral laws are coined and
if the “roots or basis” of the three types of secular works are in the light of
our most high super natural Father God, then they are holy otherwise they are
evil and the person, normally a student of 12 to 25 years, is said to have
committed a “sin.” Thus, sins are committed by people who are the ignorant
Disciples of the Rabbis - and the Rabbi punished their students or disciples
appropriately. Ideally, what is a sin in the religious sense is a crime in the
secular world, but in the Age of Christ we are not under Laws and Prophets
(Luke 16v16,) but under spirit or conscience. Thus, the sound moral laws could
be analogized to a Tree of Life in which the visible leaves bear the moral laws
of Moses or Scriptures, whilst the invisible life-giving Roots are “His Word”
that cannot be written down on ink and paper (or could even be defined) but
learned through logical reasoning with your own heart, called “intuition,” and
you treat others as you wished to be treated. Or we can say the leaves are the
written Torah, and the Roots are the “Oral Torah.” That is why in Matt. 13v52
Jesus defines the moral teacher called Rabbi: And he said to them, “Therefore
every scribe or Rabbi, the moral teacher who has been trained for the kingdom
of heaven of Yahweh is like a master of a house, as Rabbis are of the
Synagogues, who brings out of his Treasure of knowledge what is new, Oral Torah
or His Word for the sensible adults and what is old, the written Torah or the
Scriptures for the once-born children.” Thus, an honest to God Rabbi is
supposed to have the knowledge of written Scriptures in the Light of Oral Torah
or His Word. Now, the letters of the written Torah anyone could learn, either
by attending a school, or, on his own if he is of age and capable of reading
the letters of the Scriptures. However, the knowledge of the Oral Torah is on
an individual basis by the grace of our Father only. This, Jesus demonstrated
in Peter who was the only once-born Labourers of Jesus who could not understand
what Jesus was Preaching about. Jesus gave Peter a glimpse of Gospel when he
asked him, “What he thinks of Him”. Then, Peter replied, “You are the living
Christ of living God”. Here Jesus stressed Peter that flesh and blood cannot
reveal this to you but by the spirit of God you have come to know Him. Peter
being once-born, he became big-headed or arrogant and started to rebuke Jesus
when Jesus told him of his future punishment and death by the Temple Priests.
Then Jesus rebuked him for being arrogant instead of being humble in spirit to
learn more through logical reasoning.
us put the above six types of Karmas; three holy and three evil that forms the
David’s Cross and the Light of God on which the sound Moral Laws of Yahweh, the
creator of different pots or physical bodies, are based. This is all
represented by the seven-candled Menorah in which the Middle Candle is of God,
our Super Natural Father. This Menorah is the Central Figure of the Rabbis
leading people to perform good works that pleases our heavenly father Yahweh,
who looks after our daily physical needs through rain and crops making our
lands of honey and milk with supporting protection. This was demonstrated by
Moses when he brought the slave Chosen People from Egypt, made them repent for
forty years in wilderness and sending them to the Promised Land under the
responsible guidance of Aaron of the Levi Tribe. He himself did not enter the
Promised Land otherwise the blessings of Yahweh and Abraham would have been
doubted. The same barren land had become lush green to welcome them back home
as Jesus tell us in the Parable of the Prodigal son, Isaac and his people.
Here, father is Abraham and the elder son is Ishmael born of the slave girl
Hagar. Further, when Jesus reminded Mary Magdalene, the prostitute how their
forefather Abraham and Yahweh looked after as soon as you are faithful sons of
Abraham, a Jew inwardly and not outwardly, then you are looked after of your
physical needs such as food and comfort by Yahweh whilst the merciful and
righteous qualities of Abraham help you become the sons of Most High. That is,
no faithful to your natural tribal father, no virtues of our Supernatural
Father Elohim. Thus, Lazarus became Friend of Jesus Preaching Gospel and He
earned his resurrection sitting in the Lap of Abraham whilst the crook rich Jew
outwardly, a cheat, who was unfaithful to Abraham, suffered the Torments of
Hell. Mary Magdalene became a Saint Preaching Gospel to those who were longing
for it. Pearls thrown before swine are not valued as the man locked in the
silence of graveyard was doing. Instead, they turn around and locked him off. More of this is to be in the Chosen People
the way, all the seven candles of Menorah used to be at par or the same level
but in this Dark Age, the greedy Rabbis lost their logical reasoning power and
they pretend not to understand the corruptions in the written Torah, the old
cloth full of holes that had become good for nothing. That is why Jesus forbade
the Jewish leaven into the Church of God or patching the old cloth, written
Torah, Old Testament, with the Brand New Cloth, His Word, and New Testament of
Parables or Puzzles for the sensible twice-born people of Holy Spirit. Marcion
knew this fact but the Messianic Jews loved Darkness and killed those who
Preached Gospel turning people back to square one making them the “People of
the Book”. I have found many corruptions in the New Testament and you need a
separate chapter to expose them. Thus, the Middle Candle of the Menorah is
raised higher than the other six candles in honour of Christ Jesus stressing
that in Christ Jesus, we are Lords of the Sabbath and no more slaves to the
Rabbis and their moral laws. Luke 16v16 stresses this: - "The Law and the
Prophets remained until John. Since then, the Good News about the Royal Kingdom
of God for the solitary Royal Priests has been proclaimed, and everyone entering
it is under attack because he is solitary”. Remember that Lords have slaves as
the Rabbis used to have slave Disciples; the root of the word Disciple is
discipline and the once-born natural men were disciplined by the Rabbis through
the moral laws of Moses. Saul of conscience was a typical example of such
Disciples and he persecuted the Workers of Jesus under the directions of his
clever Rabbi Gamaliel. Thus, in Jesus, we are the sons of the most high Elohim,
the Royal Priests and being greater than the Ideal Priest Prophet Elijah John,
the Baptist, Angel of Israel, we do not need these hireling Dog-Collared
Priests that are worse than those Rabbis, Matt. 12v43-45, from the Yoke of
which Christ Jesus set us FREE by giving his own Sacrifice to Open the Gate of
the Royal Kingdom of God, in which the Curtain of the Holiest of Holy was torn
apart from top, Temple High Priest, to Bottom, the village Rabbis, for the
solitary twice-born of spirit to enter. So, anyone who stands between man and
God, he is Anti-Christ. That is, no following in the name of Jesus as everyone
has to give his own account to God.
Jesus demonstrated His own Super Nature by performing the philanthropic works
of our Father on Sabbath, a Day devoted to perform such works on philanthropic
basis as for the rest of the six days, you work for your own living as Christ
Paul did as a Tent maker. But as the Rabbis were devoid of the Light of our
Father, which is Mercy, they were rather objecting to such philanthropic
merciful works and sought people to visit them during the secular working days
so that they could fleece them. Also, Jesus made Twelve
sparrows of clay on a Sabbath and when a passing by Rabbi saw him working on
Sabbath, he was very furious and upset. He went straight to Joseph to make a
complaint against Jesus. So, both of them came to visit Jesus and as they
approached him, He clapped his hands and the twelve sparrows flew away chirping
happily or singing the praises of our Father. The Rabbi and Joseph were
surprised to see this miracle in which Jesus demonstrated how the First Man was
fashioned by Yahweh, the Potter and our Supernatural Father infused soul into
him. So, the Seven of the Twelve was related to our heavenly father Yahweh of
Karma or works and Five of spirit to our Supernatural Father Elohim for the
grace of Holy Spirit or of discerning intellect as possessed by the birds of
the air stated in the Parable of Sower, who picked up the “Seed” that fell on
the Footpaths or from the knowledge in letters that the once-born natural men
of letters possessed. I will make these Five of Spirit clear to you when
dealing with Trinity and the Five Husbands of the Samaritan Woman as well. Here
is the summary of the Five Temptations of heart called Husbands in the
spiritual sense:-
names of these Five Husbands of the Samaritan Woman are well-known to the
1. Immorality that she had overpowered for
Samaritans are very Moral People – Ego
2. Anger, which the once-born natural persons
display – Ego related.
3. Greed that is displayed by evil-spirited
twice-born people of evil spirit – Mind
4. Worldly Temptations in which you become
cruel to rule over others – Mind related
- Pope.
5. Haughtiness displayed by the stiff-necked,
hard dry wood, men of Letters – Ego
in a House, our physical body, there are Five. Three of Ego
against Two of Mind and two of Mind against three of Ego. There is
always a struggle between the Two, twice-born of evil spirit cheat and cruel
hypocrite clever rulers, of Mind-dominated against the three of once-born
simpletons, the stones. Holocausts and revolutions are the end results.
Samaritan Society was an Ideal Society and they were the 99 sheep in the safe
Fold of our Father whilst the lost Sheep were the Chosen People especially of
the Judah tribe that Jesus wanted to redeem but they killed him. That is why
Jesus was born among the Lost Sheep but they did not honour Him. The same
happened to the Second Coming of Jesus in the name of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji and
his own of Khatri tribe became his staunch enemies.
a Righteous person is called a Wise Man of holy ghost when he has overpowered
the above Five temptations of heart by applying the Spiritual Soap, His Word,
to his own heart and such contented and merciful wise rulers, the sons of Man
live in the Peace of God. Centurion was a typical example, who loved his people
in God. Such kind people love God by serving people against the Anti-Christ
Pope, a Cruel and Merciless Ruler who could not stand the Third Temptation of
Jesus by the Satan, “Forget about God, worship me, Mammon, for the worldly
the Temple had become a den of robbers and the Rabbis were fleecing people of
their money rather than rendering honest services to them as the Priests of
Gentiles especially of the Samaria region were doing effectively. That is why
in Jerusalem, hardly anyone was interested in Gospel whilst the Samaritans came
in great number to greet Jesus into their village after their woman at well had
vetted Jesus in spirit and found him to be a Prophet. In fact, she was so
knowledgeable and told Him that when Christ comes, He will explain to us
everything in details. That is, she knew that Christ is greater than the
Prophets as John, the Baptist was the last Prophet on earth and afterwards the
Narrow Gate to the Royal Kingdom of God was opened by Christ Jesus, the True
Vine planted by our Father in His Royal Vineyard. Thus, in Jesus our aim is to
get ourselves Grafted to this True Vine or die.
son looks after the property of his father. This Jesus did by striking the
traders in the Temple Court Yard by a whip and turning their tables and
shouting at them with the Anger of our natural father Yahweh, “Don’t you know
that my heavenly father Yahweh’s House, the outer Sanctuary that looked after
the once-born sons of Yahweh is a place for prayers, fasting, etc. to Yahweh in
heaven for rain, food, protection, etc. and you have made it a den of robbers.”
Remember that stranger devotees visiting the Temple were fleeced by the Temple
Rabbis and the penniless pilgrims used to tell their plight to St. James, the
Just, who would go to the house of the crook Rabbi and beg him to return the
fleeced money back to the simple-minded devotees. Crook Rabbis killed St. James,
the Just as he became a pain in their necks. So, in these actions of a natural
man, Jesus defended the property of his heavenly natural father Yahweh whilst
just the opposite as the Lamb of God, He defended the Holiest of Holy, the
Temple of God, by giving His own humble sacrifice, in which the Super Bastard
Fanatic Devils – John 8v44, the Jews outwardly, sowed the “seed” of Terrorism
that has grown into a very Big Tree. That is, why these unfaithful to Abraham
and Yahweh, Jews outwardly, the Anti-Semitic sons of most high Satan, the Tares
of Matt. 13v24-30 are getting bundled up for Harvesting the Fruit of this Tree
of Terrorism. That is, whatever you have sown, so shall you reap. I will
explain this further as we go along.
god Yahweh of Nature is called the “heavenly father” because heaven and hell is
flesh related. Thus, when there is law and order, we live peacefully as the
sons of Man are expected to live but when people become the sons of Satan, and
then there is no law and order but hell as you can see presently in the world
at large. Those who are faithful to our heavenly father Yahweh, to them he
gives best food to eat and protects them from their enemies. Blessings of
heavenly father Yahweh are well demonstrated through the “Chosen People” and
Jesus outlined them in the Parable of the Prodigal son in which father is
Abraham, elder son is Ishmael and the younger prodigal son is Isaac and his
people. I will speak about this in the Chapter on Chosen People. Thus, when you
are faithful to your tribal fathers and Yahweh, then you are called the sons of
Man and live peacefully on the Planet earth but when you become unfaithful to
Yahweh, then you suffer as the sons of Satan do in hell.
is why, only the sons of Man who have conscience can appreciate Gospel Truth,
the Light whereas the sons of Satan love utter Darkness. As the sons of Man
speak the secular truth so they would love to hear the Gospel Truth. That is
why Peter killed two liars Ananias and Saphira as they were liars and sons of
Satan. Jesus threw Judas Iscariot out soon after the Last Supper as he was a
hypocrite and a Thief like these hireling Dog-Collared Priests are today who
steal the Church donations at the end of the month as their salaries in which
they are turning stones, simpletons, into bread and butter. No wonder the
sensible people are leaving Churches dominated by hypocrites of the first
degree. These sons of Satan Priests in Churches know very well that St. Paul
set a good example by earning his own livelihood by making tents and he gave to
the Church and never took anything out of the Church. That was the main reason
why the people sold their Mammon related interests in the world to join a Big
Family of Mammon-Free God and shared with each other. But when the Messianic
Jews overtook the Church of God by jumping over the walls like a Thief, they
brought with them the Bait, the written Torah, the old wine to make people
drunk so that they have no desire for the New Wine or the Brewers, the Apostles
and these super crooks established their old Jewish malpractices from which
Jesus had got rid of by giving his own sacrifice as the Lamb of God to set us
Free. They made the situation worse than
that before the arrival of Jesus as stated in Matt. 12v43-45: "When an evil spirit (the sacked
husbandmen of the Winepress, the Jerusalem Temple) comes out of a person, that
spirit travels through dry places looking for a place to rest (similar
comfortable job as of a Rabbi). But that spirit finds no place to rest (No one
trusts those crook Terrorist Temple Priests who had killed Jesus for nothing).
So the spirit (such evil-spirited people) says, 'I will go back to the home
(Church of God) I left.' When the spirit comes back to that person, the spirit
finds that home (Church of God) still empty (In Jesus, we are solitary Virgin
Brides in which everyone gives his own account to God. There they created
similar jobs as the Rabbis with Dog-Collars or robes of hypocrisy). That home
is swept clean and made neat (Church of God members were truthful and honest).
Then the evil (psychic, experts in sugar-coated sermons of falsehoods) spirit
goes out and brings seven other spirits (Church Deacons) more evil than itself
(Watch how these Cardinals struggle for the position of Pope, the Anti-Christ).
Then all the spirits (evil-spirited crooks seeking position and Mammon) go into
that person (Church of God) and live there (Establish their Synagogues of Satan
as today we have so many denominations against One Universal Church of God,
Fold, headed by One Shepherd Christ Jesus). And that person (Church of God) has
even more trouble than he had before (the arrival of Jesus to set us Free of
the Yokes of the Rabbis). It is the same way with the evil people (hireling
Dog-Collared Priests in Churches of Mammon) that live today."
the sons of Man, faithful to Yahweh, who longed for our Father did penitence
through prayers and fasting as Jesus himself did in the Wilderness for Forty
days before starting His Preaching Ministry of Christ. Simeon and the other
widow lady in the Temple were also saying prayers and fasting as penitence to
know our Father and they had the Holy Spirit to Greet Jesus into the world.
Monks in the Monasteries are in a similar positions but their Abbotts like the
Temple High Priest would clip their head hair for Discipleship in that you
cannot listen to anyone else than them only. Such Abbotts are Anti-Christs.
that when Jesus came into world, the Chosen People especially of the Judah
tribe were the only people in the world that had become unfaithful to their
tribal forefather Abraham and Yahweh by becoming Jews outwardly of flesh and
not remaining Jews inwardly of heart or spirit. Thus, by replacing their tribal
self with the spiritual self-Jew, they severed their tribal link with Abraham,
who belonged to the Semitic race, a subdivision of Mankind on the physical
selves or in Adam. If Abraham was a Jew outwardly, then his son Ishmael born of
the slave woman Hagar should also be a Jew but it is not so.
Abraham gave a tribal mark of circumcision to Isaac only as today people in
Africa and Brazil have the facial tribal marks for identification of their
tribes. But the greedy Temple Priests were making their Disciples and the fake
sons of Isaac through circumcision for fleecing people. How could a person of
Aryan race from say India, Pakistan or Germany, etc. could become the son of
Isaac of Semitic race through circumcision? No way. Thus, the hypocrite greedy
Jews were producing fake sons of Isaac which Angel Stephen exposed by reminding
them that our forefather Abraham was a Noble righteous man and do not make fake
sons of Isaac through circumcision. At this exposure, the Temple Priests were
grinding their teeth in anger and putting fingers in their ears not willing to hear
the secular truth in Adam. They took Angel Stephen, who was in the seat of
John, the Baptist, outside and stoned him to death for requesting them to
become the faithful Semitic tribal sons of Abraham. Today, the storms of fake
sons of Isaac through circumcision are gathered around Israel to destroy them
or in simple words, the sons of Satan, the Tares, are going to burn and kill
each other leaving the tribal sons of Man in Peace. In John 8v44 Jesus told the
Jews in the Temple that their forefathers are super bastard fanatic devils as
they were not the natural bastards born out of fornication but the spiritual
super bastards that are far more dangerous than the natural bastards, the
Mustard Seeds, who could become Saints.
the 144000 that would be saved are all mentioned by their tribes or the sons of
Man and not as Jews. Same will apply to other religious people who severe their
tribal links by becoming Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Christian, etc. of the physical
selves and not remain of the spiritual self.
I will explain this in details under Hajj for the sons of Man. Study the Table comparing the Temples of Yahweh built by human hands and of our Supernatural Father God built by Nature.
the next chapter is the Age of Gospel.
Chapter 5
Age for Gospel
not people of all ages are capable of understanding the Gospel. Although God
can overrule this generalization yet by nature there is a certain stage in
one's life when one is more capable of receiving the Gospel than at the other
stages. This is well demonstrated by Jesus in the process of creating the
Footsteps for us to tread upon even though He possessed the very Spirit of God
right from His Virgin conception. Thus, when Jesus was a child, He behaved like
a normal child and he concentrated His efforts in explaining to the Rabbis the
spiritual basis of their moral laws and the significance of the "Oral
Torah" in the Light of which the very moral laws had been written. Thus,
at the school age of twelve, he explained to the Temple Priests at Jerusalem
the roots of the written Torah in the light of the Oral Torah, the knowledge of
which was missing among them. It was only when He was over the school age when
the person starts his responsible married life and becomes the head of the
family or master of his own destiny that He offered Himself to the ideal Priest
of Moses, Prophet Elijah, in the name of John, the Baptist for the Baptism of
water that stood for the remission of “sins” committed under the ignorance or
the full knowledge of the moral laws.
Although Jesus Himself was the "sinless" Second Adam yet this
formality was performed to distinguish himself from the mainstream of Jews
outwardly that the temple Priests were creating against John, the Baptist who
was creating the tribal sons of Man outwardly and the spiritual Jews inwardly
of their qualities. That is why John, the Baptist called the Temple Priests the
Brood of Vipers, who were spreading falsehoods at communal levels that kill
many fanatics as you can see in the Middle East today.
John, the Baptist knew that Jesus is the Second living Adam whilst he himself
was working as a Prophet for the mythological Adam that no one has seen. That
is why John, the Baptist honoured Him most and stressed that Jesus was the
Christ, He will give his own sacrifice to get rid of the hireling Temple
Priests that rejected Him as the last Prophet Elijah – Luke 16v16: “Law and
Prophets were till John, the Baptist.” The above facts were known to John as He
was the spiritual Cousin of Jesus but Jesus asked Him to go ahead for the sake
of preparing the Way to Salvation for the twice-born Labourers of discerning
intellect that would like to work in the Royal Vineyard of our Father to earn
their Rest, Salvation or Resurrection. Significance of age in which Nature
plays its role has been demonstrated by Jesus through Nicodemus, a man of
letters and Saul, who was questioning his heart what Gamaliel was telling him
to do for he was a faithful Disciple of him.
Nicodemus was a very old Pharisee, an experienced teacher of the moral laws,
the dead letters who was a righteous clean-hearted pious person but he, like
most of his colleagues, too was a man of "letters". Most of them would apply the laws strict to
the letters without tempering them with the "Holy Spirit" or common
sense. For example, the curing of crooked hand of a person on Sabbath, a holy
day best celebrated by performing holy works, was highly criticised by the men
of the letters devoid of the Spirit of God or Oral Torah.
order to appreciate the significance of "spirit", let us distinguish
between the "letters" and the "spirit" by giving an
example. Now, it is written in the moral laws that if a person steals, then he
should be handed over to the law keepers. But in some parts of the world, the
people would let a hungry man go if he takes enough food from a farm just to
fill his hungry stomach. This custom of generosity represents the "Holy
Spirit" of God but it cannot be written down into the law books in black
and white for the clever men of letters will exploit such acts of generosity.
So, in accordance with the man-made laws that are mostly obeyed and quoted by
the letters, it is unlawful to steal but exceptions to these moral laws are
made by tempering them with the Holy Spirit. Thus, Holy Spirit is nothing else
but "common sense" that only the sensible people who can handle the
Treasures of God, do exercise in their daily life e.g. the Samaritan man who
looked after the wounded person that had been overlooked by the other two men
of "letters".
both Nicodemus and the young enthusiast in the name of Saul were clean-hearted
pious persons who were obeying the moral laws by the letters. Yet they were
both blind to "spirit" but fortunately Saul being still young man of
conscience or of inquiring mind, he was capable of receiving "His
Word" without taking a physical re-birth.
reason why Saul and not Nicodemus was capable of receiving "His Word"
without taking a re-birth will become clear through an analogy that we are like
plants planted by our heavenly father Yahweh who in the manners of a Farmer
expects us to bear fruit – Matt. 13v24-30. Thus says Jesus in Mark 4v26-29:
"This is what the heavenly kingdom of Yahweh is like. A man scatters seed
on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts
and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil (faith in God)
produces corn - first the stalk (once-born ego stage), then the ear (the
twice-born spiritual stage of discerning intellect in which the person receives
“His Word”), then the full kernel in the ear (the person Preaches Gospel to
develop the Fruit for our Father). As
soon as the grain is ripe, He, our Father, puts the sickle to it (rewards the
person Salvation) because the harvest has come (the person is worthy of
we are plants planted by God and our natural growth is compared with that of a
"corn" plant. So, when a
person is a child, he is like a plant having only the "blades". That is, the children being led by "ego",
they have no "spiritual ears" to hear "His Word" and that
was the reason why the Labourers of Jesus rebuked those who brought the little
children to Him for blessing. However,
as the person becomes adult or better comes of age as stressed by Jesus in John
9.21:"But how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, we don't know. Ask him.
He is of age; he will speak for himself", then the person becomes
Master of his own destiny or Solitary called developing "ears" to
hear "His Word" and it is like a corn plant that brings forth
"ears" with protruding tender and sticky "silk" threads
that are capable of receiving pollen grains shed by the long and feathery
"tassels" that also appear at the right time on top of the stalk.
a corn plant can have a varied number of ears but only a few receive pollen
grains to produce fruit. Thus, those
ears on which the pollen grains fall but they do not receive them are like the
"sensible" people who understand "His Word" but they do not
care to put It into practice. In fact, they are like the satanic people of
evil spirit, the hypocrites as of Jerusalem to whom Christ Jesus preached
"His Word" in a plain language and afterwards cautioned them that if
after understanding Gospel you still go against "His Will", then you
commit blasphemy, which is not forgivable like the “sins”, which are forgiven
by the Rabbi. Thus, the Saying goes, "For many are called but a very few
are chosen". That is, out of the sensible people who have ears to hear
Gospel, only a few will put It into practice to
receive It and produce fruit (oil for the lamps) for Salvation. This Jesus summarised in Thomas Logo
23:"I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten
thousands, and they shall stand as a single one".
of "His Word" by the sensible adults with receptive ears and
producing of fruit through receiving the pollen grains of "His Word",
the New Treasures, from God-fearing Pharisees used to be the normal practice
when the Pharisees were ideal as defined by Jesus in Matt.13.52:
"Therefore, every teacher of the (moral) law who has been instructed about
the Royal Kingdom of God is like the (hereditary) owner (Priest) of a house
(temple), who brings out of his storeroom (of knowledge) New Treasures (His
Word passed on in the form of Oral Torah) as well as old (the written moral
laws of Moses)".
Now, keeping in view Matt. 6v24:"No one can serve
two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the
other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve
both God and Mammon", the Pharisees had become greedy and materialistic
and, therefore, they corrupted the moral laws of Moses in order to satisfy
their material lusts. This was like making holes in the old cloth (written
moral laws) that had been passed through many hands. As the Pharisees started
to love Money and to hate God, God took away "His Word" or Oral Torah
from such swine; they were left only with the dead "letters" of
such corrupt Pharisees were unable to pollinate the "ears" of the
people with the grains of "His Word".
In other words, the Pharisees themselves were not producing any fruit,
how could they encourage the others to do so?
Thus, the Pharisees through the application of moral laws by the
"letters" could produce only the healthy people, the stalks, physical
bodies, like Saul, Peter, Nicodemus, etc. but not any fruit.
a healthy plant being essential for producing fruit in abundance that Jesus
recommended to His Labourers in Matt. 23v2-3:"The teachers of the law and
the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So,
you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not
practice what they teach". Saul did what his teacher Gamaliel told him to
example of ideal Levi Priest was Prophet Elijah, Angel of Israel, John, the Baptist. He loved
God and not the Money. Therefore, he lived a simple celibate life in wilderness
preparing people morally sound and suitable enough for Jesus to pollinate their
ears with the grains of "His Word".
Saul and Nicodemus were both healthy plants (stalks) but Saul being still
young, the "silk" threads of his "ears" were still tender
and sticky enough to receive the pollen grains of "His Word" and,
therefore, he was capable of receiving "His Word" without a physical
re-birth; whereas the "silk" threads of the "ears" of the
old Nicodemus had not only gone dry but they had also fallen off the
"ears" with the result that even if a shower of the pollen grains of
"His Word" had fallen on his "ears", he would not have been
able to understand and receive "His Word" to produce the fruit.
the only way that was left for Nicodemus to understand and receive "His
Word" was to take a physical re-birth or re-incarnation in order to
re-produce tender and sticky receptive "silk" threads in his
"ears". The degree of
spiritual blindness that the letters had produced in Saul towards "His
Word" was signified by the thickness of scales that came off his eyes when
Jesus opened his Fourth Eye to "Holy Spirit" through Grace.
everybody is not capable of understanding "His Word" and It cannot be learnt by the letters in the colleges and
universities in the manners of other subjects but It is Preached in spirit to
the sensible people and It is understood through logical "Reasoning"
only. Out of the sensible people, one
who understands and multiply It through Preaching is called the "wise
man" and he produces fruit whilst the others who try to misuse Holy Spirit
and therefore, "His Word", God not only takes away "His
Word" from them but also leaves them in a state of great confusion.
that Jesus started His ministry at the age of 30, we can say that the ideal age
for receiving Gospel is between 30 and 50.
That is, a person below the age of 20 normally has not developed his
ears to hear "His Word" whereas a person over the age of 50 is normally
too old to understand "His Word" with an open mind. In fact, the children up to the age of 20
should be taught the moral laws of Moses in order to make them physically and
mentally hale and hearty and morally suitable (salt of the earth) for receiving
the spiritual education from the roving Royal Preachers of Jesus who, unlike
the present clerics, are not the "hirelings" of Mammon.
a nutshell, obeying of the moral laws by the letters produces a healthy
"stalk" but it is only the "spirit" that enables a person
to understand and put into practice "His Word" for bearing fruit.
importance of the fruit has been stressed by John, the Baptist and Jesus. John warned the people in Matt.3.10:"The
axe is already at the roots of trees, and every tree that does not produce good
fruit, Karma, will be cut down and thrown into the fire (of hell)",
whereas Jesus by making the fig tree wither fulfilled the warning of John. That is, meagre obeying of the moral laws by
the letters is not enough but rather tempers your works with the Holy
Spirit. Here, it is worth mentioning
that the present horrific crimes that the children commit in U.K., America,
etc., the so-called rich and advanced countries, are the consequences of
applying the moral laws by the very letters and not tempering them with the
"spirit" on which the moral laws were originally based upon.
is worth mentioning exceptions to the natural rules. In Sikhism, the Third
Light Satguru Amar Dev Ji received the Light from Satguru Angad Dev Ji at the age
of 73 for his utter humbleness and services whilst Royal King Har Krishan Ji
received Light at the age of 5 and he was a great expositor of “His Word”.
Thus, our Supernatural Father is not bound by any laws of nature as he is Super
or greater than Nature. The same Super qualities of our Father were shown by
Jesus in His Miracles.
Belief and
people do not care to differentiate between "Belief" and
"Faith" and, therefore, such messages as "Have Faith in
God" when people do not act according to Gospel, make no sense.
called "DIN" in Urdu is the forerunner of Faith called
"EEMAN". Thus, you act according to your beliefs and your deeds
generate faith in what you had believed in. And if you happened to follow
others without having your own beliefs, then you are blind believers and have a
blind faith as well. On the other hands those who act in accordance with the
Gospel are said to be the enlightened believers and their faith is not blind.
In short, the people who understand the Gospel and put It
into practice believe in God and they have a "Faith in God". Thus,
those people who have a deep faith in God are given a greater ability to
understand Gospel.
significance of "Belief and Faith" is well stressed by the Christ
Jesus in the Parable of Sower in which Jesus or His Apostles are the Sowers of
"His Word", the "Seed", whilst the capability of
understanding "His Word" and transforming It
into Faith is depicted by the various types of people or the depths of soil.
This Parable also outlines the characteristics of the three members of trinity
or the three types of people known as "hylic", the people of flesh,
"psychic", and the clever people of "evil spirit" with
doubting minds and "pneumatic", the people of "Holy Spirit"
who have firm Faith in God. In Matt.13.33, these three types of people also
form the three layers of flour into which the Woman, our Mother "Holy
Spirit", hid the Leaven of "His Word" to form a huge single Loaf
of Bread, the Body of Jesus, the Church of God
we have in St. Luke 8v5: "A Sower (Jesus and His Roving Apostles) went out
to Sow (Preach) His Seed: and as He sowed (into the hearts of people), some
fell by the wayside or footpath (This type of soil represents the
"once-born" hylic people of the "flesh", who are incapable
of understanding or grasping "His Word" because they are normally led
by the natural animal "instincts". Such people normally respond to
child psychology and they will go by the "Tit-for-Tat" moral laws of
Moses. Because they lack
"spirit" to understand the Gospel, their deeds are governed by
"blind faith" e.g. the widow's mite and the cheating of the simpletons
by the American televangelists.); It was trodden down (Gospel being for the
sensible people of spirit, the hylic people would interpret it by the very
"letters" of Gospel which leads to misinterpretation. For example,
the most pious married Samaritan woman of John 4 is proclaimed by the
theologians of the "letters" as a prostitute and Matt.19, the Parable
of so-called marriage and divorce is also very much misinterpreted. This is
called the treading over the "Precious Pearls" of Gospel); and the
fowls of air (sensible people of spirit) devoured It (picked up the sense out
of the utterances made by the hylic men of letters and they took the Gospel to
their hearts to generate "faith").
Some fell down upon rocky soil (these are the twice-born people of
"spirit" who have the ability to understand the Gospel but they lack
confidence or faith in God and half-heartedly they put "His Word"
into practice i.e. their faith in God is not firm or deep but doubting. Their
faith is rather as shallow as the rocky soil. Such persons cannot stand the
testing times and, therefore, as soon as the plant of faith sprung up and faced
the Prince of Darkness, it withered away (left the Way of God) because the
person lacked guts, the moisture).
Some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked It (these
are also the twice-born persons of "Holy Spirit", who understand
Gospel, believe in and put into practice "His Word" through
Preaching, i.e. they have full faith in God but being involved in the secular
world of Mammon, the worldly temptations, the "thorns" that do not
let them make a "headway". Thus, these are the
"pneumatics", which go by the "logic" and they do not
exploit the once-born simpletons but their faith in God is choked by the
worldly temptations).
Other fell on good ground (these are the "pneumatics", who have set
themselves free of the Mammon, and thus the "worldly temptations", by
selling their personal possessions and renouncing the ways of secular world in
order to become the "Apostles or Roving Preachers" in honour of their
Elder Brother and Bridegroom Christ Jesus. Such people have pledged their lives
to serve God only - Matt.4v10: Then saith Jesus unto him. Get thee hence,
Satan; for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Father God, and Him only shalt
thou serve. Also, the rich young man who wanted to be "Perfect",
Jesus advised him to give his property to the poor for “Perfection”. Thus, they
receive "His Word" Free and in abundance and un-like the present
clerics, who are the "hirelings" of Mammon, they "Preach"
the Gospel FREE from the core of their hearts, and not "teach" the
dead letters as they do in the Universities), and sprang up, and bear fruit an
hundred fold (100% is the best one that one can attain meaning that such
devoted "pneumatics" enter the "Bridal Chamber" and attain
the Perfection through the gifts of "Holy Spirit" as they received at
brief, the "hylics" being the men of flesh, they could easily be
misled by the evil-spirited sons of Satan and turned into "fanatics".
Thus, the "hylics" bear no fruit. The evil-spirited
"psychics" called the hypocrite “fathers” understand "His
Word" but their lack of faith in God and their "selfish" nature
and temptations of Mammon, could easily lure them into the kingdom of Satan
e.g. Judas Iscariot, the Thief who stole money from the Purse as these hireling
Dog-Collared Priests in Churches do today as their salaries in Mammon. For
their doubts, the psychics, who normally put Light under the Bushel, bear 30%
fruit. Whilst the sealed to serve God "pneumatics",
who are still involved in the secular world bare 60% fruit.
examples of the blind faith are the existence of so many churches. Most are
devoted to their countries rather than the universal Church of God in honour of
Christ Jesus to glorify our Father. Thus, there are Churches of England,
Scotland, Ireland, etc. and the Church of England in particular is headed by
Queen, who is also the head of Mammon in Great Britain. Now, how could Jesus be
the co-head of such a Church where the soldiers of Mammon, who died in the
process of expanding the empire are proclaimed by their bishops as to have
glorified God when our Father God stands for Love and Service?
fact, poor archbishop Dr. Robert Runcie happened to be impartial like a little
child during a Church service of Mammon that was held after the Falkland war in
which Dr. Runcie wanted to bless the dead soldiers of Argentine along with
those of Britain but the representative of Mammon, the Prime Minister Mrs. M.
Thatcher objected to such a devotion of the poor “hireling” archbishop and
ordered him to bless the soldiers of Mammon who employed and paid him his
salary i.e. you are a "hireling" of Queen, the Head of Mammon in
Great Britain and the "Defender of faith" in the Church of England!!!
so much so is the devotion to Mammon in their Christianity that their crosses
at cenotaph have an embedded sword in the middle of the cross symbolising the
Christianity of wolves in the sheep's clothing. No wonder in the expansion of
their empires, the white colonists had the Holy Bible in their left hand and a
sword in the right. Same way in their Lord's prayer they say that we forgive
those who trespassed against us but the very next moment the soldiers are on
their mission of killing the people that is nothing else but the Christianity
of Mammon or the Beast.
fact, there are many other countless examples of faithlessness of the so-called
religious people all over the world. For example, a Sikh, like the Labourers of
Jesus, is supposed to be humble, loving and serving but instead he is a killer
in the manners of the soldiers of Mammon. In fact, in India the Sikhism has
become so corrupt that their Priests, never mind their blind followers, even do
not know the difference between a Sikh Sewadar and a Khalsa fighter or why the
Sikh Temple, HARMANDIR SAHIB, was built right in the middle of the water tank.
So, please do not be worried so far as you love God and honour His Son Christ
Jesus with your heart and seek the praises of God and not those of the people,
you can make a good headway.
Remembering that Christ Jesus came among us because
the manly Priests of Moses had become corrupt and erring. It was to supersede the manly Priests that Christ
Jesus gave us Gospel as the Light of God so that by understanding, Eating the Flesh of Jesus, and Preaching the Gospel,
Drinking the Blood of Christ, we can guide our own lives into the Royal Kingdom
of God independently.
when you are capable of Preaching Gospel, then you are a “Royal Priest” and
when you are contented with your lot, then you are a “Royal King”. But most of
the present clerics are the "hirelings" of Mammon who are neither the
hereditary Priests of Moses nor the Roving Preacher or the Royal Priests of
Jesus making the situation worse than before the arrival of Christ Jesus –
Matt. 12v43-45. In fact, they are the
"hired" evil-spirited psychics of Mammon, who brain wash the people
by making them to sing the songs of Jesus but indirectly help the monarchs to
expand their kingdoms of Beast.
Further, the pneumatics re-new their inner
"man", the Christ and not the inner "woman", a blind
follower, every day. The inner
self of a person, whether in flesh the person is a male or a female, is a
"man" when the person is led by his own logical Reasoning
capabilities (intuition) with a crystal clear conscience of a little
child-like. And it is a
"woman" when the person lets his own conscience to be over ruled by
the others such as the Pope, clerics of Mammon, etc., and the anti-christs, who
impose their own views upon their blind followers. This is also called the
"prostitution of soul" and it is against the very FREE spirit of
Gospel in which every one of us gives his own account to God.
Gnostically speaking "Belief" is the Road to Salvation which Christ
Jesus paved with the stepping stones of Gospel and "Faith" in God is
our journey, which is measured by the depth of soil into which the Seed of
Gospel takes its roots; "Hope" in Holy Spirit, our Reward, is the
"moisture" that nourishes our religious plant; "Love" of
our Royal Father, Agape, is the cool and refreshing air that tenderly blows
through our hearts and the "Knowledge" of Gospel is the Light of the
Royal Kingdom of God that enables us to perceive the Narrow Road that leads to
our Father’s Vineyard where the True Vine Christ Jesus exists to which we must
Graft ourselves to bring forth the "Fruit" of our Labour, the
Preaching of Gospel, that pleases our Father Who puts in His Sickle to harvest
the ripe Crop.
Chapter 7
Flesh versus Spirit
RULE" that what applies to "flesh", the opposite
applies to the matters of "spirit" is illustrated further to give the
reader a thorough grasp of the basic principles. Thus:-
1. In our secular family,
each one has his own parents and they are two entities or individuals whilst in
our spiritual Family, our Father (God) and Mother (Holy Spirit) are One and the
same. Even the representation of Father God, the Christ and of Mother Holy
Spirit, the Solitary Virgin Bride are part of our Parents and they are as
intermixed as water of the streams mixes with that of Sea. That is, when the
woman married the Seventh Husband God represented by the Middle Candle of
Menorah, there is neither giving nor taking. Our souls are the sons of God that
emanates from our Parents becoming two in this world and we strive to become One again with our Parents. That is, First
you were one, and then you became two.
2. In our secular marriage
the girl leaves her mother and father to join her husband whilst in the spiritual
Marriage – Matt. 19 – the man (soul) leaves his Father (God) and Mother (Holy
Spirit) to join with his wife (flesh) in the womb of the woman. When they are
joined together, they are no more two but one person. So, what God has joined
together, man should not put it asunder as the girls do in abortions in which
an innocent person has been killed for no fault. Jesus mocked the men of
letters drunk with the old wine of letters devoid of the holy
spirit, common sense, in Matt. 19 to his utmost which even his own
Labourers could not grasp. I will render the exposition of this most
interesting Parable in a Chapter.
3. The creator demiurge god
of male and female or of Nature at large called "Yahweh", Brahma,
Khudah, etc. has one name and he is well-known for being "jealous and
revengeful"; whilst the Emanatory of souls called God, ParBrahm, Allah,
Ram, etc. has many names according to the Personality and Beneficiary qualities
that He displays. He is "Loving and Merciful".
4. Holy books such as the
written "Torah", Vedas, etc. are learnt from a hereditary moral
teacher called a Rabbi, Brahmin Guru, etc. by the "letters" of the
holy books and exceptions to the laws are made by the Guru, Rabbi or Pandit in
the Light of Oral Torah or holy spirit, “common sense”; whilst Gospel is
ushered in by an “anointed Christ”, called a "Satguru" in Panjabi and
the people understand Gospel only by the grace of God (Bal Ram Jeo). Gospel,
unlike the "letters" that could be taught in the universities, is
"Preached", like a Sower, by the Roving Preachers called the Royal
Priests, through heart-to-heart discussions in holy spirit. Logical reasoning
brews Logos, The Word", which has no exceptions. In learning the Secrets
of Gospel one has to be impartial and unbiased like a little child.
5. Vedas of Brahma, the
Scriptures are taught by the incarnation of demiurge god "Vishnu",
the Preserver of life. Thus, Shri Ram Chander Ji, the Moon (Chand) of the Sun
(Ram or God) and Moses based their moral laws on the "Word of God" i.e.
Moses put on Christ and wrote the Torah or Moses Himself saw the Face of God as
we do in Gospel delivered by Christ Jesus but he showed the back or reflection
to the people. Rabbis and Pandits, just the Priests or Gurus, being the
"teachers" of the moral laws are also called the witness to the
"Light", but not the "Light". Thus, the last Prophet
Elijah, John, the Baptist, Angel of Israel was an ideal Levi Priest of Moses.
Whilst God being our Supernatural "Eternal Father" and the very
Source of “His Word”, He Himself sends His Own anointed Royal High Priest or
Christ to spread "His Word", the very Light of the light of Moon,
when the Priests of Moses, “Moons”, had become corrupt, inefficient and
lightless spiritually blind hypocrites creating corruptions in the written
Torah, the old cloth to please their stooges. Thus, God has no incarnation as
He is Eternal and so was His Omnipotent Ambassador Christ Jesus, Who came to
fulfil the law i.e. to darn the holes in the corrupted Scriptures. Now, the
first Administrator of the Church of God, Angel Stephen, who was sitting in the
Seat of John, the Baptist, Angel of Israel did point out such corruptions to
the corrupt Temple Priests who were making fake sons of Isaac through
circumcision and they were putting fingers in their ears and grinding their
teeth to kill him. Thus, Jesus did not come either to replace or destroy the
moral laws but to put them on firm footing in the Light of Oral Torah, “His
Word”. So, Gospel is also the "Oral Torah", New Cloth, New Wine or
the New Treasures - Matt.13.52.
6. Moral laws being for the
once-born natural children of flesh to discipline them morally, so they are
based upon the natural animal instincts such as an "eye for an eye".
The Rabbis boost their ego for status in society and such people seek the
praises of men for their "extrinsic status or values". It is for the
sake of moral dignity that men fight with each other and get killed like
animals. Whilst the "Spiritual Principles or His Word" being for the
twice-born of Spirit, they are based upon "common sense or holy
spirit", in which the enemy is subdued by appealing to his
"conscience". A person without "conscience" is a
"Saltless" person and such a person cannot be a religious person but
a Beast. Such persons should be avoided as Jesus stressed this by advising His
Labourers to shake the very dust of the village that does not honour you in My name.
7. Moral laws being the
"letters" make the men of letters arrogant or big headed as the
Pharisee Simon who invited Jesus into his house was; whilst the matters of
spirit being common sense that make appeal to your heart e.g. the Parable of
the wounded person and the Samaritan who looked after him. Recently in May, 92,
I read on Teletext the news that a Jewish house in Jerusalem caught fire on
Sabbath and the Jews did nothing but went to consult the Rabbi. By the time
Rabbi gave them the permission to call the fire brigade, three more houses got
burnt down i.e. "Letter killeth, spirit giveth life". Thus, the Jews
were and they are still the men of "letters" whilst the Samaritans
who were not allowed to sit in the inner circle of the Temple but the outer
circle, had their moral laws written over their hearts in spirit.
8. People are
"bound" under the moral laws of Moses and going against the moral law
is a "sin" punishable by the law makers of the country. Injustices
were normally out cried by the Rabbis as John, the Baptist, out cried the
illegal marriage of Herod with the wife of Philip; whilst in
"spirit", the person has the "free will" e.g. the Parable
of the prodigal son, Isaac, who left his Father Abraham, a Noble man, and
suffered in Egypt. Thus, going against the "Holy Spirit" is a
blasphemy punishable, not by men, but by God e.g. the people who uttered
blasphemy at the trial of Jesus were punished by God in which their Holiest of
Holy Temple was destroyed forever and the blasphemers were expelled from their
"Promised Land" till May, 1948 so that the Parable of Wheat and Tares
Matt.13.24-30 could be fulfilled. It is expected that nobody will be able to
harm the Jews outwardly, the Tares until Israel is 70 years old and after that
we shall have Great Tribulations and the destruction of Israel and the world
through Atomic War. People will be able to predict the ATOMIC
WAR but our Father is the best Knower. Our duty is to Preach
9. Prophet Elijah or John,
the Baptist, who sat in his chair enforced the moral laws of Moses and in doing
so, he gave his own life in the course of his duty i.e. fighting the sinners;
whereas the “hireling” Temple Priests dare not challenge the immorality of the
King. Thus, in Elijah, the Priest keeps behind the "flock" and the
"flock" has no option or "free will". Whilst in Jesus
emphasis is not so much on "sin" as on "blasphemy" – Luke
16v16 speaks of the end of the Prophets and law. Thus, the woman who was caught
red-handed in the act of adultery was just cautioned by Jesus and He rather
asked the accusers in Moses to search their own "hearts" for
"sins" before accusing the others emphasising that in God we treat
others as we wished to be treated. In fact, we are all sinners whilst Jesus
took the "sinful" human form in order to create for us the Perfect
"Footsteps" to Salvation. Thus, in Jesus the Apostles walk ahead of
the flock and the people have the "free will" to go astray e.g. Judas
Iscariot. Further, God being Spirit, only the living persons in spirit, which
are very few in number, can understand the Gospel. This fact is emphasised by
Jesus when He told a living in spirit person, who wanted to go home to bury his
dead father, that "Let the (spiritually) dead bury their dead in
letters" as at present the so-called Christians, Sikhs, etc. follow their
clerics blindly and thus kill and bury their very own "Reasoning
Power" capable of "intuition". Thus, in Jesus the Living
in holy spirit shall never die (Resurrection
of Lazarus shown to public at large and of Himself that only the Believers
could see) and the dead shall never rise from their graves as propagated by the
anti-christs, who even used to take bribes for issuing tickets to the
non-existent heaven after death! Remember that in Moses the Priest was
responsible for the sins of the people whilst in Jesus every one of us has to
give his own account to God and not these dog-collared blind clerics who are
worse than the Moses’ Priests – Matt. 12v43-45.
10. Priests establish the
covenant of Adam, who was a mortal whilst the Royal Priests introduce the
people to the covenant of grace of God, Who is eternal.
11. "Sons of Adam"
are termed the "wheat plants" - Matt.13v24-30. We, who are born of
the physical natural tribal fathers, are just "sons of Man"; whilst
Jesus being born of a Virgin was the second Adam, the anointed "Son of
Man". That is why the name of Jesus was “YeShua”, the First born of
Yahweh. Mary was his Surrogate mother and Joseph, a Foster father. As in Adam,
the boys carry the "seed" and are the "heirs", so in God,
the people of spirit, both male and female
in flesh, being the "heirs of God" are the "sons of God".
And Jesus being the anointed "Son of God" had the very Spirit of God
right from His Virgin conception. Royal Priests of God being capable of logical
reasoning, they are called the "Christs" with non-erring “Holy
Spirit”; those with the "erring spirit of man", they are called the
"christs" and they are the younger Brethren of Jesus whilst those
with the non-erring "Spirit of God" like the Apostles were, they are
called the "Christs" and they are the Twin Brethren of Jesus, the
anointed Christ. It is only for the people of flesh that Jesus is Lord and God
incarnate and they are the spiritually blind "Christians" of the
12. In Elijah, the moral
teachers - Matt.13.52 - are authoritarians and super-rulers i.e. they used to
sit in the secular courts and had the power to overrule the judgement of the
kings; whilst in Jesus the Apostles, with the exception of St. Peter, Who was
given the Key to the kingdom of heaven, we are humble super-servants; Jesus
came to serve and not to be served. For being contented with our lot and being
merciful, we are the loving "Royal Kings" of God as well.
13. Secular kings are called
"BAADSHAH" i.e. the head (SHAH) of an area (ABAADI) and they are
generally materialistic as the Queen is in U.K.; whilst the Royal Kings are
called "PAATSHAH" i.e. the Head who looks after the honour (PATT) of
the people and They being "spiritualistic", Their Royal Kingdom is
within the hearts of people and It has no physical boundaries. Here, it is
worth mentioning that the materialistic Jews were expecting their King Messiah
in their great King David to be the conqueror of countries returning to his
Capital Jerusalem in pomp and show whilst Jesus being the Serving King returned
on a colt to be welcome by the clean-hearted little children. Seeing this, the
Temple Priests dressed in silk and jewellery laughed at Jesus. Look at this
King Jesus coming in line of King David!!!!!
14. Secular kings put on an
expensive and comfortable crown made up of the artificial and dead materials
such as of the precious metals and stones; whilst our Royal King Jesus had a
much coveted, un-comfortable and cheap Crown made up of the living Natural
material from a thorny bush. None of the Apostles had a similar honour of a
Royal Kingship as Jesus had.
15. Moral teachers being the
hereditary owners of a temple (Matt.13.52), the bishop of an autonomous Church
of God would be a "man" in the name of John, the Baptist. He would
teach the moral laws of Moses and keep the congregation morally sound
especially on the principles of treating others as one wished to be treated.
Thus, the corrupt government officials and businessmen will have no place in
the Church of God. The bishop being one of the seven male deacons who were
democratically elected by the male Church members, his praises lie with the men
who elected and ordained him. Whilst the Royal Priests of God are Pre-ordained
of God and they are the Roving Preachers of Gospel. They expose the prevalent
"blasphemies or hypocrisies" in the Light of Gospel e.g. in the Light
of "A Jew is one who is inwardly and not outwardly", it is a blasphemy
to say that Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, etc. were killed
and/or are being killed. Apostles of both sexes being ordained of God, they are
outspoken and they seek the praises and Protection of God and not those of the
16. The bishops being the representatives
of John, the Baptist make men the "sons of Man". The first ideal
bishop Angel Stephen was trying to make the Temple Priests the sons of Abraham
that they got mad at him and ordered their fanatic "Saltless", the
people without conscience, "sons of Satan", to stone him to death.
John, the Baptist, called those Rabbis, Pharisees, Sadducees, etc., the
"satanic fathers", a Brood of Vipers and refused to baptise them in
the name of Abraham. Further, the woman being a "daughter of Eve"
that carries no tribal “seed” she is a counterpart of God in procreation. She
is not required to be baptised in water. Whilst in Jesus, it is the heart that
matters most and it needs the Baptism of Holy Spirit. Thus, the Apostles urged
the clean-hearted people to seek the "Royal Kingdom of God" within
their own hearts in order to be the sons and "heirs of God" and,
therefore, be "eternal" like their "Eternal Father". Thus,
the Last Footstep in the Ministry of Jesus was the "Last Supper" in
which the Loaf of Bread, the Body of Jesus, the congregation, was broken or
asked them to disperse in order to Preach the Gospel. That is, the Last Supper
is the Baptism of Jesus in Holy Spirit in which the Thief Judas Iscariot was
thrown out. Present hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches are Judas
Iscariot in sheep’s clothing not welcome into the Royal Kingdom of God.
17. Thus, the bishops can
baptise men in water but they cannot administer the "Eucharist of
Sacrifice"; whilst in Jesus, even women could become the Roving Preachers
to spread Gospel and administer the "Eucharist" but the women cannot
teach the moral laws of Moses. Remember that Eucharist was served only to those
who were baptised by John, the Baptist in the name of Abraham.
18. Keys to the kingdom of
heaven, which is for the comforts of "flesh" and is to be
"seen" in law and order, used to be with the Rabbis, who after
becoming corrupt would neither themselves enter nor let anybody else enter;
whilst Jesus introduced to us the much superior "Royal Kingdom of
God" for the "Peace of our minds", which is established within
our own hearts and is "perceived" through the qualities of the person
in God such as "mercy" and philanthropic services.
19. High Priests in Moses used
to give a sin-sacrifice of a lamb for his people once a year and some devoted
priests even give their very own sacrifice, instead of a scapegoat, for the
sins of their people; whilst Jesus, our Royal High Priest gave his own
sacrifice once only for all the people of world. Such a sacrifice is expected
of all the Labourers of Jesus to win over the blasphemers. Also, remember that
John, the Baptist gave his life fighting against the "sinners"
whereas the martyrdom of Jesus rested upon the shoulders of
"blasphemers" who were punished by God in 70 A.D.
20. Secular relations observe
fleshly love called "Eros"; whilst the divine spiritual true love is
called "Agape". Thus, the fleshly relations can wither away but not
the spiritual Brethren.
21. Physically sick people
thank the doctor for the cure; whilst the spiritually sick people not only hate
the Doctor but even kill Him as they did to Jesus.
22. Rabbis fight against the
"sins" whilst the Apostles expose "blasphemies".
Many more things could be written down but they
are best thrashed over in a heart-to-heart discussion.
Chapter 8
Two Covenants
Covenants, which are our bonds to, are only two;
one is to our natural father in "flesh" Adam and his creator demiurge
god of Nature, Yahweh that forms the clay Pot into which the soul of our
Supernatural Father God can live and the other is to our Supernatural spiritual
Father God. We are to keep both of these covenants for the kingdom
of heaven and the Royal Kingdom of God respectively.
FLESH IN YAHWEH: The importance of this covenant for bearing "fruit" has
been stressed by Jesus in Matt.13v24-30, the Parable of Wheat, sons of Man and
Tares, sons of Satan. Thus, Adam was created by the Farmer, demiurge god Yahweh
called Brahma in Hindi and Khudah in Arabic, in His own Angelic image and,
therefore, those who stay in covenant with Adam are termed the
"wheat" plants, the noble sons of Man called Angels and they bear
"fruit" through "works" called Karma whilst those who break
their covenant with Adam are termed the "Tares", the sons of Satan
and they are the trouble makers who have no "conscience" called Sharm
in Hindi and Hiya in Arabic or "Salt of the earth" and no faith
called Eemaan or Dharm. That is no Sharm, no Dharm or no son of Man, no son of
Yahweh. Thus, when a religious person is not religious of his heart but is of
the physical body or flesh i.e. a Jew is one which is inwardly (spiritual) and
not outwardly (of flesh), then such a person, a Jew outwardly, becomes a
"super bastard fanatic devil – John 8v44" or Tare.
The work of these Tares is well manifested in
N.Ireland, the Panjab, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, etc. This work of
maltreating the innocent people will carry on till the End of Age, which is
going to be soon after May, 2018, when Israel shall be 70 years old and it will
have no protection.
In the covenant of flesh, people may not be of
"spirit" but their "works" in good faith are counted e.g.
the widow's mite or the collection of money from the poor to the lavish living
of the Pope.
In this natural covenant, the intake of Rabbis is
mostly natural once-born children and they need to be disciplined through the
moral laws made by men in the Light of “His Word”, the Oral Torah. So, the
Rabbis have the knowledge of Oral Torah but they do not give this to their
once-born Disciples. When the children become adults of age capable of
“perceiving”, the twice-born, then the Rabbi will give them discourses in the
Light of Oral Torah. The Rabbis of the Samaritan villages used to have the
knowledge of Oral Torah and this was well reflected in the Samaritan Woman at
well, who became St.Photina.
Those who transgress the moral laws under
“ignorance” are said to have committed a sin and the Rabbi will punish them
hard as the crimes are punished in the secular courts to make people behave in
society. Thus, the Rabbis kept law and order and for this reason, Jesus said,
“The Key to the Kingdom of Heaven” was given to the Rabbi but when they became
corrupt, then they would neither enter themselves nor let the others to enter.
Now, in this secular world of Yahweh, Rabbi is the
moral teacher who teaches the boys the moral laws of Moses so that in their
married lives, they could lead their families in the footsteps of their Rabbis
for law and order that would create Peace in the society pleasing to the Rabbi
and this is the kingdom of heaven in Yahweh. Thus, men are head of the families
and they are the "sinners", and not their wife or the members of his
family so far they have obeyed his instructions. Further, as the men obeyed the
Rabbi, so their Rabbi carries the sins of his people and gives an annual blood
sacrifice for the remission of their sins. Thus, John, the Baptist, an Ideal
Rabbi Prophet Elijah baptised only the tribal "sons of Man" of age
and masters of their own destinies in water in the name of Abraham for the
remission of their sins committed under the ignorance of law when they were
once-born natural boys serving their crook and hypocrite Rabbis as their
Disciples. John, the Baptist never baptised a woman. The Hajj rites, which are
to establish our "covenant with Adam", are also for the natural boys
of 12 to 16 years old to make them the "sons of their natural tribal
fathers". Further, John, the Baptist never baptised a Gentile because they
had their tribal covenants in place through their honest and efficient Rabbis.
I will explain this in details in the chapter devoted to “Hajj”.
In this covenant of flesh, our next rebirth or
re-incarnation after our death is determined by our works or Karmas. This has
been stated by Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, the Second coming of Jesus, “KARMI AAWE KAPRRA” i.e. Karmas or
works determine your next covering of soul, the physical body, which could be a
human or an animal.
Those who keep their tribal covenants in Yahweh or
are the sons of Man, then if they be lucky, our Supernatural Father God honour
them with “grace” to know Him. The person, male or female, becomes sensible
with holy spirit in his heart and the individual
enjoys the “freewill” to either go for God, Thomas, or for Mammon, Judas
Now, Jesus stressed this point to the prostitute
Mary Magdalene who was forced to go into this profession due to poverty. But
when Jesus recounted to her how the Chosen People lived in a land of honey and
milk lacking nothing when they were faithful to Abraham and Yahweh, then upon
understanding the crook greedy rich clients who were unfaithful to Abraham and
Yahweh or Jews outwardly, she realised that it is no good dealing with such
crooks when their Noble forefather Abraham had such great blessings from Yahweh
as seen by them after return from exodus, she left the profession of
prostitution in order to be an honourable daughter of Abraham. Lazarus and his
family were Jews inwardly and of Judah tribe outwardly faithful to Abraham and
Yahweh. They lacked nothing. So, this poor family of Lazarus being “Salt of
earth” faithful to Abraham and Yahweh honoured Jesus the most and out of the
gratitude, she washed the feet of Jesus at the house of haughty unfaithful to
Abraham and Yahweh Pharisee Simon. Her tears were of extreme Philia love and
she dried Jesus’ feet with her honour, the head hair. No wonder Lazarus was
sitting in the lap of Abraham after his death and the crook rich man was
getting roasted in the hell fire as you see today unfaithful to their tribal
fathers Muslim and Christians outwardly people are suffering in hell in Syria,
Iraq, etc. More will be presented in the Chapter on Hajj.
This is also stressed by Christ = Satguru Nanak
PAHSHHAATTA” i.e. the twice-born tribal son of Man of age then being
sensible master of his own destiny or “solitary”, will also understand “His
Word” with ease. That is, no son of Man, no son of the Most High God, Elohim,
Parbrahm, Allah, etc.
Further, as our physical body is a Pot into which
the soul (son) of our Supernatural Father God lives, human birth is the most
convenient way to approach God. So, our physical body is also the earth that
had gone to the Potter (Ghummiar) to be turned into a human form – Isaiah
64:8:- We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your
hand. MITTI
spiritual self that is well sealed to serve Allah only. This human Pot, son of
Man or Ba-Ilah, is then subjected to the Kiln of “His Word” for baking the
Faith hard as a raw brick is fired in a kiln to have a baked hard brick. Thus,
a true Mussallmaan is one whose faith in Allah is well baked; he is in Allah
and Allah in him.
THE GRACE OF GOD: This covenant is for the Remnant pre-destined twice-born sensible
people of age and unless God be willing, nobody can understand Gospel which is
learnt through logical Reasoning. Such people of spirit display "common
sense" and they are "rare" to come by but there are many
hypocrites who make fool of the once-born people of "flesh" in the
name of Jesus or they turn stones into Bread and Butter as these hireling
Dog-Collared people do today. American Televangelists are typical examples of
such hypocrites best termed the "psychics". Psychics are the
twice-born people of evil spirit that misuse the gift of God for selfish ends.
Example of extreme misuse is presented in Acts 16v16: “Once when we were going
to the place of prayer, we were met by a female slave (not solitary) who had a
spirit by which she predicted the future. She earned a great deal of money for
her owners by fortune-telling.” This girl was not a “solitary independent girl”
but slave to her masters in Mammon. So, she was misusing the Power of God for
making money for her masters and that is why Christ Paul took away that Gift of
God away from her making her useless for her masters. Against this girl we have
a typical example of proper use of divination powers in Acts 21:8. On the next
day we left and came to Caesarea, and entered the house of Philip the
evangelist, who was one of the seven (It is a corruption by the Messianic
Jews), and stayed with him. 9 (He had four unmarried (solitary) daughters who
prophesied. These girls didn’t work for money and being unmarried, they were
solitary masters of their own destinies) 10 While we remained there for a
number of days, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. 11 He came to us,
took Paul’s belt, tied his own hands and feet with it, and said, “The Holy Spirit
says this: ‘This is the way the Jews in Jerusalem will tie up the man whose
belt this is, and will hand him over to the Gentiles.’” So, be careful of the
sycophant men of "letters", the wolves in sheep's clothing, who are
nothing else but the "super donkeys" carrying the "Holy
Books". Remember that Jesus faced many learned donkeys, the men of letters
of the written Torah, who wanted to challenge Him by the "letters" of
the books or law.
In Jesus, what comes out of your own mouth that
matters and not what you have put on, the colour of your skin, cultural dress,
etc., because "heart" is the seat of "spirit"; evil spirit
bringing out evil deceptions of the Beast and holy spirit the good tidings of
our Father. Thus, in Jesus both the sexes in flesh are the same in spirit but
as in Adam, the males represent Adam's seed, or are the "heirs", so
in God, the people of both sexes are "male heirs of the Royal Kingdom of
God" in spirit. In general, understanding of the New Testament is beyond
the capabilities of the "academic robes" mostly acquired through
academic qualifications in the "letters" whilst the people of spirit
do not long for any such robes but they rather seek "His Treasures"
through intuition or logical reasoning. Remember that the bishops sitting in the
seat of John, the Baptist can only teach the "moral Laws" of Moses
and they cannot Preach the Gospel of God; whilst the
women cannot teach the moral laws but they can "Preach" Gospel by
becoming the roving Preachers. Thus, in Moses we have Priests that need the
ordination by men whilst in Jesus we have Pre-destined and Pre-ordained of our
Father, the Royal Priests.
"Blasphemy", KUFIR in Urdu or KOORR in
Panjabi, which is going against the "Holy Spirit" or heart, is
terribly serious transgression as compared against the "sins" because
it is normally propagated on large communal scales against the sin which is
committed on an individual basis. In blasphemy, people in thousands suffer as
the Jews of "flesh" who blasphemed against Jesus at His trial suffered
during the great siege of Jerusalem and after the destruction of Holiest of
Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Further, blasphemy being of the field of “spirit” and
not of the “letters”, the blasphemers is not normally punishable by the law of
the country but they are rather punished by God. The destruction of Jerusalem
Temple, death of the blasphemers and their sufferings wherever they went,
sectarian riots in N.Ireland, Panjab, Lebanon, etc. are all typical examples in
which the blasphemers suffered at communal levels.
Blasphemy cannot be exposed without the knowledge
of the New Testament. For example, God stands for Love and Service whilst
Mammon for Kill and Rule over others as the British and other European nations
did overseas in the past but proclaimed that their soldiers who died fighting
for Mammon or survived as to have glorified God. Such fallacies cannot be
understood unless you are a sensible person of integrity, as the born-blind
person in John 9 was, who could not be persuaded by the others. Such a solitary
person of discerning intellect is said to be capable of finding the narrow Gate
for the solitary to the Royal Kingdom of God whilst the broad road is treaded
collectively under the cover of blasphemers. Typical example of the cover of
blasphemy is afforded by the Church of England, which is headed by Queen, the
head of Mammon in Britain and the members of this establishment are told that
Jesus is also the Head of their Church when He has clearly said that you cannot
serve God and Mammon. No wonder such a church is protected under the umbrella
of the baseless law of blasphemy which the people of spirit can easily shatter.
Peace in N.Ireland, a colony of mainland Mammon
worshippers, whose faith in Mammon is defended by Queen cannot be achieved
unless the blasphemy that it belongs to Catholics and Protestants is shattered
by exposing that Catholic and Protestant are the spiritual selves of the
"hearts" and not of the "flesh", which are English, Scot,
Irish, etc., the selves which were born and do die in the communal riots i.e.
"A Jew is one which is inwardly (spiritual) and not outwardly
(physical)". Blasphemy being spoken at communal level, many blasphemers
will die as they did during the partition of India in 1947. Roving Apostles,
the Royal Priests of Jesus, and not the "hirelings" Dog-Collared
Priests of Mammon, have the answer and they can create everlasting PEACE and
Thus, by the grace of our Supernatural spiritual
Father that you know Him and have a chance to earn your own Salvation or Rest
by Preaching Gospel. Satguru Nanak Dev Ji Said: “NADRI MOKH DAWAAR”. That is by His grace, NADRI, you find the Narrow Gate, MOKH DAWAAR, leading to Salvation or resurrection.
Chapter 9
The Hajj
The first step on the ladder of "faith"
is to establish ones covenant with Noble Adam by becoming a noble tribal
"son of Man" and the Hajj rites were established by Abraham for this
purpose. The importance of being the tribal sons of Man is that this Planet
earth is for the habitation of noble sons of Man identified through their
tribes or Kabeelas whilst the sons of Satan, the Tares, severed their tribal
links and they will kill and burn each other as you see them today in the
Middle East and all over the world to some extent or the other. The Tares
create Hell whilst the sons of Man, Wheat plants, kingdom of heaven to live
peacefully. That is why the 144000 that would be saved are all mentioned by
their tribes and not as Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, etc. Here, I will make it
crystal clear through the Hajj rites.
Thus, KAABA in Mecca is the temple
of Adam and the pilgrimage
of Hajj used to be for the boys, and not for the girls or older people, of age
12 to 16 years, who were capable of expressing their tribal identities
explicitly as Jesus did when He stayed behind in Jerusalem in his heavenly
father Yahweh’s House of prayer and fasting. Thus, the essence of Hajj rests
upon the repulsion of Satan, the source of all evils, who takes on different
forms to lure the simpletons into his own kingdom of hell, where there is a
chaos and hell prevails as you presently see in most of the
countries. After the successful Hajj rituals, the boy becomes a noble
"son of Man" or of his tribal father called “Ilah”, the very source
of shame, Sharm or Hiya. They are referred to in the Bible Matt.13.24-30 as a
"wheat plant" that the demiurge god of Nature Yahweh, Brahma or
Khudah planted through the image of "Adam, Shua or Shiva" (YeShua,
the First Born of Yahweh, the Second Adam displayed the Nobility of Adam);
whilst the "tares" are the "sons of Satan", who have broken
their covenant of flesh with Adam and they are called "bastards"
after their bastardly satanic deeds such as killing Jesus for nothing than
jealousy. The bastards are of two types; one natural of physical body and the
other supernatural of evil spirit. The natural bastards are easily identified
by the once-born natural men but to identify the spiritual super bastards, you
need to be twice-born of Spirit capable of logical reasoning. I will deal with
them as we progress in defining the Three types
of bastards.
Now, the Temple of Adam is Kabah and to have
alliance with Adam or to become a son of Man, the boys used to go around Kabah
for seven times clockwise i.e. keeping Kabah to their right hand for “Ba Ilah”,
I am the son of my tribal father Ilah. There used to be 365 or so tribal gods
called “Ilahs”. But today, people of all ages go there and they keep
Kabah to their left hand side while going around anti-clockwise. This is to
conform to “La Ilah wahid Allah”. In the same sense, Sikhs
of the second community (Panth) keep Harmandir Sahib to their right hand side
whilst the Khalsas of the Third community to their left hand side meaning that
they have passed the second community.
The sons of Satan are represented in Mina by three
idols or pillars called Al-Djmar. Thus, the representation and significance of
these three types of sons of Satan is as follows:-
1. The pillar (AL-DJMAAR AL-DUNIYA) of the first
type of natural sons of Satan is sited in the direction of East, the direction
of sunrise representing the religious Light, and it represents the bastards
born of the prostitutes or the Temple dancing girls called “DAASIS” (the boys born of the
Daasi girls are called “Harijans”, the
sons of Hari of Hari Om Shanti and their counterpart the solitary sons of Most
High God are called “Harjans”).
Prostitution being mainly as the result of "lust for sex", which is
inherent in the people of all Ages, therefore, this idol is sited not only in
the East but he is also called AL-DJMAAR
AL-DUNIYA i.e. the son of Satan of the secular natural world of
The secular world being
for the "sons of Man" with tribal identifiable "seed" or
surname, the bastards born of the prostitutes are morally prohibited from
marrying girls to reproduce children with no family identities. Jesus termed
them moral eunuchs in Matt.19.12: "For there are some eunuchs, who were
so born from their mother's womb." Jesus also called these bastards "mustard seeds" and they
for not getting involved in the family life, lead a life of celibacy, who can
concentrate more upon their spiritual uplifts that can make them great Saint -
a mustard seed growing into a big plant where the birds of air (twice-born
sensible people of discerning intellect) can roost (or gather around Him for
spiritual knowledge) - than the normal tribal married people who first get
themselves involved in the material world of “weeds”, the secular affairs,
before embarking upon the spiritual life of full devotion to God. Such a
bastard is known by the first name of his mother only. But Jesus known as the
Son of Mary was an exception in that His birth was a "Virgin Birth" through the Power of "Holy
Spirit" implying that he had no earthly or physical father. That is why
Jesus was given the name YeShua or YeShiva, the First anointed "Son of
Yahweh", the second Adam; unlike us born of our tribal fathers, we are just
"sons of our tribal fathers in Adam". The super bastard sons of the
most High Satan, Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the Temple
Priests did accuse Mary on moral grounds but Baby Jesus defended her and they
left her in peace. That is why Baby Jesus was sent to the faithful sons of
Abraham in Egypt to look after Him as the Crook Temple Priests, the hirelings
of Herod, were inciting King Herod against Jesus who came in the line of King
David born of a Virgin of Judah tribe. Thus, Mary was the Surrogate Mother of
Jesus and Joseph of Judah tribe his foster father. For being Born of a Virgin
through the Power of Holy Spirit of our Supernatural Father God, ParBrahm or
Allah, Jesus, unlike His second coming in the name of Christ = Satguru Nanak
Dev Ji in 1469, came as “Floating” Adam into this world and he left no physical
mark on earth. That is, Jesus never got married or produced children and had no
tribal landed property or a permanent home to rest his head – Luke 9v58: Jesus
replied, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no
place to lay his head."
Further, Shri Krishan
Baldev Ji, the Prophet of Doapar Yug, the incarnation of “Shiv”, preferred to
stay in the humble house of a Mustard seed Saint Bidar, who was born of a
Daasi, the Temple Dancing Girl instead of in the comfortable Palace of his
relatives. John, the Baptist was the Last Prophet Elijah on this Planet – Luke
16v16, and we being the sons of Most High are greater than John, the Baptist,
Angel of Israel.
2. The second pillar of the
son of Satan AL-WUSTA (middle)
is sited in the middle of East and West and it represents those opportunists
who change their surnames or even tribes to gain economical favours from the
rulers. Thus, the son of Satan of this type was born of a tribal father in his
father's house and had a surname and tribe to identify his "seed" but
he changed it, knowingly, for the sake of the treasures of Mammon. That is, he
became a "super bastard" of his own free-will for the sake of the
kingdom of Mammon.
East, especially India,
Pakistan, etc. has the majority of such people who became the so-called Muslims
during the Mughal reign and adopted surnames with the Arabic touch. Most of
these sons of Satan are keeping their real tribal identities through secret
family trees that are not only consulted but checked and counter-checked during
such important social affairs as marriages. Typical examples are Ansari,
Jaffry, etc. Further, most of them also changed their tribal names as well.
Thus, the Saini became Arian, Khatri Sheikh, Julahe Sayed, etc. The only few
notable exception who did not change their tribal identity as well are my
tribal people Jatts. If someone knows other tribes who didn’t change their
tribal names when becoming Mohammedans, I would appreciate. These are called
economical super bastards.
In fact, these sons of
Satan are a stepping stone to the most powerful political sons of Satan AL-AKSA and AL-KUBRA, both of which are highly
"psychics" i.e. great hypocrites, who exploit the simpletons, the
stones, through human psychology by luring them into the green pastures or
brain-washing them through sugar-coated sermons of falsehoods.
3. The pillar of this most
powerful son of Satan, who dominates this Dark Age, is sited in the West, the
direction of sun set, that represents the total religious Darkness (Kal Yug) as the East represents
total religious Light (Satt Yug) and
it is shown leaning against a hillock or mountain. The mountain is of the
ignorant simpletons turned super bastard fanatic devils – John 8v44, who follow
the orders of sons of Satan to do his will, INSH TEMPLE PRIESTS, INSH MULLAH
(FATWA), INSH POPE (Edicts), etc. and not that of God called INSH ALLAH, learnt
through Gospel. For example, Islam stands for one's submission to the Will of
God called Inshallah and not the will of a person like Mullah, Pope, Jathedar,
etc. Unlike the sons of Satan No.2, these sons of Satan do not seek economic
gains but political power and secular rule that are tribal related in Adam.
When this Satan takes on a religious cover, he is called "AL-AKSA (spiritual)" and
when the non-religious cover, he is called "AL-KUBRA (great)". The nature of these two types of
Satan will be appreciated on grasping the basic principle that the countries
being the homes of tribes such as Afghanistan of Afghan tribe, Baluchistan of
Baluch, etc., politics is for the tribal people of the country only and not for
either the spiritual selves Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, etc. i.e.
a Jew is one who is inwardly (spiritual) and not outwardly (secular of the
flesh or tribe) and so on, or the non-tribal selves such as Congress.
Conservative, Labour, Communist, SDP, Liberal, etc. that are not the tribal
selves and they have no country to represent in politics. Irresponsible
politicians change their political parties like changing a shirt and cap.
Thus, Pope and his
accomplices, archbishops, clerics, etc. who are seeking political powers in one
way or the other are all the establishments of AL-AKSA in the name of Politics that controls Mammon -
Matt.4.8-10, the third temptation of Satan to Jesus, because after the advent
of Gospel, we have roving Preachers of God, the Royal Priests, who preach “His
Word” in honour of Jesus to glorify our Father and they serve people in His
name. Sectarian riots in India, Middle East, Lebanon, N.Ireland, etc. are all
the works of these sons of Satan AL-AKSA,
the Brood of Vipers who
are more powerful and destructive in the East than in the West. For example,
the sons of Satan of America, the televangelists, Dog-Collared Priests, etc.
are rather more concerned with Mammon i.e. lavish living, immorality, etc. than
with the political exploitations; whereas the heads of non-tribal and
non-religious political parties, who represent the sons of Satan AL-KUBRA are more powerful in the
West than in the East. Thus, heads of the political Parties in the West, who
talk of peace but produce sophisticated weapons to destroy humanity, will
produce great havoc during the Atomic War expected soon after May, 2018 when
Israel will be 70 years old – those who take to sword shall die by the sword.
For their hypocritical behaviours, such sons of Satan, AL-AKSA and AL-KUBRA are said to
have "marks of evil spirit
over their foreheads" and the super bastard fanatics, which are
represented by the mountain, who obey the orders of their irresponsible satanic
masters are said to have "marks
over their hands".
As the mountain of
supporters (super bastard fanatic devils – John 8v44) that denounce their
tribal identities, had become such super bastard fanatic devils in ignorance
and Jesus refers to them in Matt. 19v12: “…..: and there are some eunuchs
(super bastards), which were made eunuchs of men, the Brood of Vipers, the
religious or non-religious heads of non-tribal political parties”. Whereas
people like John, the Baptist, who was the son of Zachariah but dropped the
family surname, became eunuch for the Royal Kingdom of God -
Matt.19.12"...: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs
for the Royal Kingdom of God’s sake. He that is able to receive it let him
receive it."
It is worth mentioning here that some stupid
politicians especially in the Punjab, India, generally drop their tribal
surnames in favour of the name of their village or town from which they hail
for gaining extra political popularity and public support. Now, the village or
the town stands for one’s social mother and the person who adopts or is given
this surname becomes a bastard who was born of a prostitute that had served the
whole village or town. Such a bastard born of a well-known prostitute will be,
no doubt, a famous mischievous son of Satan with no tribal identity or family
shame or Hiya. They become the most corrupt politicians that are very hard to
Now, the above AL-DJMAARS or pillars representing
the various types of sons of Satan are stoned with seven stones each as a
ritual of repulsion. Thus, on the first day of stoning only the son of Satan
AL-AKSA, and not AL-KUBRA although both of them are represented by the same
pillar, is stoned with seven stones (related to the Seven Candles of Menorah of
works) whilst on the remaining three days of stoning all the three are stoned
with seven stones each; the total number of stones thus thrown being seventy.
After understanding that by becoming a religious
person of "flesh" rather than of the "spirit", one becomes
a "son of Satan" with whom the demiurge god of creation, Yahweh,
Brahma or Khudah has nothing to do with. At the time of arrival of Jesus most
of the Jews, especially of the Judah tribe, were Jews outwardly of the flesh and
not inwardly of the heart or spirit that Jesus was left with no other
alternative of appearing among the first spiritually sick people in the world
than to take on a "Virgin Birth" among the most satanic people of
Judah tribe. I have the feeling that the traitor Judas Iscariot belonged to the
tribe of Judah and so was the Temple High Priest, who killed Jesus. Thus, the
birth of Jesus was in Bethlehem, the birth place of angelic king David of the
Judah tribe and in the manger of an inn that stands for the most humble place
(manger) in the Church of God (inn).
Further, the lesson or Moral of Hajj is emphasised
in a rumour by the people that Ishmael was a "foundling" and not the
real son of Abraham. To stress the purpose of Hajj and to discredit the rumour
by the sons of Satan, it is said that Khudah made Ishmael and Abraham to look
alike, i.e. the ritual of Hajj is to establish the covenant of the boy with
their tribal father implying in that to be the "sons of Man", our
forefather in flesh. After becoming a "son of Man", the person has
tribal Hiya or conscience, the “base” and he is at the threshold of Islam to
know Allah i.e. "Say ISLAMA, EEMAN hath not entered your heart yet".
That is, no one is born of his own will but by the Will of Allah into a certain
tribal family or the earthen Pot in which the “soul” of our Father Allah rests.
If you refute this very First Will of Allah, then you are not sensible enough
to know all loving and merciful Father of all “souls” that originates or
emanates from Him alone.
Thus, for establishing the Hajj rites, Abraham
earned the title: "Father of the faithful" to
Yahweh, the creator of male and female who feeds you to live peacefully among
the tribal sons of Man as the Chosen People lived in the Promised Land of honey
and milk when they were faithful to Abraham and their demiurge god in flesh or
of Nature Yahweh, the jealous and revengeful Lord. Our Supernatural Father in
Spirit is just the opposite of the Natural father Yahweh, a loving and merciful
Father Al-Raheem and Al-Karim Allah, the Father of our true-self soul. He
expects us that His sons would be loving and merciful in His image as it was
demonstrated by Him in the anointed Eternal Son Christ Jesus.
Now, a Mussallmaan – Mussallum = Firm like a fired
brick; Eemaan = Faith in Allah is “sealed” to serve God - is one whose Eemaan
(faith in God) is firm (Mussallum) i.e. he is shameful (He has the tribal Hiya,
the base or the threshold of Islam also called half Eemaan), truthful,
contented and merciful (the three qualities of Islam that are the measures of
the person’s faith or Eemaan) but the looters like the British, Mughals,
Pathans, Afghans, etc., who ruled over India and elsewhere were nowhere near a
true Christian or a Muslim but the Kafirs (infidels). Thus, a true Muslim being
a merciful person then all the merciful people of the world submit themselves
to the Will of God, and not to their own, have one religion and that is Islam.
Thus, a Mullah asked Saint Kabir Ji, "You are
also a Muslim; let us go to Hajj". Saint Kabir Ji replied that I had a
word with my Master and He rebuked me saying, "Oh, Foolish Kabir you
possess all the maximum four qualities of Islam (truth, contentment, mercy and
'His Word'); what for you want to go for Hajj that imparts not a single quality
of Islam?" So, to be a true Mussallmaan is not a joke as he is in Allah
and Allah is in him. And further, as a Mussallmaan reflects the inwardly
spiritual religious qualities through works or deeds; he is never born and,
therefore, he never dies but the tribal self.
Further, Mosques being for the twice-born
spiritual sons of Allah called Muslims and not for the once-born natural boys,
the sons of Khudah, who are still at the threshold of Islam after performing
the Hajj rites, for this reason the holy Mosque situated in the holy complex in
Mecca is highly forbidden (AL-HARAAM)
to the young boys who go for Hajj. That is, Kabah is the house of Adam for
prayers and fasting as the Jerusalem Temple was and not of Allah. The Temple of
Allah is our physical body created by Khudah, Yahweh or Brahma. House of Allah
cannot be built by human hands and there is one House of Allah and that is the
Golden Temple, which is the replacement of the Holiest of Holy that was
destroyed in 70 A.D. forever. But what gold has to do with God? It is the most
corrupt place in the world than that used to be in Jerusalem.
Further, the people who remain "faithful to
Adam", i.e. remain the "wheat plants", the demiurge creator god
of Nature Yahweh provides them with plenty of food to live and this is implied
in the provision of a ram for sacrifice instead of Ishmael having been starved
and killed by the sons of Satan as at present it is happening in Syria, Iraq,
Libya, etc. This is also emphasised in the Parable of Prodigal son Luke
15v11-32 in which Abraham, the father had two sons Ishmael and Isaac. When the
chosen people of Isaac became arrogant and unfaithful to Abraham, they wanted
to kill the only faithful son Joseph, out of jealousy, who possessed all the
good qualities or Salt of Abraham. Yahweh came to his help and he was sold as a
slave to the Egyptians, the faithful sons of Abraham or “Salt of the earth”.
Then there was none left in the Promised Land, who was faithful to Abraham and
Yahweh, the land that produced meagre food due to the presence of Joseph became
totally barren forcing the unfaithful sons of Abraham to leave the Promised
Land. So, when they were taken slaves by the Egyptians, they were badly
maltreated as outlined by Jesus in the Parable of the Prodigal son that was the
generation of Isaac. Elder son of Father Abraham was Ishmael and his people,
the Egyptians. Moses brought them back by making them to repent for Forty Years
in the Wilderness before they returned into the Promised Land that had become
lush green to greet the faithful sons of Abraham, the heir to the Promised
Land, back home. That is, Yahweh is only pleased if you remain faithful to your
tribal fathers and you live in Peace in a land of honey and milk, a Paradise on
earth. This Jesus described as the welcome back of his lost Prodigal son with a
fattened calf.
So, in the Abraham - Isaac story as there
was no acts of repulsion of the sons of Satan, Yahweh didn’t provide a ram for
them to enjoy and, therefore, it is one of the falsifications of the Old
Testament. This was because they had become Jews outwardly of flesh, the Tares
unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh. That is why Jesus sitting in the Temple told
them that their forefathers are super bastard fanatic Devils – John 8v44. This
Gospel Truth annoyed the Jews outwardly and they wanted to hit him with stones.
Further, at the times of Jesus most of the Chosen
People had become the Jews of flesh under the directions of their Temple's high
Priests who were sons of Satan AL-AKSA and
they had altered the Holy Books i.e. had produced holes in the old cloth, the
written Torah. Thus, when Angel (not a Saint) Stephen pointed out to them that
our Father Abraham was a Noble man. Be a faithful son of Abraham by keeping the
covenant of Abraham in circumcision (tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac only) to
the noble sons of Abraham and do not circumcise Gentile to produce fake sons of
Abraham for your business, then they were putting fingers in their ears and
grinding their teeth to kill him for exposing their satanic business in Mammon.
No wonder they took him out and killed him for making them the sons of Abraham
whilst they had a flourishing business in making people Jews outwardly, the
mountain of super bastard fanatic devils at the command of the sons of most high
Satan AL-AKSA. That is why John, the Baptist called the Temple Priests the
Brood of Vipers and today those fake sons of Abraham in circumcision are
gathered around Israel to destroy them.
Thus, the story of Ishmael – Abraham is
true whilst that of Isaac – Abraham is false. This is further pointed
out by St. Thomas in Logo 13: "Jesus took Thomas aside and spoke to him
three words. Now when Thomas came to his companions, they asked him: What did
Jesus say to thee? Thomas said to them: If I tell you one of the
words which He said to me, you will take up stones and throw at me as they did
to Jesus in the Temple when He called them super bastard fanatic Devils – John
8v44; and fire will come from the stones and burn you up as you will see today
how the fake sons of Abraham through circumcision will burn them soon after
May, 2018 when Israel shall be 70 years old". Now, the first Word or the
Will of our Father is to be a "son of Man", which Angel Stephen
expressed to the Temple Priests and he was stoned to death. That is no
"son of Man", no "son of God" or the Islam of Allah.
Most recent example of this most high son of
Satan, AL-AKSA, is the deposed President of Egypt Morsi who wanted a mountain
of Muslim Brotherhood to take over the political affairs of Egypt. But as the
tribal instinct in Egypt is still there, he cannot succeed in his satanic
Finally, this Dark Age is a Golden Age for the
people of "spirit, Surtti or discerning intellect" and whosoever will
seek the Treasures of our Father, “His Word” delivered by our anointed Elder
Brother Christ Jesus and His Second coming Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, shall enjoy
Eating the Flesh of Jesus or what came out from the Mouth of Jesus and he will
Drink the Blood of Christ by Preaching Gospel from the Rooftop in honour of
Christ Jesus to glorify our Father Allah would become Eternal like our Father
God or Merge with Him as the water from the rivers merges into Sea. Further, in
Thomas Logo 11: Jesus said: This heaven shall pass away and the one above it shall
pass away and the dead are not alive and the living shall not die. That is,
people dead in letters cannot understand Gospel and those who are alive
in holy spirit, “common sense”, shall not face
death but resurrection as presented by Jesus in his Friend Lazarus.
That the Hajj is for the children of school age to
become the "sons of their tribal fathers in Adam" is further
emphasised by Jesus in Luke 2.40-50: ".....And when He was
"twelve" years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the
feast. And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus
tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it.
.........And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the
Temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them
questions......... And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding
and answers. So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to
Him, “Son, why have You done this to us?
Look, Your (foster) father and I have sought
You anxiously.” And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me?
Did you not know that I must be about My (heavenly)
Father’s (Yahweh’s) business?” And they understand not the saying which He
spake unto them.
Here, it would be worth mentioning our own
experience during the Partition of India in 1947. My late father was inspector
of schools but for being honest, he would not take or give bribe. His officers
were not happy with him and they demoted him in 1942 or so to a school teacher.
He was very upset but it proved a blessing in disguise that he learnt the
subject of religion. So, he used to tell people not to become Sikh, Hindu or
Muslim of physical body or outwardly but inwardly of spirit. Further, religious
selves are never born and they never die but the tribal selves. And he went to
villages to warn them of the ensuing sectarian riots. We also moved from a big
town to our village. People from neighbouring villages used to come to our
village to help guard the village from Mohammedan attacks. Our Mohammedan
menial village entertainer called Maraasi incited the neighbouring
village people of Arian tribe that we have gathered people to attack them. So,
the headman of the Mohammedan villages called Zaildar gathered around
2000 people to attack our village but he asked our Maraasi, the greedy
entertainer to bring out the headman of our village for an explanation. So, my
father and his elder brother, the village headman, went to the attacking party
head, the Zaildar. When my father told him that Muslim and Sikh are
spiritual selves that are never born or die but the tribal selves and if you
have any enmity between our tribes, we are ready to settle. But there was none
between the sons of Man and he told his 2000 attackers to look after us as
their guests, which they did. And he further suggested to my father, let us go
to Lahore, the capital to stop this Partition but my father told him that it is
too late to stop. That is how the Gospel Truth saves life and brings in the
Peace of Allah. The same could happen in Syria, Iraq, Libya, etc., if someone
could open their third eye of logical reasoning.
Very truly religion is opium for the masses, which sing the
songs of Jesus but follow the fashions of the world. God stands for love and
service, the inherent qualities of Jesus but they will kill and rule over
people saying that they are glorifying their so-called God (Mammon).
Christ/Satguru Jesus and Nanak have Said in appreciation of Hajj:-
Christ Jesus Said in Matt.15v13:- He replied,
"Every plant (every person) that my heavenly Father (Yahweh) did not plant
(has become unfaithful to their tribal fathers in Adam such as Jews, Hindus,
Sikhs, Muslims, etc. outwardly of physical body and NOT spiritual inwardly)
will be pulled up (killed) by the roots (along with their “super bastard fanatic” supporters).
And Satguru Nanak Dev Ji Said:-
ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ ੧ ॥ ਸਚਿ ਕਾਲੁ (there is a famine of secular
truth that a once-born natural man can know but their Rabbis are crook and
inefficient) ਕੂੜੁ ਵਰਤਿਆ (then,
the falsehoods delivered by psychics through sugar-coated sermons have become
prevalent) ਕਲਿ ਕਾ ਲਖ (the characteristics of Kal
Yug are that people speak ignoring the basic Principles learnt through “Oral
Torah” or “His Word”) ਬੇਤਾਲ (without any fundamentals or foundations. They will say anything
that pleases the people to secure votes whereas the Gospel Truth is
Bitter) ॥ ਬੀਉ ਬੀਜਿ ਪਤਿ ਲੈ ਗਏ (those who will not forget
their tribal “seed”, will live with their honour intact as we lived during the
Partition of India) ਅਬ ਕਿਉ ਉਗਵੈ ਦਾਲਿ (whilst
those who have lost their tribal identities under religious cover to become the
super bastard fanatic devils of either Al-Djmar Al-Aksa or non-religious covers
such as Labour, Conservative, Liberal, Communist, etc., the sons of Al-Djmar
Al-Kubra, they being no more the “Wheat Plants, the sons of Man” but “Tares,
the sons of Satan, cannot take roots in the Fold of Humanity to bear Fruit
pleasing to our Father but of destruction to glorify the Satan) ॥ ਜੇ ਇਕੁ ਹੋਇ (If
per chance there be a son of Man with tribal identity intact ) ਤ ਉਗਵੈ (then
he will germinate or become twice-born to produce Fruit worthy of our
Father) ਰੁਤੀ ਹੂ ਰੁਤਿ ਹੋਇ (such
sons of Man with their tribal identities intact will enjoy this Time of Christ
(Sun) in which what they have sown in their past lives under the Rabbis called
Karma or works (winter) will ripen to produce “Fruit” that pleases our
Father) ॥ ਨਾਨਕ ਪਾਹੈ ਬਾਹਰਾ (as without mordant or being
a morally sound son of Man) ਕੋਰੈ ਰੰਗੁ ਨ ਸੋਇ (As
without the cloth being treated with mordant, you cannot have fast and shining
colour so without being a son of Man, you cannot be a son of God and brighten
up your heart with Gospel Truth)॥ ਭੈ ਵਿਚਿ (A
person who is twice-born is tempted to fall into the trap of Mammon and become
a “greedy” person but when you have the fear of wise men –Gurmukhs, who will
expose your tricks – then you cleanse your heart white and become morally sound
too) ਖੁੰਬਿ ਚੜਾਈਐ ਸਰਮੁ ਪਾਹੁ ਤਨਿ ਹੋਇ ॥ ਨਾਨਕ ਭਗਤੀ ਜੇ ਰਪੈ (If
you worship God in truth and spirit and become sealed to serve God) ਕੂੜੈ ਸੋਇ ਨ ਕੋਇ (Such
a person will outshine the hypocrites)॥੧॥ {ਪੰਨਾ 468}
Chapter 10
Circumcision; the “Tribal Mark” of Abraham to Isaac.
This circumcision of flesh, a specific Tribal
Mark, was given by Abraham to his real son Isaac and not to his son Ishmael
born of the slave woman. That is, this tribal mark is for the “seeds” of Isaac
through water or semen and you cannot make another person a son of Abraham
through circumcision. And if you make a Gentile the son of Abraham, then he is
entitled to inherit the Promised Land as well. But the greedy Rabbis were doing
so to increase the number of their blind following for the sake of Mammon. This
malpractice of producing fake sons of Abraham was prevalent among the Rabbis,
who used to go faraway places outside the Promised Land to catch their prey by
putting this millstone of rituals around the necks that they themselves would
not carry. Thus, Mohammedans and some Christians who are circumcised most of
them are not the real sons of Isaac through his “seed or semen” but the fake,
who have renounced their own tribal identities or fathers in order to become
Jews outwardly of flesh, the super bastard fanatics to serve their Master
Rabbis Al-Djmar Aksa in the form of Mullahs. I lived in Ghana from 1969 to 1983
and was pleased to see the wisdom of their Fetish Priests in marking the faces
of people with specific tribal marks. Jesus approved of these tribal marks in
His Saying: “Every plant (person) that my heavenly father (Yahweh) did not
plant (forgets his tribal identity) shall be uprooted by the roots (shall be
killed along with the supporters).
That is how the Rabbis were fleecing people and
honest to God people could not tolerate and requested our Father to send His
Own Royal Priest, the Christ, to expose such hypocrisies of the Rabbis in
Mammon and to introduce the Universal New Covenant of the circumcision of our
hearts through “His Seed” of Gospel that makes us the sons of Most High Elohim,
ParBrahm, Allah, etc. in Spirit.
Thus, in Jesus, we are the Royal Priests of
Spirit, the Christs, who deliver “Oral Torah” lessons, which is Meat for the
twice-born adults of age longing for Gospel, to encourage them to become the
eternal sons of our Eternal Father whereas the Rabbis, the Priests of Moses in
“Letters” or Scriptures working for Adam fed Milk to their once-born natural
young men called the Disciples for disciplining them to be morally sound in the
name of their Noble Forefathers or make them the “sons of Man” as displayed by
the Samaritan man who picked up the wounded person and looked after him in
honour of his forefather Joseph, the only faithful son of Jacob out of the
twelve. Rest of the eleven were Saltless crook that were unfaithful to Abraham
and Yahweh.
Remember that John, the Baptist was an Ideal
Priest of Moses, who enforced the moral laws that were based upon the
Principles of “Oral Torah” that Jesus was proclaiming to the twice-born of
spirit. “His Word” is the Principles that are left to the sensible general
public to implement or base their moral laws upon such a Strong Root. Thus, the
Gentiles had the Moral Laws written over their living in spirit hearts and not
in the dead letters of the Scriptures. That is, A Gentile never dies for he
does not live to die.
Thus, Jesus knowing these Roots of written Torah
astonished the Doctors of Law or Jerusalem theologians by explaining to them
the Sound Basis of their moral laws in details. Same He did in the Synagogues
but those who had spiritual ears to hear His Word, appreciated but mostly they
were deaf of ears created by their Dead in Letters Rabbis as you see today
these Dog-Collared hireling Priests of Mammon have created the dead in spirit
blind Christian Disciples that are more dead than those of the Rabbis.
Ethiopian eunuch was not spiritually dead and he was wondering what the hell
this Torah is saying? How could you make a slave a son of Abraham through
circumcision? Only fools dead in spirit will believe it.
Typical example to test these dead in letters
hireling Priests is to ask them a question. John, the Baptist said, “I am
baptising you in water (in the name of Abraham), the One coming after me
will Baptise you in Holy Spirit”. Then, in whose name
John, the Baptist baptised Jewish men only, the Only Lost sheep of the hundred,
and Jesus in water? None of them will know this simple answer.
Gospel of our living Father is for the living in
spirit Solitary Labourers and not for the dead in spirit blind Disciples of the
hireling Dog-Collared crook Rabbis. The root of the word disciple is discipline
and you discipline the once-born natural men through the Moral Laws and that
was done by the Rabbis. To get rid of those greedy and hypocrite Rabbis, Jesus
laid His own Precious Life as the Lamb of God and these new brand of greedy and
hypocrite Rabbis, the Dog-Collared Priests have cropped up to fulfil
Matt.12v43-45. So, unless you get rid of these hirelings of Mammon and create
Fellowships of the Royal Priests, the Solitary sons of the Most High that will
find the Narrow Gate leading to the Vineyard of our Father where the True Vine
Christ Jesus is Planted by our Father and for Life in Jesus, it is our Duty to
get ourselves Grafted to Him, otherwise you have no part in Jesus, our anointed
Bridegroom. Against the dead in letters Scriptures of Moses taught by the
defunct Rabbis, our Covenant of heart with our Father is fulfilled when we
become the Solitary Virgin Bride of Christ Jesus and get ourselves “Sealed” to
serve God by Preaching Gospel from our own hearts, the living Tablets in honour
of Christ Jesus to glorify our Father as in a family wife glorifies her husband
by going under his instructions to become sinless. Sins are carried by men and
the sins of men by their Rabbis who instructed them. That is why the Rabbi
finds a scapegoat to wash away the sins of his congregation. But our Royal High
Priest had no Scapegoat but he gave his own sacrifice to get rid of these
hypocrite Dog-Collared Priests, the intermediaries, once and forever. He has
provided us the Covenant of Heart with our Father through “His Word” and we
must keep our heart circumcised by worshipping Him in Truth and in spirit. In
truth, Christ Peter, Who was given the Key to the kingdom of heaven in law and
order, killed two liars Anais and Saphira for telling lies or building their
Temples of God on Sand. And in spirit, hiding nothing in our hearts or what is
inside us is outside. Politicians and these Dog-Collared Priests, the Judas
Iscariot Thieves in sheep’s clothing, are the greatest hypocrites causing wars
and sectarian riots.
Finally, the Jews outwardly created these
worldwide Mountains of super bastard fanatics through “circumcision” and they
killed Angel Stephen for exposing their dirty business. Today, they will face
those fake sons of Abraham as their number one enemies. So, you cannot blame a
third person if Atomic Bombs prepared in Iran and other fanatic countries will
kill them. Fake sons of Abraham who have changed their tribal surnames
altogether are most dangerous whilst those who are still keeping their tribal
identities intact will still display the Salt of their forefathers. We all make
mistakes and those who do so under ignorance such as those in Africa are
forgiven. This Nanak, the second coming of Jesus, Said, “Do not blame a third
person but blame yourself for whatsoever you have sown, so you have reaped.”
Now, you will understand the Baptism of John, the
Baptist with great ease.
Chapter 11
Baptisms of John and Jesus
John 3v5:- Aramaic Bible in Plain English
Yeshua (Ye = Yahweh and Shua = Adam; thus Jesus
was Second “Floating” Adam who had no place to rest his head and he left no
physical mark on earth) answered and said to him: “Timeless (Gospel) truth I am
telling you: “If a person is not born from water (be a son of the natural
tribal father) and The Spirit (be a son of our Supernatural Father God, Elohim,
etc.), it is impossible that he shall enter the Royal Kingdom of God.
Thus, we all know that John, the Baptist, an Ideal
Rabbi or Moral Teacher that held the Key to the kingdom of heaven came to pave
the way for Christ Jesus that leads us to the Royal Kingdom of God for
Salvation, Rest or Resurrection but hardly anyone knows what was that paving of
the way? This would become clear if we know the source of “Evil” that leads to
the destruction of humanity or the kingdom of hell as you can see it being done
in the Middle East today and it would become worldwide. This destruction
is very easily understood if we know that evil does not come from
our loving and merciful Father God, ParBrahm, Allah or the Noble sons of Man
called “Wheat Plants” that bear fruit worthy of our Father’s Barn but from the
sons of Satan, the “Tares”, who are unfaithful to their own tribal forefathers
as I outlined them in the Chapter on Hajj, a ritual that used to be for the
boys 12 to 16 years old but today it has been taken over by the sons of most
high Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa to create the sectarian riots and killing. Further,
this planet earth is for the peaceful habitation of the sons of Adam who were
created by the demiurge god of Nature called Yahweh, Brahma or Khudah. As
Yahweh created Adam and so, he looks after the sons of Adam through rain for
the production of food. This is amply reflected in the Chosen People who were
given the Special Promised Land to live peacefully and prosperously as a
demonstration to the people of world if they are faithful to Abraham, a Noble
Man in the image of Yahweh and Righteous in our Supernatural Father Elohim,
ParBrahm or Allah.
Now, our Supernatural Father is invisible God from
Whom our supernatural self “soul” emanates and His presence in us is reflected
through our natural physical body that was created by the demiurge god Yahweh,
Brahma or Khudah, the Potter. Or Yahweh is the reflection of our Real Father
God and unless you become the sons of Yahweh, you cannot perceive or represent
the invisible God within ourselves. Remember that we are the living Temples of
living God not made by human hands but by the demiurge god of Nature. This is
called Emmanuel. Thus, unless you are a son of Man, which is born of water or
the tribal “seed”, you cannot be a son of the Most High Invisible Supernatural
Father God that is twice-born of Spirit. This Jesus called the Fold that
belongs to our Father where you find Rest whilst the Temple Priests belonged to
another fold that belonged to Satan in which people suffer. So, the people who
join the fold of Satan suffer as you see them in Syria, Iraq, Libya, etc. and I
have described this fold in details in the chapter on Hajj.
So, in order to be in the Fold of our Real Father
God, Whose Shepherd is Christ Jesus, you need to be in the fold of Yahweh or be
a noble son of Man, the “Salt of Earth”, “Wheat”, to enable the person to
display the Qualities of our Supernatural Father through the sons of Man.
Whilst the sons of Satan reflect evil through the “shameless” people who are
unfaithful to their tribal forefathers, the “Tares” – John 8v44. This Christ =
Satguru Nanak Dev Ji stressed in His Saying:-
CIbw kbIru juolwhw pUry gur qy giq pweI ]
Naam Dayv the calico printer, and Kabeer the cloth
weaver, by tribes, they obtained salvation through the Perfect SatGuru, the
“Innerman” called Satguru or Christ, which is capable of logical reasoning (Gur
means Formula).
naamaa chheebaa kabeer jolaahaa
pooray gur tay gat paa-ee.
ky byqy sbdu pCwxih haumY jwiq gvweI ]
The sons of Brahma (Yahweh, Khudah), they being
sensible enough will understand “His Word”, Shabad, to know God and they will
lose their tribal ego of their natural fathers in favour of our Real Supreme
Supernatural Father. That is, nobody is born in a certain tribal family of his
own free will but by the Will of our Father, his soul was cast into that
particular physical body created by Brahma. If you are not a faithful son of
Brahma then how could you serve God, our Supernatural Father, but Satan?
barahm kay baytay sabad
pachhaaneh ha-umai jaat gavaa-ee.
suir nr
iqn kI bwxI
gwvih koie n mytY BweI ]3]
The sensible spiritual men, the sons of Most High,
the Christs, then honour those Saints by singing their non-erring praises of
our Supernatural Father that no one can erase or challenge. That is, they too
become the Eternal Sons of God Who Preach Gospel from their own mouths in honour
of those Saints. ||3||
sur nar
tin kee banee gaavahi ko-ay na maytai bhaa-ee. ||3||
bRhmw ibsnu mhys
swij kudriq dw Kylu rcwie
bxwieAw ]
Having created
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the mythological demiurge gods of Nature in His own
Reflections or Witnesses, He composed the play of the cosmos so that through
them they may know their Real Father Parbrahm and His sons, the ParVishnu
Satgurus or Christs. Our Father Himself then took the form of ParShiv, (whose
reflection was Shri Krishan Baldev Ji, the incarnation of “Mahandev
or Shiv”), in the name of Sachae Patshah or Royal King Gobind Rai Ji and His
Escort or Shakti “Mahadevan”, Holy Spirit, to destroy the very stubborn sons of
Satan and to establish His Royal Kingdom of Righteousness through His Royal Priests
or Apostles called NIRMALLAE SANT and His Royal Philanthropic Soldiers called
Puritans or Khalsas that used sword power to enforce righteousness. Both of
them, Apostles and Puritans, renounced their families to become “Eunuchs” for
the Royal Kingdom of God – Matt. 19v12 … and
there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the Royal
Kingdom of God. He, who is able to accept this, let him accept it." More on this topic in my chapter on the four Communities of
Religion in India.
brehamaa bisan mehaes saaj
kudharath dhaa khael rachaae banaaeiaa ||
As stressed in the Chapter on Hajj, there are very
few people who still have their tribal identities intact explicitly and such
sensible solitary people of discerning intellect will understand “His Word”
(Eat the Flesh of Jesus) and Preach Gospel from their own hearts (Drink the
Blood of Christ). People with their tribal identities intact are mostly found
in the Brazilian and African jungles and they will survive the Massive Atomic
War Destruction to carry on re-populating the planet earth. That is, all those
144000 that are mentioned in the Revelations to be saved are the tribal people
and not Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. So, become a son of Man to understand
Gospel and earn your Salvation by Preaching Gospel from the Rooftops. This is
the Golden Age of Christ for earning Salvation called clearing the Thrashing
Thus, the sons of Man or the tribal people with
conscience, shame, Sharm or Hiya, the base for spirituality, live peacefully
together and create a kingdom of heaven, which is a stepping stone to the Royal
Kingdom of God that is within our own hearts or Emmanuel. Good Fetish Priests
or Rabbis looked after their congregations as those of the Samaritan villages
reflected in the Samaritan Woman at well, who engaged Jesus into deep spiritual
discussion did whilst the bad Rabbis led their congregations to hell as the
present hireling Dog-Collared Priests do in the Churches of Mammon through
sectarian riots.
So, John, the Baptist, an Ideal (Levi) Rabbi
Prophet Elijah or the Angel of Israel had the Key to the Kingdom of Heaven and
he baptised the sons of Abraham, the “Salt of earth” with tribal Hiya or
conscience. Such sensible adults of discerning intellect were capable of
seeking the Narrow Gate to Royal Kingdom of God where the True Vine Christ
Jesus had been planted by our Father.
Thus, Paving the Way is to make sensible people
the sons of Abraham through the baptism in water, the cleansing agent for our
physical body and it also represents the tribal seed or semen that is in the
men and not in the women. So, after baptism the Jewish men in the name of
Abraham, the men were said to be born of water. For women supplying the blood,
the life or “soul”, they become the counterpart or reflections of God. As God
is Universal and so are the women with no tribal seed of their own or a
country. That is why woman came out of the rib of Adam and they are to be
highly respected for procreation and services. Thus, men fight to defend their
territories, the countries, their homelands whilst the women give them all the
moral support or Shakti to fight well. Rabbis are school masters, Matt. 13v52,
who discipline the once-born natural men to behave well for the kingdom of
heaven otherwise they will kill each other as the animals do in the Jungles
creating a kingdom of hell.
Let us ponder over the Baptism of John, the
Baptist, last Prophet on earth – Luke 16v16: “Law and
Prophets were till John, the Baptist.” Transgression against the moral laws is
a “sin” and that means no Rabbis after John, the Baptist and no sin to condemn
anyone. Christianity being for the twice-born of Spirit, they need to be the
sensible people of discerning intellect. The Parable of the Born-blind person
whose eyes Jesus opened with His Spittle is an ideal example of a twice-born
person of discerning intellect and such is the solitary people of both sexes,
the spiritual men, which Jesus is looking for to become His Fishers of Men, the
Apostles. He mocked the hypocrite blind Rabbis who tried to suppress him. Thus,
when Jesus told his Labourers that these Rabbis are blind guides of the blind,
a Pharisee over heard Him and he retorted, “Do you call me a blind guide?”
Then, Jesus told him that if you are not blind of the moral laws, then by going
against the moral laws knowingly, you are committing blasphemy, which is more
serious than sins committed under the ignorance of the law. Sins are forgivable
but not the blasphemy as out cried by the stooges of the Temple Priests at the
Trial of Jesus.
Now, when we are once-born children, then we make
mistakes under the ignorance of the moral laws and, therefore, commit “sins”,
which the Schoolmaster Rabbis forgive us at the end of the year through
“Passover” in which sins committed in the previous year are forgiven to start
life afresh with a clean slate. But once you grow up and reach your age at
which you are no more a child but a sensible adult and do wrong things with the
full knowledge of the law, then you commit blasphemy against Holy Spirit, in
which a spirit inside you tries to stop you from doing wrong things. But if you
still do it, then you become a hypocrite, an evil Father otherwise a holy Father in God of Righteousness. Thus, those grown up
young men who realised that by becoming a Jew outwardly, you renounce your
tribal father and Abraham. Abraham was a Semite and his seed is represented by
his generations in Isaac, the Patriarchs or forefathers, which outwardly in
Yahweh and not inwardly, which is of God. This Christ Paul stressed in his
Saying: “A Jew is one who is inwardly, spiritual, a self that is never born or
died and not outwardly, the tribal, the self that was born and died”. So, not a
single Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. is ever born or died during the
holocausts or the sectarian riots.
Thus, the sensible solitary young men of age
presented themselves to John, the Baptist for they were not happy with the
hypocrite greedy Rabbis, they knew the Promised Land belonged to Abraham and
only the faithful sons of Abraham can occupy it and enjoy the best fruit as the
Samaritans, the generation of Joseph, were enjoying and they were sincerely
obeying the Ten Commandments of Moses as taught and explained by John in the
Light of Oral Torah. Out of all the tribes of Abraham, the people of Judah
tribe were mostly unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh by becoming Jews outwardly
of appearances and not inwardly of spirit. They had the ego of their great King
David and they were despising the people of other tribes. Thus, for their
religious domination over the Temple, they changed their tribal name from Judah
to Judaism and finally to Jew. So, most of the Jews outwardly
unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the super bastard fanatic devils – John 8v44
– were of the Judah tribe. This Jesus called the Lost Sheep out of the
Hundred and to redeem them he spent most of his time in the Judea region but
most of them became his staunch enemies. They killed him like a Terrorist
sowing the seed of Terrorism. That is why John, the Baptist also pitched his
tent in the Judea region and baptised only the Jewish men in water in the name
of Abraham making them faithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the Salt of earth with
conscience. No Samaritan, Gentile or a woman was baptised by John, the Baptist
because the Samaritans and Gentiles that formed ninety nine sheep were already
safe in the Fold of our Father, the Royal Kingdom of God as displayed by the
Samaritan man who picked up the wounded person and looked after him on
philanthropic basis. This is stressed by Christ Philip: “A Gentile never dies
for he does not live to die”. And a woman does not represent the father for the
seed is with son. Women do not commit sins if they obey their husbands morally.
Now, Jesus too presented Himself to John, the
Baptist to stress upon the necessity of the baptism of water before that of
Holy Spirit. John, the Baptist being His spiritual Cousin with the same Holy
Spirit as Jesus possessed on conception (That is why they were jumping with joy
when Mary of Judah tribe and Elizabeth of Levi tribe (not cousins) met and John
was never sent to a School for learning from a Rabbi indicated in the Saying
that no razor touched his head), he knew about the Greatness of Jesus as He was
of the Light (Sun) that deals with our hearts and John himself a Witness to the
Light (Moon), a secondary source of light that applies to our physical bodies
through the moral laws but Jesus advised him to go ahead in baptising Him for
Him to become his Disciple like the other sons of Abraham. Thus, as in the
Hebrew name of YeShua implies, the First Born of Yahweh, the Second Adam
(Shua), John, the Baptist baptised Jesus in the name of his heavenly father
Yahweh. Further, as a Disciple of John, the Baptist, Jesus left for Wilderness
as he had no physical father to inherit his property or lead a married life.
So, Mary was the Surrogate Mother of Jesus and Joseph the Foster Father. That
is, He came as a “Floating” second Adam with no place to rest his head and on
his death; he left no physical mark on earth. That is, he took his physical
body away from planet earth. Thus, as the Disciples of John, Rabbis, Pharisees,
etc. were saying prayers to heavenly father Yahweh
and did fasting in honour of Elohim to promote righteousness, Jesus also said
prayers and kept hard fasting for Forty Days as penitence that showed his
longing for Father Elohim. Same the Jews were saying prayers in the Temple and
kept fasts as a penitence for longing to know our Supernatural invisible Father
Elohim, ParBrahm or Allah. Then, if Allah be gracious they will be known to God
through Christ, His Royal Priest, in their hearts. Thus, Jesus did not start
the Ministry of Christ, the Royal Priest before the Forty Days in the
Wilderness but after when He had Christ in His heart by the grace of our Father
and he remained “sealed” to serve God against the three temptations of the
Satan. Then, He started to hire the Labourers for the Royal Vineyard of our
Father and started Preaching them the Gospel of our Father, which is Logos
derived through “logical reasoning” called “GUR” in Punjabi or formula.
Now, you will appreciate the Baptism of John, the
Baptist as stated in Matt. 3:-
John the
Baptist Prepares the Way
In those days John the Baptist came, teaching the
Ten Commandments in the wilderness of Judea, a region full of “Tares”, the Jews
outwardly of appearances 2 and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven for
the sons of Man has come near.” 3 This is he who was spoken of through the
Prophet Isaiah:
“A voice of one calling in
the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord of the Sabbath Christ Jesus. Make straight paths for
him.’” 4 John’s clothes were made of camel’s hair, and he had a leather belt
around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey. 5 People went out to him
from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan. 6 Confessing
their sins that they were made Jews outwardly of appearances by the crook
Temple Priests and they were baptized by him in the Jordan River in the name of
Abraham. 7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees (sent by the
Temple High Priest to know by whose authority he was baptising. He didn’t
attend a school nor had a paper qualification to teach the moral laws) coming
to where he was baptizing, he said to them: “You brood of vipers! Who warned
you to flee from the coming wrath in which the unfaithful to Abraham had no
right to live in the Promised Land? 8 Produce fruit (Karmas
or works) in keeping with repentance. 9 And do not think you can say to
yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father. This was a warning that by mere
saying that you are the sons of Abraham but become Jews outwardly of
appearances and not through clean-hearted deeds in honour of Abraham’ I tell
you that out of these stones, clean-hearted simpletons, Goyeishi Koppa, Yahweh
can raise up children for Abraham. 10 The axe is already at the root of the
trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and
thrown into the fire as it happened during the Great Siege of Jerusalem from 66
– 70 A.D. All the Tares, Jews outwardly died for the hypocrisy of the Temple
Priests, the Brood of Vipers, as at the Trial of Jesus.
Now, this is very important: -
11 “I baptize you with
water for repentance of sins. But after me comes one, Christ
Jesus, who is more powerful (Sun) than I (Moon), whose sandals I am not worthy
to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire in which the sons
of Abraham are baked into the sons of Most High Elohim in the Kiln of “His
Word”. Gospel being bitter, not many presented themselves to be “Sealed to
serve God” by Baking their raw faith in Abraham/Yahweh to their hard faith in
God by becoming the Fishers of Men. 12 His winnowing fork is in his hand, and
he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and
burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Christ appears in the Dark Age to
show them the Royal Vineyard of our Father with a Narrow Gate for the
“solitary” Virgin Brides of the Bridegroom Christ Jesus. Previous Ages were of
works under the honest Rabbis called “Winter” in which
people sow their Karmas for their next re-incarnation whilst this Dark Age is
of grace in which you receive holy spirit, common sense. If you go by your
“innerman”, the Christ and exploit holy spirit to earn
His Treasures for Salvation or Resurrection, then it is called clearing the
threshing Floor. This is summarised by Christ Philip in His Saying:-
Those who sow in winter (works or Karma done under
honest Rabbis) reap in summer (This Age of Christ). The winter is the world (of
Karmas), the summer the other Aeon (eternal realm of Elohim, our Eternal
Father). Let us sow in the world (of works or Karma for re-incarnation) that we
may reap in the summer (Get re-incarnation of a human being to earn the
Treasures of our Father through Preaching Gospel as shown by Christ Jesus in
Lazarus). Because of this, it is fitting for us not to pray (to our heavenly
father Yahweh as the blind Disciples of Rabbis did) in the winter. Summer (The
Age of Christ appears when the Rabbis had become corrupt) follows winter
(Rabbinic Ages of works). But if any man reap in winter (without Christ in his
heart) he will not actually reap (as the ruling Rabbis did not have the full
knowledge of Gospel as Christ Jesus had. That is why Jesus said that Abraham
longed to listen to Him) but only pluck out, since it will not provide a
harvest for such a person (as you need to be solitary with Christ in your heart
for Resurrection as Lazarus and Apostles had). It is not only [...] that it
will [...] come forth, but also on the Sabbath [...] is barren (Sabbath was
barren when the Rabbis objected to Christ Jesus celebrating Sabbath with
merciful philanthropic works of healing).
The Baptism
of Jesus in water:-
13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to
be baptized by John. 14 But John tried to deter him, saying, “I (Moon, a
Witness to the Light) need to be baptized by you (Sun, the Primary Source of
Light or Oral Torah), and do you come to me? Here, John, the Baptist stresses
the Status of Jesus.” 15 Jesus replied, “Let it be so now (Jesus came to
confirm that He has come among the people of Judah tribe and through the tribal
mark of “circumcision”, he confirmed that he is of the line of Judah tribe and
this Baptism of John in water was necessary as they had become unfaithful to Abraham
and to Yahweh, the natural heavenly father of Jesus. Because the son of Isaac,
they are the lost Sheep, which need to be redeemed with efforts of both of
them. So, it is proper for us to do this to fulfil all righteousness.” Then
John consented and Baptised Him in the name of Yahweh,
his heavenly father.
16 As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out
of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God,
“Holy Spirit” descending like a dove and alighting on him. 17 And a voice from
heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. That is,
the purpose of the baptism of John was to make people the sons of their tribal
fathers or the sons of Man.” Son of the Man is the stepping stone to the sons
of our Supernatural Father God, Elohim, ParBrahm, Allah.
Thus, the hypocrite Pharisees and Sadducees who
were making men the Jews of flesh knowingly, they were refused the baptism of
water and John branded them a brood of dangerous vipers because sugar-coated
falsehoods are propagated on communal level and so, the people suffer at
communal levels. Remember when Jesus was performing merciful deeds as expected
of the seeds of the angelic king David, then a woman proclaimed that for
qualities you are a real son of David in comparison with those of the Judah
tribe people who had become the worst “crooks/cheats” among the Jewish people.
Further, for a woman being not a son of Man or the
head of the family John never baptised a woman and the women do not stand in
need of John's baptism as they can enjoy the Jesus' baptism in Holy Spirit in
the name of God, our supernatural Father, in order to become Royal
Preachers. John gave the women the same importance as they were
receiving under the Judaic Laws of Moses.
What will happen to the "tares" that the
Temple Priests were creating? This has been dictated by Jesus in Matt.15.13:
"But He answered and said Every plant (Every
person), which my heavenly Father (the Creator Yahweh) hath not planted (who is
not a "son of Man"), shall be rooted up (shall be killed). This is
further supported in the Revelations that the Beast (sons of Satan) shall be
locked in the Bottomless Pit and the people who will be saved numbering 144,000
are all mentioned by their tribes and not as Jews. Remember that the people of
Israel after being pushed out of the Promised Land meant for the sons of
Abraham in 70 A.D. suffered because they by becoming the Jews of flesh severed
their tribal covenant with Abraham and had become anti-Semitic super bastards
themselves. Remember that if Abraham was a Jew by flesh, then the Arabs should
also be the Jews but it is not so. Arabs stayed on as before but the Jews were
forced to leave the Promised Land for Egypt, where they were given treatment
similar to "pigs" but Moses brought them back – the Parable of the
Prodigal son Isaac.
Thus, the chosen people by becoming the Jews of
flesh themselves become anti-Semitic but they call others to be anti-Semitic.
What an irony? That is why they suffered in overseas countries except America,
a country of mixed tribes.
Today, this is what happening all over the world.
In Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, etc. the people identify themselves as Shia, Sunni and
Christian almost 100% and for being the tares, they shall kill and burn each
other almost 100%. Wherever the people will have explicit tribal integrity, you
will find the love and care of Yahweh and Peace of Jesus among them.
Now, let us look into the Baptism of Jesus. Jesus
being the anointed Christ of God, He preached "His Word", and not His
own, to the people, both men and women, in the manner of a Sower, because
nobody can understand "His Word" unless God be willing. Jesus'
baptism lies in the "Last Supper" or “Eucharist” also called entering
into the Bridal Chamber and its nature is stressed by Jesus in Matt.26.26-29:
"And as they were eating, Jesus took the unleavened bread (symbolic of
“His Word”, the Flesh of Jesus that is always received through revelations on
individual basis or the Advent of the New Era or Covenant), and blessed it, and
broke it, and gave it to the Labourers, and said, Take, eat; this is my body
(the members of the Church of God, who love Word rather than the gold of
Mammon, are the Body of “Jesus”). And He took the cup, and gave thanks, and
gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this
is my Blood of Christ, the Gospel, which is shed for many to overcome the
“sting of sins” in spirit. Remember that least in the Royal Kingdom of God is
greater than John, the Baptist who came for the sinners. In Jesus, sins do not
count but blasphemy/hypocrisy. Thus, Jesus presented Himself to the hypocrite
Temple Priests (Dog-Collared Priests in Churches today) as their Best Passover
Lamb for sacrifice. This was an act of Terrorism that created hatred against
these Temple Priests and their stooges. No wonder the village people started to
kill the Jews of flesh, the Tares, in 64 A.D. making them to run for Jerusalem
for protection. Such Tares were caught in the Great Siege and suffered for
their acts of terrorism.
But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of
this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it anew with you in my
Father's Royal Kingdom". Remember that Eucharist Wine, the Blood of
Christ, the Gospel; you cannot pour from one cup (person) into another (give to
another person as Gospel is by the grace of our Father only).
Finally, Jesus started his ministry with the
Saying: “Unless you eat the flesh of Jesus and drink the Blood of Christ, you
have no part in me” and so He ended in Eucharist sealing them into the New
Holy spirit, “common sense or SURTTI”,
shatters the fetters of the “Dead” Letters, Holy Books.
Chapter 12
Swastika and the Four Ages.
The concept of four Ages, called Yugs in Punjabi, is not so
well-known in the West than it is in the East. Ages or eras are based upon the
religious qualities of most of the people and their understanding forms a good
basis for religious studies.
Based upon the three religious qualities - truth,
contentment and mercy that are acquired through "works" and which are
also the measures of "Dharma", faith or Eemaan - and the foundation
of religion that is shame, Sharm or Heeya displayed in "conscience",
there are four religious Ages in a Cycle of Ages. The symbol of "Swastika" well-known
among Hindus and other cultures represents this Cycle of Four Ages. The
significance of these four Ages is as follows:-
Golden Age
or Satt Yug (Era of Full Sun; no Moon or Karma but grace - Summer): This is the Age of bliss
and happiness in which the righteous merciful people live in harmony with
Nature and they enjoy the blessings of both demiurge creator of Nature Yahweh,
Brahma, Khudah, etc. and the Most High Real Father God, Elohim, ParBrahm,
Allah, etc. Such people are called Sons of God, Saints or Bhagats and they are
in Allah and Allah in them. In the Bible, this Age is called Beginning – Matt.
19v8: He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart (cruelty especially
towards women) Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning
(Satt Yug) it was not so. Thus, in the beginning Adam and Eve were living in
the Company of God (Elohim, ParBrahm, Allah, etc.) enjoying the fruits of the
Garden of Eden provided by the demiurge Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. of Nature.
Most of the people possessed all the three qualities of religion and for the
quality of "mercy", which is the very "Seat" of God, the
people were called "Vaas Deva" i.e. the country of the Sons of Most
High or Saintly people. They would write down the Vedas or Scriptures for the
future generations. Today, such people are still found deep in the jungles away
from the civilisation of Mammon.
Such Saintly people do not need any Preaching and
so, you cannot earn Treasures for our Father as there is none to be Fished into the Royal Kingdom of God because they were
already There. So, this Age is least productive for the Royal Priests as
everyone is a Royal Priest.
Further, if all of them are Perfect, then there is no question of “sin”, which is the
transgression of the “Moral Laws”. The nearest people that existed when Jesus
came into the world to set us Free of the yokes of the crook Rabbis were the
Samaritans, the generation of Joseph, who were enjoying the blessings of Yahweh
in good crops and lived peacefully singing the praises of Elohim. The crook
Jewish people were jealous of them and hated them so much so that the Perfect
Samaritan woman at well who had over powered all the Five Evils (spiritual
husbands that I will explain in Trinity) of heart for Perfection, she was
branded by the Jewish men of dead letters as to be marrying physical husbands
one after the other.
Thus, the Samaritan man who picked up the wounded
person and looked after him on philanthropic basis was an Ideal son of the Most
High Elohim. Most of the Apostles came from the Samaritans and the Gentiles but
the Messianic Jews killed them by throwing before the animals to be eaten alive
in order to create utter Darkness – Matt. 12v43-45. That is why the Pure Gnostic
Gospels were found among the Gentiles in Egypt far away from Jerusalem, the
centre of crooks. They formed the 99 Sheep that were safe in the Fold of our
Father. Christ Philip said: A Gentile never dies for he does not live to die.
So, the only lost sheep were the people of Judah tribe who had become the Tares
by becoming Jews of appearances, outwardly, and not of spirit, inwardly. To
redeem them John, the Baptist pitched his tent next to the Temple, in
Jerusalem, the epicentre of the sons of most high Satan, Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, who
were making people Jews of appearances turning them into super bastard fanatic
devils with no conscience or Salt of Abraham. John, the Baptist baptised
sensible adult Jewish men who had realised that the crook hypocrite Temple Rabbis
were making them unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the Jews of appearances and
not of heart. Such sensible men especially of Judah tribe then received the
Baptism of repentance from John in water in the name of Abraham in order to
become the Salt of Noble Abraham and to bear Fruit in accordance with His
As people treated others as they wished to be
treated and there was no wrong doing, therefore, no moral laws were needed.
"Sin" is transgression against the moral laws, so the clean-hearted
child-like people did not commit sins and, therefore, there were neither the
moral laws to obey nor the "super rulers", Rabbis/Brahmins, to
enforce them. They neither knew Mammon nor they hated, cheated and killed each
other for the sake of Mammon. Rather they lived like one Nation and for them
the whole world was a single Country. This is termed locking the “Beast"
in the Bottomless Pit and Jesus referred Satt Yug Age as to the
When Mammon raises its ugly head, then people
start dividing the planet earth into countries and the people became cruel in
wars, then Prophets appear to stress upon the Quality of Mercy. Kings would
hold Free Feasts, “Yags”, for the poor.
Here, it is worth mentioning that Abraham belonged
to this Age of Saints and he was a Righteous man. Before the next degraded Age
started, Abraham was asked by God of Righteousness Elohim, Allah, etc. to leave
his country, kith and kin, etc. as the Fakirs, Sadhus or Saints do in favour of
Wilderness and go to Middle East to establish a New Generation and Yahweh will
provide you the Land. So, he did and had the company of a Sadhu named
Melchizedik, who was not married but Solitary as
those who become Eunuchs for the Royal Kingdom of God as John, the Baptist was.
Now, Abraham was a righteous person who had
1. Conscience of being “Chosen” by Yahweh, shame, Sharm
or Heeya. That is why he took oath in his own name. Normally people
take oath in the name of their forefathers. 2. Truthful, 3. Contented and 4. Merciful whilst Melchizedik being not
a secular man but purely spiritual of Celestial World of Sadhus, the
Wilderness, which is Free of the moral laws (Nange Sadhus), He had Conscious of
our Father Allah, spoke “His Word” called “Satt”, contented, Merciful and
Possessed the Knowledge of “Oral Torah”, our Father’s Treasures. That is why
Abraham adopted Melchizedik as his Royal Priest.
With the passage of time, when most of the people
became merciless but had conscience, shame or Heeya and they were truthful and
contented then the second Silver Age of Prophets or the Treta (three; base + 2)
Yug starts.
Age or Treta Yug (Era of Moon, Rabbis with two-third Light for works/Karmas): Most
of the people of this Age were fallen Saints, the merciless people and their
most easy targets of their temperaments used to be their own wives. As
"mercy" is the essence or Seat
of God and it originates from your own heart, the people are said to have
been thrown out of the Garden of Eden for being “cruel” and had become sinners.
Remember an Egyptian killing a Chosen People slave and Moses killed the
Egyptian for that merciless act of cruelty. For this reason, Prophet Shri Ram
(Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. - Sun) Chander (Moon of or Reflection of God as
Prophet Elijah John, the Baptist was a Witness to the Light - Ram) Ji, an
incarnation of demi-urge god Vishnu, the Preserver of Humanity, in India and
Moses in the Middle East appeared to guide and spiritually up-lift the people.
They dictated the moral laws which were then enforced by the Rabbis/Brahmins
appointed by them. Moses appointed people of Levi tribe whilst in India quite a
few tribes undertook that work of a Brahmin/Cohen. The Priests were responsible
to the Prophets as Jesus told the Rabbis; you need to answer to Moses. In this
Age, most of the people had the knowledge of “Oral Torah” and they understood
the basis of the moral laws. Their Rabbis/Brahmins were trust worthy and
efficient in “Oral Torah”. General public trusted their Rabbis and followed
their instructions or the moral laws to the "letters" so much so that
they ended up as hypocrites. Exceptions to the moral laws were exercised by the
Rabbis/Brahmins only. Ideal Rabbi/Brahmin has been defined by Jesus in
Matt.13.52: And he said to
them, "Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of
heaven is like the master of a household (Synagogue) who brings out of his
treasure (of knowledge) what is new (Oral Torah) and what is old
(Scriptures)". John, the Baptist, (a Levi by tribe) Prophet
Elijah was an ideal moral teacher of this present Dark Age and He was the Last
Prophet Elijah Luke 16v16: “The Law and the Prophets remained until John. Since
then, the Good News about the Royal Kingdom of God has been proclaimed, and
everyone entering it is under attack because he is Solitary”.
Thus, in Mammon, empires were established and so
the custom of buying and selling of the goods.
So, Shri Ram Chander Ji and Moses, the Law Makers
or “Muryada Parshotam Avtars” were the First Prophets to teach the Moral Laws
based upon the Solid Roots of “Oral Torah” or “His Word”. That is, Moses put on
Christ and wrote the Scriptures. They stressed upon the Qualities of Mercy.
Such Prophets are said to be the re-incarnation of “Vishnu”, the Preserver of Humanity.
For being Perfect in
works, the people of this Age were called “Angels or Devtas”. They were wise
men capable of handling their political affairs efficiently. There was no
worship of idols but as the Age degraded, people became less knowledgeable
twice-born and more natural once-born men, the simpletons. Then, the idol
worship started and Brahmins used to teach the moral laws through mythological
idols like that of Ganesh with elephant nose.
Brass Age or Doapar Yug (the Era of Moon with
one-third Light): In this Age, most people had become devoid of "mercy"
and "contentment". Thus, their love for Maya increased and they being
mostly once-born could not understand the Holy Books. Brahmins/Rabbis also
became less efficient and they could not control their congregations as well.
People became “Egoistic” boastful and loved to see their own relatives in a
poor state than themselves. Body building and gambling was prevalent among the
simpletons but they lacked the political understanding. Thus, Pandeva lost
their land and even their common wife Dropaudi in the gambling contest to their
cousins Kairos. And to humiliate the Pandeva, the Kairos tried to disgrace
Dropaudi by undressing her publically but Shri Krishan Baldev Ji, the Prophet
of Doapar Yug protected her honour called “PATT” in Punjabi. Shri Krishan
Baldev Ji as implied in his name (Krishan = Ray of Light; Baldev = Devta of
Might), he was the incarnation of “Shiv” and for this reason, he is called
“Neeti Parshotam Avtar”, where Neeti stands for political policies, Parshotam,
the Seer or a person who guides you, Avtar = Prophet. People being simpletons,
they could not resolve the political issues with their close relatives and so
they sought the help of Shri Krishan Baldev Ji. Krishna urged them to fight for
their rights but they didn’t want to fight with their close relatives. Then,
Krishna assured them that there is nothing wrong in fighting for your rights
and to kill the guilty person. Krishna showed Pandeva his Real Self that he is
the Lord of Nature, “Mahadev or Shiv” and all the subjects of Nature belong to
him. Then, they gave a good fight and won the battle of righteousness. If you
remember that the favourite name of Krishna was “Gobinda”, then you should know
that Royal King (Sachae Patshah) Gobind Rai Ji was his counterpart in
supernatural Father God or Incarnation of ParShiv. More
on this topic in the Four Communities of Religion.
By the end of this Age, most of the
Rabbis/Brahmins had become corrupt but the sensible Rabbis/Brahmins left this
top most profession in which nine out of ten religious qualities are perfected
for the second best farming profession in which eight are perfected.
Iron Age of
Darkness, Kal Yug (no religious qualities but base): This is the Age in
which most of the people are devoid of all the three religious qualities truth,
contentment and mercy that are also the measures of faith through
"works" or there is a Famine of truth (Kal). Without these three religious qualities, there is a religious
Darkness and the corrupt opportunist Priests had become useless hypocrites in
society. In fact, the arrogance of "letters" of the Holy Books,
Torah/Vedas, made them spiritually "blind guides" of the blind as
today you have University Professors in theology. Thus, when the Rabbis had
failed in their duties and they were turning fake Jews of appearances and
rituals, then our Supernatural Father God sent His own Son in the name of
Christ Jesus to be introduced through “His Word” derived through logical
reasoning called Logos. This Jesus described when He lamented on entering
Jerusalem for the last time, Matthew 23:37-39:-
Laments over Jerusalem
37 “O Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted
to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,
but you were not willing! 38 See! Your house is left to you desolate; 39 for I
say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in
the name of our Father (John, the Baptist came in the name of the Lord Yahweh
to make them the sons of Abraham, who would appreciate Gospel!” Honest Rabbis
used to keep their congregations in good shape as the Samaritan Woman at well
demonstrated but the crook Rabbis made people religious of appearances and the
letters of the dead Books. You need Christ in your heart to dig out Gospel from
the Scriptures. Gospel is Oral Torah, the Roots of the Tree of Moral Laws. That
is why a Rabbi/Brahmin – Matt. 13v52 - is supposed to have the knowledge of
Treasures “Old – Scriptures” and the “New – Oral Torah received by the grace of
our Father”.
Gospel is Preached to
the people of Four Varnas (Professions), which are represented by the Four
Advent Candles. And you need the Base, which is conscience, shame, Sharm or
Heeya to appreciate the Divine Agape Love of our Father expressed through “His
For this reason, our Father sent a Messenger or
Angel Prophet Elijah in the name of John, the Baptist to make people repent for
denouncing their tribal fathers by becoming Jews outwardly of appearances under
the influence of their hypocrite Blind Guides, the crook Rabbis. As explained
earlier when you become a Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. outwardly of physical
body that is born and dies and not inwardly spiritual, then by renouncing your own
tribal father you become a super bastard fanatic devil worse than a bastard
born of the prostitutes, temple girls or adultery – John 8v44. Thus, the
once-born stooges of the crook Rabbis could not present themselves for the
baptism of John because they had no holy spirit or
“common sense” as today you find the Christians of the Book as the Orthodox
Christians. So, the Baptism of John, the Baptist was necessary for the Jewish
men especially of Judah tribe before they were sensible enough to know “His Word”
through logical reasoning. Or the Gospel of our living Father is for the people
of living in spirit and for them, Gospel is not written in the Books but over
the living Tablets of hearts.
There being not many who use our Father’s gift of
“holy spirit” for praising Him but they rather misuse it for earning Mammon by
hook or by crook, Gospel is received by one in a thousand and two in ten
thousands. Evil spirited greedy hypocrites will oppose you as they did to
Christ Jesus and killed him. Thus, the anointed Royal Priest of our Father
Christ Jesus was not so much appreciated by the “Saltless” stooges of the
Temple High Priests but by the ordinary hard working pre-destined people of
open minds. That is why Apostle Christ Thomas went to South India where the
people had strong tribal instincts and he didn’t visit mid or North
India. Further, no Saint was born in South India but above towards North
Gospel is a beautiful and invaluable
"Pearl" that enlightens the hearts of people so that they become the
"children of Light" i.e. the "sons of God" and thereby walk
in Light through this jungle of utter Darkness. Gospel stands for "GOOD
NEWS" and It is received not by the "works" but through the
Grace of God and no individual can pass it on to others except received through
the Grace of God. Those who receive Gospel become "solitary" in that
they do not follow the fashions of the world anymore.
Also, in Jesus what comes out of your own mouth
that matters and, therefore, the present dog-collared or frocked priests of
"letters" have no place in the ministry of Jesus. Rather they are
nothing else but the anti-christs of Mammon who even glorify God by killing and
looting the poor people. A person who receives Gospel becomes a Royal priest,
i.e. a living Christ of God, of his own standing and it is only the blind who
seek the help of their blind guides. Thus, Gospel stands for freedom
from the deceitful manly priests.
In fact, for the Pre-destined people of
"spirit" this Dark Age is a Golden Age for earning their own
Salvation and at the same time fishing the Pre-destined people of spirit into
the Royal Kingdom of God that is within our own hearts in honour of Jesus and
Nanak, the two anointed Christs of the Dark Age. This is termed plying the
Double-edged Sword (KHANDDA) of "His Word", called NAAM in Panjabi.
vydf mih nfmu Auqmu so suxih nfhI iPrih ijAu byqfilaf]
In the
Scriptures, “His Word” is there par excellent (implicit) but the Brahmin has no
ears to hear and he would beat about the bush.
khY nfnku ijn scu qijaf kUVy lfgy iqnI jnmu jUaY hfiraf]
Nanak says
that those who have forsaken the Gospel Truth, they have gone for Falsehoods
and lost this valuable birth.
swiqXuwgu qRyqf duafpru BxIaY kiljug AUqmo XuwgF mfih]
Sattyug, Treta, Doapar are nothing
as compared with Kalyug for Salvation.
aihWkru kry su aihWkru pfey koeI n pkVIaY iksY Qfie]
Whatever you
sow so shall you reap and you cannot hold a third person responsible.
Chapter 13
The Chosen People.
As explained in the previous chapter, Abraham was
planted by Yahweh in the Middle East to create a new generation in Adam so that
through them, the whole world may learn the Moral Laws. That is why the Chosen
People are called the nation of Priests. Thus, in the whole world, there is
nothing more instructive in the "Will of God" than the history of the
"Chosen People". So, a detailed study of the Chosen People will sum
up the whole concept of Religion.
Thus, we have all heard about the claims made by
the Jews as to be the "Chosen People" of demiurge god Yahweh, the
Creator but very unfortunately hardly anyone tries to understand the lessons
that Yahweh is continuously imparting to us through favours and disfavours to
these chosen people. Therefore, it is very important for us to understand the
origin and history of these chosen people. Anyone of you, who will comprehend
the Yahweh’s Temperament towards these people, will also be able to foresee the
future events in the world.
Thomas Logo 5: Jesus said, "Recognise what is
in your sight and that which is hidden (of God) from you will become plain to
you. For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest". Also,
Thomas Logo 103: Jesus said, "Fortunate is the man who knows where the
brigands will enter, so that he may get up, muster his domain, and arm himself
before they invade".
The story of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael and
Isaac is well-known to most of us but still it will be worthwhile to recapture
the highlights. Abraham was an upright person who loved God, our supernatural
Father through loving and serving the people. His hospitality to the strangers
was exemplary and he always gave an honest and earnest opinion to others. He
always upheld righteous people. It is for this spirit of hospitality that Abraham
is still living and respected in our memories as Christ Jesus is living and
honoured by us for the spirit of Gospel.
Abraham had Sarah as his lawful wife but they were
getting advanced in age without having a son to carry on the "seed"
of Abraham. Sarah was troubled at her heart and presented the young slave girl
called Hagar to Abraham to have a son from her. Abraham being still capable of
producing children and Hagar being a young slave girl, there was no biological
problem in giving birth to a natural son named Ishmael. Even after the birth of
Ishmael, Sarah kept on loving and serving Abraham undauntedly even though Hagar
had become a bit "arrogant" as expected naturally.
One day, Abraham and Sarah served the devotees of
God so well that pleased with their hospitality they announced that Abraham and
Sarah will have a "son". Both Abraham and Sarah being well advanced
in age started to "laugh" that how could an old couple have a
"son"! But the "Boon" of the holy men was not in vain and
they did produce a "son" called "Isaac". Now, Isaac being
born because of the blessing of the Saints, he was called a "Promised
Child" in order to differentiate him from Ishmael born of the natural
young age of Hagar. Further, as Sarah was the lawful wedded wife of Abraham,
Isaac was taken to be superior in the eyes of Sarah but to Abraham both the
sons were equal except the son born of a slave girl or concubine cannot inherit
the property of father. That is why Abraham took Hagar and her son Ishmael
outside the boundary of the Promised Land and made them settle there.
The descendants of "natural" Ishmael are
known as "Arabs" whilst those of the "spiritual" Isaac as
the "Chosen People" of God. Thus, Isaac being the "Promised
Child" of God inherited the Holy "Promised Land" of honey and
milk to live in. But the “Chosen People” soon became proud of the abundance of
fruits produced by the “Promised Land” and started to display "pride"
in the favours of Yahweh towards them.
These favours of Yahweh coupled with spirituality
made the descendants of Isaac "arrogant" as one could see in the
treatment that the Jews gave to the Gentiles whilst the descendants of Ishmael
remained humble in "spirit" but remained proud in the moral qualities
especially the righteousness and hospitality of Abraham. This was well
high-lighted in the position they offered to wise Joseph whom his arrogant
brothers wanted to kill. More of this would be explained in the Parable of the
Prodigal son.
So, the Arabs, mostly nomads, earned their
world-wide reputation for hospitality to the strangers in the spirit of Abraham
whilst the “Chosen People” in the knowledge of Holy Scriptures by the
"letters". This arrogance or haughtiness in "letters" among
the Jews of flesh or outwardly is still observed in their Synagogues today.
Thus, Jacob, the son of Isaac was so well-versed in the Spirituality that he
became "arrogant" to God and so his sons except Joseph.
Arrogance means ones challenge to the Wisdom of
God that leads one to works that are against the "Will of God";
remember the "arrogance" of Peter when he rebuked Jesus. This
arrogance of Jacob caused strife among his sons and Joseph was the only son who
remained humble and submissive to the "Will of God". Therefore,
Joseph remained honest in his dealings with his brothers and under the gracious
"Hand of God"; he did good deeds to his brothers in return for the
bad ones they had done to him.
Thus, God gave Joseph wisdom which his other
dishonest and selfish brothers and arrogant father were denied of and at the
same time the “Promised Land” of honey and milk turned barren as soon as the
only faithful son Joseph left the “Promised Land”. Further, the story of
starving brethren of Joseph going to Egypt, the land of Arabs loyal to God, to
buy/beg for food and the generosity of Joseph that reflected the hospitality
and wisdom of Abraham in Ishmael is well-known to us. On the other hand, the
Arabs continued to love people through hospitality and kept on enjoying the
blessings of Yahweh in terms of the abundance of food. Remember that no
faithful son of natural Yahweh no son of Supernatural Elohim, ParBrahm, Allah,
The above facts Jesus summarised in the Parable of
Prodigal son - Luke 15.11-32. In this Parable, Father is Abraham, the elder son
are the descendants of Ishmael, the Arabs whilst the younger prodigal son are
the descendants of Isaac, the so-called Jews. The suffering of unfaithful to
Abraham and Yahweh “Chosen People” in Egypt is compared to the son eating food
that is given to pigs, i.e. a food of the lowest quality that they never had to
eat in Israel when they were loyal to Yahweh.
Their repentance was the forty years of penitence
in the wilderness when Moses looked after them and their return to the lush
green “Promised Land” is compared to the killing of the fattened calf. This
Parable also gives us a lesson that in God, unlike in Moses, a person has a
"free will" either to leave Him and suffer at the hands of Satan or
stay with Him humble and enjoy His blessings. So, also the people have a
"free will" in Jesus.
This faithfulness and unfaithfulness to Yahweh,
Khudah or Brahma by the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael is further reflected
in the stories relating to the sacrifices of Abraham-Ishmael and Abraham-Isaac.
In the Abraham-Ishmael story, there is a mention of the repulsion of Satan by
Ishmael before Yahweh presented to them a ram for sacrifice and rejoicing
whereas in the Abraham-Isaac story, there is no mention of the repulsion of
Satan, because, unlike Ishmael, the people of Isaac being the Jews of flesh
were already the sons of Satan and not of Yahweh. Therefore, no ram could be
presented to Abraham - Isaac and this is depicted in the “Promised Land”
becoming barren. That is why Jesus called the forefathers of the Jews outwardly
the super bastard fanatic Devils that are greater than the natural bastards
born of prostitutes, Temple dancing girls called “Daasis” and adultery, the
“Mustard seeds” – John 8v44.
And this is a typical example of the
"corruption" of the Holy Books analogised by Jesus to the "old
cloth", the Scriptures, developing holes, which cannot be patched with the
Brand New Cloth but they are repairable through the knowledge of Gospel i.e.
Jesus came to fulfil the law but not to destroy it.
The key to understand the criterion of
faithfulness and unfaithfulness to Yahweh lies in the Saying, "A Jew is
one who is inwardly (of the spirit) and not outwardly (of the flesh)".
Thus, the descendants of Isaac when they become the Jews of flesh through the
circumcision of flesh and the birth of a child from a Jewish woman, who has no
"seed", then they are un-faithful to Abraham and Yahweh whilst when
they become Jews of spirit through the circumcision of their hearts, then they
become faithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the creator demiurge god of Nature.
Thomas Logo 53: His Labourers/Workers said to Him, "Is circumcision
beneficial or not?" He said to them, "If it were beneficial, their
heavenly Father Yahweh, a Perfect Artist, would beget them already circumcised
from their mother. Rather, the true circumcision in spirit has become
completely profitable".
Thus, most of the present Jews of flesh who claim
Israel to be the country of Jews and they normally talk in such terms as the
Jewish race, the Jewish settlements, etc. are the people who are un-faithful to
Abraham and Yahweh, whereas the faithful to Abraham and Yahweh Jews of spirit
always talk in terms of the tribal identity of the flesh. Thus, in the
Revelation the people who will be saved are clearly mentioned in terms of their
tribes, the sons of Adam, faithful to Yahweh and not as the Jews. It is also
worth stressing that the Hajj rites are in honour of Abraham who earned the
title of "Father of the faithful" but at present these rites have
COMPLETELY lost their significance. In short, the Hajj is for entry into the
realm of "Islam" but not for the so-called Muslims of flesh, the
“Tares”. In Egypt, the Jews of flesh suffered and it was Prophet Moses who
appeared among them to save the descendants of the prodigal son. He took the
Jews of flesh out of Egypt and kept them for forty years in the wilderness to
transform them from the Jews of flesh loyal to Satan to the Jews of spirit
loyal to Yahweh through repentance. And after this transformation, Moses told
them that from now on the mighty "Hand of Abraham and Yahweh" being
over their heads, they can enter the "Promised Land" of their own.
So, Moses stayed behind in the wilderness to stress the supremacy of the Powers
and Blessings of Yahweh over those of the man. If Moses had gone into the
Promised Land along with the transformed Jews, then the powers and blessings of
Yahweh would not have been appreciated by the people. As the "chosen
people" of God entered their Promised Land that had become barren at them
becoming arrogant and un-faithful to Abraham and Yahweh, they started to
re-enjoy the fruits of the same barren land in abundance. This is a typical
example of the proof that there is a Protective demiurge god of Nature who
looks after his “creation” to be seen by the two naked eyes. If our natural
demiurge god looks after us so well how great would be the care of our
Supernatural Father God that you cannot “see” but “perceive” through “His
Word”, the Root of the Moral Laws. Jesus showed us the Powers of our
Supernatural Father through the “Miracles”.
But with the passage of time the “Chosen People”
again became arrogant and un-faithful to Abraham and Yahweh. Thus, their
freedom was short-lived and they became slaves in their own country. So, at the
times of the arrival of Christ Jesus, they were slaves to Romans and were
leading a highly immoral way of life in which the women could be divorced at
will. The reason for the high immorality among the Jews of flesh against very
little among the Gentiles (Arabs or Samaritans) or the Jews of spirit is that
the Jews of flesh especially of the Judah tribe were very proud of their mighty
king David. Now, among the other good deeds that king David did, he committed
an act of "adultery" with the wife of an army officer. So, the Jews
of flesh who take King David as their hero and model also commit adultery with
Thus, at the times of Christ Jesus, those immoral
Jews of flesh brought to Christ Jesus a woman, that they had caught red-handed
in the act of adultery, for justice. Christ Jesus knowing the immoral nature of
those Jews of the flesh stayed cool-headed whiling away the time by writing
over sand their sinful deeds so as to make them aware of their nature and also
to let them steam off their anger at the immoral woman by quoting the various
moral laws of Moses and the subsequent punishments.
Jesus also allowed them to make the taunting
remarks at Him such as that He considers Himself to be superior to our Rabbis,
let us see what type of justice He can do? Christ Jesus knowing their nature
and the matters of their hearts told them "Let the one among you who has
not committed adultery or such a sin throw the first stone at the woman."
All of them, the adulterers and sinners, dispersed one by one and not a single
stone was thrown at the woman.
But the woman was humble and repentant of her
acts. Christ Jesus cautioned her to behave in future. This incident clearly
leads one to the conclusion that the Jews of flesh were highly immoral and
sinful people. In fact, they were doing deeds against the moral laws of Moses.
Now, morality being the base for spirituality, it was to establish this moral
order that John, the Baptist, an ideal moral teacher (Matt. 13.52) of Levi
stock came to pave the way for the anointed Spiritual Preacher, the Christ of God,
in the name of Jesus.
Not all the Jews were immoral. The Jews who were
leading an honest and hardworking life, with the fear of Yahweh in their
hearts, were the people which the Christ Jesus chose as His close-circle twelve
Labourers (Clever Judas Iscariot of Judah tribe begged Jesus to be included
among them). Whereas, the arrogant Jews of flesh, the Tares, were too proud of
the "letters" of the moral laws of Moses to absorb the
"Spirit" of God, the Oral Torah, that the Christ Jesus came to pour
out in abundance.
In the New Testament, "letters" are
analogised to "old wine" and "spirit" to the "New
Wine". So, those who were drunk with the old wine of the
"letters" could not take the New Wine of "Spirit" on top of
it and it was for this reason that the Christ Jesus did not choose any Pharisee
or Sadducee as His close-circle Labourer but the ordinary working class men
with the inclination towards God. The fruit that Judas Iscariot, a man of
"letters" well-versed in many languages and disciplines, bore is
well-known to us.
The Christ Jesus summarised the situation in
Thomas Logo 28: Jesus said, "I took My place
in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found all of them
intoxicated; I found none of them thirsty. And My soul
became afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind in their hearts
and do not have sight; for empty they came into the world, and empty too they
seek to leave the world. But for the moment they are intoxicated. When they
shake off their wine, then they will repent". Typical example of a person
who was drunk with the old wine of "letters" was "Saul" who
later on became Apostle "Paul". Saul was an ardent student of Rabbi
Gamaliel, an old scholar of the Scriptures. He obeyed the moral laws of Moses
by the "letters" and un-like the other Jews of flesh, he did perform
acts in accordance with the moral laws of Moses. For devotion to Yahweh, he was
leading a celibate life and, therefore, there was no question of immorality
with him.
Thus, Saul was morally sound and faithful to
Yahweh with great inclination towards our supernatural Father God but he being
a Disciple of Gamaliel was made drunk blind with the old wine of
"letters". Because of his clean heart and devotion towards God that
the Christ Jesus came into his life and shook off his old wine of the
"letters" through the Damascus miracle of Lightening. The degree of
blindness that the "letters" had caused in him towards
"spirit" is best sensed through the thickness of scales that came off
his eyes. For Saul, it was a new birth in "Spirit" and, therefore, he
changed his name from "Saul", the once-born bound Disciple of Rabbi
Gamaliel to "Paul", the Son of the
Most High. More on changing his name would be explained in the exposition of
Matt. 19, the Parable of Marriage and Divorce.
Taking into consideration the above, the present
theologians of "letters" in the universities and colleges are doing a
great deal of harm to the Christianity of Jesus by producing the blind
"Sauls" drunk with the old wine of "letters" of both the
old and the New Testaments and thus creating a far greater spiritual blindness
(super donkeys carrying holy books) than that which St. Paul had experienced.
And if you can realise that the Christ Jesus came into the world because the
manly Priests or the moral teachers in the name of Moses had become corrupt -
Thomas Logo 102: Jesus said, "Woe to the Pharisees, for they are like a
(greedy) dog sleeping in the manger (Synagogues) of oxen (hard working honest
people), for neither does he eat (cannot understand Gospel) nor does he let the
oxen eat (ordinary people who can understand Gospel)".
Christ Jesus being our living Mediator between us
and our supernatural Father God through “His Word”, we do not stand in the need
of any manly interposer such as the present Pope, false fathers, bishops, The
reverend, etc., the super hypocrites.
We being the children of Light are Royal Priests
and Royal Kings of living God of the living present. Then by comparing the
present dead in letters hireling clerics with the corrupt and blind Pharisees
and Sadducees in the name of Moses, you will come to the conclusion that the
present clerics are far worse off than those blind guides of the blind – Matt.
Thus, the present clerics are the people, who are
worst of all the drunk with the old wine of "letters", and therefore,
they are most incapable of taking the New Wine of Spirit on top of it. Thus,
the best Labourers of Christ Jesus are the ordinary working class people with
inclination towards God. Remembering that you cannot sell something that you
have received "Free", "His Word" is received
"Free" and, therefore, It is to be
preached "Free". The act of receiving free and giving free is called
a "Royal" act. Therefore, the present hireling clerics of Mammon are
neither the Royal Priests called the "Christs" nor they are the
"Royal Kings" in that they are mostly the greedy parasites (dogs) of
churches which they have turned into the social clubs of Mammon and that are
nowhere near the serving and sharing communities of the Christ Jesus that were
the first Churches of God (One Fold) headed by the Christ Jesus (The Shepherd).
In fact, a hireling of Mammon commits an act of
"treason" if he preaches the Gospel of God instead of the atrocities
of Mammon. Thus, none of the Apostles of Jesus was a "hireling" and
St. Paul, if he had to stay longer than usual earned His own living by making
tents. However, let us return to our main theme, the "Chosen People".
Thus, Christ Jesus came among His own Chosen
People but they maltreated Him in the manner outlined by Him in the Parable of
the "wicked husbandmen" Matt.21.33-46, the Parable of the Winepress,
the Temple. Whilst in Matt. 23.34-39, Jesus counts some of the favours that God
had rendered to the Chosen People and describes how arrogantly they reacted to
such favours of God. As the Jews of flesh drunk with the old wine of the
letters rejected the Christ Jesus, the very Son of God, God displayed His anger
against such arrogant and un-faithful to God people by destroying their Holiest
of Holy Temple in the world in 70 A.D. Thomas Logo 71: Jesus said, "I
shall destroy (this) House (Jerusalem Temple), and no one will be able to
re-build it". Many attempts were made to re-build the Temple but
mysterious fire coming from foundations prevented the re-building.
Why the destruction of Temple in 70 A.D.? This is based upon the
significance of Menorah that is the focal point of the moral teachers of Moses.
Menorah has seven candles, the middle one corresponding to God which is kept at
level with the other six as long as the Priests of Moses remain efficient in
“Oral Torah” but after they had become corrupt that is represented by the
"old cloth (Scriptures) developing holes (corruptions)", and the
Christ Jesus, the anointed Royal High Priest (Christ) of God appears to create
the Royal Priests and Royal Kings, then the middle candle of God, the Lord of
Sabbath, is raised above the other six in honour of the Christ Jesus, also
called the Lord of Sabbath or the King of the Jews.
Further, a religious person longs for ten
religious qualities based upon 3+3+3+1=10 i.e. the 9 religious qualities are
acquirable by people through "works" whilst the tenth quality is
received by the Grace of God only. The "Tenth Quality" is also
represented by the "Tenth Golden Gate" (DASAM DAWAAR) situate
eastwards of Jerusalem that is sealed because It is only opened by the Grace of
God. Thus, we have 7 times 10 = 70 and this is also the number of Sanhedrin
members forming the quorum.
Also, Jesus had 70 outer circle Labourers who were
sent in pairs to cure the physically sick people, the part of normal duties
performed by the Priests of Moses. They were sent in "pairs" because
this physical or secular world of flesh is of the pairs whereas the spiritual or
Celestial world of spirit is for the "solitary" - refer to the
Parable of narrow and wide gates and Solitary Sadhu Melchizedik. Further, among
these Seventy some went ahead of Jesus in pairs to baptise Jewish men in water
in the name of Abraham before Jesus went there to deliver Gospel to the sons of
Abraham. None of the Close Circle Labourers baptised anyone in water as they
were being trained for our Supernatural Father for Preaching Gospel.
Here, it is also worth mentioning that the reason
for Jesus choosing the twelve close-circle Labourers was that they will be
perfect in the "works" represented by the seven candles of Menorah
i.e. in the name of John, the Baptist, an ideal Priest of Moses, and their
hearts shall be pure of the five specific spiritual limitations - refer to John
4 – which I will explain in Trinity. Thus, we have 7+5=12, the perfect number
that signifies that the Labourers of Jesus shall be capable to explain the
moral laws of Moses in the Light of “Oral Torah”, which is “His Word”. Thus,
the twelve tribes of the Jacob or the Jews of flesh, the Tares, have nothing to
do with the twelve Labourers of Jesus. The Twelve were also represented by the
twelve stones of the Breast Plate of the Temple High Priest that he could
explain the Scriptures in the Light of Oral Torah as Jesus at 12 demonstrated
to the Temple Priests working for Yahweh when He stayed behind in his heavenly
father Yahweh’s House during a Passover Pilgrimage. This is another example of
the corruption of the New Testament.
After the destruction of Temple, the un-faithful
to God Jews of flesh had no right to live in the "Promised Land" of
God as it had happened on the previous occasions. So, they were kicked out of
their "Promised Land" mercilessly. The nature of the final treatment
that God shall render to such arrogant and un-faithful to God people is
described by Jesus in Matt.13.24-30. In this Parable, the Farmer is Yahweh, the
creator of male and female, people who are faithful to Abraham/Adam, the
"sons of Man", are the "wheat plants" that bear Fruit
whereas those who are un-faithful to Abraham/Adam, and thus to Yahweh, but
faithful to Satan or Mammon as the super bastard fanatic devils, are described
as "tares", the trouble-makers. Today, this Parable has taken practical
shape and the Jews of flesh, the Tares, are getting bundled up for the Final
Burning expected soon after May, 2018 when Israel shall be 70 years
old. Then, there will be no more protection for Israel by the other
countries especially USA. Thus, Jesus generates True Divine Love (Agape)
among the "sons of Man" whilst Mammon creates hatred and killing.
Now, our 1000 years are equal to one Day of Lord
Yahweh and, therefore, 2000 years will make two Days of Brahma/Lord. Also,
Christ Jesus sowed the Seed of "His Word" among the hearts of people
almost 2000 years ago and, therefore, on the Third Day, Jesus should send His
Angels to reap the "Crop" that is outlined in Matt.13.24-30:
"That at the end of Age (KAL
YUG), I will ask my Angels to bundle-up the "tares" and burn
The present collection of the Jews of flesh in
Israel is this very process of bundling-up of the "tares" and Yahweh
will protect them for 70 years to May, 2018. But anyone who will take to Jesus
in spirit shall be saved as Lot was saved from the hell of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Thus, the blind Rabbis that led the blind out of the Jerusalem in 70 A.D. have
brought them back to harvest the Fruit of Terrorism that they Planted 2000
years ago by killing Jesus, the Lamb of God.
How could the Jews of flesh, the
"tares", be gathered among the mighty Arabs, the "wheat
plants", who hated them? God had His own plans. A person becomes weak when
the Hand of God is removed from his head. Thus, in order to make the Arabs
weak, God let Mammon loose among them in the form of oil wells. These oil wells
brought in riches to them and along with it the curses of Mammon, the strife
and killing, which you can see in oil rich countries to-day.
Mammon also attracted first rated sons of Satan
especially from India and Pakistan, who turned the Muslims of spirit into the
Muslims of flesh, the "tares". The present sectarian riots in the
Middle East are the reflections of this consequence.
Thus, when the Arabs were poor - the poor shall
inherit the earth -, they were hospitable and displayed the natural qualities
of Abraham but as they became rich, their hospitality dwindled away and they
have turned from merciful Muslims of spirit to the super bastard fanatic
Muslims of flesh, the Tares.
The above is best summarised in that the time of
Gentiles ended in May, 1948 and that of the Jews of flesh started. St. Luke
21.24: "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led
away captives into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the
Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled". The defeat of
mighty Egyptian and other Arab armies in the six day war in June, 1967 is a
sound testimony that the times of Gentiles are over. Compare this event with
the six day siege of Jericho!
Further, the times of Gentiles are not just over
in the Arabian countries but they are also over in the Western countries as
well, where in the past, they were tortured. Thus, in the countries where the
people had tribal integrity i.e. they were sons of Man, the Jews of flesh were
tortured. For example, in England when the English were English and not
Conservative, Labour, etc., the "tares", many Jews of flesh were
murdered around 1200 A.D. but with the passage of time, as Mammon turned the
British into "tares", the persecution of the Jews of flesh decreased.
In Britain, the present Conservative, Labour, SDP, etc. political parties amply
reflect the divisions of English, Scots, Irish and Welsh on the basis of Mammon
rather than the tribes.
The last tribal integrity and awareness in the
West was displayed by the Germans and the resultant persecutions of the Jews of
flesh are still fresh in our memories. But they also have lost their tribal
instinct and have become "tares" and the domination of the Jews of
flesh in these countries is well demonstrated by the court actions against
their persecutors. These people have no defence against these Jews of flesh
unless they become sons of Man again through their tribal awareness as it was
under Hitler, the natural man.
Thus, the countries without any tribal domination
or awareness such as the U.S.A. proved haven for the Jews of flesh. So, today
the Jews of flesh are dominating the Western world in the manners of a
“JEWISH EMPIRE" in Mammon and Media. Therefore, such
countries will burn in the Third World War expected to take place soon after
May, 2018 when Israel shall be 70 years old.
Remember that man cannot produce weapons or act
without the "Will of God" and, therefore, the present technological
developments are taking place according to the "Will of God", which
Jesus has outlined crystal-clear in the New Testament and those who shall take
to sword shall be killed by that very sword.
Finally, it is very difficult indeed to do justice
to such an interesting and instructive subject in such a short space. I cannot
write everything in detail as the things of spirit are for the sensible people
only; the main reason for Jesus not proclaiming His Christship to the general
I also must stress that some of the Jews of
spirit, like the "centurion" of spirit, whose servant was sick, are
nice and very frank in admitting that they were turned out of their Promised
Land because they had become un-faithful to Abraham and Yahweh by becoming Jews
outwardly of flesh and not inwardly of spirit that the very Noble Abraham
possessed. Angel Stephen sitting in the Seat of John, the Baptist praised the
Nobility of Abraham but the sons of Most High Al-Aksa were putting fingers in
their ears and grinding their teeth to kill him. He warned them that do not
make fake sons of Abraham through circumcision, the Tribal Mark of Abraham to
Isaac and his “seed by semen” only. But they were circumcising the Gentiles and
the children born to the daughters of “Chosen People” after marrying a Gentile
producing Fake sons of Abraham that today have become their blood thirsty
enemies. Iran, India, Pakistan, etc. are full of these fake sons of Abraham
produced by these clever Jews by joining the folds of Mohammedans. Kippa, Halal
(Kosher) and circumcision are typical examples of Jewish leaven. In
Christianity, Kippa and the deadly poison Old Testament succeeded.
But in the Royal Kingdom of God, it is never too
late to repent and be saved in the manner of Lot. So, please take off your
veils of arrogance in "letters" from your faces and be humble in
spirit to perceive the caressing favours that Yahweh has already bestowed upon
you for being His most favoured “Chosen People”. Remember that to whom more is
given, more is expected from him too!!!
In Jesus, Divine Love (Agape) and not hatred is
our base in Preaching Gospel. Therefore, the people of world should show a
great sympathy towards the "Chosen People" for the sacrifices and
sufferings they had underwent in order to demonstrate to us the "Will of
Yahweh" in protection when you are faithful to your tribal forefathers.
Messianic Menorah
Chapter 14
Gnostic Trinity and Gospel.
Trinity and the concept of Three Worlds is the
backbone of religious knowledge, the Gnosis, and it is best learnt through
"holy spirit" or the "common sense". Trinity has been much
confused with the Family of God, in which God is our Father, Holy Spirit is our
Mother and heirs to the Royal Kingdom of God are the "sons of God";
Jesus being the First anointed "Son of God" whilst the Apostles on
receiving their Rewards of “Holy Spirit” at Pentecost, they also became the
Twin-Brethren of Christ Jesus, the "Sons of Most High Elohim, Parbrahm,
Allah, God, etc.". Holy spirit, with small “s” is the spirit of man, which
is common sense and it is a rare gift of God who are faithful to Yahweh/Brahma
and, therefore, the understanding of the Principles of Trinity is not within
the scope of all but at the same time those who grasp the concept of trinity
know how valuable is this concept in understanding Gospel delivered by Christ
Now, the religious books, the Scriptures, contain
dead "letters" and, therefore, unless God gives you the
"spirit" to understand the Gospel hidden underneath the Scriptures,
you will be reading them as today the students of theology read in the
universities to get their degrees and licences for the Dog-Collars to become
“hireling” Priests in the Churches of Mammon.
To give you an idea of the rarity of holy spirit, some clergy dabbed the Whitehall in London with
charcoal that was blessed by the bishop of Kingston. Now, such clerics worship
in the Temples of Mammon such as the St. Paul’s Cathedral in London where
statues of those Whitehall's heroes, the killers of men in wars, are displayed
that helped in establishing the British Empire for the sake of Mammon and there
is not a single statue of a person who served the poor in the name of Jesus
even in the manners of Brother William Booth of the Salvation Army. Further,
most of their churches also have plaques dedicated to soldiers that were killed
during the wars as to have glorified "God" and the annual remembrance
of dead soldiers of Mammon in their Churches amply reflect that their God is in
reality "Mammon". This is clearly reflected in the headship of the
Church of England, which is Queen, the head of Mammon in Great Britain. No
wonder she is also the "Defender of Faith" of such Churches of
Mammon. So, what sense did it make to worship in the Temples of Mammon and then
go about dabbing the very institutions of Mammon such as the Whitehall?
Further, God being love and service, we receive
humane treatment from Brethren in Jesus whereas Mammon being kill and rule, we
should expect inhumane treatment as the prisoners of war do receive. God being
reliable and Mammon unreliable, the loyal soldiers of kings are mostly
Do not be disheartened by the above facts of life
that are apparent to the naked eyes as this worship of Mammon is rampant all
over the world. But still it is among the people of West that the "Light
of God" is said to shine – Matt. 24v27:- "For just as the lightning
comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son
of Man (Which was Satguru Nanak Dev Ji in 1469) be.” So, please pluck courage
to take on the "Cross of Jesus" to honour His Blood, the Gospel and
to fight the Evil spirited people by exposing their blasphemies or hypocrisies.
Now, there are Two Folds; John 10:16:- And other
sheep I have (The lost sheep out of Hundred that were the people of Judah tribe
in particular that worshipped Mammon in the Temple and Jesus gave his Life as
the Lamb of God to redeem them), which are not of this fold (The present
hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches of Mammon created by the sacked
Temple Priests – Matt. 12v43-45) them also I must bring, and they shall hear my
voice; and there shall be one fold (Church of God), and one shepherd (Christ
Gist of Trinity, Christ Jesus presented in His
Saying Matt. 13v33:- He spoke another parable to them, "The Royal Kingdom
of God is like leaven (Agape, the Divine love that the Twice-Born of holy
spirit exercise after knowing that we all have One spiritual Father God, then
you start seeking Gospel Treasures) which a woman (Holy Spirit, our Mother)
took and hid in three pecks of flour (Three holy people called “holy son”,
the once-born hylic (Simon nick-named by Jesus “Peter”, the stone-headed or
Goyeishi Koppa but he spoke the truth, the Foundation for the Gospel Truth), “holy
father”, the twice-born doubting psychics like Judas Iscariot, who was
a “Thief” like the present hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches of
Mammon whilst Thomas was also doubting but believing in God and “holy ghost”,
the twice-born wise men who were sealed to serve God, the pneumatics) until it
was all leavened (As Jesus demonstrated at Pentecost when all of them received
“Holy Spirit” as the Gift from our Father for serving Him under the Foremanship
of Christ Jesus)." Whist the people that belonged to the other Fold of
Satan also have the equivalent of “Holy Trinity” called the “Evil Trinity” in
which the once-born are super bastard fanatic devils represented by the stooges
of Temple High Priest (son of the most high Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa) – John
8v44; the twice-born of evil spirit, the Temple Priests or its equivalent the
psychic hireling Priests in the Churches, who are liars and thieves and the
Leader of all of them, the Pope who fell prey to Mammon and forgot God in
favour of material wealth or political rule – Matt. 4v8:- Again, the devil took
him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and
the glory of them; and he said to him,
"All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me."
Thus, all these six types of people are
represented by the seven-candled Menorah. All of them have the light of our
Father and if we hate an evil person, then we hate our Father. So, our duty is
to redeem the evil persons into our Fold of “holy three”. Remember that Peter
killed two liars Ananias and Saphira or no rotten egg into our Basket if you
want to enjoy the Bliss of Gospel. From liars are generated the twice-born
Judas Iscariot psychics and the hypocrite Popes.
For clarity, although I have presented the
Principle of Gnostic Trinity and the concept of Three Worlds in a tabular form
for easy understanding, yet a few additional lines may help you to overcome
minor hurdles.
Trinity applies to people of ecclesiastical or
spiritual world and not to the tribal people of secular world. Or this planet
earth is for the peaceful habitation of the tribal sons of Man, the “wheat
plants” but if sons of Satan, the Tares, happen to interfere, then this secular
world becomes a hell. Thus, Adam was created by Yahweh, Brahma or Khudah, the
demiurge god of Nature and you have to first become the sons of Brahma through
your tribal identity then our Supernatural Father will know you. Eve was
created from the rib of Adam as she represents our spiritual self for
contributing “blood”, the life to the person. Eve is counter part of God in the
procreation. Semen or seed of the man counts in this secular world and
countries for feeding us correspond to Eve, our mothers. Thus, the tribal
people safe guard the freedom of the country. As son represents father and so
it is true in the spiritual world and in Jesus, we are the sons of Most High
Elohim, ParBrahm, Allah, etc. Women are called Shaktis or powers behind the men
and so our social education starts from our mothers. Father imparts economical
education that involves learning the trade skills. Brahmin, Rabbi, etc., our
overall moral teachers guide us through political affairs and that is why we
have a special Rabbi in the courts of kings who advises the king in political
affairs. Let us start with secular world of Adam in which the moral laws
learned from the Rabbi are upheld. Ideally, what is a sin in religious world is
a crime in the secular world.
Secular world: - As the name implies, it
is for our secular tribal selves in Adam. Bastards born of the prostitutes,
Temple dancing girls called Daasis, etc. are not allowed to take part in the
political tribal activities such as marriages. They are rather called “Mustard
seed” and they lead a celibate life concentrating upon spiritual education in
the ecclesiastical world. Such people have an edge over the tribal family
people and they could become a big Saint. Birds of the air are the sensible
people of discerning intellect, who visit such Saints to hear Gospel
discourses. In Matt. 19v12 Jesus described them as the moral “Eunuchs born of
the womb of women”.
Ecclesiastical world: - These are the spiritual
places to cater for the once-born natural men who learn the moral laws or
Scriptures from their hereditary moral teacher called Rabbi, Pharisee,
Sadducee, Brahmin, Fetish Priest, etc. Ideal moral teacher has been defined by
Jesus in Matt. 13v52 as the owner of a House, the Synagogue, who brings forth
treasures old (Scriptures) and New (Oral Torah or Gospel). Rabbi’s family used
to live in another town and on the death of his father; he would leave his
tribal home town to take over the job that his deceased father used to do. It
was like the person taking over the job of Rabbi as if he has left his family
for Wilderness or Celestial World to serve Elohim as an impartial and righteous
ruler of the Synagogue with no distraction of his family as Sadhus are not
distracted by their secular families any more. This Jesus called in Matt. 19v12
….and some became Eunuchs for the Royal Kingdom of God of Wilderness. John, the
Baptist being a Prophet Elijah (My god is Yahweh) for the whole world, He left
the family at young age for Wilderness or Celestial world of purely spiritual
In this Dark Age, most of the Rabbis had become
greedy and materialistic seeking the comforts of the world rather than
diligently performing the duties of the Royal Kingdom of God in righteousness
like the impartial hearts of the little children. So, greed made them partial
and hypocrite sons of Satan, then our Father Elohim, Allah, etc. sent his own
son in the name of Christ Jesus to deliver the knowledge of “Oral Torah” or
“His World” that became lacking among the Rabbis and their congregations. Here,
it is worth mentioning that the people of Joseph who lived in the Samaria
region being still faithful to Abraham and Yahweh, they used to have good crops
blessed by Yahweh and their Rabbis were still efficient in imparting the Moral
Laws in the Light of “Oral Torah” – Matt. 13v52. This is amply reflected in the
Samaritan Woman at Well, who was Pure of the Five Temptations of heart and
engaged Jesus in spiritual discussion that even His Labourers were surprised
and they enjoyed listening to the discourse. She became an Apostle in the name
of St. Photina and she was brutally murdered by Emperor Nero.
Celestial World: - This is Wilderness that
is beyond the domination and authorities of the Rabbis who ruled the secular
people like a super ruler sitting in the courts of the Kings. King would
deliver the justice according to the Scriptures, and then hand it over to the
Court Rabbi for final approval. Rabbi used to temper the justice with mercy
before giving his final verdict. But as the Rabbis had become corrupt, there
was no more political freedom and their countries became slaves to the
foreigners of cleaner hearts. Romans ruled M.East whilst Mughals ruled India.
As they became corrupt and cruel then their rules were also toppled in favour
of just people.
Thus, Sadhus used to be the ideal people and the
Royal Priests are Roving Preachers of the order of Melchizedik. Wilderness is a
land free of weeds, the secular affairs, and those who go for it produce 100
folds. John, the Baptist, Christ Jesus and His Labourers joined this Celestial
World by leaving their families in the secular world as the Sadhus do, and they
produced 100 per cent reflected in receiving the Highest Reward of “Holy
Spirit” from our Father at Pentecost.
In short, secular people go into the places of
Ecclesiastical Temples, Churches, Gurdwaras, etc. and the Royal Priests, the
Roving Preachers, come down from the Celestial places into the Ecclesiastical
places to “interact” with the secular worshippers. In this Dark Age as the
Rabbis had become useless, Luke 16v16, we can worship God in truth and in
spirit whilst still leading a family life. That is why this Dark Age is the
Best to earn your Salvation or Rest by just speaking the truth as Peter used to
speak and what is inside you should be outside with no speck of hypocrisy in
one’s heart. Or become like a little child to earn your Salvation.
Now, the concept of Trinity would become crystal
clear to you.
ONCE-BORN: They are termed "hylics".
They are the people who are only conscious of their tribal fathers of flesh and
they exercise “Eros”. They are generally led by the animal
"instincts" and they hate those who do not belong to their own tribe
or colour. By nature, they are "simpletons" who could easily
be misled by others especially the clever twice-born "psychics".
Thus, the people who obey the moral laws strictly by the letters, they
finish-up as "Angels in heaven", whereas those who have fallen
into the alluring traps of Satan, they become super bastard fanatic devils,
John 8v44, and end-up in the "kingdom of hell" that you saw in
70 A.D. and today, you can see in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon, etc. Thus, both
heaven and hell exist on this earth and more light on this topic will be shed
in the chapter on heaven and hell.
Further, they would feel satisfied by the
"rituals of worship" and stick to the "letters" of the
"Holy Books". Because they cannot understand the Holy Books by
"spirit", they try to impress upon others by such techniques as
thumping of the Bible in the manners of American televangelist psychics. These
blind guides of the blind will use "sin" as their major weapon
to kill their innocent victims and trap them into their nets; whereas the
sensible people of "holy spirit", common sense, know that
"sin" being the transgression of law under ignorance is much less
serious than "blasphemy", which is the transgression of "Holy
Spirit" i.e. going against the will of your own heart, in which we have
our covenant with Jesus. Luke 16v16 tells us that after Prophet Elijah John,
the Baptist, Angel of Israel, there are no more Prophets and Laws or their
transgressions, the sins.
Further, as they are capable of seeing the things
of "flesh" only, so Jesus performed miracles among them to convince
them of the supernatural Powers of our Supernatural Father God and to encourage
them to become the sons of Most High Elohim capable of performing the Miracles as
TWICE-BORN: They are those people who have managed to
overcome the egos (Haume) of their fleshly fathers or "seeds"
in order to perceive and witness the presence of God in Nature. In order to
love God, they exercise "Agape", the Divine Love of One Supernatural
Father (Al-Ilah = Allah) that is above our tribal natural fathers (Ilahs). This
is the very first fruit of spirit. So, the surest test of a twice-born person
is that he loves people without any barriers of colour, creed or race as the Samaritan
man who picked up the wounded person did. For being sensible people, they have
the "Free-will" of either cheating the simpletons for the sake of
Mammon as these hireling Dog-Collared Priests in Churches of Mammon do or get
sealed to serve God honestly. Hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches are
Judas Iscariots in sheep’s clothing, the Thieves. Or get sealed to serve God by
seeking and Preaching 'His Word' in honour of Christ Jesus to open the third
eye of logical reasoning of the spiritually alive people to perceive God
through “His Word” called Logos, which Christ Jesus called "Fishing of
men". Thus, in preaching 'His Word', a following of blind people is never
sought. In fact, in the light of Rom.14.12: "Every one of us shall have to
give his own account to God", we become Anti-Christ if we make a following
of people. Therefore, if a blind guide leads the blind, then they both fall
into the pits of sectarian riots. Thus, the people of holy
spirit enjoy full "Freedom" in God through Gospel.
Further, the sensible Pharisees of Jerusalem who
were loving Mammon and hating God went to the kingdom of Satan of their own
"Free-wills" in order to enslave the simpletons for satanic works,
and, therefore, John, the Baptist, not only refused to "baptise" them
but he also branded them a "Brood of Vipers".
Thus, the twice-born people, who are sealed to
serve God, are the "sons of God" and they are also eternal like their
Eternal Father. Therefore, they are not subject to re-birth in the manners of
Angels. Or in Jesus, one becomes "eternal" and that is called
"salvation or resurrection".
Further, John, the Baptist, baptised the grown-up
sensible Jewish men of "age" in water in the name of their Forefather
Abraham for the repentance of our fleshly sins but Jesus, the anointed Christ
of God, baptised them, through the ceremony of "Eucharist of
Sacrifice", in "Holy Spirit" in the name of God not for the
remittance of sins but for Eternal life in God that involves the "Hiring
of Labourers in the Vineyard of our Father where the True Vine Christ Jesus
exists. Such spiritually alive people are said to be Pre-ordained of our Father
for His Royal Priesthood and they do not need any ordination by men as the
present "hirelings" get to serve Mammon.
Further, none of the four types of people (holy
son, father, ghost and Spirit) of the Royal Kingdom of God stand in the need of
any special uniforms or garbs and, therefore, it is only the hypocrites of the
kingdom of Satan that need colourful uniforms in order to impress upon and
enslave the simpletons. Thus, the present uniformed clerics are the legacy of
the bishops who formulated strait-jackets like the non-sense Nicene Creed to
feed the sugar coated "pills" of falsehoods to the simpletons. It is
in this Nicene Creed that they have killed “Christ” against John12.34 that
states Christ (“His Word”) liveth for ever, and further, they made Icons of
dead Jesus and His Apostles for their stooges to worship. Thus, the Pectoral
Cross that depicts the Icon of Jesus on Cross is the insignia of anti-Christ,
the Prince of Darkness.
Now, it is the living Christ that Moses put on
(Heb.11.26) and wrote the "Holy Books" of Jews and it is the same
living Christ which our living anointed Christ Jesus is urging us to put on in
order to Preach 'His Word' with confidence to "Fish the people" in
honour of His name.
Finally, the story of "Saul" is
interesting in that he worked as a "fanatic" for the satanic fathers
but as he was persecuting the Labourers of Jesus in complete
"submission" to the will of his teacher Gamaliel, the living Christ
Jesus, who is the only Head of Church of God, took pity over Saul and pulled
him out of the slavery of satanic fathers into the "Freedom" of His
Labourers. It was in honour of this New Life in Christ Jesus that
"Saul" changed His name to "Paul" and worked hard enough to
earn his forgiveness.
Gnostic Trinities
Roman 14v12
Chapter 15
Heaven, Hell and the Royal
Kingdom of God.
Many people believe that heaven and hell are not of
this world but something special that is beyond this world where we end-up
after our deaths. That is not so. Heaven and hell being related to our
"works" and not to the "grace" of God, they are of this
world. Thus, when the people go by the ten commandments, then there is a
perfect law and order, which is nothing else but living in heaven of Angels;
the reverse not obeying the ten commandments brings in "hell" in the
society. At present, we are living in hell and, therefore, Christ appears to
save us and show us our Father. But it is up to the individual to take this
offer or reject it. Those who take the offer become the sons of most high
Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. to enjoy
the Bliss that we used to enjoy in the beginning when Adam and Eve were in the
company of God. So, the best way to know this present age of Hell is to know
how generations fell from the glory of God with the passage of time. I have
described the degradation of humanity in my Chapter on Four Ages and here I
will link those ages with Royal Kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven for Angels
and the present age called Dark Age, Kalyug, etc.
Kingdom of God: - This is the beginning and most people were
the sons of the most high Elohim, Parbrahm, Allah, etc. This Age is purely
spiritual of Celestial World or wilderness in which the whole world is One
Nation. This Age follows the present Dark Age when the “Tares” would be burnt
in sectarian and Mammon related riots.
This is what Christ
Thomas Says about this Age: Logo 11. Jesus said, "This heaven will pass
away, and the one above it will pass away.
The dead are not alive,
and the living will not die. During the days when you ate what is dead (tribal
ego), you made it come alive. When you are in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one, you became two. But
when you become two, what will you do?"
Thus, the people of the
Royal Kingdom of God have the base “conscience” or shame, Sharm, Heeya, etc.
and the Three religious qualities truth, contentment and mercy. Samaritan man who
picked up the wounded person showed all these Four elements of Perfection and
they formed the ninety nine sheep already in the Fold of our Father and Christ
Jesus came to redeem the lost sheep, the Chosen People especially of the Judah
tribe who had become unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh by becoming Jews
outwardly, the “Saltless people” with no conscience. This Age is called locking
the Beast in the bottomless pit. People of this Age are
“Saints”. During this Age, Seers sing the praises of our
Father and people live as the Salt of the most High God Elohim, Allah,
ParBrahm, etc.
Kingdom of
Heaven: - With the passage of time, Beast (Mammon) raises his
ugly head and the people start dividing the planet earth on the basis of races
and tribes. In this process, people started to fight with each other and the
quality of “Mercy” disappears among most of the people. Thus, they are no more
Saints but the Angels that had conscience, truth and contentment. This is what
Christ Thomas Says about this separation from God: Logo 11. Jesus said,
"……..When you are in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were
one, you became two. But when you
become two, what will you do?"
Then the first Prophets
appeared in the names of Moses and Shri Ram Chander Ji (Muryada Parshotam Avtar of “Vishnu”) who laid down
the laws pertaining to sound living of Angels. Thus, Angels being subject to
law, they could sin by transgressing the moral laws. So, the era of “sin”
started and King David of Judah tribe sinned against the wife of a captain but
in general they held high moral qualities and that is why a woman told Jesus
that for being righteous and merciful person, you are a true representation
(son) of David against the present crook Rabbis especially of the Judah tribe.
Thus, this was the era
of “wise men” capable of running the political affairs of their own under the
strict eye of the Court Rabbi and in India, the equivalent of Judah tribe were
the people of Khatri tribe who were so capable that this political profession, “Khashtri Varn” was named after their Khatri tribe to honour
their wisdom. They had excellent law and order and this was “Heaven”. Keys to
the kingdom of heaven were with the Rabbis, who applied the moral laws tempered
with “mercy”.
Further degradation of
the religious qualities of people in which most of them were shameful and
truthful but not contented and merciful led to the era of “simpletons”. The Rabbis/Brahmins introduced idols of
gods and goddesses to impart the moral education. As the once-born people were
incapable of appreciating the spiritual Principles, “His Word” they started to
ignore the Seers (Rishi) living in the Jungles. They even started cutting jokes
with them. The Seers found them no more longing for Gospel; they also could not
afford throwing Pearls before swine. For their hearts being clean, then another
Prophet Krishan Baldev Ji (Neeti Parshotam Avtar of
“Shiv”) appeared among the dominant tribe Yadev to guide
them through their political affairs. After the great political war between Karov
and Pandev, this present era of Dark Age or Hell started in which most of the
people had conscience and the element of truth dwindled. “Greed” raised its ugly head and the Rabbis became “crook and hypocrite” to create mess in the
Kingdom of
Hell (Sodom and Gomorrah):- People used to have conscience or the Salt
of their tribal forefathers and they used to be reliable but as their Rabbis
became greedy and hypocrites with no conscience, then the God fearing general
public started to look forward to the appearance of Christ who will not only
get rid of these greedy Rabbis by giving his own sacrifice as the Passover Lamb
of God (no more a scapegoat as the Rabbis used to offer) but he also offered us
the chance to become the eternal sons of our Father God, Elohim, Allah,
Parbrahm, etc.
This is what Christ
Thomas Said: Logos 11. Jesus said, "…….. On the day when you were one, you
became two. But when you become two,
what will you do?"
Jesus showed the
resurrection of Lazarus to general public to convince the crooks of Jerusalem
but his own Resurrection, only those who were sons of Most High Father could
see it. As the Saltless people with no tribal conscience could not become the
sons of Most High, so our Father sent John, the Baptist, an Ideal Rabbi Prophet
Elijah, the Angel of Israel ahead of Christ Jesus to prepare the Way by making
the men religious inwardly by obeying the Ten Commandments of Moses and he
baptised them in the name of Abraham for their tribal conscience or “Salt”.
Such tribal people faithful to their natural fathers then longed for our
Eternal Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, etc. and they appreciated Gospel for
Eternal Life or Salvation.
Those who were the
stooges of greedy Rabbis belonged to the fold of Mammon or Beast and they
suffered holocausts losing their precious chance to have eternal life in our
Father. When the Christianity Preached by Jesus was high-jacked by Anti-Christ
Pope and his counterparts Mullahs among the Mohammedans, then the Second coming
of Jesus in the name of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji took place among the Kings of
Darkness, the people of Khatri tribe in 1469. Today, that also has been corrupt
and we are approaching the End of the World with Tares, the Jews outwardly of
appearances being getting bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning through
Atomic War – Matt. 13v24-30.
The people who would be saved are those who will
keep their tribal identity intact. In Africa, Fetish Priests put tribal marks
on the faces of people for identification whilst the tribal mark of Abraham to
Isaac, the circumcision was highly exploited by the crook Rabbis to make
Gentile the Jews of appearances and indirectly turning tribal people among the
Gentiles, into the sons of Isaac, a Semite by race. Or the Temple Priests
produced fake sons of Abraham and when Angel Stephen exposed their hypocrisy.
They were putting fingers in their ears and grinding their teeth to kill him,
which they did. At that time, Temple Rabbis made this a lucrative business but
today, the fake sons of Abraham; the super bastard fanatic devils from Asia
have become their blood thirsty. Who is to be blamed for the enemies of
So, we are living in hell now and if you want to
create a kingdom of heaven, then become the sons of your tribal forefathers. My
late father created this kingdom of heaven during the Partition of India in
1947 when he told the attacking 2000 people of Arian tribe that in this
sectarian fight we tribal people of Arian and Jatt tribes are going to fight
and die and not the spiritual selves Sikh and Muslim. They understood it and
told my father that we do not have any enmity between our tribes. Let us go to
Lahore to stop this Partition created by the sons of Most High Satan Al-Djmar
Al-Aksa Lala Gandhi, Lala Tara Singh Malhotra Khatri and Lala Mohammed Ali
Jinnah, a Babla Bhatia. My father told the head of attacking party that it is
too late and let the Will of Allah take its course. So, those who came to kill
us were told by their head, Zaildar, to look after us as their Guests in Allah.
Such a turn from enemies to our best Friends hardly occurred anywhere else as
Gospel is appreciated by very few people indeed. The same kingdom of heaven
could be created by warring parties worldwide if they are reminded of their
tribal identities. That is why 144000 that would be saved are all mentioned by
their tribes and not as Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, etc.
In this Dark Age, “conscience” of the people
counts a lot and those who had clean conscience ruled over the others with evil
conscience. That is why Romans were ruling the Chosen People as the Jews had
become of evil conscience and the Roman King Pilate appreciated the truth told
by Jesus that if his kingdom was of this earth, then my soldiers would have
come to fight against yours but mine is of our hearts and you are sitting on
this Seat because of a clean heart. As the evil-spirited Jews insisted to kill
him, then he went out in the Sun and washed his hands of the religious conflict
that the crook Temple Priests, Brood of Vipers, were causing out of jealousy.
He then let the Jews decide for themselves as they had taken the Blood of Jesus
on them and their children.
This Dark Age keeps on degrading and today, most
of the people have no conscience. Cheating and lies are creating a society
similar to Sodom and Gomorrah that would be destroyed through Atomic War.
Greatest of all the cheating is in the Punjab where the Temple of God Harmandir
Sahib, the replacement of Holiest of Holy that used to be in Jerusalem, is
built, a Hospital for the spiritually sick people of dirty hearts. Thus, the
Epicentres of crooks are Amritsar and Lahore and that is why the border was
drawn between them so that they will be destroyed as Sodom and Gomorrah were
during the ensuing sectarian riots.
Messianic Menorah
Kingdoms of Heaven Hell
and God
Chapter 16
Spiritual Marriage and
Divorce – Matt. 19
The Pharisees and Sadducees
were the men of letters proud of their Book knowledge, the Scriptures but
without the knowledge of Oral Torah or “His Word”, they could not understand
the Roots of Scriptures. Thus, they felt defeated by the interpretations of
Scriptures by Jesus and became highly jealous of Him. This jealousy is well
reflected in the Pharisee Simon who invited Jesus into his house but he did not
honour him. So, here is a good confrontation between the men of letters and of
Spirit. Jesus was not a moral teacher as John, the
Baptist was but a spiritual Preacher of the highest order. So, Jesus mocked
them by presenting the Roots of spiritual Marriage and Divorce in the light of
which the moral laws are based. This Parable would become easy to understand if
you keep in mind that what applies to flesh, the opposite to spirit or the
Fruits of spirit hang upside down.
Let us ponder over this
When Jesus had finished saying
these things, he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea (of highly
learned men of letters or Scriptures) to the other side of the Jordan. 2 Large
crowds followed him, and he healed them there in front of the arrogant
Pharisees and Sadducees to incite their jealousy against him. 3 Some
Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to
divorce his wife for any and every reason?” 4 “Haven’t
you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator (Yahweh,
Brahma, Khudah, etc. of nature that you can see with your two naked eyes) ‘made
them male and female,’ the physical analogy that he is going to exploit for the
spiritual reality 5 and said, ‘For this reason a
man (soul, our supernatural self, that emanates from our Supernatural Father
God, Elohim, Parbrahm, Allah, etc.) will leave his Father (God) and Mother
(Holy Spirit) - (God, which is both Father and Mother; just the opposite of the
physical natural parents) - and be united to his wife (flesh which is provided
by the woman on conception), and the two will become one flesh (Soul and flesh
will become one person, a union that you cannot see but perceive)? 6 So
they are no longer two as in the physical moral marriage between a man and a
woman is, in which case they are still two persons, but one flesh (person in
the womb of the woman). Therefore what God has joined together, let no one
separate (as people do in abortion in which they kill an innocent person and
get away with his Murder. Abortions are more in the Mammon infested countries
than in the poor God loving people).”
7 “Why then,” they asked,
“did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send
her away?” This reflects that they did not understand the spiritual equivalent
of the physical marriage. 8 Jesus replied, “Moses
(of the Era of fallen Saints, the Angels of Treta Yug in which the quality of
mercy disappears) permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were
hard (You had become cruel and had fallen down from the glory of our Father
that Saints enjoyed). But it was not this way from the beginning (When people
had conscience and the three religious qualities intact. Such people were
Saints that Jesus came to urge people to become) 9 I
tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality (This
was done by Saul when he was under the domination or was Disciple of his Ruler
Rabbi Gamaliel and did wrong things under his directions against his own
conscience or heart, the “innerman”), and marries another woman (makes blind
Disciples as Pope has today and there is corruption in the Bible Matt. 28.19:
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Eusibius has pointed out that
this verse was added later on. It is an obvious corruption because John, the
Baptist never baptised any Gentile or a woman but only the Jewish men and that
too in the name of Abraham. He said, after me will come greater than me who
will Baptise you in Holy Spirit) commits adultery (as he cannot give their
accounts to God. So, such a person with blind followers is an Anti-Christ or
adulterer because people remain no more solitary Virgin Brides of Jesus after
committing themselves to the authority of Pope, who cannot give their accounts
to God).” 10 The Labourers of Jesus and not the
once-born disciples of the Rabbis said to him, “If this is the situation
between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry. That is, even His Labourers
could not understand this spiritual interpretation of Marriage and Divorce.” 11 Jesus
replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has
been given. That is, Gospel is not for everyone but for one in a thousand and
two in ten thousands.
12 For there are eunuchs
(moral or natural eunuchs are people that have not developed the genital organs
to reproduce children whilst the spiritual eunuchs have developed the genital
organs but they are not allowed to marry to reproduce more eunuchs of their
kind. Such people are bastards born of the prostitutes or out of adultery. That
is why people stone a woman to death for adultery. These are bastards born of
the prostitutes and of the Temple Dancing girls called “Dassies”. Jesus called
them Mustard seeds, which devote their whole lives to worship of our
Supernatural Father Elohim and become a great Saint far greater than the
Prophets. Remember, that Lord Krishna stayed, Roosted, at the house of such a
Eunuch called “Bidar” instead of the Palaces of his relatives.) Who were born
that (natural) way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others
(These are men who were born in the tribal homes but they renounced their
tribal identity for a religious or non-religious political identity such as
Jew, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, etc. or Communist, Labour, Conservative, etc. By
becoming such a person outwardly of flesh, then you replace your tribal
identity with Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Labour, Conservative, etc. and become a
bastard worse than those born of the prostitutes. Such persons who are born of
the legitimate parents but replace their tribal identities with religious or
non-religious selves, then they become super bastard fanatic devils under the
directions of their religious heads such as the Rabbis, who make them Jews of
physical self or appearances instead of spiritual inwardly self that you cannot
see or kill – John 8 v44. Today, you can see them in action in the sectarian
riots in Syria, Iraq, Libya, etc.) — and there are those who choose to live
like eunuchs (as John, the Baptist was not given his father’s surname) for the
sake of the Royal Kingdom of God as the Ideal Rabbis used to leave their family
homes and towns to take over the duties of Synagogues that their deceased fathers
used to rule – Matt. 13v52: And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who
has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house
(Synagogue), who brings out of his treasure what is new (Oral Torah or His
Word) and what is old (the written Moral Laws of Moses).” But John, the Baptist
was greater than the Rabbis, a Prophet, the Angel of Israel who came to set an
example to the corrupt Rabbis, the hirelings of Mammon who were under the
domination of the Roman Kings as today, the Dog-Collared clerics of COE are
under the domination of Queen, the Head of Mammon in Great Britain. The one who
can accept this should accept it.” So, you can see how beautiful is the Gospel
Message hidden under the Parables.
Now, you can easily understand
why Saul changed his name to Paul. The person of Saul was a Disciple of the
Pharisee Gamaliel and he did what his School Teacher told him to do. Or he had
given his wife, physical body, to Gamaliel and he was instructing him what to
do. Saul did so as an obedient Disciple of Gamaliel even though his “innerman”
or conscience was not willing. Or Saul was a spiritual wife of Gamaliel, a
female. We all go through this stage when we are natural once-born that need
disciplining through the moral laws. But when we grow old capable of thinking
ourselves, then there is an urge inside us to be Free of what the others tell
you to do. Those who have discerning intellect would not like to be associated
with the crook and hypocrite Rabbis, Dog-Collared Priests in Churches, etc. and
they become masters of their own destiny as the atheists do. Thus, they set
themselves free of the yoke of their Rabbis and become the owners of their own
house, the masters of their own affairs. The born-blind person of John 9 was
such a person no more under the domination of crook Rabbis and told them what
was in his heart? This conversion from the once-born natural man to the
independent twice-born spiritual person is termed a change from a “female” to a
“male”. That is, unless a female becomes a male, she cannot enter into the
Royal Kingdom of God for the Saints.
Thus, Saul was a female of his
master Pharisee Gamaliel and when Jesus set him Free through the Damascus
experience, of his Master Gamaliel, and then he was not serving Gamaliel
anymore but his own Christ, the Innerman. In order to give a clean-start to his
New Wife Paul, the physical body, he changed her name from Saul, the
Prostitute, to “Paul”, the Virgin Bride of Christ Jesus. That is, unless you
become independent master of your own destiny, you cannot be the solitary
Virgin Bride of Christ Jesus. It is the same as in the physical marriage if the
divorced woman marries a new husband, then her surname changes from the old
husband’s (Mrs. Sue Smith) to the new husband’s (Mrs. Sue Jones). In the
spiritual divorce and re-marriage, the wife (physical body) remains the same
but the Master soul has changed from once-born to twice-born. In case of Saul,
the change was from the once-born to Thrice-Born of Holy Spirit.
Such Parables are not for the
easy grasp of most persons but those who seek Gospel will get it through
“intuition”. Next, I will explain the Five Husbands of the Samaritan Woman at
well that are well known to the Sikhs of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji but most of them
cannot explain on the basis of their roots.
Chapter 17
Five Husbands of the
Samaritan Woman – St. Photina.
This exposition may look extremely odd to the
blind theologians of dead "letters", the super donkeys carrying Holy
Books, in that all the five husbands of the Samaritan woman, not stated
anywhere else in the Bible by name, have been identified both by names and in
nature. These five spiritual husbands are well-known to the Sikhs (seekers of
spiritual knowledge, the Gnostics) of Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji, the second
anointed "Christ" but the narrow mindedness and blind-folding of the
people of "letters" hinders them from perceiving in this liberal
field of spirit.
Thus, the popular interpretation of John 4 by the
men of dead "letters" leads the people to the inference that the
Samaritan woman was indeed leading a very immoral, sinful and disgraceful life,
an interpretation by the dead "letters" which is just the opposite of
that by the living "spirit". In fact, by the letters, "His
Treasures" always hang upside down and, therefore, such interpretations of
the Parables by the "letters" are not rare. In general, the
theologians know that the Gospel of John is highly spiritual and, therefore, it
is not so easy to understand. In fact, John 4 and Matt.19 are the most
difficult to understand Parables of all.
The five husbands of the Samaritan woman mentioned
by John were not the physical ones with which the natural people of flesh, the
hylics, are quite familiar with but they were rather the spiritual or the abstract
ones that the people of both sexes are liable to be dominated by. Thus, in
order to appreciate the beauty of "His Treasures" buried in this
Parable of John's, let us first study the nature of these spiritual husbands
whose number is limited to "five" only:-
Briefly, a religious person of high standing
should have both body and heart circumcised. The body is circumcised of
"sins" by obeying the moral laws of Moses and to this effect the
"forerunner" John, the Baptist of the priestly Levi stock came in the
name of "Prophet Elijah (My god is demiurge Yahweh, the reflection of the
Real Supernatural Father inside us)". This involves mostly rituals, which
are related to the seven types of "works". These are represented by
Menorah in which the Middle Candle represents Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc.
whilst the three on the right holy works and three on the left evil works. The
secular works are social, economic and political; some holy and some evil.
Rabbi would declare the evil works as “sins” and would punish the sinners.
Ideal Moral Teacher has been defined by Jesus in
Matt.13.52: He said to him, "Therefore every teacher of the (moral) law
who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the (hereditary)
owner of a house (Synagogue/temple), who brings out of his storeroom (of
religious knowledge or gnosis) New Treasures ('His Word', that is branded as
the New Unshrunk Cloth untouched by human hands) as well as old (the written
moral laws of Moses, Abraham, etc. that were passed from father to son in a
hereditary manner and they were interpreted by the "letters")".
Whilst the circumcision of heart involves the
purification of the heart of the five specific spiritual temptations or
diseases by putting into practice “His Word” to purify one’s heart. The five
specific spiritual temptations of the heart consist; three of “ego”
among the once-born and two of “mind” among the twice-born clever
psychic people. These have been stressed by Jesus in Luke 12v52:-
For there shall be from henceforth (because Law
and Prophets were till John, the Baptist – Luke 16v16 and after that no more
sins but the circumcision of heart counts). That is why from henceforth (in the
era of Christ in which everyone has to give his own accounts to God?) five in
one house (physical body) divided: three (of ego, which are immorality, anger
and haughtiness of the Book knowledge or of the dead “letters”) against two (of
“mind”, which are greed and worldly attachment) and two (twice-born clever
people, the psychic cheats) against three (once-born simpletons, being the
victims of cheating). The Jewish people were victims of these Five whilst the
Samaritan people being sealed to serve God had overpowered them and they formed
the Ninety nine Sheep that were already in the Fold of God. That is, they
neither cheated anyone (two) nor got cheated (three) because they looked after
each other as the Samaritan Man who picked up a wounded stranger and looked
after him. Then, how much they would look after themselves? Such qualities were
missing among the greedy Jews and that is why they were the Lost Sheep, which
Jesus came to redeem them into the Fold of our God where people are sealed to
serve God and not Mammon.
Here are the details of those Five temptations of
heart, the robbers:-
1. Lust for sex or immorality called Kaam in
Panjabi (Ego, Haume) that can tempt you to commit such immoral acts as
fornication. King David became the victim of this husband when he committed
adultery with the wife of his Captain. It is the temptation in which the lust
of "flesh" (secular world) dominates.
"Shame" or conscience being the foundation of religion is
acquired by overpowering one's lust for sex through the determination of one's
2. Anger called Karodh in Panjabi (Ego,
Haume) that hinders and impairs one's logical Reasoning capabilities and,
therefore, it is not beneficial or helpful in the understanding of the
Spiritual Principles of life i.e. "His Word" called Logos that a wise
man led by "Holy ghost" may try to impart to a once-born simpleton
through logical Reasoning.
This is the dominating weakness of the once-born
"hylics" (Ecclesiastical world), the Disciples of Rabbis, who are led
by "Ego" and, therefore, they are incapable of understanding the
matters of "spirit". Thus, the simpletons being incapable of
understanding the logic of Spiritual Principles, they normally get angry in
order to cover up their ignorance when a sensible person of holy
ghost may dare to preach them the abstract "Word of God"
through heart-to-heart logical discussions. Such anger due to spiritual
ignorance was displayed by the once-born arrogant Peter in Matt.16.22 and 23:
Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him. "Perish the thought,
Lord", he said, "This shall never happen to You".
Jesus (knowing that as the result of Peter becoming "arrogant", anger
has entered the otherwise pure of heart Peter) turned and said to Peter,
"Out of My sight, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me;
you do not have in mind the (abstract) things of God (His Will), but the
(concrete) things of men."
3. Greed called Lobh in Panjabi (Mind, Munn)
that can tempt you to become clever psychic cheat in order to usurp the
rights of others is the dominating weakness of the "mind", the
"psychics" or the men of evil spirit. Judas Iscariot was a psychic in
whom the love of Mammon dominated and he used to steal money from the “Purse”
that contained the donations. Similarly, these “hireling” Dog-Collared Priests
in Churches steal money from the Church Purse as their salaries as if they are
working for Mammon and not for God. That is why, Jesus threw Judas Iscariot out
before Baptising the rest of Eleven through “Eucharist” also called entering
into the Bridal Chamber in which the Solitary Virgin Brides are sealed to serve
God through the covenant of Holy Spirit and the Apostles Preached Gospel in
honour of their Bridegroom Christ Jesus as a married woman becomes a
spokeswoman of her husband (Mrs. Sue Smith and no more Miss. Sue Jones).
4. Worldly Attachment called “Moh” in Panjabi (Mind, Munn)
that can deter the holy wise pneumatics family man (soil with weeds that
produced 60 folds) from serving God in the fullness as those who joined Jesus
in the Wilderness (Soil free of weeds that produced 100 fold – Celestial world)
by becoming an Apostle or a Roving Preacher in the name of Jesus. This was also
the third temptation of Satan to Jesus. In reply to this temptation, Christ
Jesus advises His wise Labourers: "You shall worship Father (and not the
Jewish Lord Yahweh) and Him only shall you serve". This point has been
also stressed by Jesus in the Parable of young rich man Matt.19.21: Jesus
answered, "If you want to be Perfect, go, sell
your possessions and give to the poor that you have cheated to become rich, and
you will have Treasure in Heaven as the Samaritans were enjoying in good crops.
Then come, join and not follow me." The need for the renunciation of
secular world in order to serve Him without any distraction is also stressed in
Matt.6.24: "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and
love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You
cannot serve both God and Mammon".
5. Haughtiness, called Hankaar in Panjabi (Ego,
Haume) that the men of letters develop on the basis of what the other men
of letters have known. Such spiritually dead people bury their dead during
debates and conferences in which they discuss the works of others. But Gospel
is not buried in the Books but it is received through logical reasoning called
“revelations” on individual basis. Thus, the theologians of letters in
Jerusalem did not engage Jesus into such deep discussion as this Samaritan
Woman at Well did that even surprised his Labourers.
This Samaritan woman was not stiff-necked like the Sadducee Simon of the dead
letters who invited Jesus into his house but he did not honour him; whereas the
whole white-hearted Samaritan village came to welcome Jesus into their village,
which Jesus described as the white crop ready for harvesting into the Royal
Kingdom of God. This temptation of the heart is purely "spiritual of God -
Celestial" in nature against the very first one, the lust for sex, which
was purely "of flesh in Adam – secular” in nature.
The above mentioned five temptations of heart are
overcome by giving oneself up to the 'Will of God' or Gnostically speaking by
entering into the "Bridal Chamber".
When His Will, the Foundation of Which is "treat others as you
wished to be treated", dominates in a person's heart then these five
temptations of heart are under the full control of the person and this could be
analogised to a person, male or female, having all the five husbands also
termed the "spiritual robbers", which are living with him but not
dominating or husbanding him anymore.
And Luke 14.18-20: "And they all with one
consent began to make excuses (the Lost sheep of Judah
tribe). The first (the natural man of flesh or hylic) said unto him, I have
bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me
excused. And another (man of evil spirit or psychic) said, I have bought
"five" yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them (that is, the psychics
are mostly of doubting type and they are the victims of the five spiritual
robbers. In fact, they are too busy enjoying the evil fruits of evil spirit
than to pay heed to the service of God): I pray thee have me excused. Another
(wise pneumatic person, who has understood “His Word” but he was too busy in
his family affairs, "MOH", than to serve God as a full time
roving Preacher) said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot
Finally, it is worth stating here that the twelve
close-circle Labourers of Jesus that were His YEAST signify that His
ideal Apostles would be perfect in the seven moral rituals embodied in the
seven-candled Menorah for the purity of flesh as Angels are and they would also
have their hearts pure of the "FIVE" spiritual temptations or
Husbands that Saints need to be Perfect. That is, the True Labourers of Jesus
would have both body of "sins" and heart of "blasphemies"
Now, let us interpret the relevant section of the
Parable John 4:-
He told her, "Go, call your husband and come
back." "I have no
husband," she replied. This is just a dialogue to stress that when you are
a victim of any of the Five temptations of heart, then
that temptation dominates you as a wife is dominated by her husband. As we are
aware of the Samaritan people they have a very high moral and spiritual
standards and the woman was Free of the domination of the Five
spiritual Husbands that dominate your heart. Such Gentiles formed the 99 Sheep
that were already in the Fold of our Father. Christ Philip said, “A Gentile
never dies for he does not live to die”.
Jesus said to her, "You are right when you
say you have no husband." In this
statement, Jesus clearly confirms purity of the heart of the Samaritan people
and that is why Jesus called the Samaritan people, a “White Crop” ready for
harvesting by Christ Jesus. "For you have had five husbands (those were 1.
Lust for sex, or immorality with no conscience; Samaritans being the generation
of Joseph, the only faithful son of the twelve Patriarchs to Abraham and Yahweh
had very high moral standards that made the generations of other eleven crook
brethren very jealous; 2. anger, which dominates the natural men of flesh or
the hylics, she had overpowered it through holy spirit and she was not a fool
but sensible enough to engage Jesus, a Person of Holy Spirit, into a deep
religious discussion that even the Labourers of Jesus were spell-bound not to
interrupt; 3. Greed she overpowered by leading a simple contented life; 4.
Worldly attachment she had overpowered by having lessons in “Oral Torah” from
their ideal Rabbi; and 5. haughtiness of her religious knowledge was subdued by
holy spirit or logical reasoning through which she was understanding Gospel),
and the man (pride of religious knowledge in spirit and not through the dead
letters of the Books as the Jerusalem Temple Priests were having) you are now
living with is not your husband (is not dominating you either as those of the
theologians of Letters in Jerusalem. She was enjoying the Discussion to her
heart’s content. Jesus never met a person of her spiritual calibre in his
Ministry). What you have just said is quite true." That is, she was a
Saint, who was morally and spiritually, TANN AUR MUNN NIRMAL, sound.
"Sir," the woman said, "I can see
(perceive) that you are a Prophet." That is, the woman was so spiritually
advanced as to tell Jesus that He seems to be a Prophet. "Our fathers (in
flesh) worshipped (their tribal gods called 'Ilah') on this mountain (Temples
are always built on higher grounds near to heaven and their main Gate facing
East, the direction of Sunrise where “Sun” stands for Elohim, Parbrahm, Allah,
etc., the Primary Source of Light), but you Jews (of dead letters) claim that
the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem (where no tribal gods were
worshipped and the Jews had become Jews outwardly unfaithful to Abraham and
Isaac, the super bastard fanatic devils – John 8v44)." This reference is
to the worship of the statues of dead gods and goddesses, which were used by
the moral teachers as the visual aids in teaching the moral laws to the
youngsters. This type of worship served its purpose when the moral teachers
were men of spirit and their praises were with God and not with the men.
Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman a time
(Dark Age of spirit of Christ) is coming when you will worship the Father (God
= Al-Ilah) neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem but in your own heart as
our physical body is the Temple of God. You Samaritans worship what you do not
know (This is a shear corruption by the spiritually sick Messianic Jews who
hate the Samaritans for their faithfulness to Abraham and Yahweh that they
enjoyed good crops and they were leading the Jews in high degree of
spirituality in living spirit and not by the dead letters of the Books): we
worship what we do know (That is why Jesus told the Jews that your forefathers
are Devils and they wanted to kill him. Angel Stephen was killed for reminding
them the Greatness of Abraham and requesting them to stop creating the fake
sons of Abraham through circumcision, the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and
his sons only), for salvation is from the Jews (This is a clear corruption by
the satanic Messianic Jews. How could the Salvation be from the sons of most
high Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa? Today, these “Tares” are getting bundled up in
Israel for the Final Burning expected soon after May, 2018 in May, 2023 – Matt.
13v24-30). Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will
worship the (Living) Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of
worshippers the (Living) Father seeks. God is Spirit (abstract), and His
worshippers must worship in (holy) spirit and in truth." The woman said,
"I know that Messiah is coming (this declaration of the Samaritan woman
reflects her deep understanding of the religious knowledge by holy spirit that
she and her people possessed. In fact, she knew that Christ is greater than the
Prophets – Luke 16v16; “Law and Prophets were till John, the Baptist”). When He
comes, He will explain everything to us." What a beautiful statement the
woman made that reflected her deep religious knowledge and indirectly we can
say that she was a highly religious person who was gifted with holy spirit. She knew what Christ stands for. Then, Jesus
declared, "I Who speak to you am He." That
is, Jesus was so pleased with her deep religious
knowledge in spirit as to give out His identity to her with great pleasure,
which He hid from the hylics and the psychics.
Just then His Labourers returned and were
surprised to find Him talking with a woman. But no one asked, "what do you
want?" or "Why are You talking with
her?" That is, Jesus and the Samaritan woman were locked in such a serious
philosophical discussion that even His Labourers dare not interrupt it. Then,
leaving her water jar (for Jesus and His Labourers to enjoy), the woman went
back to the town and said to her people, "Come, see a Man Who told me
everything I ever did (possessed, the religious achievements). Could this be
the Christ?" The pneumatics are “solitary” and
they do not impose their own findings upon the others but let them find it out
by themselves through holy spirit.
They came out of the town and made their way
towards Him. This gesture of welcoming Jesus amply reflects that the people of
this town were very sensible people of high spiritual values and they did not
wait for Jesus, the Fountain of Living Water, to go to them but rather they
went out towards Him longing to greet and to welcome Him into their humble
village. In other towns, people did not come out to greet Jesus and if they did
so, it was mostly to get their sick people healed. Whilst the people of Sychar
did not come out to greet Jesus for the sick but to honour a highly
knowledgeable Person, the anointed High Royal Priest of God, the Light of this
Dark Age in the name of "Jesus".
Meanwhile, His Labourers urged Him, "Rabbi
(Peter used to address Jesus as Rabbi whilst the others as Brother), eat
something." But He said to them, "I have (spiritual) food to eat that
you know nothing about." Then His Labourers said to each other,
"Could someone have brought Him food?" "My food," said
Jesus "is to do the Will of Him Who sent Me and
to finish His work. Do you not say, "Four months more and the
harvest?" I tell you, open your (spiritual third) eyes and look at the
fields (hearts of the people); for they are "white" (Clean-hearted
people with no speck of evil spirit) already to harvest." The last words,
"for they are "white" already to harvest" beautifully
reflect the character and religious achievements of the people of Sychar. Now,
the physical crops when they are ready for harvesting take on a golden yellow
colour. Therefore, the crop Jesus is talking about here is not the physical one
but the spiritual human crop of hearts and the "white" colour
signifies that the people of Sychar were religiously pure and clean at heart
and not like the dirty-hearted people of Judah tribe, the Lost Sheep, the
blasphemers. To my best knowledge of the N.T., Jesus never spoke so well of
people as that of these in the whole of His missionary work.
"Even now the Reaper (Jesus, the Master
Fisherman as stressed by John, the Baptist in Matt. 3v11- 12) draws His Wages
(that our Father sent him for salvaging the people), even now He harvests the
crop for eternal Life or Rest, so that the Sower (the local Rabbi who had the
knowledge of “Oral Torah” – Matt. 13v52) and the Reaper (Christ Jesus) may be
glad together. Thus, the saying 'one sows and another reaps' is true."
Remember John, the Baptist, and the Sower of the sons of Man said in Matt.
3v11-12: “I baptize you with water (in the name of Abraham) for repentance. But
after me comes one (Christ Jesus) who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I
am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire (of
“His Word” – Burning Bush that Moses experienced). His winnowing fork is in his
hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat (sons of Most
High, the Saints) into the barn and burning up the chaff (sons of Satan) with
unquenchable fire.” This crop is the spiritual one of the people, in which the
people prepare themselves or become the sons of Man, to be harvested by the
roving Preachers, the Fishers of men; whilst in the normal physical crop, the
sower and the reaper is the same person. Also, Jesus, the Reaper cannot enter
into your heart of His own Will but you have to prepare the House clean or be
solitary (Man and not a Woman) to let Him in. "I sent you to reap what you
have not worked for. Others (the moral teachers) have done the hard work, and
you have reaped the benefits of their labour." Thus said St. Thomas in
Logo 22.16; "Let there be among you a man of understanding (a pneumatic) when
the fruit ripened (people become white-hearted), he came quickly with His
Sickle (of Gospel, the double-edged sword as Christ Thomas and other Apostles
went around) in his hand, and he reaped it."
Now, here is presented a story by the late Russian
Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) of Sourozh of these people who left their village
to become the Fishers of Men:-
The Holy Martyr Photina (Svetlana) the Samaritan
Woman, her sons Victor (named Photinus) and Joses; and her sisters Anatola,
Phota, Photis, Paraskeva, Kyriake; Nero's daughter Domnina; and the Martyr
Sebastian: The holy Martyr Photina was the Samaritan Woman, with whom the
Saviour conversed at Jacob's Well (John. 4:5-42).
During the time of the emperor Nero (54-68), who
displayed excessive cruelty against Christians, St Photina lived in Carthage
with her younger son Joses and fearlessly preached the Gospel there. Her eldest
son Victor fought bravely in the Roman army against barbarians, and was
appointed military commander in the city of Attalia (Asia Minor). Later, Nero
called him to Italy to arrest and punish Christians.
Sebastian, an official in Italy, said to St
Victor, "I know that you, your mother and your brother, are followers
(Brethren) of Christ. As a friend I advise you to submit to the will of the
emperor. If you inform on any Christians, you will receive their wealth. I
shall write to your mother and brother, asking them not to preach Christ in
public. Let them practice their faith in secret."
St Victor replied, "I want to be a Preacher of
Christianity like my mother and brother." Sebastian said, "O Victor,
we all know what woes await you, your mother and brother." Then Sebastian
suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eyes. He was dumbfounded, and his face was
For three days he lay there blind, without
uttering a word. On the fourth day he declared, "The God of the Christians
is the only true God." St Victor asked why Sebastian had suddenly changed
his mind. Sebastian replied, "Because Christ is calling me." Soon he
was baptized (in the name of his tribal father in order to be the “Salt of the
Earth” or have the conscience of righteousness), and immediately regained his
sight. St Sebastian's servants, after witnessing the miracle, were also
baptized (in the names of their tribal fathers). Here, it is worth mentioning
that many people have undergone circumcision which is the tribal mark of
Abraham to Isaac and his seed only. So, by doing so, they have become
unfaithful to their own tribal fathers and they have become “fake” sons of
Isaac, the super bastard fanatic devils, the sons of most high Satan, Al-Djmar
Al-Aksa. Such people need baptism in water by their local Fetish Priests, who
will baptise them in the names of their tribal fathers. Then, they will be able
to build their covenants with Adam and become faithful to Yahweh, the creator
of male and female. Such sons of Man live in Peace on this planet earth and not
the Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, etc. outwardly, the super bastard fanatic
devils. 144000 that will survive the Atomic War are all mentioned by their
tribes and not as Jews, the Tares.
Reports of this reached Nero, and he commanded
that the Christians be brought to him at Rome. Then our Bridegroom Christ
Jesus, the Royal High Priest and not the Lord that have Slave Disciples,
Himself appeared to the confessors and said, "Fear not, for I am with you.
Nero, and all who serve him, will be vanquished." Our Anointed Elder
Brother Christ Jesus said to St Victor, "From this day forward, your name
will be Photinus, because through you, many will be enlightened and will
believe in Me." Christ Jesus then told the
Christs of holy spirit and not the Christians of the Book to strengthen and
encourage St Sebastian to persevere until the end.
All these things, and even future events, were revealed
to St Photina because she possessed Holy Spirit that made her the Twin Brother
of Jesus like the Twelve at Pentecost. She left Carthage in the company of
several solitary Virgin Brides of Christ Jesus, the sons of Most High, the
Christs and not the dead Christians of the Book and joined the confessors in
At Rome the emperor ordered the Saints to be
brought before him and he asked them whether they truly believed in Christ. All
the confessors refused to renounce the Saviour. Then the emperor gave orders to
smash the martyrs' finger joints. During the torments, the confessors felt no
pain, and their hands remained unharmed.
Nero ordered that Saints Sebastian, Photinus and
Joses be blinded and locked up in prison, and St Photina and her five sisters
Anatola, Phota, Photis, Paraskeva and Kyriake were sent to the imperial court
under the supervision of Nero's daughter Domnina. St Photina converted both
Domnina and all her servants to Christ. She also converted a sorcerer, who had
brought her poisoned food to kill her.
Three years passed, and Nero sent to the prison
for one of his servants, who had been locked up. The messengers reported to him
that Saints Sebastian, Photinus and Joses, who had been blinded, had completely
recovered, and that people were visiting them to hear their Preaching, and
indeed the whole prison had been transformed into a bright and fragrant place
where God was glorified.
Nero then gave orders to crucify the saints, and
to beat their naked bodies with straps. On the fourth day the emperor sent
servants to see whether the martyrs were still alive. But, approaching the
place of the tortures, the servants fell blind. An angel of the Christ Jesus
freed the martyrs from their crosses and healed them. The saints took pity on
the blinded servants, and restored their sight as a sign that in God we have no
enemy or stranger but we all Brethren having the Light of Allah. Those who were
healed came to believe in Christ and were soon baptized in the names of their
tribal fathers (It smells corruption as Baptism of water was for the Jewish men
who had replaced their tribal identity with spiritual self-Jew).
In an impotent rage Nero gave orders to flay the
skin from St Photina and to throw the martyr down a well. Sebastian, Photinus
and Joses had their legs cut off, and they were thrown to dogs, and then had
their skin flayed off. The sisters of St Photina also suffered terrible
torments. Nero gave orders to cut off their breasts and then to flay their
skin. An expert in cruelty, the emperor readied the fiercest execution for St
Photis: they tied her by the feet to the tops of two bent-over trees. When the
ropes were cut the trees sprang upright and tore the martyr apart. The emperor
ordered the others beheaded. St Photina was removed from the well and locked up
in prison for twenty days.
After this Nero had her brought to him and asked
if she would now relent and offer sacrifice to the idols. St Photina spit in
the face of the emperor, and laughing at him, said, "O most impious of the
blind, you profligate and stupid man! Do you think me so deluded that I would
consent to renounce my Bridegroom Christ Jesus and instead offer sacrifice to
idols as blind as you?"
Hearing such words, Nero gave orders to again
throw the martyr down the well, where she surrendered her soul to God (+ ca.
66). On the Greek Calendar, St Photina is commemorated on February 26. But the
men of letters, the Anti-Christs, still call her a Prostitute marrying one
husband after the other. When Christianity became corrupt, Hazrat Mohammed
Sahib sorted them up through sword power but when both became corrupt, then the
Second coming of Jesus in the name of Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji appeared in
the Punjab in 1469 Preaching Gospel to Perfection through Six Lights. The Four more
Lights, the Very Representations of our Father, the Royal Kings called Sachae
Patshahs looked after the Saints and finally sorted out the stubborn sons of
most high Satan through sword Power, which the sons were not allowed. More on
this topic is presented in my Chapter on the Four Religious Communities of
India. In my table on Trinity, I have mentioned the Five Husbands of the
Samaritan Woman at Well as well. Those
who have ears; let them hear.
Here is my Chapter on Gnostic Trinity:-
Chapter 18
Ideal Church of God.
If Jesus were to return to-day, He would be very
much surprised and upset to find so many of the denominations. In fact, these
denominations are like the blind men describing an elephant. For example, John,
the Baptist was not a light but a witness to the Light, i.e. an Angel and not a
Saint, so in the Baptist Churches that are dedicated to John, the Baptist, an
ideal priest of Moses, what sense does it make to sing the songs of Jesus?
Therefore, let us first appreciate the reasons for the coming of Jesus before
we can speak about the Church that we should have in His honour.
Jesus is known to everybody as the Light of this
Dark Age but what created the Darkness so that this Light, the Christ of God,
had to appear!!!
Before Jesus, we used to have Rabbis who were the
Priests of Moses, the first Prophet after the people had become merciless or
fallen of Sainthood represented by the Samaritan man who picked up the wounded
person and looked after him. Then, the synagogues were established where the
"written Torah" of Moses was read. Synagogues could also be called
the temples of Moses. An ideal priest of Moses has been defined by Jesus in
Matt.13.52: He said to them, "Therefore every teacher of the law who has
become a Ruler in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house
(Synagogue) who brings out of his storeroom new treasures (Oral Torah or His
Word) as well as old (Written Torah, the Scriptures)". The "written
Torah" being passed from generation to generation is also called the
"old cloth" and the corruptions in it are the "holes". These
corruptions could be rectified or darned by the spirit of "His Word"
only i.e. Jesus came to fulfil the law (Darn the holes) but not to demolish it
-Matt.5.17: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the
Prophets, who delivered the Moral Laws; I have not come to abolish them but to
fulfil them.” That is, the knowledge of the Oral Torah was lacking among the
men of dead letters and He came to deliver them. At the same time, you cannot
patch the old cloth, the dead Scriptures or letters with the New Cloth, the
Oral Torah of Jesus i.e. you cannot mix the "written Torah", the
"letters" of Moses with the New Testament of "Spirit" as
they have done in the Bible. Or if the Rabbis had the knowledge of the Oral
Torah, then the moral laws could not be corrupted as it was prevalent among the
Samaritan people.
On the Priests of Moses becoming materialistic and
corrupt, God took the spirit to understand 'His Word' or the 'Oral Torah' away
from them and they were left with the dead "letters" of the written
Torah to ply with for their living. The "letters", old wine, created
so much Darkness that they even hated Jesus when He was healing the sick people
on Sabbath, a holy day to be best celebrated by performing holy works or deeds!
So, without "spirit" or common sense, the people were led by their
blind guides of the dead letters and Jesus, the anointed Royal High Priest
(Christ) of God appeared in the world to introduce to us, the public at large,
our living Father God of Spirit through Preaching the Living Gospel, which is
received only by those who are predestined of our Father e.g. the born-blind
man of John 9, whose eyes Jesus opened with spittle was a typical one. Jesus
Preached Gospel like a Sower and only those who were twice-born and, therefore,
had ears to hear 'His Word', understood and joined His company of their own
Now, Jesus hired twelve labourers for the Vineyard
of our Father that has a Narrow Gate for the solitary. They were twelve because
they had to be obeying the Ten Commandments of Moses or the rectified moral
laws of Moses in honour of John, the Baptist, an ideal
Levi Priest of Moses. Moses' moral laws are concerned with seven types of works
that are represented by the seven candles of Menorah (Six of David’s Cross or
secular works and the Middle Candle is of Oral Torah). The remaining five are
related to the five temptations of heart that are lust for sex, anger, greed,
worldly temptations and haughtiness, which were also the five husbands of the
Samaritan woman at the well (John 4) that she had overpowered i.e. they were
living with her but dominating or husbanding her no more.
The character or nature of these five is also
stated in Luk.12v52: "For from henceforth (in this Age of Christ), there
shall be five in one house (body) divided, three against two, and two against
three". The first "three" are related to the once-born
simpletons of "flesh", which are (1). "Ego"
of the tribal 'seed', 'physical skill or prowess' such as wrestling, football,
etc., which makes a person big-headed or arrogant, (2). "Anger", through which the simpletons resent when they
cannot understand the matters of spirit such as Peter getting angry with Jesus
when He forecast the future events and (3). Ego of the dead 'letters' as
the Pharisees had of the written Torah and the university theologians of to-day
have of the dead letters of the New Testament as well. The second
"two" are related to the twice-born clever people, who are dominated
by "mind" or "evil spirit" such as of the type of Judas
Iscariot and they are (4). 'Greed' and (5). 'Worldly temptations' - Matt.4.8-10. In the house (body),
which is dominated by the "wisdom" of Jesus, the Gospel, all the
above five are not only under control but they are also at "Peace"
under holy ghost when you are sealed to serve God making the person a "Royal
King" as the Samaritan woman at well was.
Thus, the close-circle Labourers of Jesus were
proficient in the letters of the rectified moral laws of Moses in honour of
John, the Baptist, Angel of Israel or they were Lords of the Sabbath and they
were capable of Preaching Gospel in honour of Christ Jesus. Thus, the twelve
had nothing to do with the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve secular
thrones - Matt.19.28. As the Moses' Priests could not be women but men only, so
all the twelve were men and it were the Seventy outer
circle Labourers that were being trained to become ideal Moral Teachers of
Yahweh (creator of male and female, the pair). As our natural physical body is
the outer cover for our Supernatural soul or the reflections of the Twelve inner circle Labourers being trained for our
Supernatural Father. Thus, the 70 outer circle Labourers being concerned with
our natural physical body, they were baptising the Jewish men in water on
behalf of John, the Baptist. Jesus whilst His Close-Circle Labourers
belonged to our Supernatural Father and they were all Solitary but of one
accord. John, the Baptist was incarnation of Prophet Elijah (My god is
Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc.) and he worked for Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc.,
the demiurge god of Nature at large. Whilst Christ Jesus worked for our
Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc. and He was Begotten
of our Father, which is “Spirit”.
The twelve labourers that Jesus hired for the
Vineyard of our Father were rewarded the Highest Gift of "Holy
Spirit" at Pentecost - Matt.20.8: "So when even was come, the Lord of
the Vineyard (world) and Father of our souls saith unto His Steward (Christ
Jesus), call the labourers and give them their "Hire", beginning from
the last unto the first". The labourers of Jesus had forsaken worldly
treasures for the sake of their Gift, the "Holy Spirit", the Very
Spirit of our Father that made them the Twin-Brethren of Christ Jesus -
Matt.19.27: "Then answered Peter and said unto Him, Behold, we have
forsaken all, and followed Thee; what shall we have therefore". Thus, all
the Twelve Labourers of Jesus became the Sons of Most High Supernatural Father
God and they were called the “Saints” whilst their reflections the Seventy
outer circle Labourers became “Angels” to serve the cause of John, the Baptist
preparing the natural sons of Man, the Mordant for our Supernatural New Cloth
untouched by human hands.
I believe that Angel Stephen, the first Martyr was
one of the Seventy. Here, it is worth pointing out that as at the times of
Jesus, the local Rabbi still ruled, so Jesus and His Labourers had to go for
Wilderness whereas the Sikhs of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji remained at home leading
their family lives. John, the Baptist was the Last Ideal Rabbi on earth and
after him no Law or sins but hypocrisy prevailed.
Thus, the Labourers of Jesus who first founded the
Church of God headed by Christ Jesus sold all their belongings to share a
perfect communal life Free of any attraction of Mammon as Sadhus do in the
Wilderness. Or in Jesus, if you want to be a Royal Priest of the order of
Melchizedik, then you should have no attraction for Mammon. Remember that you
cannot serve Mammon and God and that is what the First Labourers of Jesus did.
They had an administrator in the name of Stephen, who looked after their moral
issues as the Rabbis did in the Synagogues. He was performing the marriage
ceremony and baptising the Jewish men in water in the name of Abraham, which
infuriated the Temple Priests who were making people Jews outwardly. They were
catching a Gentile and by circumcising and putting the Millstone of rituals
around his neck, they would proclaim him to be a Jew of appearance. And then,
they will tell him that as we are sons of Abraham and so you have become a son
of Abraham as well, a super bastard fanatic devil – John 8v44.
Now, Abraham was a Semite by race. How could a
Gentile of say Aryan race become a son of Abraham just through circumcision,
the Tribal Mark or covenant of Abraham to Isaac and his seed only? So, they were
making fake sons of Abraham and Angel Stephen exposed their lucrative
business in Mammon that annoyed them the most. They were putting fingers in
their ears and grinding their teeth to kill Stephen for exposing their
hypocrisy in the Temple during his great speech. Today, these fake circumcised
sons of Isaac, the Mohammedans, are many and they have become their blood
thirsty. So, the Jews outwardly, the Temple Priests created this army of fake
sons of Isaac and so, let them face their own enemies. That is why John, the
Baptist called the Temple Priests a Brood of Vipers. The same applies to people
of other nations who replaced their tribal identity with Hindu, Sikh, Muslim,
Labour, Conservative, Communist, etc. and by doing so, they also become “super
bastard fanatic devils”, the Tares, as you see them in action during the
sectarian riots when they kill their own tribal brethren under the fake cover
of Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, etc.
This planet earth of Adam belongs to the sons of
Adam, the tribal people and those who would severe their tribal links with
their tribes, they will all die like flies. That is why those 144000 who would
be saved are all mentioned by their tribes and not as Jews. Jew being the
spiritual self, not a single Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. is born or died
during the sectarian riots but the tribal people.
So, that was the reason for killing Angel Stephen
sitting in the seat of John, the Baptist, the Angel of Israel and Prophet
Elijah (My god is Yahweh). When the Messianic Jews took over the Church of God
by jumping over the walls like a Thief, they bring in the forbidden Jewish
leaven, the Old Testament, the dead letters or old wine to poison the Church of
God. Gospel is Preached like a Sower and when the Roving Royal Priests visited
such corrupt Churches, their self-styled Bishop in the fashion of the Temple
Priests threw them out to make the Churches the Synagogues of Satan as outlined
by Jesus in Matt. 12v43-45: 43 “When an impure spirit (the sacked Temple
Priests of evil spirit) comes out of a person, it goes through arid (no one
trusts them) places seeking rest (their old job of husbandman) and does not
find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left (Church of God
established by the hypocrite Messianic Jews).’ When it arrives, it finds the
house unoccupied (there was no Priest among them because they were all set Free
by Jesus and had become the sons of Most High Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc.,
the Royal Priests), swept clean and put in order (clean-hearted people who sold
their possessions to join the community). 45 Then it goes and takes with it
seven other spirits (establishes a system similar to the destroyed Temple made
by human hands by appointing seven Church Deacons, copy of Menorah) more wicked
than itself (see how the people fight for the position of Pope), and they go in
and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.
That is how it will be with this wicked generation. That is, the present
Dog-Collared and robed Priests in Churches being not hereditary as the Rabbis
used to be, they are just irresponsible opportunists seeking the praises of the
people, their paymasters, by delivering happy going sugar-coated Sermons of
As the congregation is made up of the three layers
of flour, hylics, psychic and pneumatics, there was grumbling over such matters
as to the distribution of food. This problem was resolved by the Apostles in
Acts 6.1-4:".....Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men (and
not a single "woman" because these seven were in the name of John,
the Baptist) of honest report, full of the holy ghost
and wisdom, which we may appoint over this business. But we will give ourselves
continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word". So, among themselves
the seven deacons elected a Bishop or a supervisor and the deacons were
encouraged to teach the moral laws of Moses to the natural sons of Man but they
were not permitted to Preach 'His Word' as the Preachers could not be the
resident members of the congregation but the roving Saints who went from Church
to Church ironing out the spiritual problems of the congregations and Their
praises rested not with people but with our Father God Who had Ordained Them
into His Service. Here, I can smell a rat as the Apostles being the Sons of our
Supernatural Father; they would not interfere in the natural problems among the
members of the Church. The only Apostle who could advise them was Peter who had
the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and He killed two liars, the rotten eggs,
Ananias and Saphira, who wanted to join this Fold headed by Christ Jesus. Liars
and hypocrites belonged to the other Fold of hypocrites such as most of the
present Churches that have hireling Dog-Collared Priests working as the secular
people like the others in army or police with uniforms and retire at a certain
So, all the administrators of the Church of God
were male based upon the general principle; what applies to "flesh",
the opposite applies to "spirit"; the moral teachers (Matt.13.52) for
their responsibility are to be of male sex only. Before the arrival of Jesus,
the hereditary moral teachers used to be of Levi tribe but as they had become
corrupt, the moral teachers could be males of any tribe. Just the opposite, the
Preachers of Gospel in our Supernatural Father of our minds, MUNN or Nafs, are
to be non-hereditary and non-resident persons of either sex i.e. a woman cannot
teach the moral laws but she can Preach 'His Word'. Further, the teachers of
moral laws have to be authoritarian in the manner of John, the Baptist, who
publicly denounced the marriage of Philip's wife with Herod - Matt.14.3 or
Peter who killed two liars trying to join the Fold of Jesus; whereas the
Preachers of Jesus or the Saints of God have to be humble and loving servants.
Thus, Peter was assigned the Duty of Gatekeeper to the Church of God to ward
off the liars and hypocrites from the Fold. That is, liars and hypocrites are
not interested in glorifying God in honour of Christ Jesus but they being
psychics seek their own praises leading to anti-Christ activities.
Above all, if a Preacher of Gospel becomes a
resident member of the congregation, he may seek his own praises as these false
Vicars, Apostles and Prophets are doing in the Churches today. These hireling
Dog-Collared Priests of Mammon happily bless the soldiers of Mammon who died
fighting for their kings and countries and they will encourage them by
pronouncing that they have glorified God, our merciful and loving Father. Thus,
what will Jesus think of St. Paul's cathedral in London that is full of the
heroes of Mammon? - Matt.7.21. Whilst the Salvation Army people are men of God
and no statue was allowed in to St. Paul’s Cathedral of Church of England
headed by Queen. The soldiers of Salvation Army people would not take guns and
those who died serving in Military were proclaimed as to have died for the King
and country and not to glorify God, which makes sense.
Further, the members of the Church community used
to go to town to help people in their jobs but they never asked for payment.
Remember after the death of Jesus, Apostle Thomas sent Judas Thaddeus, one
of the Seventy, who healed King Abgarus and his suffering brethren but he
refused to accept the parting gift from the King that he himself has given all
that belonged to him then why he should accept gifts from others? For the
Church members, every day was a Sabbath best celebrated through philanthropy to
glorify our Father in honour of Christ Jesus.
So, these hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the
Churches have nothing to do with Christ Jesus but with the Temple High Priest
and his stooges from the yoke of which Christ Jesus set us Free
by offering his own sacrifice as the Lamb of God that replaced the yearly scape
goats offered by the crook Temple Priests – Matt 12v43-45.
Thus, soon after the death of Angel Stephen, the
crook Messianic Jews were attacking the Church of God and they succeeded soon
after the deaths of St. James, the Just and other Apostles. In 64 A.D., all the
just people of Jerusalem had left for Mount Pereira as there was none left to
defend them. So, the Jews created a similar atmosphere as it was during the
destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and Lot with his family had left them to let
them face the consequences of their evil deeds.
So, the corruptions and malpractices of bishops in
the early churches were the main reasons for banning the Preachers from such
churches and the Preachers resorted to the opening of monasteries in order to
carry on with their work of Preaching the Gospel to
the seekers of 'His Word'. Without the Preachers or the Spirit of God, the
bishops started to concentrate upon the studies of the dead "letters"
of the New Testament and their presbyteries produced "men of
letters", who were worse off than those Rabbis of the Moses. The present
universities are the legacy of those presbyteries and their theologians are "super
donkeys carrying Holy Books".
The Preachers of Jesus called the bishops "waterless
canals" for immorality and it were their dreams of secular kingdom of
Jesus similar to King David that those blind bishops led their congregations
into pit i.e. persecution. Further, the corrupt bishops formulated 'creeds' to
put their blind members of congregation into the straitjackets of slavery that
was worse than that of the corrupt priests of Moses from the yoke of which
Jesus had liberated us. The present churches are the legacy of the old corrupt
churches and the recent example of enforcing rules and regulations formulated
by the Free Presbyterian Church on Lord Mackay was an act of enslaving in which
the word "Free" carried no "Freedom" with it. How would
such a church react if Jesus happened to attend a synagogue!!!
Now, the letters of Moses caused little Darkness,
but the letters of the New Testament have caused a much greater Darkness. Thus,
God stands for love and service whereas the bishops of Mammon not only blessed
the war ships but they also encouraged the soldiers of Mammon to kill and rule
over others. The booties of wars, and not the hard-earned wealth, helped the
corrupt bishops to build their beautiful churches that attracted full houses of
their blind Christians of the dead letters. The same booties also helped the
people to build up their industries and the resultant fruit of Mammon, the
armaments, are being exported to the poor of the world who kill each other i.e.
arms are sold by the right hand and alms are given by the left. But in Jesus,
those who take to the sword will die of the sword. Thus, the sophisticated
weapons that the West, America and Russia are producing they are doing so for
their own destruction on Third Judgement Day expected soon after Israel is
Seventy Years Old i.e. after May, 2018. There will be five more years of
grace. Our Father knows the Best.
Therefore, establish universal Churches of God in
honour of Saints and let the outspoken Preachers of God help you to cleanse
your hearts of hypocrisy. The Preachers of God being predestined, they do not
stand in the need of any ordination by men and it is only the deacons, the
administrators, who require the ordination of men to whom they are to serve and
to be responsible for their performances.
The present Dark Age of Christ is a “Golden
Age” for the people of "spirit" and those who will establish
their covenant with our Father in "spirit" shall not be born again
i.e. in Adam (once-born) we die but in Jesus, the Second Adam YeShua
(twice-born), we are made alive. Also, after the advent of Gospel, you cannot
blame anyone for misleading you as you yourself will give your own account to
God - Rom.14.12.
For the sake of your gnosis, Christ Nanak has also
defined this Dark Age as a time of "Holy Spirit" in which you go by
your own “innerman”, the Christ and make holy spirit called Surtti, “common
sense”, the student of Holy Spirit or the Will of our Father.
Chapter 19
Real Shariah-Free Islam of
Allah (Sun).
Jesus and Nanak Preached Islam. This may sound
extremely odd to many but the few chosen, who understand the New Testament and
The AD-GRANTH SAHIB by "spirit" know it very well that Gospel is
actually centred on "Islam of Allah".
Islam stands for one's "Submission to the
Will of God" i.e. to the Righteousness of God and not to the wills or
edicts (Fatwas) of Mullahs (InshMullah), Popes (InshPope), or the other
so-called priestly imposters such as Dai Lama, Jathedars, Radha Swami, etc.,
who impose their own righteousness upon others or take a stand between man and
God. Jesus presents an excellent example of "Islam" in Luke 9.51-56:
And it came to pass, when the time was come that He should be received up, He
steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem. And sent messengers before His
face; and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make
ready for Him. And they did not receive Him, because His face was as though He
would go to Jerusalem. And when His Workers/Friends James and John saw this,
they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and
consume them, even as Elias did? But He turned, and rebuked them, and said Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of
Man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to
another village.
Now, I can smell a rat. These Jews are enemies of
Samaritans because their land was more productive than those of the Chosen
People. Moreover, they had a spiritual standard than the Jews of the Book, the
rotten Torah full of holes, corruption. Samaritans would laugh at Jews dressed
in shawl and other clothing reading the holy books without understanding spiritually
for their Rabbis were spiritually blind or the Oral Torah knowledge was ZERO.
The Parable of the Samaritan woman at well amply reflects their spirituality
identifying Jesus to be more than a Prophet. Did any Jews appreciate the Gospel
so much as this Samaritan woman? The answer is NO.
That is Jesus did not impose His own will or
righteousness but left the villagers to the Will of God in which the person has
absolute "Freedom" either to accept His Will, "Islam" and
enjoy the Peace of Mind or to reject it like the Jews and make the world a
living hell. This is the true definition of "Islam" and if we define
religion as one's duty towards God, then we say the religion of Jesus was
Islam; whilst the present Pope, Bishops, priests, Mullahs, or other religious
imposters who impose their own views upon others through edicts and Fatwas have
nothing to do with The "Islam" of Allah or God that supports
"humanity" but they are rather the Blind guides of the blind leading
their fanatic super bastard flocks into pits of deaths or the clever psychics,
the sons of the most high Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa represented in Mina by Satan
leaning against a hillock of super bastard fanatic devils, who are leading
their blind followers into strife and killing for secular possessions.
The same has been stressed by Satguru (Christ)
Nanak Dev Ji in the last verse of the first stanza of Japji Sahib, "Hukum
Razian Chalna, Nanak Likhia Naal" i.e. the Way to Salvation or
resurrection in this Golden Dark Age of Christ is to go by the Will of God and
in addition to it there is pre-destination that also plays part.
In fact, this Dark Age as it has already been
stressed is the Age of "spirit" and not of the "works"
anymore as it used to be when the Rabbis and the Pandits were honest and true
to Matt.13.52: He said to them, "Therefore every teacher of the law who
has become a Worker in the kingdom of heaven (John, the Baptist who became
Eunuch for the Royal Kingdom of God) is like the owner of a house who brings
out of his storeroom of knowledge new treasures His Word or the Oral Torah) as
well as old, the written Scriptures." Rabbis and the Brahmins on becoming
corrupt and in-efficient, then our Father God sent His very Sons, the anointed
Christs in the names of Jesus and Nanak to Preach the Gospel, called the Good
News because it is always received through logical reasoning called
revelations. God being spirit, so only the predestined people of
"spirit" can understand Gospel. People of spirit are rare to come by
and this is amply reflected in asking the so-called Christians, Sikhs, Hindus,
etc. whether they believed in Islam or not?
Most of them, especially the academicians, will say "no".
In brief, initiation into "Islam" takes
place through the ceremony of "HAJJ" which is to make only the male
children of 12 to 16 years of age "faithful to their tribal father
Ilah" or the "sons of Man". Only the "sons of Man",
Ba-Ilah could become the "sons of God" through the grace of Allah.
Thus, by becoming a "son of Man", the person just approaches the
"threshold" of Islam or say Islama, Eeman hath not entered your heart
The aim of Islam is to make the people
"Mussallman". The word "Mussallman" stands for
"Mussallum - firm; Eeman - faith in Allah". Thus, a true Mussallman
is expected to be a person of conscience called shame, Sharm or Heeya and he
needs to be "truthful, which is the raw or Kacha Eeman, and contented,
which is the firm or Pukka Eeman”. Such a Mussallman earns the Treasures of
Allah through Merciful deeds as the Samaritan man who picked up the wounded
person did.
Now, Allah is Al-Raheem and so a merciful person
becomes the son of Most High Allah. And this is how Satguru Nanak Dev Ji
defined a "Mussallman": "Mussallman Moom dil howae, Anttar di
Mall dil tae Dhowae" i.e. a true Mussallman is a "merciful"
person who washes the "internal filth" of the five evil temptations
of heart over his "heart" with the Soap of “His Word”.
Thus, all the shameful, "truthful",
"contented", called the "Royal Kings" and
"merciful" people of the world for being going by the "Will of
God" and not imposing or going by their own wills go by the tenets of
"ISLAM". Therefore, "ISLAM" is the universal religion of
all the people having "Firm Faith in God" i.e. their own wisdom is
"she" to That of God. In fact, Islam being the Religion of Allah
(Al-Ilah), the Primary Source of Gospel i.e. "SUN", the Mullahs,
Popes, and the others have no place in True Islam and in Islam, it is the
cleanliness of the heart reflected by one's conscience or NEEYAT (intentions)
that counts and not the idle "works". So, in Islam
one's conscience, in which "one treats others as he wishes to be
treated", bears "fruit".
Therefore, a true "merciful" Mussallman
never kills or robs another person for the sake of his property or imposes his
own views upon the others. Therefore, the past invaders in the name of
"Islam" being "cruel" were nowhere near a true
"Mussallman" but they were rather the infidels or Kafirs. At this End
Time is the time for them to pay the cost of their past cruelties.
A typical example will clarify the above concept.
Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded India and he was taking
the booty of material wealth as well as women away. The Khalsas of the Royal
King Gobind Singh Ji could tolerate the material loot of this infidel invader
but not the honour (PATT) of the people, the women being taken away as booty.
As the Khalsas are to preserve the "PATT" or honour of the people, so
they intercepted the invader and in the ensuing battle, they made Ahmad Shah
Abdali to run for his life and in the process, some of his queens were left
behind. As the Khalsas are solitary purely spiritual Soldiers of Akal Purakh,
God, who have devoted their lives for philanthropy and justice in which you
enforce "Islam", they treated the queens as their sisters and
returned them safe and sound back to Ahmad Shah Abdali. That was a great
surprise for the infidel Ahmad Shah Abdali of Afghanistan. Now, in this
example, we shall term the "Khalsas" as true philanthropic
Mussallmans. Today, Afghanistan is repaying the cost of their past atrocities.
Similarly, the Kashmiri Mullahs killed the last Christ in the name of Satguru
Tegh Bahadur Ji and today they are being grounded between the two countries,
India and Pakistan.
Thus, to be a true Mussallman is not a joke and
the true believers or Workers of Christ Jesus and Christ Nanak are also the
"true Mussallmans", who have conscience and they are contented with
their lots capable of performing merciful deeds.
As in Allah, people pay for their past
"deeds" within a short span of time, so the present sufferings of
people could be the result of their past "deeds". No wonder the poor
countries that were the subject of oppressions in the past, shall inherit the
"Royal Kingdom of God".
Finally, the origin of Allah is from “Ilah”, the
tribal natural god. Thus, Al-Ilah, the Father, our Supernatural Father of our
supernatural self “soul” is “Allah”. Therefore, Allah and his sons Mussallmans
are related to our hearts, “inwardly” and not outwardly to which “Ilah” is concerned.
In short, the tribal people are born and the tribal people die and not the
spiritual Hindu, Jew, Muslim, Sikh, etc. In fact, the crook Messianic Jews
entered the Church of God with their deadly Leaven, the Scriptures, the old
wine and made people spiritually dead. Apostles were not only rejected by such
Churches but they killed them by throwing the Apostles before the animals to be
eaten alive. Emperor Constantine and his stooges killed many of them; mostly
the Gentiles who Preached Gospel from Rooftops or towers.
There was a Monk called Bahira who used to serve
food to the travellers and Hazrat Mohammed Sahib used to enjoy his company.
After inspiration, Hazrat Mohammed Sahib sorted out the cruel Jews but they
soon overpowered his Fold as they did of Christ Jesus to carry on with their
Jewish malpractices. They introduced circumcision, the tribal mark of Abraham
to Isaac and his seed, Koshar called Halall, Kippa, the small cap over the head
worn by Bishops and Pope, etc., which they could not in the Church of God
except Kippa.
If Hazrat Mohammed Sahib had not put a halt to the
malpractices and atrocities of Popes, then the whole world would have suffered.
Martin Luther recently resisted to the malpractices of Pope setting people Free
to have religious debates. In 1469, the Second coming of Jesus took place in
the Punjab, my home province and I feel very lucky to be born to an outspoken
family of Jatt tribe very much devoted to God.
Atrocities of infidel Mohammedans led to the
appearance of our Father Himself in the name of Royal King Gobind Rai and I
will explain that in my Chapter on the Four religious
Communities of India.
Chapter 20
Nanak, the Second coming
of Jesus.
The blind guides of the DEAD "letters"
especially the hireling Dog-Collared Priests OF Mammon in the Churches make
most people believe that Christ Jesus shall appear again but very unfortunately
the qualities of "Christ" are not perceived by many of them. Christ
cannot be perceived unless God blesses the person with discerning "holy
spirit" or common sense to do so. You will be unbelievably surprised to
know that the second anointed Christ came in India in the name of "Satguru
Nanak Dev Ji" in 1469 and his Apostles Preached Gospel for 150 years!!! I
will ponder over Sikhism in a separate chapter.
"Christ" stands for the "Royal
Priest of our Royal Father God" and in Panjabi, He is called a
"Satguru", the "Spiritual Preacher". So, we call Satguru
Nanak Dev Ji as the "Christ Nanak" and His coming was predicted by
Christ Jesus in Matt.24.27: For as the lightning cometh out of the East and
shineth even unto the West; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. That is why Jesus folded his Napkin as if he has not
finished his Job yet – John 20v7: …. And the face cloth,
which had been on Jesus’ head, not lying with the linen cloths but folded up in
a place by itself.
But why the anointed "Christ" first came
in the Middle East and then in the East? This is because the Chosen People
especially of the Judah tribe had become Jews of appearance or outwardly as
today you call people with beard and turban as Sikhs, etc. During the times of
King David, Judah was a tribe but these clever people became predominant in the
Temple and propagated their own religious self “Judaism” and then made it
synonymous with Jews. This is also a proof that the people of Judah tribe had a
better spiritual knowledge than the people of Levi tribe specially designate by
Moses to be the Teachers of Moral Laws or Ten Commandments. Or the people of
Judah tribe almost totally became Jews of physical self or outwardly. Now,
tribe (water) is the seed of your tribal elders which you cannot change or you
become a super bastard Devil –John 8v44 - of your own will. That is why St.
Paul defined a Jew as inwardly of heart or spiritual and not outwardly of flesh
or tribal.
So, when the people of Judah tribe became Jews
outwardly, they changed their “tribal seed Judah” to Jew. By doing so, they
broke their tribal link with Abraham who was a Semite and not a Jew outwardly.
In fact, before the arrival of Jesus, these Jews of Judah tribe were all-in-all
in the Temple and they dominated all the other tribal people including the Levi
who performed the duties of “Cohen” in the Temple. Any Cohen who didn’t obey
them, they killed him.
Further, they started to distinguish Jews
outwardly from the Gentiles and created a division in the Temple Court by
erecting a small partition wall. Jews would sit in front and the Gentiles stay
behind the wall. They will have special shawl and clothing to distinguish them
from the Gentile. Sensible Gentile would laugh at those hypocrites whilst the
foolish rich Gentiles expressed desires to join their fold for they too were
rich like these Masons through cheating the poor. For joining their fold, Jews
would stipulate certain rules and regulations or rituals. One of the rituals
was circumcision, the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and his “seed” only.
Thus, by circumcising the Gentile they were made Jews outwardly as today, we
have Mohammedans and then from Jew they will proclaim their victim the son of
Abraham. How could a Gentile be a son of Abraham? Or they were producing fake
sons of Abraham which Angel Stephen exposed in his great speech in the Temple.
The hypocrites were putting fingers in their ears and grinding their teeth to
kill him; that they succeeded in stoning him to death. So, today those
Mountains of super bastard fanatic devils in Iran, India and Pakistan are their
Now, Abraham was a righteous Noble man and these
crook hypocrite Temple Priests were no match to him. People of Judah tribe
topped the hypocrites and thus, they were very spiritually sick people that
needed the Spiritual Doctor Christ Jesus the Most. Nowhere else in the world,
people could beat these sons of Satan and that was the reason for Christ Jesus
to appear among the people of Judah tribe through a Virgin Birth because they
had become super bastard fanatic devils unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh – John
8v44: You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your
father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the
truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language,
for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Further, in this Dark Age opposite happens to the
past enlightened Ages. For example, in the enlightened Age of Angels, the Treta
Yug, King David and his people of Judah tribe were Angelic like those of the
King Ravan of Lanka - Matt.13.52 - and for law and order such Kingdoms were
heaven to live in. The opposite happens in this Dark Age; Lanka (secular) is
called Sri (Celestial) Lanka, i.e. highly spiritual, but instead of heaven, it
is a living example of "Hell" and hypocrites.
In the same way, in the Middle East King David and
his people of "Judah" tribe were very religious people but to-day
they are the most spiritually sick people of all who needed the Spiritual
Doctor Christ Jesus the most. Jesus called them the Lost Sheep out of the
hundred and He spent his life time to redeem them but they rather betrayed
(Judas Iscariot) and killed Him. The degree of hypocrisy that prevailed in the
Temple is clear how they blasphemed against Jesus at his trial before King
In India, the people of Khatri tribe were the most
spiritually sick people of all and Christ Nanak took birth among them but again
they hated, tortured and killed those Who carried on
His Mantel. In fact, the Khatris
especially of the Kashmir valley who became Mohammedans were the worst of all
most powerful sons of Satan AL-DJMAAR AL-AKSAS.
So, the Gospels Preached by Christ Jesus and
Christ Nanak are the same but meant for the people of differing intellect and
the Jerusalem’s “Holiest of Holy Temple” that was destroyed for ever in 70 A.D.
has been replaced by the "Golden Temple" of Amritsar, which is, at
present, highly infested by the Mammon worshippers. But why the people are in
the "Dark" about these simple facts?
Most people have the notion that the universities
harbour highly intelligent theologians and, therefore, they just take their
views as final. But this is not so as the university theologians are the most
stupid and arrogant people that an ordinary working sensible person can come
across. Universities can only teach dead "letters" whereas the New
Testament or "His Word" is to be studied in living "holy
spirit", which is received in measures by the individual through the
"grace" of God.
God being "Spirit", only the ordinary
"men" of spirit, and not the people of flesh drunk with the old wine
of the dead “letters”, can perceive Him through Gospel - Thomas Logo 114: Simon
Peter (the only once-born Labourer or Bosom Friend of flesh) said to them: Let
Mary go out from among us, because women are not worthy of the Life. Jesus
said: See I shall lead her, so that I will make her male, that she too may
become a living spirit, resembling you males. For every woman who makes herself
male will enter the Royal Kingdom of God. This Parable is not an easy one to
grasp as it is beyond the capabilities of the theologians of letters. Yet the
ordinary sensible people can grasp it after its exposition but that too depends
upon the grace of God.
In fact, "spirit" called Surtti in
Punjabi is nothing else but "common sense", which the persons of the
dead "letters" highly lack as they always wrestle with letters - the
Parable of wounded person and the Samaritan - St. Luke 10.30-37: And Jesus
answering said, "A certain man went down from Jerusalem (after performing
the pilgrimage at the Temple full of the psychic "cheats") to
Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded
him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
And by chance there came down a certain Priest
(well versed in the dead "letters" of the law but lacking the living
"spirit", “common sense”, as those who objected to Jesus healing
people on Sabbath) that way; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other
side (he was not interested in the welfare of the people other than those that
were in his parish or of his own kind and also he had to go by the dead letters
of the "book" and not by the living spirit of "heart", the
Seat of God or of Holy Spirit). And likewise a Levite (who had become Mammon
worshippers rather than God and, therefore, had lost track of their duties),
when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other
side (because in Mammon worshipping, there is no place for "mercy",
the inherent quality of the men of God for you may have to spend money to look
after him).
But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came
where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion on him. And went to him,
and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast,
and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he
departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him,
Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will
repay thee – an act of thorough philanthropy.
Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was
neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? And he said, He that showed
mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise".
Thus, the Samaritan who was not drunk with the old
wine of the dead "letters" of Scriptures went by his living heart,
the seat of mercy and that was the main reason why Jesus chose the ordinary
working people as His close-circle Labourers and none of the
"donkeys" carrying the holy books could be a suitable Labourer - Luke
7.36-50, the invitation of arrogant Pharisee Simon.
So, the present "super donkeys" of the
dead letters carrying Holy Books have no place in the ministry of Jesus but
rather they play a very important role in the ministry of Mammon to misguide
the spiritually dead people through their university degrees in the letters.
Further, as regards the men of letters are
concerned, the Rabbis, Pharisees, etc. especially at the times of Jesus were
well advanced in the dead letters than the present university professors in
theology and you are well aware how foolishly they used to react to Gospel
which Jesus was preaching -Thomas Logo 28: Jesus said: "I took my stand in
the midst of the world i.e. Middle East, and in flesh I appeared to them; I found
them all drunk (with the old wine of the dead letters), I found none among them
athirst. And my soul was afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind
in their hearts (spiritually) and do not see that empty they have come into the
world and that empty they seek to go out of the world again. But now they are
drunk. When they have shaken off their wine (left dependence on the letters of
holy books), then will they repent that they have missed the Golden Chance to
earn their Salvation. Christ appears only in the Dark Age and human birth is
the best way to seek Salvation by Preaching Gospel".
Thus, those who try to Preach Gospel in spirit
create uproar among the men of the dead letters. In fact, the
"letters" being the old wine, only the old skins (people grown old
drinking it such as the orthodox or the conservative) can contain whilst the
New Wine of Jesus that is to be brewed afresh every day through "holy
spirit" needs new skins (people with liberal views and capability of
"logical reasoning") to contain.
Thus, for Jesus and His Labourers/Friends, the
learned Rabbis, Pharisees, etc. were just "donkeys" carrying the Holy
Books but the present university theologians, who specialise in the letters of
both the old and the New Testaments, are nothing else but the "Super
Donkeys" carrying the "Most Holy Book", the New Testament. These
super donkeys are so drunk with the old wine of the letters that if an ordinary
person of spirit tells them the spiritual exposition of Gospel, they not only
hate him but they also brand him a "Super Heretic".
For example, the Samaritan woman at well, John 4
was a highly moral and spiritual person, who had overpowered the five spiritual
husbands called the evil temptations of heart, which were: 1. Lust for sex
(Kaam), 2. Anger (Karodh), 3. Greed (Lobh), 4. Worldly
temptations (Moh) and the fifth and the last one Pride of her religious
knowledge (Hankaar). The above names of these five spiritual husbands are well
known to the Indian professors of theology but they too being well blind-folded
by the old wine of the dead letters, they cannot perceive things beyond their
own fields of study. These five are further stressed by Jesus in Thomas Logo
16: ....For there shall be five in a house (physical body): three (“Ego” related
- lust for sex, anger and pride of the religious knowledge gained by the dead
"letters") shall be against two (“Mind” related - greed and worldly
temptations) and two against three, the father against the son and the son
against the father, and they shall stand as solitary. It is only in the house
dominated by Christ or the "holy ghost" that all the five are under
control and the house is at "Peace" and the person is
Finally, the present Dark Age is not of the
"works" but of the "spirit" in which God Who is a
"Spirit" is to be worshipped in Truth (SATT) and "holy
spirit" that leads to "contentment", the chief Aim of Gospel.
Spirit being common sense, only a few living people can understand Gospel in
"spirit" whilst the "dead" in spirit take to the letters of
the New Testament. All that is happening in the world is taking place according
to the "Will of God", which only the "men" of holy spirit can understand. So, please wake up and ponder
over the message of love that Jesus has proclaimed.
Chapter 21
Virgin Birth of Jesus – Proofs.
Many people know that Jesus was born of a Virgin in
the manger of an Inn situated in Bethlehem, the birth place of King David, the
lion of Judah tribe, and that He died a very humiliating death on the cross at
a place much haunted and feared by people. But why it happened so?
Why the Virgin Birth? - The answer is very simple to the
twice-born people of "spirit", who are capable of
"perceiving" and “intuition” based upon logical reasoning. At the
same time it is well beyond the apprehension of the once-born people of
"flesh", who are capable of "seeing" only and they believe
what they could see or prove in material terms or scientifically. Thus, they
take the Holy Books by the dead "letters". No wonder such people are
also called the “people of Book” and they address Super Servant Christ
Jesus as Lord Jesus Christ so that they too could Lord over the others in His
Our Elder Brother Christ Jesus, the First anointed
Christ (Satguru) of God was to appear among the people of Judah tribe who at
the times of King David were highly religious people and had a good knowledge
of the Holy Books such as Torah. They used to obey the moral laws of Moses to
the very "letters" and for their religious devotions; they were called
the "angelic people" or Devtas. But the act of "adultery"
by King David was a "sin" that put the people of Judah tribe to a
great "shame".
However, in this Dark Age, things happen
"opposite" to the past "enlightened" Ages. Thus, the most
religious people of Judah tribe become the "highly" satanic people
(misusers of the religious knowledge) of all the tribes of Isaac and they
turned the shameful act of "adultery" by their King David into an act
of great pride to be boasted off publicly with such an "arrogance"
that if our King David did it, so why couldn’t we do it in the
"steps" of our great King David. In short, the people of the Judah
tribe were too clever for the rest of the tribes of Isaac.
The nature of these satanic people of Judah tribe
was well illustrated in Judas Iscariot, the only twice-born evil-spirited
Labourer of Judah tribe who, like his forefathers, was well versed in the
“letters” and accounts but a liar – John 8v44. It was he who begged Jesus to
take him on for his literary skills, especially to handle the
"purse". The Omniscient Jesus knew his love of Mammon and his
smartness culminated in taking a bribe of 30 Shackles to deceive Jesus. By the
time of Last Supper, every Labourer knew the character of Judas Iscariot too well
to be told and so, at the Last Supper Jesus rebuked Judas Iscariot and threw
him out for his smartness and dirty heart before He started to baptised the
rest of His eleven Labourers in the Last Supper rites of sacrifice.
Further, people knew that Jesus has come in the
line of King David among these greedy satanic people of Judah tribe, who had
become the bad characters as outlined by Jesus in John 8v44. But
when a woman saw Jesus doing good benevolent “deeds” worthy of the qualities
(salt) of old King David, then she remarked, “You are a real son of David” in
qualities but not in quantity or in flesh. Remember that Jesus healed
many Jewish people but hardly any one of them thanked him whilst a Gentile, who
was healed not only thanked Jesus but he also accompanied him.
Whilst the Gentiles who were considered by the
smart people of the BOOK, the so called Jews, to be the "simpletons",
the “stones” called “Goyeishi Koppa”, they became the great religious people of
"spirit", the Saints and earned the fame that organisations like the
present "Good Samaritan" openly speak of. That is why Jesus lived at
Galilee for the men of dead letters thought they were stupid people.
Now, the tribal "identity" of
"flesh" establishes one's link or "covenant" with our
ancestors or Adam and by doing so one becomes a "son of Man", which
Jesus termed as the "wheat" plants, that our heavenly father, the
demiurge "creator" Yahweh, had planted in this field of world - Matt.
13.24-30. But if you hide or severe your tribal link with your ancestors as the
people at present are doing so by becoming the so-called Sikh, Muslim,
Christian, Protestant, Catholic, Jew, etc. of the "flesh" or
appearances and not remaining of their "hearts" or
"spirit", then such people become the "tares" or the
"sons of Most High Satan", the super bastard fanatic Devils – John
8v44: You belong to your father, the super bastard fanatic devils, and you want
to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not
holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his
native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies and they perform
"bastardly" deeds befitting Satan that creates "hell" as it
is being done in the Middle East today.
This distinction between the "flesh" and
the "spirit" St. Paul clarified in His Saying, "A Jew is one who
is inwardly (of the heart or spirit) and not outwardly (of the flesh or
tribe)". About these "tares" Jesus, said, "Every plant
(person), which my heavenly father, the creator, Yahweh, did not Plant (has
lost his tribal identity of flesh or has severed his link or covenant with
Adam, ancestors, or Abraham) shall be uprooted (killed) along with the
"roots", the fanatic supporters”. Christ Nanak Dev Ji stressed this
in His Saying, “BEEO BEEJ (those who keep covenant with their tribal elders)
PATT LAE GAYAE (would have their family honour intact)……………….”
Here, it is
worth mentioning that the great Church Father (Fake) Origen could not establish
the covenant of Jews of flesh with Abraham as he was taking Jew as a physical
self, outwardly, and not the spiritual self, inwardly. Or the people in general
at the times of Jesus most people didn’t know that Jew is a spiritual self and
not the physical. That is, almost all the people of Judah tribe had become Jews
outwardly, the Tares, the sons of Most High Satan
Al-Djmar Al-Aksa. Only remnant knew that Jew is a spiritual self and they
presented themselves to John, the Baptist for Baptism in the name of Abraham.
It was this tribal covenant with Abraham that Angel
Stephen, the first Bishop of the Church of God was trying to explain and
establish before the high priest or the chief Rabbi in the Temple, the Master
Viper, that the Satan ordered his mountain of "super bastard fanatic
devils" to stone him to death. Saul of conscience tried to stop them from
stoning Angel Stephen to death but his plea was not accepted by the Devils –
John 8v44.
So, when Jesus was born most of the Jews,
especially of the Judah tribe, were the Jews of "flesh", the
"tares", which, the creator, our heavenly father, did not plant and
he does not want to know. Such "tares" were not worthy of the
"baptism" of John in water and He stressed that by branding them a
"brood" of vipers. These "vipers", the spiritually sick
people especially of the Judah tribe needed Jesus, the Great Spiritual Doctor, the most and, therefore, Jesus took birth among them, the
“tares”, not in a normal way but of a "Virgin".
Why in the manger of the Inn? -
Now, "Inn" is symbolic of the "Church of God" in that
as an "inn" is open to general public for the physical rest, so is
the "Universal Church of God", open to the people of all
nationalities and colours for the "spiritual" rest or regeneration.
Further, in the Church of God, our Supernatural Father of our souls, unlike the
Church of England, where the King/Queen of Mammon is the head, the lowest or
the greatest Servant, and not a Lord, is the Head of the Church. So Jesus, our
Royal High Priest being the Head of our universal Church of God could not be born
anywhere else than the lowest place, the Manger of
the inn and that too among the stable animals, which "serve" people
as the beast of “burden”.
As people are born in the tribal homes of their
fathers, so, this humble Birth of Jesus in the manger of an Inn is an
"implicit" proof that the Father of Christ Jesus was not a normal
tribal father in flesh but Yahweh in Whose Universal House, the Synagogue is
made by human hands; He took His Birth. The stress laid by St. Paul that Jesus
was second Adam born of his heavenly father of Nature Yahweh also confirms His
Virgin Birth. Thus, YeShua (Ye = Yahweh; Shua = Adam) stands for the First Born
of Yahweh, the Second Adam. Mary was his Surrogate Mother and Joseph of Judah
tribe his Foster father.
Here it is worth explaining the Parable that it is
easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than a rich man. Now,
camel serves people and is humble and obedient but a rich man does not serve
people but him rather rules or lords over people. So, it is easier for a camel
to enter into the Royal Kingdom of God than for a rich haughty man – the story
of the proud rich man suffering in hell whilst the humble Lazarus enjoying
heaven in the Bosom of Abraham. That is in God, it is service and humbleness
that counts not the riches of the greedy person.
Now, if Queen, who is the head of Mammon in Great
Britain and she is also the head of the Church of England and the so-called
defender of faith, then if she herself cannot pass through the “eye” of the
needle, how could the others whose faith she is defending will do so? She is
rather the defender of faith in Mammon as her soldiers glorified not God by
defending and expanding her Empire but Mammon; whilst the humble soldiers of
God like the Brother William Booth were rightfully caste out of the Church of
Further, Jesus when He was twelve years old, the
age at which a boy is certain who his father is, stayed behind in Jerusalem in
His Father Yahweh’s House made by human hands whilst Joseph and Mary came
looking for him, is also a proof that His fleshly Father was Yahweh and not a
human one. Remember that the Hajj rites of Abraham used to be for the boys aged
12 to 16 to establish their covenants with their tribal elders and not for the
grown up men or women as it is presently happening reflecting the religious
Darkness. Further, when he became adult to look after His Father Yahweh’s Home,
He turned the tables of the traders telling them that my Father’s House is for
spiritual business of prayer and meditation and not for the secular businesses
of making money through trading.
Now, the death of Jesus became a controversial
issue among the people of BOOK, the so-called Christians. This issue is best
tackled by knowing that whatsoever applies to "flesh", the opposite
applies to the matters of "spirit". Thus, in flesh every one of us
has his own parents whilst in spirit all of us have God as our single Parent,
both Mother and Father. Kings rest their heads in the comforts of their
palaces, whereas our Royal King had no place even to rest His head (There is
another reason in that he was second Adam and he came as “Floating Adam”
leaving no mark on earth). Kings normally die a natural death in the comforts
of their palaces well attended by their courtiers and nobles whilst our Royal
King Jesus was to face an un-natural death of a very humiliating nature at a
place much haunted and feared by the general public and that too in the company
of two criminals; one of "flesh" who asked Jesus to set him free
through His miraculous Powers whilst the other of "holy spirit", who
acknowledged his fate but at the same time he proclaimed that Jesus is dying
for no wrong doing i.e. even the criminals of "holy spirit" knew
Jesus better than the lawyers of dead "letters", the Rabbis. Kings
put on happily very expensive and comfortable crowns made of the artificial
materials whilst our Royal King Jesus was forcibly put upon a very
uncomfortable but befitting crown made of the natural living thorny bush
against His Will. In fact, the death by stoning is not as humiliating and none
of the Apostles met such a humiliating death as Jesus did.
BURIAL CHAMBER: - Finally, people have their family burial
chambers and they bury their generations in the same chamber until full. So,
the burial of Jesus in the newly built chamber also confirms that he had no
worldly family ties and being the Second floating Adam, he was laid in a Virgin
burial chamber that was never used even after his burial. No one was buried in
this Chamber after Jesus also confirms that He had no family and this D’Vinchi
code is a fake. The Hebrew name of Jesus as YeShua or YeShiva speaks for itself
that He was the First Born of Yahweh; Shua or Shiva stands for Primal Adam.
Here, it is worthwhile to mention the Second Coming
of Jesus in the name of Nanak, Who appeared in India in 1469 among the people
of Khatri tribe, who, like the people of Judah tribe, were angelic or Devta
people in the past enlightened Age (TRETA) but they had become the most satanic
people in this Dark Age. But the appearance of the Second anointed Christ,
called "Satguru" in Punjabi, was not of a Virgin, as the people of
the Khatri tribe had not severed their covenant with their ancestors by
becoming the Hindus of flesh or tribe. That is, they remained Khatri tribal
people outwardly. Thus, the spiritually sick people of Khatri tribe, especially
those who became Mullahs and Mohammedans outwardly, were the sworn enemies of
the Satgurus and the Royal Kings. In short, the people of Judah tribe in the
Middle East and of the Khatri tribe in India are great opportunists and they
have a great love for Mammon or "Greed" and, therefore, they
exploited the religious people to their utmost for their selfish motives.
Remember that all the people of a certain tribe cannot be good or bad but in
general a certain trait is dominant among the people of a particular tribe.
Further, in general, people of the West are seeking
God more sincerely than the people of the East but they are mostly blind to the
matters of “spirit”. This is well illustrated in the Parable of the Samaritan
woman at the well – John 4, who had Five husbands, Kaam (immorality), Karodhh
(anger), Lobhh (greed), Moh (material love) and the Last one Hankaar (proud
university theologians of the degrees and the number of books they have
written), a husband living with her but she had overpowered that too in holy
spirit for she engaged Jesus in deep spiritual discussion. But the Book people
take the literal sense and call this most knowledgeable and pious woman (St.
Photina) that Jesus ever met in His ministry as a “prostitute” marrying one
husband after the other.
Unfortunately, the so-called Sikhs of beards and
turbans are familiar with these five husbands but they are incapable of
explaining them to their counterpart Christians of the Book either. Remember
that the word “Sikh” stands for a student of spiritual knowledge and he is
known by what comes out of his own mouth rather than what the Books say. Funny
costumes that are put on by the clerics do not make a person religious but a
hypocrite, that Jesus condemned the most. Remember that how a retired Vicar
proclaimed that he was working for Mammon like a Policeman in his uniform.
So, both in Satguru Jesus and Christ Nanak, it is
the “quality” of speech that counts and not the reciting of the holy verses
from the Holy Books or the dog-collars/robes of hypocrisy in which case they
proclaim to be working for God but they get paid for their labour in the
currency of Mammon.
In Kal Yug or the Dark Age, everyone has to give his
own account to God and those who follow the so-called Sants (Saints) or holy
men blindly are wasting their invaluable life as such false hypocrite Sants
cannot give your account to God. Therefore, go by your own Christ/Satguru, the
“Innerman” or “Anttar Satguru” and experience “Philo Bliss”, “Anand” in the
company of the twice-born people of holy spirit/Surtti.
“Holy spirit, “common sense”, Shatters the fetters of the Dead Letters, Holy Books or
Rom. 14.12: - Live by your own
Christ, the “Innerman”.
No Christ (spirit) in your
heart, no Gospel and no Salvation but Hell in sectarian riots.
Chapter 22
Four Religious Communities
of India.
No religious work would be complete without an
insight into the Four religious communities of India
but at the same time there is no other place in the world where it is greatly
India has produced some excellent Saints but at
the same time, it has produced the greatest number of top quality
"psychics" sons of Satan and for the sake of money, they have greatly
misled the people not so much in the East as in the West. In fact, The
Harmandir Sahib, Golden Temple, in Amritsar is the Only Holiest of Holy Temple
of God in the world that replaced the Original Holiest of Holy of Jerusalem but
to-day it is highly infested with the Mammon worshipping priests best called
the "Robbers". No wonder Jesus was furious at the money changers at
the Temple and turned their tables!!!
Most of the priests in Sikh Temples in U.K. are
here to earn money for their families back home and sometimes they would go to
such extremes of meanness as to be having no shame or conscience. And sometimes
I would tell them that you sing the songs of God but your motive is
"money"; therefore if you yourselves are "Munnmukh", Mammon
worshippers, how could you make the members of congregation
"Gurmukh", God worshippers!!!
The sensible "Gurmukh" Sikhs, if there
be some, should know that these "Munnmukh" Mammon worshipping over
clever Sikhs posed for almost 20 years as imposter "Satgurus" in the
village of Baba Bakaala, where the Eighth Mantel Third Royal King (Sachae
Paatshah) Har Krishan Ji had predicted His Successor, the Ninth Mantel Sixth
Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji will be found. Even after the Sikhs had out doored the
True Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji in the village Baba Bakaala, the imposters made an
unsuccessful attempt on his life. Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji being of the Bhagti
Marag forgave them their attempt on His life but the imposter Khatris showed no
sign of remorse.
However, when Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji went to
Harmandir Sahib to pay Homage to Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, the Mammon worshipping
Khatris locked the Door at His face and they would not let Him in. So, just
think of these shameless and hardened Mammon worshippers who started to plunder
the most honoured House of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji whilst His Last Sixth Satguru
was still alive. To-day, it is no wonder that in the Amritsar complex the page
to page reading of the Holy Book called Akhand Path is sold to the devotees in
a business-like manner and the priests (Granthis) are making a good business
out of this sincere devotion of Sikhs i.e. the greedy people have turned the
Holiest of Holy complex of the world into a den of robbers. What gold has to do
with God but Mammon?
The result is quite apparent. The Mammon
worshippers by nature being "selfish" did, instead of unity between
the religious communities, they rather ignite the "fire" of hatred
and the sectarian riots from time to time. So, these Mammon worshippers have
written many books that have created a really great misconception of Religion.
For example, Royal King Gobind Singh Ji was not a "Guru" but they
have proclaimed Him to be so and there is hardly anyone who has raised his
voice against this basic misconception.
In fact, we are passing through the End Times of
Kal Yug, the Dark Age and you will see many tribulations, basically deep-rooted
in the sectarian differences, all over the world and on a scale that you had
never seen or heard of before.
This fact will become clear on grasping the basics
of the four communities of Religion in India. Further, the beauty in the study
of these communities lies in the fact that the very meanings of the names of
them give you a good clue to their nature and functions. However, let us ponder
over the four communities, which are:-
1. First Hindu Community: - Most people
identify the people of different communities by their garbs and/or the physical
appearances. For example, the common man takes a person to be a Hindu if he is
clean-shaven with shorn hair, has a frontal mark, puts on the holy thread
(Jaeneou) over his shoulder, worships the idols of demiurge gods and goddesses,
etc. This is not so as religion is a matter of one's heart and not that of the
physical body. Or a Jew is one who is inwardly of spirit and not outwardly of
The root of the word "Hindu" is
"Hond", called "Hasti" in Urdu or your tribal
"identity", which is known by asking the stranger a simple question,
"Who are you?" - "AAP HUNDAE KAUN HO?"
A person who gives out his tribal identity called Jaati and the place of birth
or the whereabouts, Baasi to establish his identity in Adam is a Hindu and the
one who cannot or does not know his tribal identity could be no one else than a
"bastard" born of a prostitute or the Temple dancing girl called
“Daasi”. Thus, the antonym of a Hindu is a bastard and later on you will see
how the people who are not Hindus do perform bastardly deeds such as the
killing of the innocent people during the sectarian riots.
In the South India, some people have the names of
their fathers and that of their villages incorporated into their names. This
reflects the wisdom of great Pandit Ravan of Lanka, the country which was a
heaven in the past but to-day, it is in great turmoil. Similarly, the African
people have the tribal marks over their faces for identification and Abraham
gave this tribal mark of “circumcision” to his real son Isaac only. The
element of shame called Heeya is drawn from the tribal identity and Hajj used
to be for boys aged 12 to 16 to establish their tribal links with their
forefathers. Remember that the Chosen People especially of the Judah tribe
replaced their tribal identity with the spiritual self “Jew” and by doing so,
they have severed their tribal covenant with Abraham and became the “Saltless”
sons of the most high Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the super bastard fanatic devils
worse than the bastards born of the prostitutes or out of adultery – John
8v44: You belong to your father, the
(Saltless super bastard fanatic) devil, and you want to carry out your father’s
desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for
there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he
is a liar and the father of lies. This was proved by the Temple Priests when
they told pack of lies against Jesus to King Pilate at his Trial. Master liars,
the Mohammedans are to be found in India.
By disclosing one’s tribal identity, the person
establishes a covenant with his tribal forefathers in flesh or "Adam"
known as "Mahesh" or "Mahadev" in Hindi; because the tribes
originate from "Mahesh" through races, tribes and surnames or sub
castes. Demiurge god Brahma, Yahweh, Khudah, etc. is the creator of Adam or
Shiv known as Shua in Hebrew. Unless you are faithful to Brahma who looks after
you and feeds you on this Planet earth, you cannot be Faithful to our
Supernatural Father God, Allah or Parbrahm. That is why Hindu worship phallus
(Ling) and vagina (Yuni) in the Temples of SHIV to stress upon the significance
of the "seed (water, semen or seed from man)" and "egg (the
life-giving blood from woman)" in the identification and the procreation
of mankind.
Satguru Nanak Dev Ji has stressed the importance
of the tribal identity in His Saying:-
bRhm ky byqy sbdu
pCwxih haumY jwiq gvweI ]
breham kae baethae sabadh
pashhaanehi houmaijaath
gavaaee ||
Those who
are the sons of Brahma (Yahweh, Khudah, etc. INSAAN
KAE BAETTE) will understand “His Word” of ParBrahm and they will not have
the tribal ego. The Real self in the person, soul, is the son of ParBrahm, our
Supernatural Father. Sikhs hardly know the difference between Brahm and
This planet earth is for habitation of the tribal
people and they will live in Peace if they are faithful to the creator
demi-urge god Brahma, Yahweh or Khudah, the god of Adam. This will become clear
as politics is for the tribes in Shiv, who personifies the "Head of
State". The snake around his neck highlights the closeness of political
enemies and the flow of Ganges (the waters of which help produce food) from his
head signifies the care the head of state takes in feeding his subject, whilst
the duty to protect the subject from enemies, or the respect of his destructive
army (Shiv Sena), goes chiefly to the people of Jatt tribe. This is further
highlighted in the visit of Maata Ganga Ji, the wife of Satguru Arjan Dev Ji to
Bhai Buddah Ji, a Randhawa Jatt, for the "Boon" of the son (Har
Gobind Ji), who was to initiate the work of Shiv Shakti with the main support
of the people of Jatt tribe.
In context of the above tribal concepts, the
countries being the homes of tribes they were named after the dominant tribe.
Countries were Fatherland if one tribe was dominant such as Afghanistan,
Baluchistan, Uzbekistan, etc. and they were called Motherlands if more than one
tribe dominated in the country.
Now, the parental "identity" makes a
religious person conscientious of his family values, salt or honour and he
keeps family honour intact in his deeds. He would not indulge in
"shameless" affairs. Thus, it is a well-known fact that the people
born of the prostitutes are, in general, the least shameful of all.
Shame, "Sharm" or "Heeya"
being the foundation of your faith, Dharm or Eemaan, Satguru Nanak Dev Ji said:
srmu Drmu duie
Cip Kloey kUVu iPrY prDwnu
vy lwlo ]
saram dhharam
dhue shhap khaloeae koorr
firaiparadhhaan vae laalo ||
In Kalyug, modesty and righteousness both
have vanished, and falsehood struts around like a leader, O Lalo.
That is, both the shame and the faith have gone
into hiding, and the result, falsehoods or blasphemies have become dominant in
the world – John 8v44. This will become clear on understanding the fact that
religion instead of teaching/preaching "peace" among the people is at
present leading them into the "shameless or Saltless" sectarian riots
implying that the present so-called religion is not of truth and God but that
of the falsehoods and Satan.
Now, the duty of Satan is to fleece the poor
people, to create chaos and disorder in the society, and to spread a wave of
hatred and killing among the ignorant once-born people through the
misrepresentation of basic concepts of religion.
Thus, the satanic people are doing everything
possible in their powers to make the people forget their tribal identity so
that the people could be made devoid of their very basic religious foundation,
the quantity "shame", without which they may not be able to acquire
the religious qualities truth, contentment and mercy, the measures of Faith, Eemaan
or Dharm. The religious base/quantity "shame" and the three religious
qualities of Faith are represented by the "four legs" of the white
religious Bull Nandi of Lord Shiva or Shua and the four arms of the Swastika
also represent the Four Ages in the Cycle.
Some of the main tactics that the satanic people
in India have used to make the people forget their tribal identity are:-
They have proclaimed the four basic professions
(Varnas) Shoodar (menial servants), Vaish (businessmen), Khashtri (politicians/warriors)
and Brahman (religious teachers) as tribes (Jaatis). Thus, a Brahman who hangs
the symbolic phallus (Lingam) of Shiv around his neck but proclaims his tribe
as Brahman, the Varna, has lost his tribal identity himself as Bhagat Kabir Ji
said; "Bahman keh keh janam
(Jaati) matt khoae” i.e. by proclaiming your
profession Brahman (Cohen) as tribe, do not lose your real tribal identity (Janum, the birth), which could be a GAUR, SARSUT, MOHIYAL,
etc., the tribes that were assigned the responsibility of teaching the moral
laws to the children as in Israel, the people of Levi tribe was assigned. Such
blind Brahmans are the blind guides of the blind.
The satanic people would make or the people
themselves, out of their foolishness, would adopt the name of their village,
town or city from which they hail as to be their surnames in preference to
their real tribal surnames. Now, the village, town or city being our social
mother, whilst the surnames our social fathers, we do not get ourselves married
within the same surname or the village, town and even city.
Thus, a person who takes on the name of the
village, town or city as his surname reflects that he does not want to be known
by his tribal father but he rather prefers to be a "bastard" born of
a famous prostitute, who went around serving the whole village, town or city.
Therefore, she could not name a single person to be the father of his son;
greater the population of the village, town or city, the more popular and
famous that prostitute must be. Thus, people especially the politicians were
born of their legitimate parents but for the sake of cheap popularity and to
boost their “Ego”, they would rather prefer to be known as the illegitimate
children of the famous prostitutes of the whole town or city.
Such type of people were sometimes the head of the
Akaal Takht (the Eternal True Throne for Apostles/Saints) in Amritsar that was
dedicated by The First Royal King Har Gobind Ji to the Nirmallae Sants (Brahm
Gianis, who ponder over the people, His Vineyard, in the Light of His Word or
Oral Torah) or the Apostles of the Fourth community, who are Roving Preachers
of "His Word". People who could not even be of their own natural
tribal fathers in flesh, just imagine how much they would know about our
abstract Supernatural Father in Spirit? This would also reflect upon the depth
of religious knowledge that is being radiated from this Highest of High
Spiritual Throne in the world. Consideration of the activities of the members
of the third community, the Khalsas, will throw further light on this topic.
Now, the Pandits teach moral laws pertaining to
"Karm Marag" i.e. works, from Simrities (written Torah) to children
by the dead "letters" using the idols of demiurge gods and goddesses
as the "concrete" visual aids whilst they used to preach the
"abstract" Surtti (spiritual) Upanasid in "spirit", i.e.
without the visual aids of idols, through discourses to the sensible twice-born
adults. Teaching being the dead "letters" of the law and preaching
being "His Word", no one can preach Gospel without the Grace (Nadr or
Bal) of God (Ram).
Further, a person who loves money i.e. worships
Mammon cannot love God simultaneously and the loving or worship of the two is
called twice-bound (Dubda). Therefore, only the devotees of God that are
“sealed” to serve God alone are capable of receiving "His Word".
Thus, when the Pandits/Rabbis became greedy, God
took away from them the common sense or holy spirit to
perceive Him through "His Word" i.e. the greedy Pandits became
spiritually incapable of understanding the Surtti Upanasid (Oral Torah). So, in
the past good ages the Pandits who wanted to take on to the Brahman profession
(Varn) used to be the one who had renounced the secular world of flesh for the
Celestial world of Holy Spirit in order to be "Perfect" and,
therefore, they were generally old and highly devoted persons and not the young
and greedy married ones as you mostly find to-day. The Pandits being unbiased
and impartial child-like people, they used to dispense justice that not only
kept the law and order creating heaven in the villages but also they kept the
courts and kings free of the petty cases which dominate the present courts.
Finally, in order to appreciate the functions of
the second SIKH and the third KHALSA communities of religion it is essential to
know some basic Hindu mythology and the prophets that appeared in the different
past Two Ages (Treta and Doapar). This need was also felt by Royal King Gobind
Singh Ji in that He sent forth some of His Khalsas desiring to Preach Gospel to
Banaras (Jerusalem of India) to study the Hindu mythology or Scriptures in the
Light of Gospel and the learned Khalsas were called Nirmallae (Pure) Sants
(Saints) or the Apostles.
Remember that Jesus prepared the 70 outer circle
Labourers for the Ministry of Prophet John, the Baptist, the Prophet Elijah (My
god is Yahweh). These 70 were sent in pairs to heal the physically sick people
and they also went ahead of Jesus to baptise the Jewish men in water in the
name of Abraham to make them the Salt of earth called Mordant that you apply to
natural man so that he can take and retain the Colour of His Word Fast or be
sealed to serve God. That is no son of Man or faithful to his creator Yahweh,
Brahma, Khudah, etc., no son of the Most High Elohim, Parbrahm, Allah, etc.
Thus, Says Satguru (Christ) Nanak Dev Ji:
jy ieku hoie
q augvY ruqI hU ruiq hoie
jae eik hoe th ougavai ruthee hoo ruth hoe
If there be a “son of his
tribal father or Man”, then that will flourish spiritually but today most of
the people are unfaithful to their tribal fathers.
nwnk pwhY bwhrw
korY rMgu n soie ]
naanak paahai baaharaa korai ra(n)g n soe ||
O Nanak, without treatment with the Mordant
of tribal shame, the raw fabric, New Cloth, cannot be dyed.
Here is it is worth mentioning that the people of
South India having the names of their father and village incorporated in their
four component names have the base Shame or the Mordant and that is why Christ
Thomas went there to Sow the Seed of His Word among them but as the Brahmins of
the South India were efficient, they killed Thomas for Preaching Gospel to the
secular family people. Remember the Labourers of Jesus left their families to
accompany Him in the Wilderness of Celestial World of Sadhus. Further, no Saint
was born in that part of India as they had Sharm and Dharm intact.
The concepts of Brahma, the Creator demiurge god,
Vishnu, the Preserver demiurge god and Shiv, the Destroyer demiurge god of
Righteousness are the fundamental basis of Hindu mythology. They apply to our
natural physical self and they form the images of the real supernatural selves.
Thus, the demiurge god Brahma created the Nature including the mankind and the
demiurge god Vishnu preserved the mankind through teaching the moral laws or
Ten Commandments for peaceful and righteous ways of living together in harmony
with Nature whilst the demiurge god Shiv as the political head that ruled
Nature destroyed those who went against the righteous teachings of Vishnu.
Thus, Brahma creates Nature and hand it over to Vishnu to teach them to live
peacefully whilst Shiv kills those who do not obey what Vishnu has taught.
Thus, Vishnu has no right to kill anyone but to preserve all. I will apply the
same principles to the Royal Kingdom of our Father God, Elohim, Allah,
ParBrahm, etc. and you will appreciate it.
Further, the four Ages outline the eras of
dominant religious qualities. Thus, in Satt Yug or the Golden Age most of the
people were shameful, truthful, contented and merciful and the people being
fully-fledged religious, they were called the VASS (residents) DEVA (Saints),
(Sons of the Most High, the Saints). Also, they did not stand in the need of
any Seer or Prophet as they lacked no religious quality. They rather render
praises to our Father and wrote Scriptures in His Image. In the Bible this is
called Adam and Eve living in the company of God and Christ Jesus came to take
us back to wherefrom we had fallen into this utter Darkness. This is called
Degeneration of the religious qualities especially
"mercy" led people into the Treta Yug or the Silver Age of Angels or
Devta and, therefore, the people of this Age occasionally aired out their
cruelty over their own women folk. Cutting the nose of Saroop Nakha, the sister
of King Ravan of Lanka, by Lachman, the younger brother of First Prophet Ram
Chander Ji, incarnation of Vishnu was a typical example of cruelty that led
Pandit Ravan to avenge it by abducting Sita, the wife of Shri Ram Chander Ji
under the tit-for-tat Law of Lok Lajj (shame of the people). The dominant
ruling people of Treta Yug were of Khatri tribe and they were very wise men
well versed in the Scriptures written by the Seers of Satt Yug. Thus, Khatris
were "men of dead letters" and, therefore, they would observe the
religious rites and perform the various rituals very carefully to the last
minute details as the Jewish do today. Remember that Moses killed the cruel
Egyptian who beat a slave Chosen Man to death for not working hard. Moses was
equivalent to Shri Ram Chander Ji in creating the Moral Laws and such wise men
with the knowledge of Oral Torah are called “Muryadah (Moral Laws) Parshotam
(Perfect Model) Avtar”. That is also why Moses permitted them to divorce their
wives for their hearts had become hard – Matt. 19.
But in order to remind the people of the chief
quality of God "mercy", Prophet Ram Chander Ji appeared among the
most haughty and ruling people of the Khatri tribe, who were well versed in the
dead "letters" of the Vedas so that they could temper their deeds
with "mercy" for the sake of preserving humanity in spirit.
"Letter killeth and spirit giveth life" is a well-known proverb of
the Bible.
In short, Prophet Ram Chander Ji played the part
of demiurge god Vishnu of Nature and, therefore, He was well-known as the
"Muryada Parshotam Avtar" or the Great man who set the moral laws on
a sound basis as Prophet Moses did for the Jews. Also, the name "Ram
Chander" represented the fact that He was the "moon" (Chand),
witness of Ram (God or Sun, the Primary source of Light) i.e. He reflected
"His Word" in setting out the moral laws. Of Moses it was said that
He himself saw the Face of God but only showed the back of God, the reflections
and not the real self, to the people i.e. the moral laws are the reflections of
"His Word" or Naam (Vaedon mae Naam Uttam.....i.e. the Scriptures,
Vedas, contain "His Word" implicitly and not explicitly as in the
Ad-Granth, the New Testament). Thus, Prophet Shri Ram Chander Ji was the
incarnation of demiurge god Vishnu and he appeared among the cruel ruling
people of Khatri tribe, i.e. people well versed in the dead "letters"
of the Vedas; they were of the Khatri tribe. There was no worship of idols in
this era.
Further degeneration of the religious quality
"contentment" led people into the Doapar Yug or Age, the Bronze Age
in which the Kairovs displayed ungratefulness towards their real cousins
Pandovs by maltreating them to the extent of not giving them even five villages
to settle down; a thorough display of cruelty and discontentment by the Kairovs
towards Pandovs whose father looked after them when they were young. The
dominant tribe of this Age was Yadav and, therefore, the Prophet of this Age
Shri Krishan Baldev Ji took his birth among the people of dominant Yadav tribe
as Prophet Shri Ram Chander Ji had taken His birth among the dominant people of
learned Khatri tribe.
The people of Yadav tribe were simpletons in
nature and they had among them a political problem i.e. the question of land
for their living. Now, the simpletons could not resolve the political issue as
the wise Khatris did. So, they needed a "Guide" to lead them out of
this political dilemma where policy (Neeti) plays an important role. So, here
Prophet Shri Krishan Baldev Ji, the incarnation of Shiv or Shua guided the
righteous Pandovs in the political war against the cruel and unjust Kairovs by
explaining to them the fundamentals of political policies (Bhagvat Gita). This
was the Age of Idol worshippers. So, Shri Krishan Baldev Ji gave them practical
demonstration that he is all-in-all Master of Nature. This gave them moral
encouragement to fight for their rights in face of their real cousins.
Therefore, Shri Krishan (Ray of Light) Baldev (Bal
= Shiv Shakti; Dev = Devta) Ji was known as the "Neeti Parshotam
Avtar", the Great Politician, Who fought for the righteousness in the
fashion of demiurge god Shiv, the personified head of state or of Nature at
large. Thus, Prophet Shri Krishan Baldev Ji was the incarnation of demiurge god
Shiv or Shua and His very name supports this view; Krishan stands for the
"Rays" of religious Knowledge and "Baldev" for Angel of
"Shakti" or the Most Powerful Angelic Person, the Lord of Universe.
That is why YeShua was the Lord of Sabbath and turned the tables of money changers
in his natural father Yahweh’s House meant for prayers and fasting for the
Disciples of Rabbis and Pharisees so that when they grow up, then they will
have developed enough longing to seek His Word as it was demonstrated by the
Samaritan Woman at well – St. Photina.
Further, Shri Krishan Baldev Ji, unlike Shri Ram
Chander Ji, had many names and the most popular name among them was of
"Gobind", "Son of God", meaning all Knowledgeable Brahm
Giani or the Light and Omnipotent, a name that has been repeated in Kal Yug
among the Royal Kings Har Gobind Ji and Gobind Rai Ji. Further, Krishan went to
visit his relatives and there was a Saint Bidar, who was born a bastard of the
Temple Dancing girl called Dassi, a Mustard seed who had become a huge plant attracting
birds of the air, sensible people of discerning intellect to roost in his
branches. So, the Prophet of Doapar Yug, Lord Krishan Baldev Ji also roosted in
His huge plant to listen to his discourses. So, who is greater; Angels or
Saints? This derivation will become clear later on.
Last Age of the Cycle of Four Ages is Kal Yug or
the Iron Age known as the Dark Age for its lack of all the three religious
qualities truth, contentment and mercy remaining only the basic quantity
"shame". Thus, most of the people in the Dark Age have conscious but
quite a good number of them, mostly in the Mammon rich countries especially in
the East, people are liars, greedy and cruel. That is why there had been so
many unjust wars to plunder the weaker nations and the courts, especially in
India, are full of the petty baseless cases in which the righteous people
suffer at the hands of merciless cheats or "Munnmukh" persons, who
are mostly "shameless" people with no "conscience" at all.
My own real sister cheated me of my landed property through a baseless court
case in 1987 and so far I have not been able to get the property transferred
into my name yet - Civil Suit No. 115 of 1987 - Jalandhar.
In the Dark Age, the greedy Pandits/Rabbis
dominate. They become inefficient in preserving the law and order for they
themselves are crook devoid of the Spirit of God. So, without the devoted
sensible (Surtivaan) Pandits, the visual aids i.e., the idols of demi gods and
goddesses could not play their usual roles effectively. Therefore, we can say
that where into the hell the blind guides went, there also went their dead
idols of gods and goddesses i.e. the dead stones cannot speak of their own
unless their living in spirit worshippers make them to do so e.g. Bhagat Nam
Dev, Rav Dass Ji, Dhanna, Miran, etc. did put life into stones. Remember Jesus
was playing in a Pool on Sabbath and He fashioned Twelve Sparrows. A Rabbi
passing by rebuked him and went to make a complaint to his foster father
Joseph. So, when the angry Rabbi and his foster father came to see Him, He put
life into them and they flew away chirping happily and rendering praises to our
Father. Birds stand for men of discerning intellect and so, Jesus came to
deliver Gospel for rendering praises to our Father. For this, we highly
honour Christ Jesus.
Under such circumstances of utter Darkness, then
appears among the people the very Anointed Sons of our Father called Satgurus
or the "Christs" to Preach Gospel like a Sower (and not to teach) of
the most high Living God (ParBrahm), the very source of Brahma, Vishnu and
Mahesh - "Sabh tae waddah Satguru Nanak; Jinn Kal raakhi maeri"
i.e. of all the moral Gurus (mother, father and Pandit), Satguru Nanak Dev Ji,
the Second coming of Jesus, is the most High Preacher whose preaching preserved
my honour (Patt) in this Dark Age. Lastly, as Brahma, the creator of Nature,
uttered Vedas through Rishi and Muni, the sages, so Christs/Satguru, the sons
of Par-Brahm, our Supernatural Father of souls uttered The Gospel, Ad-Granth
Sahib (Atharv Ved). Ad-Granth Sahib was compiled by Satguru Nanak Dev Ji and
His Five Apostles to completion. The Baani or Gospel sang by the sons of Most
High Bhagats is also included in the Holy Book but it has been corrupted by the
Kings and Emperors of Darkness, the Khatris, who possessed the Original Beerr
but for the sake of Mammon, they corrupted it for business or greed. They have
white-washed over 200 pages and in others, they made alterations – Read
Kartarpuri Birr de Darshan by Prof. Jodh Singh, Patiala University, India.
Therefore, Ad-Granth and the New Testament are The Holy Books of this Dark Age
as Vedas and Torah used to be of the past Treta and Doapar Yugs when the
Pandits/Rabbis preserved the Light of Vishnu.
Now, The Ad-Granth and the New Testament are for
the sensible people of discerning "spirit" (Surtti). Therefore, it is
essential for the people to first subdue their ego (Haumae) of flesh before
they would become sensible enough to know our Supernatural Father of souls God
through Gospel delivered by His Sons, the Christs i.e. the people should be
twice-born of Spirit (Daweeja) and not carry on boasting of their natural
parental or tribal "seed" called Jaati in the manners of the
once-born (Ikeeja) egoistic people. Thus, the people should be capable of
putting their tribal "seed" in soil i.e. make their tribal identity
implicit and become humble sons of God explicit, to become a living plant
capable of receiving the living Pollen of Gospel for the sake of bearing
"fruit". Thus, the identity of "seed" in the plant does not
vanish but changes from "explicit" to "implicit". This is
termed "living in the spirit of God" but dead in the ego of
"flesh in Adam" or simply the "living dead".
About the twice-born people, Satguru Nanak Dev Ji
fortunate are the people who are living in
"spirit" but dead in the "ego" of flesh. And Bhagat Kabir
TAE PAEAE POORAN PARMANAND", i.e. St. Kabir Ji says, "The
people are frightened of their death in tribal "ego" but I have found
in it a Perfect Bliss in spirit". Thus, the Saints kept their tribal
identities "implicit" and used it to become the sons of Brahma for
identification and to be the sons of Man with Salt of Noble Adam. No son of
Man, no son of God.
In a nutshell, one is born into a certain family
not out of one's own free-will or accord but that of the Will of God and if
that very first Will of God (Razza) is not acceptable to a person, then God
does not want to know such a stupid once-born person. The rites of HAJJ created
by Abraham are for establishing this very First Will of God as stressed by
Now, the importance of Hinduism (Mordant for our
spiritual dress) is further stressed by Satguru Nanak Dev Ji in his Sayings of
spiritual growth called Lavan, which the people wrongly use for secular
marriages. All the marriages of Satgurus and of the Royal Kings were performed
by the hereditary Brahmans, the secular rulers. Thus, the First Lavn
strengthens Hinduism:-
I just quote the relevant Sayings:-
mhlw 4 ]
soohee mehalaa 4
Soohee, Fourth Mehla:
pihlVI lwv privrqI krm idRVwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
har pehilarree laav
paravirathee karam dhrirraaeiaa bal
raam jeeo ||
In the first spiritual
state of “Ego”, you go by the secular affairs of physical body or do what your
Rabbi or Brahmin tells you but do not follow their example.
Then, the last Saying
to this First Laav is:-
jnu khY nwnku lwv pihlI AwrMBu kwju rcwieAw
jan kehai naanak
laav pehilee aara(n)bh kaaj rachaaeiaa ||1||
Son of the Most High
Nanak proclaims that after leading the moral sin-free secular life, you have
just started to make progress towards the spiritual life. ||1||
2. SECOND SIKH COMMUNITY: - This community is for the
twice-born people of "spirit", who have managed to subdue their
"ego" (Haumae) of tribal seed or Jaati. They exercise Agape Divine
love and enjoy the "Nectar" of Gospel delivered by the Anointed
Christs Jesus and Nanak, Who outlined the Spiritual (Roohani) Principles ("His
Word") of RAM or God that abides in His Temple, our physical body and
this is called “Emmanuel”. Living God is worshipped in truth and in spirit and
not through prayers and fasting as the demiurge mythological god Brahma or
Yahweh used to be under the Rabbis. The Gospel Preached by Bhagats was also
included in the Ad-Granth. As God is Spirit, so only the sensible people of
"holy spirit", common sense, (Surtti) are capable of logical
reasoning and they enjoy the Preaching of Christ Jesus and Satguru Nanak dev
The “holy spirit" or common sense to
understand "His Word" is bestowed by God upon the person through
"grace" (Nadr to Nazarene) and the past deeds (Karmas) of the person
in the previous lives play an important role in this. That is, you must have
longed for God through prayers and fasting to Yahweh in the past lives. That is
why after the water baptism of Yahweh by His Rabbi John, the Baptist, Jesus
left for wilderness for Forty days of praying and fasting, penitence. Thus, the
prayers and fasting of the Levi Priest Zachariah were heard and John was born
in his family to carry on the duties of an Ideal Cohen but as the Temple
Priests were hostile, He became Eunuch for the Royal Kingdom of God (Matt.
19v12) and left for Wilderness.
Further, Satguru Nanak Dev Ji played a similar
role as Shri Ram Chander Ji did as the incarnation of Brahma but as the very
Anointed Son of Parbrahm. Thus, Shri Ram Chander Ji worked in the capacity of
"moon", a Witness to the Light, in the Treta Yug whilst Satguru Nanak
Dev Ji worked as the Very Son of Parbrahm ("Sun"), the Primary Source
of Light in this Dark Age. So, those who perceived Christ Jesus and Satguru Nanak
Dev Ji have Perceived our Supernatural Father
ParBrahm, Allah or Elohim. Thus, John, the Baptist was the Moon, a Witness to
the Light but not the Sun.
Therefore, for preaching to us the Spiritual
Principles, Logos or “His Word” pertaining to our mind or Munn Satguru Nanak
Dev Ji (Roohani Muryada Parshotam - Anointed - Bhagat) could also be designated
the Representation of PAAR VISHNU in the line of ParBrahm as Shri Ram
Chander Ji (Duniavi – Moral - Muryada Parshotam (anointed) Avtar - Prophet) was
the incarnation of Vishnu in the line of Brahma for imparting to us the secular
moral laws of life. Or Avtars or Prophets come to advise the degenerating
Rabbis/Pandits whilst the Very Sons of God appear only when the Rabbis/Pandits
had become psychic crook and hypocrites fleecing the devotees to the extent of
widow’s mite. Thus, whereas the Vedas contained the reflections of words of
ParBrahm, The Ad-Granth Sahib contains the Very Words or Gospel of ParBrahm.
The absolute superiority of Par Vishnu Satguru Nanak Dev Ji over Vishnu is
further emphasized in the stories that the consort goddess DURGA of demiurge
god Vishnu used to do all the menial works for Satguru Nanak Dev Ji. Also,
Jesus walking over water and stopping the storm proves the superiority of Supernatural
Father Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc. over the natural tribal fathers of Yahweh,
Brahma, Khudah, etc.
Gospel is for the people of all the Four Varnas
(professions), which are Shoodar, Vaish, Khashtri and Brahman.
KqRI bRwhmx sUd
vYs aupdysu chu vrnw kau
swJw ]
khathree braahaman soodh vais oupadhaes
chahuvaranaa ko saajhaa ||
The Gospel is for the people of Four Varnas -
the Kh'shaatriyas, Brahmins, Soodras
and Vaishyas – to share.
These people of Four Varnas are represented by the
Four Advent Candles and the bigger Middle Candle stands for Christ Jesus. That
is, in this Dark Age, if the Rabbis/Brahmans themselves have become spiritually
dead for being greedy and they had become hypocrites in plying the dead letters
of the Scriptures for their livelihood, then what type of congregations they
would be producing? Spiritually Blind Guides, the Rabbis produced spiritually
blind Disciples like Saul. So, Christ Jesus appeared among them to bring the
message of Salvation/resurrection to all the people of four professions through
For God being our Supernatural Most High Father
and we being His sons, then our love between the
Brethren is far greater than the family loves called Eros. So, we exercise
"Agape Love" and "Service"; that is, the Sikhs (Seekers or
students) of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji are to be cool-headed, humble and loving
servants of people. The cool-headed nature of the Sikhs is further vividly
emphasized in building The Harmandir Sahib right in the middle of the water
Pool; remember that our physical self is the Temple of God or Harmandir. As
Harmandir Sahib is the replacement of Holiest of Holy that used to be in
Jerusalem and so is this Amrit Srovar, the Pool of Water, the replacement of
Bethesda Pool of Mercy.
This is further emphasized in the Saying of
BANN AEE" i.e. a Sikh has no external enemy or there is none
stranger to him but he is to fight and overpower the Five internal spiritual
robbers/enemies of his heart that are with him since his birth – Luke 12v52:-
For from now on (Dark Age) in one house (Temple of God) there will be five
divided, three (of Ego) against two (of Mind) and two against three. In the
Orthodox service, there are two men with three and two candles in hand crossing
each other when the Bishop is reading the Sermon. Bishop is not allowed to
Preach Gospel but to teach the moral laws.
A Sikh named Bhai (Brother) Ghahniya Ji set an
example by serving water to and nursing the wounds of everyone alike in a
battle between the Khalsas of the Royal King Gobind Singh Ji and the
spiritually blind soldiers of Turkus, the Mohammedan Mammon worshipping greedy
Kings or the Munnmukh infidel Moghul Kings. The cruel nature of Turkus is
depicted by Satguru Nanak Dev Ji in His Saying, "TURK (Munnmukh) PATHANI
(people of Pathan tribe) AMAL KIYA (killed and looted as per their character)
......" i.e. not all the people of Pathan tribe were infidels but the
greedy ones who performed the shameless and cruel deeds during the process of
Sikhs lead the life of householders and by the
time they have looked after their family affairs, they also had acquired
sufficient knowledge of Akaal Purakh (Eternal One) to serve Him diligently by
joining either the Third Community of Khalsas, the philanthropic soldiers or
the Fourth Community of Apostles called Nirmallae Sants; both of them were
required to renounce their families and homes as the Workers of Jesus did for
wilderness. That is, one is to be no more twice-bound (Dubda) but devoted to One.
Further, a Sikh (student of spiritual knowledge –
Naadi Roop) is known by his qualities that are best reflected in his deeds and
what comes out of his own mouth which will tell us the purity and devotion of
his heart and how much spiritual knowledge he has acquired. But if a person
speaks out sweet falsehoods (Koorr), then he is either a hypocrite (Koorriayar)
or a Mammon worshipper (Munnmukh). For the quality, a Sikh is known by his
"speech" and thus, Sikh is also called the "Naadi (voice) Roop
(self)" i.e. inwardly of heart or spiritual (Sookhshum Roop – abstract)
self; in the same way as in the Bible it is stressed that a Jew is one who is
inwardly (spiritual) and not outwardly (of the flesh or appearance). And,
therefore, those who proclaim the Sikh to be a "Bindi (tribal seed) Roop
(self)" i.e. outwardly of the flesh (Asthool Roop – concrete self) and
identify them with Sikh tribe or Kaum, they are nothing else but the super
bastard fanatic devils – John 8v44, who propagate falsehoods known as Koorr in
Punjabi that create sectarian riots and holocausts similar to those of 1947 and
1984. Thus, to be a good learned Sikh is not a joke and such a person is
"solitary" Giani (pneumatic or Gurmukh) in nature as per the Saying
of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji:-
gur igAwn AMjnu
siqgurU pwieAw AigAwn AMDyr ibnwsy ]
Gur giaan a(n)jan sathiguroo paaeiaa agiaan
a(n)dhhaer binaasae ||
The True Gur, the Perfect
Formula of logical reasoning, the Ointment for my third spiritual eye has been
applied by the Innerman, the Christ within my own heart that has dispelled the
utter Darkness of ignorance within my mind. Remember that Gospel cannot be written down in ink on
paper but over the living Tablets of heart.
"GUR (formula or capacity of logical reasoning)
GIYAN (Knowledge) ANJAN (called “Surma” that makes your eyes see better or the
capacity of logical reasoning) Satguru (the one who masters the formula, Gur,
of Satt or of Gospel Truth) PAYA (Acquired), AGIYAN ANDHER BINASAE (the
Darkness of ignorance vanishes from the mind)" i.e. after receiving the
Light of Knowledge through logical reasoning from your own Christ within your
heart, the utter Darkness of misconceptions in your mind vanishes away.
In Sikhism, there were Six Satgurus who Preached
Gospel for almost 150 years whilst the Four Royal Kings supported and guarded
the Sikhs for 90 years. Here is the summary of the Fields of Specialisation
of each Satguru:-
Satguru Nanak Dev Ji – Born 15 April, 1469 and
died 22 September, 1539:- He introduced to us our Supernatural Father of souls
ParBrahm and His various Versions Har, Ram, Karta, etc. and requested people to
seek Bliss (Anand – Peace of mind) through Gospel, Dhur Ki Baani, the
revelations called Logos, which cannot be written down in ink on paper but the
living Tablets of heart.
ikrpw kry sbid
imlwvw hoie ]
kirapaa karae sabadh milaavaa hoe ||
When He grants His Grace, then we know Him
through His Word derived through logical reasoning called Logos.
nwnk eyk joiq
duie mUrqI sbid imlwvw hoie ]4]11]44]
naanak eaek joth dhue moorathee sabadh milaavaa hoe
O Nanak, the One Light has two forms; son and
Father. You meet Father through the Shabad, “His Word”. ||4||11||44||
Satguru Angad Dev Ji, the destroyer of ego:
- He laid
the Foundation Corner Stone of Sikhism by killing the ego in His Brethren
Labourers, the Sikhs and requested them to seek the refuge of God, ParBrahm,
Allah, etc. by singing His praises rather than be remain buried dead in the
rituals of prayers, fasting, free feasts for the poor, etc. led by the
spiritually blind hypocrite Brahmans or Tapas, the renunciates. There was no
rain for some years and the local village people started to accuse Satguru
Angad Dev Ji instigated by the taunting remarks by a Tapa that He is the cause
of this hardship and if you throw him out of the village, then he will bring
rain through rituals. Villagers did that to please the Tapa but still there was
no rain fall. Then, the wise men of the village brought Satguru Angad Dev Ji
back and once they had submitted to our Supernatural Father, all was well.
Satguru Angad Dev Ji urged the people to remain submitted to His Will even
during the hardships to enjoy Peace of Mind. So, you should long for our Father
during your life if you want His Blessings. That is, before one could receive
His Word for Peace of mind, one should be clean-hearted (5 times 7 = 35) i.e.
all the seven types of works (Menorah) performed should be done with a
clean-heart of the Five evils, which are immorality, anger, greed, worldly
attractions and haughtiness. Ego or Haumae should be subdued so that you could
become twice-born by the grace of Ram dwelling within our hearts, which is
called Emmanuel. That is why He initiated the 35 alphabets of Gurmukhi Lippi,
language and He promoted wrestling to create a healthy Harmandir for the Anttar
Satguru (Innerman) to have the abode in a clean and healthy Harmandir i.e. from
healthy physique (Jatti) to spiritually alive capable of logical
reasoning (Satti).
Thus, His intake was twice-born (un-satisfied
Disciples (Chelae) of the Brahmans and Tappas), the “holy sons” who
found their rituals as hypocrisy against the worship of ParBrahm, our Real
Father of all the blessings. So, they were truthful, who started to long for
Gospel through total submission to His Will. They were urged to enjoy the
company of each other as the sons of One Most High Father do. They ate together
and were fed on their favourite food such as the rice pudding that the babies
love. Slowly and steadily their “ego” was ironed out to such an extent that if
naughty children teased or damaged their water pots, they learnt to keep
cool-headed. The seekers, the Sikhs, were no more blind like the Hindus (Hindu
Annah for they are the blind Disciples of Brahmins, Rabbis) who take the
instructions from their Brahman as Saul (spiritual Female) took from his Rabbi
Gamaliel (Master or husband) but they were spiritually re-born solitary
(spiritual Male – John9) capable of seeking the Narrow Gate to the Royal
Kingdom of God of their own through “His Word”, the Whistle that His Son
Satguru Angad Dev Ji blew from our Father’s House. Thus, the twice-born Sikhs
develop ears to hear the Whistle.
gur kw
sbdu min visAw haumY ivchu Koie ]
gur, logical reasoning, kaa sabadh,
Logos, man vasiaa, keep in one’s mind, houmai vichahu khoe,
then Ego vanishes away ||
“His Word” derived through logical reasoning
settles in your heart. The knowledge of our Supernatural Father ParBrahm
dispels the ego of tribal birth because when you were born, it was not by your
own will but that of our Father’s Will.
Free kitchen was started for the congregation but
he himself or his family would not partake of it. That is no Pooja Daan, the
donations were used by Satguru Angad Dev Ji for his own upkeep and he rather
earned his livelihood by making twines for weaving bed cots to sleep on.
Remember that Christ Paul used to make Tents for his livelihood, which rendered
the same comfort. Thus, both, Christ Angad Dev Ji and Satguru Paul gave to the
Church of God and not take anything out of it. Here is a corrupt Saying of
Bhagat Kabir Ji, which my late father rectified or corrected:-
BWg (Bwg) mwCulI (mhwCul) surw (pUjw) pwin
(Dwn) jo jo pRwnI KWih ]
kabeer bhaag mahashhal pooja Dhaan jo jo praanee khaae(n)hi
Corrupted version - Kabeer, those mortals
who consume marijuana, fish and wine – what such things have to do with your
“mind” but flesh?
qIrQ brq nym kIey
qy sBY rswqil
jWih ]233]
theerathh barath naem keeeae thae sabhai
rasaathal jaa(n)hi ||233||
- no matter what
pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they have performed, all those rituals will be
of no value or wasted. ||233||
Corrected version:- Kabeer Ji Says those
people who make easy money through Bribery, etc. live on donations by people
such as widow’s mite all their devotions to God are wasted. Baani is to your
mind, Munn, and not to the physical body that consumes marijuana, fish and wine
– non-sense.
hir dUjVI lwv
siqguru purKu imlwieAw bil rwm
jIau ]
har dhoojarree laav sathigur purakh milaaeiaa bal raam
jeeo ||
In the second stage of the spiritual Progression,
our Father bestows grace upon the person making him capable of understanding
“His Word” through his own Satguru or “Innerman”, the Christ.
Satguru Amar Dev Ji, the destroyer of all
doubts or Dubda, in SURTI, then you promote His Word, that only the
“solitary” people of holy spirit or SURTI with a Satguru in their hearts are
capable of understanding and appreciating His Word. As soap is used for washing
our body, so “His Word” is used to cleanse our hearts of the Five
evils of heart. The person of clean heart then makes progress from truth loving
to contented, the Royal King, i.e. from SATTI to SANTOKHI (contented).
ibnu sbdY BrmweIAY
duibDw foby pUru ]1]
bin sabadhai bharamaaeeai dhubidhhaa ddobae poor ||1||
Without the Word of the Shabad, people wander
in the birth and death cycles of reincarnation centred on works. Twice-bound
doubting people such as Judas Iscariot lead people to sectarian riots. The
present “hireling” Dog-Collared Priests that are working for Mammon; they are
the typical examples of trouble makers, the Super Blind guides leading the
blind into Pits of Holocausts.||
His intake was people whose mind has been awakened
or they had become twice-born sensible people longing for Gospel. They are
tempted to go for Mammon. So, Satguru Amar Dev Ji’s Sayings are a warning to
people not to gamble their precious chance of earning Salvation for Mammon as
the clever Judas Iscariot did whilst Thomas went for God and earned his Rest.
Thus, the intake of Satguru Amar Dev Ji was newly awakened spiritually young or
immature clever people (“holy fathers”) of doubting (twice-bond - Dubda)
type. He himself ran a shop selling white washing powder (Choona)
to brighten up the houses – our physical bodies.
Thus, the Sikhs of Satguru Amar Dev Ji started
with doubts in their minds or by putting the Light under the Bushel but they
built their confidence so much as to be outspoken Sikhs capable of putting the
Light on Lampstands.
jn nwnk dUjI lwv
clweI Anhd sbd vjwey ]2]
jan naanak dhoojee laav chalaaee anehadh
sabadh vajaaeae ||2||
Son of the Most High
Parbrahm, Elohim, Allah, etc. Nanak proclaims in this second round of the
spiritual Progression, the person is capable of Brewing the New Wine of Shabad
himself. ||2||
Satguru Ram Dass Ji destroyer of worldly
attractions (Moh) then stressed that all the people have Light of God in them and that a
Sikh should concentrate on rendering service to people, foe and friend alike as
Bhai Ghahniya Ji did against the secular Kings who rule over public. His intake
was mature sealed to serve God people of “holy ghost” called GurMukh
(Gur = logical reasoning and Mukh means Mouth). They were like the people
that Jesus called them Friends that He prepared them for the Last Supper. Such
was their Perfection that the Temple Priests had to hire a twice-born insider
of Judah tribe to catch the Real Jesus among them. So, this is the maximum
achievement people can achieve through holy spirit,
the spirit of man, common sense.
gurmuiK sbdu pCwxIAY
hir AMimRq nwim smwie ]
guramukh sabadh pashhaaneeai har a(n)mrith naam samaae ||
The Gurmukhs realize the Word of the Shabad;
they are immersed in the Ambrosial Nectar of our Father.
gur sbdI swlwhIAY
rMgy shij suBwie ]
gur sabadhee saalaaheeai ra(n)gae sehaj subhaae ||
By rendering Praises to our Father through
Preaching “His Word”, then your spiritual New Cloth is dyed with “His Colour”
automatically. GurMukh being righteous, he is as impartial as a little child.
hir qIjVI lwv
min cwau BieAw bYrwgIAw bil rwm
jIau ]
har theejarree
laav man chaao bhaeiaa bairaageeaa bal raam jeeo
In the third Stage of
spiritual Progression, our mind is extremely Happy in
Gospel and there is no speck of worldy desires (Third
temptation of Jesus). That is, the person has over powered “Moh”, the worldly
attachments ready to leave home for wilderness to God only and thus, he is
lamenting to serve God and God only.
jnu nwnku boly
qIjI lwvY hir aupjY min bYrwgu
jIau ]3]
jan naanak
bolae theejee laavai har oupajai
man bairaag jeeo ||3||
Son of the Most High
Father Nanak proclaims that, at the End of this spiritual Progression through holy spirit or Surtti, one’s mind is utterly desperate to
serve God and God only. ||3||
After the Four years of his Ministry, the
Labourers of Jesus became proficient urging to leave their family homes for
Preaching Gospel in the manner of the Melchizedek. Thus, the Royal Priests are
of the order of Melchizedek free of the ties of Mammon as the members of the
first Church of God were fully devoted to serve God only. That is why the
Temple Priests had to pay money to Judas Iscariot help catch the Real Christ
Such sealed to serve Royal Priests love to enjoy
the company of Sadhus. This is stressed in the Fourth Laav:-
cauQVI lwv min shju BieAw hir
pwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
har chouthharree laav
man sehaj bhaeiaa har paaeiaa bal
raam jeeo ||
In the fourth spiritual Progression, the people
have acquired Perfection through thoroughly submitting themselves to the Will
of our Father and their own wills had vanished. This is called “Sehaj”.
That is, we are no more led by our wisdom but we have become the Spokesmen of
God. This is All by the grace of Ram, Emmanuel.
Satguru Arjan Dev Ji Merged with our Father
and became His Spokesman. His own erring wisdom totally gone and non-erring Holy Spirit has
taken over the Control of the Person. Or He stressed how a serving and a humble
Sikh reaps the fruits of the Royal Kingdom of God. Peter was once-born truthful
person with no holy spirit but on receiving His Reward of Holy Spirit at
Pentecost, He became Thrice-Born, the Twin Brother of Christ Jesus and no
wonder He was most Drunk with the New Wine. With
non-erring Holy Spirit, Satguru Arjan Dev Ji compiled the New Testament of the
Sikhs, the Ad-Granth.
Satguru Arjan Dev Ji suffered the most horrific
death when He was tortured for Four days over a hot iron plate with hot sand
being poured over His Head and that too in the hottest month of June. Remember
that a satanic Khatri, the King of Darkness, who took advantage of the Bhagti
Marag, designed this mode of torture. Still Satguru Arjan Dev Ji praised our
Father for his blessings. Thus, Jesus never said to our Father why you have
forsaken me?
This is what you acquire after Preaching Gospel
from the Rooftops:-
jnu nwnku boly cauQI
lwvY hir pwieAw pRBu AivnwsI ]4]2]
jan naanak bolae chouthhee laavai har paaeiaa prabh
avinaasee ||4||2||
Son of the Most High Parbrahm Nanak proclaims that
in this Fourth spiritual state of Chitt Birtti, you have Merged
with our Eternal Father like river water merging into Sea. ||4||2||
Torture of Satguru Arjun Dev Ji set the limit to
which His Sons could suffer. So, the next Sixth Mantel was our Father’s Own
Representation, the First Royal King Sachae Paatshah Har Gobind Ji, Who
initiated the Shakti Marag as that was the limit His sons could bear the
atrocities of the sons of Satan under Bhagti Marag. Remember that sons, the
ParVishnu of Bhagti Marag are not allowed to take the life of people but Father
only. So, He being the spiritual Incarnation of Shri Krishan Baldev Ji or of
Paar Shiv, Yadev and Jatts that form Shiv Sena played a major role in seeing
that justice prevails in society. Remember that after the great war of
Mahabharat, Shri Krishan Baldev Ji told the victor Pando that Kalyug will begin
soon in which people will perform deeds against the moral laws. Then, Pando
said that if it is going to be our rule, how could people do wrong things? So,
this was the chance for the Jatts to put things right in the name of JUSTICE.
Paar Shiv being higher than a Satguru (Paar Vishnu), He also established the
Supreme Spiritual Seat or True Throne or TAKHT in the name of the fourth
Brahman Varn for the Nirmallae Sants of the Fourth Community to render exposition
of NAAM for preparing good quality Sikhs.
Sachae Paatshah Har Rai Ji as the name implies, He
was a Higher authority than Dharm Rai and He served by creating Hospitals to
look after the suffering sick people including birds and animals. He as the
Ruler of our supernatural “souls” looked after their comforts through healing
the suffering sick people, birds and animals alike. He established Hospitals to
look after people.
Sachae Paatshah Har Krishan Ji was greater than Shri
Krishan Baldev Ji of Doapar Yug. Shri Krishan Baldev Ji was the incarnation of
Shiv and he showed Arjun that He is the Master of all creations or Nature at
large (flesh). Sachae Patshah Har
Krishan Ji being Par Shiv stressed that like Krishan Baldev Ji, He is the
Master of the exposition of His Word. So, Sachae Patshah Har Krishan Ji amazed
people by rendering the exposition of His Word. He was a Child, a minor.
Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji was the last on earth
anointed Sixth Christ/Satguru in the name of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, Who delivered
the ultimate Sermon to the people. As His name implies, He plied the
Double-edged Sword (Tegh) of His Word, NAAM fearlessly and asked others to come
to his avenue if they too want to ply it. By this time, the satanic Khatris
were at their peak in satanic activities and they were very daring in fleecing
simple-minded people at Baba Bakalae. Finally, when Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji
went to visit His Ancestral Home, Harmandir Sahib, and Seat for Satgurus, the
greedy Khatris banged the Door at His Face in that they want to use this place
to fleece the simple-minded people and not for the propagation of His Word.
That is why you have gold over Harmandir Sahib to attract the prey. Although
Harmandir Sahib is the replacement of Holiest of Holy Jerusalem Temple yet next
to nothing is learnt from here today.
To let the satanic Khatris turned Mullahs create
the utter Darkness of Kalyug in which the psychic sons of Satan thrive, Satguru
Tegh Bahadur Ji left the Punjab for a faraway province so that the sons of Satan,
the Khatris to whom Kalyug belongs could show their best performances to the
world. That they showed in Kashmir, the home of Emperors of Darkness i.e.
hypocrites and Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji laid His life fighting them. Today, the
people of Kashmir are paying for this heinous crime. The Khatris of Amritsar
and Lahore shall pay the price for killing Satguru Arjun Dev Ji during the
Indo-Pak War.
After learning the secular moral laws in the Light
of Gospel (Tann Nirmal)and becoming solitary in God through His Word (Munn
Nirmal), one is ready to serve our Father.
Then the Royal Kings, Sache Patshahs, started
introducing to us Two Ways of doing that. One is to Preach Gospel as the Roving
Preachers called Sants and the other is to take on the Sword to sort out the
stubborn sons of Satan. Thus, first the devotee were doing this service whilst
still living in their family homes – Har Gobind to Har Krishan Ji – then the
last Royal King, the very Representation of our Father, Gobind Rai Ji, put the
Last Two communities on their own firm footings serving none other than Akaal
Purakh. Such people left their family homes for good to join these Two communities. Here are those two communities:-
THIRD KHALSA COMMUNITY OR PANTH: - The learned and the pure
(Khalas) of heart Sikhs have two options in serving God for the benefit of
humanity. One is to join the third Khalsa community after baptism and the other
is to concentrate upon preaching the Gospel as Roving Preachers. The Sikhs who
are physically fit (JATTI) generally prefer to join the Khalsa Community (PAAR
SHIV SENA) whilst the disabled or the people with great inclination towards
preaching and service become the Apostles of the Fourth community.
The transition from Sikh to Khalsa was not abrupt
but slow and steady. This transition started from the Royal King Har Gobind Ji,
who first started the work of SHAKTI MARAG (Gobind) along with
expounding the Ad-Granth Sahib (Har) to the Sikhs and listening to the
religious disputes. This was under “Har” and the same applies to other
two Royal Kings Har Rai Ji and Har Krishan Ji.
The change over from the Bhagti or Bhakti Marag of
Satguru Nanak Dev Ji to the Shakti Marag of "GOBIND" was
marked by the initiation rites conducted by Satguru Arjun Dev Ji in which the
head of Har Gobind Ji was shaved as part of the Hindu ritual (Ref.:
"The Evolution of the Sikh Community" by W.H.McLeod, OUP. 1976 Pp.77).
This was done in accordance with the Hindu custom of shaving the head of the
male person when he makes progression from one Ashram (stage of life) to the
next; so in the case of Royal King Har Gobind Ji, it was the progression from
Bhagti to Shakti Marag that was marked by this shaving of head ritual.
Further, as demiurge god Shiv had three consorts
(Paarvatti, Durga and Kali), so the Royal King Har Gobind Ji had three wives
(Damodri, Nanki and Mahan Devan). The compound name "HAR GOBIND"
reflects that He was the expositor of the Gospel (HAR) and exercised the Power
(SHAKTI) of GOBIND (PAAR SHIV). Thus, in the name of "HAR"(PIRI), He
established The AKAAL TAKHT (of BRAHMAN VARN) for the Apostles or NIRMALLAE
SANTS of the fourth community and He retreated into the motherly care of the
SHIVALIK HILLS for performing the work of "SHAKTI MARAG" in the name
of "GOBIND".
Further, as the Royal King (SACHAE PAATSHAH) is
greater than the King (BAADSHAH), and, therefore, He should look after the
righteous kings. That is why on his release from the Gwaliar Fort, Royal King
HAR GOBIND JI insisted upon and secured the release of innocent and oppressed
kings. Thus, whereas the kings look after the property of people, the Royal
Kings look after the "honour" (PATT) of the people. That is why they
are called Sachae Paatshah.
Similarly, the names of Royal Kings HAR RAI JI and
HAR KRISHAN JI also speak for themselves the progression in transition. Thus,
Royal King Har Rai Ji, the Royal King of our souls, made us comfortable in our
physical body by curing our illnesses so that we can listen to the expositions
by Royal King Har Krishan Ji.
Thus, Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji gave the finishing
touch to The AD-GRANTH SAHIB and to the BHAGTI MARAG by giving His own
sacrifice to the most satanic Khatris of Kashmir Valley who had become the
first rated Mullahs in the royal court of King Aurangzeb, a Great hypocrite
Moghul King of India whilst The Royal King GOBIND RAI JI gave the finishing
touches to PARSHAKTI MARAG of Philanthropists (PAR) by
establishing the independent Army of Philanthropic (PAR UPKAARI) KHALSA
Soldiers. As the name "GOBIND" also signifies SHRI KRISHAN BALDEV JI,
so the Royal King GOBIND RAI JI was the Representation of PAAR SHIV (ROOHANI,
spiritual, NEETI PARSHOTAM FATHER) as SHRI KRISHAN BALDEVJI was the incarnation
of Primal Noble Adam called SHIV (DUNIAVI, secular, NEETI PARSHOTAM AVTAAR).
Further, as SHIV is higher in status than VISHNU, so the Royal King GOBIND RAI
our Father ParBrahm, Allah, Elohim, etc. and, therefore, Royal King GOBIND
SINGH JI called Himself "UCH DA PIR" i.e. Supreme PIR.
Thus, the Sikhs who wanted to be initiated into
the third community of Khalsas did so through the "Baptism of
Sacrifice" (similar to the "Eucharist of Sacrifice" by Christ
Jesus that is very much mocked today) at The True Throne, KES GARH SAHIB,
situated at Anand Pur Sahib, Punjab after which they became the SARDAR,
Solitary head, Royal Soldiers of God (AKAAL PURAKH) and took up their permanent
residence at one of the three True Thrones (SACHAE KHALISTANS) dedicated to the
remaining three VARNS (professions); KES GARH SAHIB at Anand Pur Sahib for
KHASHTRI (Political) VARN, PATNA SAHIB at Patna, Bihar for VAISH (Business)
VARN and finally HAZOOR SAHIB at Nanded, Maharashtra for the SHOODAR (Servant)
Here is how the First Five were Baptised by
Royal King Gobind Rai Ji:-
It was the month when people had reaped their
crops and they were feeling happy. So, our Royal King Gobind Rai Ji also wanted
to Reap the Harvest prepared by the House of Satguru
Nanak Dev Ji, the anointed Son of Most High Akal Purakh. He called a Big
Meeting of the Sikhs and addressed them that time has come to fight the cruel
sons of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa with sword power. So, he asked for the sacrifice
of heads. Those who have Trust in Him, came forward one after the other and He
beheaded all the Five on the stage in front of everyone. This created havoc
among the congregation and those who were once-born left the congregation
calling Him a mad man. Whilst the twice-born sealed to serve God remained behind.
So, Royal King Gobind Rai Ji sewed the head of one with the torso of other and
revived them by pouring Amrit in their mouths. Each one rose up to proclaim
that he is the Soldier of God and Victory be to our Father. Seeing this
Miracle, congregation took Baptism (Amrit) in abundance and so the Third Khalsa
Community of solitary sealed to serve God emerged. Royal King Gobind Rai Ji
Himself took Amrit from the Baptised Khalsas and became one of them with the
Universal surname “Singh”, which stands for a lion. That is, this surname of
“Singh” is a special one for those who have devoted their lives for
Philanthropy (ParUpkaar). The version of Baptism that the Five were taken
into a Tent one by one is Fake as only a Thief will deceive the general public.
The Khalsas were having a special Blue Uniform. Only the men were baptised.
So, the three True Thrones are the Spiritual Seats
of SHAKTI MARAG of Paar Shiv, where the oppressed persons go to demand justice
which the secular courts had denied. Further, as the BHAGTI and SHAKTI MARAGS
are not compatible, so the senior Khalsas should not interfere into the
business of the junior Sikhs unless there is a specific need to clean up such
places off the Mammon worshippers as it is at present.
Now, the Khalsas are of three types; the once-born
simpletons of the flesh (BAE MUKH), the twice-born clever and dishonest of evil
spirit (MUNN MUKH) and the wise of holy ghost (GUR
Men of flesh (MOORAKH) cannot understand the
Gospel and, therefore, the Mammon-free nature of God. Typical example of such
Khalsas was the forty martyrs who had become Khalsas for the sake of material
rewards of plunder but left the company of Royal King GOBIND SINGH JI when He
was under a siege and they had to go hungry. But they earned their forgiveness
and "Salvation" by fighting the soldiers of Turkus (Clever Mammon
Worshippers) to their deaths after a twice-born Gurmukh lady in the name of Mai
Bhago Ji had rebuked them for their foolishness of deserting the Khalsa Panth.
They realised the stupidity and under the instructions of Mai Bhago, they died
fighting the TURKU force. Thus, they earned their Salvation or Mukti. Further,
Ranjit (Singh), a Sandhu Jatt, had the rule of the Panjab for 40 years to
fulfil the wishes of those forty martyrs and did a lot of foolish things to
please the greedy psychic priests in Sikh Temples.
The second type of Khalsas is the MUNN MUKH
(Mammon-orientated) clever psychics of evil spirit, the vipers, who are too
stubborn to give up their inherent nature. It was in the search of such a
person that Royal King GOBIND SINGH JI went to Nanded and got hold of a very
clever person called Madho Das who originally hailed from Kashmir Valley but
had formed his blind following among the once-born simpletons of this far away
land. Royal King GOBIND SINGH JI occupied his camp whilst he was away and the
psychic Madho Das tried all his cult powers against Him before submitting
himself. Madho Das hypocritically surrendered to Him and acknowledged Him to be
his Master in order to improve upon his cult powers. Then, Madho Das got
himself baptised in the name of Banda (servant) Singh along with his disciples
and the Royal King GOBIND SINGH JI knowing very well the inherent nature of a
MUNN MUKH person stressed home to him the three most basic tenets of Khalsa
community, which are:-
1. You are not to get married and become a
family man or a householder,
2. You are not to seek a secular kingdom
and become a secular king and lastly
3. You are not to proclaim yourself a
"Guru" to make a following of the blind.
So long as Banda Singh stuck to the above
mentioned three tenets of Khalsas, he had one victory after the other through
the blessings of God and even earned the title of "Bahadur" (brave)
for his bravery. But soon after the death of Royal King Gobind Singh Ji, Banda
Singh Bahadur became arrogant and proud of his prowess and transgressed all the
three most basic tenets of Khalsas.
On observing this, the learned GURMUKH KHALSAS
dissociated themselves from the company of Banda Singh Bahadur whilst the
once-born simpleton BAE MUKH Khalsas of flesh remained in the psychic grips of
this MUNN MUKH (Mammon worshipper) Banda Singh Bahadur. Finally, Banda Singh
Bahadur and his blind Khalsas were besieged, captured and brutally murdered by
the soldiers of shameless and cruel Turkus against whom the Royal Soldiers
(Khalsas) of the Royal King Gobind Singh Ji used to fight. Banda Singh Bahadur
made desperate pleas to TATT (True) Khalsas for help but they turned his pleas
down flatly for they knew that he went astray of the tenets fully understanding
them in spirit i.e. he reverted back to his old nature, evil spirit, a quality
which is inherent in the MUNN MUKHS, knowingly and of his own free-will. This
fact was reflected in his sensible answers to his captors.
The above three tenets were further stressed by
Royal King Gobind Singh Ji in that after His own Baptism by His own Khalsas
i.e. the Khalsas do not stand in the need of a "GURU" anymore and,
therefore, those who call Him a "GURU" are not the learned Sikhs, His
third marriage with Sahib Devan (Holy Spirit in person) was never consummated.
The other two wives were JEETO JI and SUNDRI JI, who had children. And also the
marriage rites of Bhai Joga Singh were not allowed to go through to completion
to stress that once you have become a Khalsa no more return to family life.
Thus, a TATT or True Khalsa of Royal King GOBIND
SINGH JI dedicates his life (symbolised in KARRA, the iron Bangle) to God for
good and works as a dedicated Soldier (PAAR SHIV SENA) of PAAR SHIV Royal King
GOBIND SINGH JI (DAE SHIVA MUJHAE VAR.... i.e. That is, let the sons of Man or
Shiv join me to fight the cruel aggressors of TURKU).
So, the learned Sikhs go to one of the three True
Thrones of SHAKTI MARAG for the "Baptism of Sacrifice" and this
Baptism cannot be conducted in the Gurdwaras of BHAGTI MARAG as it is being
done to-day. The result of such a malpractice is that the psychics (MUNN MUKHS)
have created their own army of imposter Bandaei Khalsas and sing the praises of
their master psychic Banda Singh Bahadur.
Thus, the present demand for a secular state of
Khalistan is also in the name of Banda Singh Bahadur and not in the name of the
Royal King GOBIND SINGH JI. This will become clear later on.
4. FOURTH NIRMALLAE SANT COMMUNITY: - The learned Khalsas, who
wanted to further their knowledge for preaching Gospel, then leave the third
community of Khalsas and go to places of learning such as Banaras, the
Jerusalem of India, before returning to The AKAAL TAKHT of the fourth community
of Apostles. Thus, AKAAL TAKHT dedicated to the BRAHMAN VARN is the Seat of
NIRMALLAE SANTS or (PAAR) BRAHM GYANIS who are well-versed in the knowledge of
VEDAS, the Scriptures, as well.
In fact, the knowledge of VEDAS lies on the
finger-tips of those who are well-versed in the knowledge of The AD-GRANTH
seeks the BRAHM GYANIS as Lord Krishna of Nature went to Saint Bidar, a Mustard
seed born of a Temple Dancing girl called Dassi, to know about the Gospel of
PAAR BRAHM and a BRAHM GYANI himself depicts the Nature of God). Jesus, Who was the first anointed Christ (SATGURU) of God, said,
"The least of my Labourers is greater than John, the Baptist, a Levi Rabbi
or Pandit Prophet Elijah” (My god is Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. of Nature).
Thus, the Rabbis or Pandits are like the Moon who is witness to the Light (Sun)
but not the Light, which are the SATGURUS, the Christs.
The NIRMALLAE SANTS, like the Apostles of Jesus,
do not handle money and this is well stressed by Jesus in Matt.10.9-15:
"Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, Nor scrip
(Scriptures including the Bible) for your journey as Gospel is written over
your heart, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman
is worthy of his meat (Gospel is the Meat for the twice-born Labourers whilst
Scriptures are Milk for the once-born baby Disciples of the Rabbis).....” How
does the Orthodox Churches put the Bible in the hand of Jesus?
Thus, the service of both the HARMANDIR SAHIB and
AKAAL TAKHT is the duty of the secular Sikhs.
Further, the NIRMALLAE SANTS go around the country
preaching Gospel of Love and Service and no one among them could be a leader or
JATHEDAAR at AKAAL TAKHT, who could either impose his views upon or issue
edicts (FATWAS) or the orders to the others as the learned Sikhs of SATGURU
NANAK DEV JI are the liberated Solitary persons who are sensible enough to
perform their own duties diligently and give their own accounts to God. The
Apostles being of the Family of Holy Spirit are all the Twin Brethren of Jesus
and Nanak. They have the Fellowship of the Royal Priests.
Thus, the Apostles could best be analogised to
school teachers whose pride lies in their producing good quality students. So,
if the Apostles preach the Gospel effectively, then we can expect TATT Khalsas
at the True Thrones to protect the righteous persons from the tyrants but if
the Apostles at the AKAAL TAKHT are missing and instead you have the
spiritually blind or the psychic crook leaders (JATHEDAARS), who even cannot be
of their own secular tribal father, then the possibility of having TATT Khalsa
is very very remote.
Further, the Apostles do not carry any sword as
the Khalsas do because they have to be the loving servants of people such as
Satguru Ram Dass Ji were and not to frighten them with sword. In fact, they ply
the double-edged Sword (KHANDA) of Gospel (NAAM) and their earning of the Godly
Treasures (NAAM RATTAN) is through DHIYAN MARAG. Also, the NIRMALLAE SANTS
being the Roving Preachers of RAM, they cannot establish permanent schools or
residences as at present the crook psychics are doing and calling their shops
"true thrones".
communities of religion is compatible with its neighbouring communities. Thus,
the Hindus learn the secular moral laws pertaining to "flesh" that
are based upon the animal instincts of "Tit-for-Tat" e.g. the story
of Shri Ram Chander Ji and King Ravan of Lanka, whereas the Spiritual
Principles pertaining to soul are based upon the Agape Divine Love and Service
in which you present the other cheek.
Further, whatever applies to flesh, the opposite
applies to soul e.g. in the secular world everyone has his own parents whilst
in the spiritual world, we all have One Parent, Father God and Mother Holy
Spirit; identity (JAATI) of the flesh is through "birth" (JANAM), a
quantity whereas of the soul is through "deeds" (KARAM), the qualities.
Therefore, the first Hindu community of KARAM MARAG is not compatible with the
second Sikh community of BHAGTI MARAG. Similarly, the second community of
BHAGTI MARAG is not compatible with the third Khalsa community of SHAKTI MARAG
e.g. Bhai Ghahniya Ji of the BHAGTI MARAG confused most of the Khalsas of the
SHAKTI MARAG. This point will become clear on scrutinizing the "frontal
marks" of the worshippers of BRAHMA, VISHNU and SHIV which are at cross
with each other:
Brahma/Paar Brahm, Vishnu/Paar Vishnu and
Shiv/Paar Shiv
The frontal markings of SHIV have the third eye of
VISHNU in line with the markings of VISHNU meaning that the destructive work of
SHIV is done in the light of VISHNU.
In the same way, the Khalsas during performing
their duties of SHAKTI MARAG do so keeping in mind the knowledge of BHAGTI
MARAG or the Gospel i.e. a Khalsa should first learn to "love and
serve" people before taking on arms to kill the Turkus and their super
bastard fanatic supporters. The third and the fourth communities are not
compatible in that the Apostles are to ply the loving double-edged Sword
(KHANDA - Har) of Gospel (NAAM) whilst the Khalsas are to ply the frightening
sword (KIRPAAN - Gobind) of "steel".
Further, the Hindus fight for their King (BAADSHAH)
and are paid in Mammon for the services they render to him whilst the Khalsas
fight for their Royal King (SACHAE PAATSHAH) GOBIND SINGH JI and they are not
paid in material but in spiritual wealth, the Salvation, Mukti or resurrection.
Similarly, the BHAGATS of the second Sikh
community and the NIRMALLAE SANTS of the fourth apostolic community share the
common goal of studying and expounding the Gospel respectively except that the
Sikhs are secular householders whilst the NIRMALLAE SANTS are not the householders
but renunciates of the order of Melchizedik.
Thus, both the Hindus and the Sikhs are
householders (secular) whilst both the Khalsas and the NIRMALLAE SANTS are not
householders (spiritual).
It is for the compatibility or common goal of the
Sikhs and the NIRMALLAE SANTS that the two Holiest of Holy places in the world
are situated within the same complex. This is further stressed in the Saying:-
That is, HARMANDIR SAHIB has been established for
the NIRMALLAE SANTS and the Sikh BHAGATS to sing praises of God (RAM).
And, it was for the non-compatibility of the
BHAGTI and the SHAKTI MARAGS that the Royal King GOBIND SINGH JI never visited
the HARMANDIR SAHIB complex.
Further, if you understand why the
"QURAAN" and the Bible are called "KETAEB" (odd books),
then the present situation in which the so-called Sikhs carry sword into the
Gurdwaras is similarly odd, which is amply reflected in the odd ARDAAS, the
Sikh prayer.
Finally, the seniority of the communities is in
the same order as their numbers and the VARNAS. Thus, the Sikhs or Labourers of
Satguru Nanak Dev Ji are superior to the Moral Teachers, Brahmins, of the Hindu
Disciples of Brahma, Khalsas are superior to the Sikhs and the NIRMALLAE SANTS
are superior to the Khalsas. Therefore, if the NIRMALLAE SANTS find that a
particular Gurdwara is being exploited by a MUNN MUKH MAHANT (bishop), then
they can order the Khalsas to sort the mess up as their Royal King Gobind Singh
Ji did lead His Khalsas to kill the corrupt MAHANTS by frying them alive in oil
and, therefore, on such occasions the Khalsas could enter a Gurdwara.
At present, the HARMANDIR SAHIB and the other
Gurdwaras are being exploited beyond limits, and, therefore, the TATT Khalsas
should consult the NIRMALLAE SANTS for getting them purged off the MUNN MUKH
MAHANTS (greedy bishops).
type of worship in different communities. Thus, in the first community of once-born
spiritually blind Disciples of their Brahman Guru or moral teacher that teaches
Scriptures of Brahma (Milk) or ASTHOOL ROOP (concrete body known by the tribe),
there is the worship of the idols of demiurge gods and goddesses as in flesh,
we have male and female; therefore, the sacramental food is distributed after
dedication to the idols.
In the second community of Sikhs, there is the
worship of Gospel or SHABD; therefore, the sacramental food is to be
distributed after dedication to SHABD, "His Word" and not to the
mini-sword of SHAKTI MARAG as it is prevalent to-day.
In the third community of Khalsas, the bravery of
Khalsas is to be admired and the fighting "weapons" are worshipped;
therefore, the sacramental food is to be distributed after dedication to
weapons especially the sword (KIRPAAN).
In the fourth community of Apostles, there is a
pondering over the Gospel (BRAHM VICHAAR) in order to solve the religious
problems; therefore, the sacramental food is to be distributed after dedication
to the exposition of Gospel or ALHAAM - revelations.
Finally, the salutation of the Hindus is "JAI
HO" (you win in your secular mission), of the Sikhs is PARNAAM (I humbly
honour you), of the Khalsas is Waheguru (Innerman) Ji ka Khalsa; Waheguru Ji ki
Fateh (Khalsa is Solitary and He goes by His Innerman; Victory be of our Father
Ram) and of the NIRMALLAE SANTS is NAMASKAAR (I have killed my "ego"
of flesh through humbleness and I perceive the Face of God in all the living
WHY THE PRESENT MUDDLE?:- Those who are sensible
should know that when SATGURU TEGH BAHADUR JI was to appear in the village
Bakaala, Punjab, then twenty two MUNN MUKH SODHI Khatris well versed in Baani
posed themselves as SATGURUS to the devote twice-born Sikh of Surtti Labhu Shah
of Lubana tribe. Even after the outdooring of TRUE SATGURU TEGH BAHADUR JI, the
imposters did not run away but even they tried to kill Him. And when SATGURU
TEGH BAHADUR JI went to Amritsar to pay His homage to SATGURU NANAK DEV JI at
HARMANDIR SAHIB, the greedy MUNN MUKH SODHI Khatris again locked themselves in
the HARMANDIR SAHIB and they won't open the doors for Him to let him pay
All these matters point to the fact that even when
the rightful Owner of the House of SATGURU NANAK DEV JI was still alive, the
greedy SODHI Khatris like the people of Judah tribe had occupied the House by
force in order to make a business out of it as the greedy Prithi Chand had
tried in the times of SATGURU RAM DASS JI.
Further, it were the same satanic Khatris who were
responsible for the torture to death of SATGURU ARJUN DEV JI at Lahore and the
bricking into the wall alive the two infant sons of Royal King GOBIND SINGH JI
at Sirhand.
Why the people of Khatri tribe behaved so will
become clear on understanding the fact that in the TRETA YUG of Shri Ram
Chander Ji they, like the people of King David of Judah tribe were highly
learned angelic people (DEVTAS) who in the Age of holy spirit, KAL YUG, they
were to become just the opposite, the most stubborn and clever opportunist
psychic sons of Satan. So, the Spiritual Doctors, SATGURUS, had to appear among
these spiritually sick satanic Khatris who were much worse than the spiritually
sick satanic people of the Judah tribe (Prince of Darkness) among whom Christ Jesus
appeared. Therefore, the son of Satan of Judah tribe, Judas Iscariot was
nothing as compared to those satanic Khatris, who are still very active. Whilst
in the DOAAPAR YUG, the Yadavs (Jatts form a major portion of them) were
simpletons that in KAL YUG they become the staunch supporters of SATGURUS and
especially of the Royal Kings HAR GOBIND JI and GOBIND SINGH JI.
It may be worthwhile to apply the above principle
to the present situation in Sri Lanka and Kashmir. In the Sri Lanka, King Ravan
used to be the world renowned Pandit and he had excellent law and order in the
country i.e. Lanka used to be a "heaven" but to-day, just the
opposite in that it has the worst law and order in the world making the place a
perfect "hell". No wonder to-day Lanka is called Sri Lanka!!!
Remembering that the courtesy title "SRI OR
SHRI" is either for the Prophets or the Royal Priests of the Melchizedik
type called BRAHM GIANIS, the Apostles who are purely spiritual. That is, the
Royal Priests being the Spokesmen of God, they are neither male nor female as
the Supernatural Holy Spirit has no physical body. The secular people are
called Shriman and Shrimatti whilst the eunuchs being neither male nor female
but neutral self, they are also addressed as “Shri”. Now, politics is a tribal
affair and those who replace their tribal identity with religious or
non-religious selves, they become “Eunuchs”, the super bastard fanatic devils
of their own choice. Such people are also entitled to the courtesy title of
Shri. In the Bible, they are called eunuchs made by men Matt. 19v12 or for the
eunuchs of SHANKAR VARN who are nothing else but the super bastards, not born
of the prostitutes, but the self-made.
Similarly, the Kashmiri Sarsuts used to be known
as "GURU BRAHMAN" but to-day just the opposite; they are the
"GURU sons of SATAN Al-Djmar Al-Aksa" especially the one who became
the so-called Muslims. But the people of Khatri tribe always surpassed the
people of other tribes devoted to the BRAHMAN VARN called “Cohen” so much so
that there is a proverb, "PUTT JAMAN KHATRANIAN KOI KOI BAHMANIAN" i.e. the sons of Khatris are
far superior in religious knowledge than the people of tribes doing the work of
Thus, the political situation in the Kashmir
Valley shall be worse than that is in Sri Lanka for it is the home of the
satanic Sarsuts and Khatris turned Mullahs. Further, the Gaur Brahmans of
Kurukhshetar were known as the "ADI-GAURS" but to-day, they are the
most ignorant Brahmans of all.
Now, the HARMANDIR SAHIB is supposed to be the
monument of humility but to-day you find it having expensive gold plated domes,
priceless artefacts, etc. all to the foolishness of
the Jatt King Ranjit Sandhu. Instead of a humble HARMANDIR, it was changed by
the Mammon worshippers, MUNN MUKH so-called GYANIS, into a showpiece similar to
the Hindu temple of JAGAN NATH so that the people could visit the place just to
admire its decorative beauty but not to learn some lessons in humility.
In fact, at the times of King Ranjit Sandhu, a
musician of HARMANDIR SAHIB in the name of Bhai Mansa Ji set a good example of
humility and contentment by distributing the money donated to him among the
poor whilst the MUNN MUKH Sodhi Khatri Lala Sant Singh, the so-called Gyani
gathered wealth, lived like a king and got the most expensive decorations from
Ranjit Sandhu for making money out of the pilgrims. To-day, the same trend
could also be observed in the other Gurdwaras such as Bangla Sahib in New
Delhi, which is almost all covered with marble that is not comfortable to walk
upon either in the winter or in the summer.
Further, the offer of land by Emperor Akbar for
Harmandir Sahib was rejected by the Satguru Ram Dass Ji but this most foolish
Jatt King Ranjit Sandhu attached land to the Sikh Gurdwaras for the MUNN MUKH
psychic Gyanis to flourish. In a nutshell, King Ranjit Sandhu helped the MUNN
MUKH Sodhis and others to turn the humble Gurdwaras into the dens of Mammon
worshippers. No wonder the people learn next to nothing from such places than
become the super bastard fanatics by adopting Sikh Panth as their tribe. No
wonder gold has made them so stupid that they get fleeced and even killed
during the sectarian riots such as of 1947 and 1984!!!!
Now, I happened to visit Faridkot in the Panjab
and I was extremely happy to notice the great humility of the Gurdwara in the
memory of Saint Bhai Faridji that is situated next to the castle but I was
equally sad to see its beauty being marred by a sword placed in the front of
GURU AD-GRANTH SAHIBJI, which was not compatible with the preaching of Bhai
Faridji or any other BHAGAT in that if someone hits you on one cheek present
the other cheek or not to retaliate. Also, sword is the weapon of SHAKTI and
not of the BHAGTI MARAG.
I do not need to go deep into the activities of
Mammon worshippers as this short article is a tip of the knowledge that is best
learnt through lively heart-to-heart discussions.
Finally, remember that all the people of either
the Khatri or the Judah tribe are not the sons of Satan and among them there
are some people of knowledge far superior to any other tribal people.
Therefore, they are the best people to fight these sons of Satan.
RECOMMENDATIONS: - Now, what steps should be
taken to put the matters right? Some of these are:-
Let the
NIRMALLAE SANTS take the control of their AKAAL TAKHT SAHIB with the help of
either the government or some TATT Khalsas. Thus, the government should ban
carrying of weapons into the HARMANDIR SAHIB Complex and the Gurdwaras.
All the
land, pilgrim alluring artefacts, the gold on the domes, etc. should be sold to
return the beauty of HARMANDIR SAHIB in simplicity and humility. The money so
raised and already in cash should be spent to feed the hungry in the different
parts of the country and even abroad.
There should be no more fleecing of the pilgrims
through such tricks as AKHAND PATHS. Remember that Gospel or BAANI is for
listening, understanding and acting upon and, therefore, just reading of the
AD-GRANTH SAHIB on behalf of someone does not make any sense. Thus, all the
paid GRANTHIS and the musicians should be sacked from all the Gurdwaras as the
duty of reading and exposition is of the roving NIRMALLAE SANTS only.
Congregations should be encouraged to understand
Gurbani through logical reasoning called “Gur” or formula.
Members of the Sikh congregations should render
expositions of the Parable of the New Testament to spiritually “Dead” people of
the Book Christians to enable them to know of the Second coming of Jesus in the
name of Satguru (Christ) Nanak Dev Ji in 1469. He Preached Gospel for almost
150 years through Five more Lights or Satgurus and
still, the greedy Khatris, Kings and Emperors of Darkness, marred the Gospel as
the people of Judah tribe marred the Gospel in the Middle East. Your safety
lies in Preaching Gospel of the Royal Kingdom of God called RAM RAJAYE. Beard
and turban could be mistaken as you being a Mohammedans.
Then, you can expect some learned Sikhs to feed
the Four True Thrones with TATT Khalsas and to produce enough Apostles to go
around the country and overseas to preach Gospel of Har by the grace of Ram in
This will clarify the misunderstandings created by
the sons of Satan among the so-called Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Muslims, etc.
Remember that it is the religion of Satan, whose sons are psychic seeking their
own praises and they are selfish by nature, to bring about chaos and hatred
among the ignorant people.
Finally, this type of knowledge is not for the
common once-born people but for the twice-born sensible people of holy spirit and, therefore, there is no need to write too
much to make it boring.
Satguru Nanak Devi Ji said about Kalyug:-
"PAWAN ARANBH (this is the era of
revelations through logical reasoning) SATGURU MATT WAILA (Go by the wisdom of
your own Innerman, the Satguru or Christ); SHABD "GURU" (“His Word”
is your teacher); SURAT (Discerning intellect) DHUNN CHAELA (You are a Disciple
of holy spirit, “common sense”). THAT IS, KAL YUG IS
BAPTIST LUKE 16V16 but Satgurus and Royal Kings.
The subject is quite extensive and a brief summary
would recapitulate the subject of the Four Communities of Religion in India.
There are Four spiritual states, four Varnas, four
advent candles, etc.
First community of Jew and Hindu deals with moral
laws taught to the once-born Disciples of school age 12 to 16 years old.
Rabbis/Pandits/Fetish Priests are responsible to teach the moral laws.
Transgression against the moral laws is sin. At the times of Jesus, the people
especially of the Judah tribe were very clever liars and in John 8 v44:-
You belong to your fathers, the super bastard
fanatic devils, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a
murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in
him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the
father of lies.
That used to be the character of the people of
Judah tribe. Nobody would trust them as in India, you cannot trust a Khatri.
Not all the people of Judah tribe were liars but a remnant was truthful and
reliable. Simon nicknamed Peter by Christ Jesus was a truthful person obeying
his Rabbi in the rituals. That is why Jesus picked him up for feeding sheep to
His Fold, the Church of God. That is, if you want to join the second community Christianity
or Sikhism, you must speak the truth or you a rotten egg which will spoil the
whole basket or the Church of God.
Thus, the intake of Christianity and Sikhism are
people who have conscience or salt of their tribal family and they are
truthful. John, the Baptist baptised Jewish men especially of Judah tribe, the
one Lost Sheep that Jesus tried His best to bring back to the Fold of God, in
the name of Abraham and Jesus in the name of His heavenly father Yahweh. This
baptism of water was not needed by others such as the Gentiles or Samaritans.
All the people of the world displayed their tribal identities and the African
and others have tribal marks on their faces. Abraham gave Isaac the tribal mark
of “circumcision”, which the clever people of Judah tribe misused to
make Gentile Jews, the super bastard fanatic devils like themselves, by
circumcising them. In India, the people of Khatri tribe remained Khatris and
not Hindus outwardly except in Iran where they used to cheat the simpletons.
There, they became Hindu outwardly, super bastard greedy people called Kararr
in Punjabi. Naal Krarran dosti; koorroh koori paye.
That is having friendship with such devil liars, they always cheat and
you too may become a Krarr. In Iran, the word Hindu
became synonymous with a “Thief”. So, imagine such Hindus becoming Mohammedans
and Mullahs in Mosques, what would you expect from such super bastard fanatic
Christ Jesus and Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, both
anointed Sons of God, transformed the truthful persons into contented and
merciful Saints through Preaching Gospel of our Father that washes one’s heart
of the filth of hypocrisy. Further, a son is not allowed to take the life of
anyone except Peter who was given the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. This Key
used to be with the Rabbis but it was taken away from them for they had become
greedy liars and crooks, the hypocrites. Thus, Peter fed the truthful Sheep to
the Fold of our Father, Church of God, Headed by Christ Jesus or Christ Peter
became the Gatekeeper to the Church of God. That is why Peter used to deliver
the First Sermon in a newly built Church of God warning people to be truthful
if they would like their hearts to receive Gospel Truth. In the same sense,
Hinduism is the base or mordant to Sikhism.
Then, the Pure of heart (Khalas – pure) person has
a strong urge to serve God. There are two ways to do that:-
Become an Apostle by giving to the poor all your
possessions as the members of the first Church of God did and formed a
Mammon-Free Congregation praising our Father and glorifying Him through
philanthropic deeds in which they helped the needy as Thomas the Apostle sent
Jude to King Abgar and the king was cured. Astonished, he converted to
Christianity, along with many of the people under his rule. Jude was one of the
outer circle Labourers of 70 that Jesus prepared for John, the Baptist. They
used to go ahead of Jesus in pairs and baptise Jewish men in water in the name
of Abraham. He refused to accept any parting gift from the King – Matt. 13v44:
“The Royal Kingdom of God is like treasure hidden
in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and
sold all he had and bought that field.”
Or take to sword and sort out the stubborn sons of
Satan to establish a Rule of Righteousness and Justice. This was done under the
Third Khalsa Panth (Community) of Royal King Gobind Singh Ji. There were Four
Royal Kings to look after the affairs of Four Varnas and they established Four
True Thrones; Hazoor Sahib (Shoodar Varn), Patna Sahib (Vaish Varn), Kes Garh (Khashhtri Varn) and finally the Akal Takht (Brahman Varn).
These sons of Satan when created Darkness or Mist of falsehoods called Koorr in
Punjabi, they made people to forget their tribal identities in favour of Sikh
Kaum (tribe) making them super bastard fanatic Devils –John 8v44, then they
formed the Fifth True Throne Dam Dami Taksal where the children were groomed to become super
bastard fanatic Devils well versed in the letters of Ad-Granth, the New
Testament of the Sikhs that was meant for the twice-born people of holy spirit
making other people Sikhs outwardly, the same as Jews are in Middle East, the
Tares. The fate of such Tares is as per Matt. 13v24-30: He put another parable
before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man (Yahweh,
Brahma, Khudah, etc.) who sowed good seed in his field (secular world of Nature
at large), 25 but while his men (Rabbi, Pandits, etc.) were sleeping
(spiritually blind), his enemy (sons of Satan, the super bastard fanatic
Devils) came and sowed weeds (sons of Most High Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the
super bastard fanatic devils – John 8v44) among the wheat (sons of Man) and
went away. 26 So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds (Tares)
appeared also. 27 And the servants (Angels such as John, the Baptist and
Stephen of Yahweh) of the master of the house (Synagogues) came and said to
him, ‘Master (Lord Yahweh), didn’t you sow good seed in your field (world)? How
then does it have weeds?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the
servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ 29 But he
said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them.
30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell
the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but
gather the wheat into my barn.’” So, it is happening in the Middle East and
when it will happen in India, the sectarian riots shall be far worse than
anywhere else that you could imagine.
In this Dark Age,
“Everyone has to give his own account to God”.
Chapter 23
P R E D I C T I O N S.
Everything that happens in the world does so
according to the "Will of God", our Supernatural Father that Governs
Nature of Yahweh, the demiurge god and not to the designs of SATAN.
Therefore, a good grasp of the Gospel in the capacity of the "spirit of
man", holy spirit or common sense called “Surtti” in Punjabi, can tell you
all that is happening and what should we expect to happen in the near future.
Presently, we are passing through GREAT
TRIBULATIONS PERIOD (GTP), which started in May, 1948 when Israel was
established in the fulfilment of Matt. 13v24-30 that the Tares would be bundled
up at the End of the Age and burnt. The Final Burning or the Atomic War is
expected soon after Israel is 70 years old. Jesus called these Tares good for
nothing and not even worth for the Manure Heap. During this GTP, there shall be
many riots, both sectarian and non-sectarian, in which the "tares"
and "merciless" people will kill and burn each other. In the East,
the people will be very cruel whilst in the West they would be sympathetic.
Middle East will be between the two.
The criteria of destruction are laid down in the
New Testament (N.T.) as well as Ad-Granth. It is much more explicit in the N.T
than in the Ad-Granth Sahib of the Sikhs. In the N.T. Jesus outlined in
Matt.13.24-30: “…….. At that time I will tell the harvesters (Angels): First
collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat
and bring it into my barn” and it is stressed again in Matt.15.13: But He
answered and said, "Every plant (person), which my heavenly Father
(Yahweh) hath not planted (everyone who shall forget his tribal integrity),
shall be rooted up (shall be killed alongside his supporters)".
The same has been stressed by Christ Nanak, "BEO BEEJ PATT LAE GAE, ABB
KEUN UGHWAE DAAL" i.e. those people who shall not forget their tribal
"seed", will remain honourable.
Now, many do not know why Jesus was named Jesus
called YeShua in Hebrew? It is a compound name consisting of Ye = Yahweh and
Shua or Shiva = Adam. Thus, Jesus was the “Seed” of Yahweh, the Creator
demiurge god and Mary was his Surrogate Mother whilst Joseph of Judah tribe his
Foster father. Jesus being the Second Adam came as floating on earth
with no place to rest his head and leaving no mark on earth. He was buried in a
newly built Burial Chamber, which proves that he has no tribal father but born
of a Virgin. Same way, the name of Nanak is hardly known to any Sikh. It is
made up of Na = no and Nak = shame of the secular world (Nose) in that he
didn’t obey his secular father but he was Solitary pleasing our spiritual
Father ParBrahm, Allah, Elohim, etc.
The "fruit" of above Saying was reaped
by our family during the Partition of India in 1947 when my father turned a
2000 strong sectarian mob into our best Friends in Allah by explaining to them
that Sikh and Muslim are spiritual selves that are never born and they will
never die but the tribal selves. They were of Arian tribe and we being of Jatt
tribe had no enmity to settle between our tribes. So, we became the Best
Friends in Allah, our supernatural spiritual Father. They looked after us as
their Guests. Such an example, you shall rarely come across as fanaticism
breeds fanaticism whilst Gospel breeds Agape Love. This is further supported in
Revelations 7v4: “Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000
from all the tribes of Israel.” They are the tribal people and not Jews,
Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, etc., the spiritual selves. If you understand Rom.
2v28-29: “A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly (appearance), nor is
circumcision (tribal covenant of Abraham with Isaac and his “seed”) merely
outward and physical. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly (spiritual in
demi-urge Yahweh); and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Holy
Spirit in Christ Jesus of the Five spiritual temptations of heart as was of the
Samaritan Woman at well was “Circumcised” not in flesh but in holy spirit –
John 4, not by the dead letters (tribal rituals); and his praise is not from
men, but from God.” That is, not a single Jew, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, etc. was
ever born or died during the sectarian riots but the tribal people who were
born and they died. This little Speck of Faith can turn mountains of super
bastard fanatic devils – John8v44 – into your Best Tribal Friends in Yahweh,
Brahm or Khudah and you do not need to leave your tribal homes for other
countries as it is happening today that country also would turn you down.
Remember that the Tares, the fanatic sons of most High Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa
are not worth the Manure in the field (world) as they will create troubles –
Luk. 14v35: “It is not fit neither for the soil (country) nor for the manure
pile (well-wishers of the country); it is thrown out (rejected by the host
country as Jews were in England in the past and Germany recently - holocausts).
“Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear."” Even this simple Gospel Truth is by the grace
of our Father ParBrahm, Allah, Elohim, etc.
Now, let us ponder over the above mentioned basic
criteria. The plants that have been planted by our heavenly father Yahweh,
Brahma, etc. are the "wheat plants", the tribal sons of Man, which
bear fruit because they have tribal shame, Sharm or Heeya intact whilst the
"tares", the super bastard fanatic devils that were planted by the
"sons of Satan" bear thorns or troubles. Here, by plants we should
not confine ourselves to vegetation but it is a general allegory that has been
used by Jesus for people.
Thus, Adam being created by Brahma, Yahweh,
Khudah, etc., the demiurge god of Nature, a Great Artist, with the very Spirit
of God, soul infused in Him (Jesus demonstrated Genesis by making twelve sparrows
of clay on Sabbath, a day to be celebrated praising our Supernatural Father God
but when the angry Rabbi brought his foster father Joseph to him, he infused
the soul of God and they flew away chirping happily) was a Great Saint in the
image of our Father that Jesus came to take us back into His House through “His
Word” for Rest but the sons of Satan killed Him for they liked of their own
type, the robbers. So, if you become the noble sons of Man by establishing your
tribal covenant with your elders, then by Preaching Gospel you too can become a
Saint like Adam. At the times of Jesus most of the people especially of the
Judah tribe had become Jews outwardly severing their tribal covenant with
Abraham and Yahweh. Only handful of them were sensible enough to keep their
tribal identities and those were the remnant that John, the Baptist baptised in
the name of Abraham and handed such sons of Abraham, the Salt of earth, to
Christ Jesus for turning them into the sons of the Most High Elohim, Allah,
Parbrahm, etc. But the Temple Jews created so much Darkness that even the most
literal Origen could not establish the covenant of Jews with Abraham. Can you
do it?
Thus, those who are able to represent Adam through
lineage or seed are called the "sons of Man or Adam and they will survive
the Atomic War." The super bastard fanatic devils, the Tares, shall be
wiped off the surface of the Planet. We have a popular prediction in Punjabi: “JAB
2000; the sectarian riots between Christian and Mohammedans would intensify.
Now, we represent the seed of Adam through races,
tribes, clans, surnames, etc. and this integrity of flesh is to be maintained
explicitly by us in our tribal or political affairs. Countries being the tribal
homes of the "sons of Man", therefore, in politics only the tribes
concerned are to take part. But this is not so in most of the countries and it
is there that the Tribulations shall be greatest of all.
For example, the country England, Fatherland,
belongs to the people of English tribe and, therefore, all the political
affairs of England should be run by the people of English tribe only whereas it
is not so and the people have formed man-made and irresponsible non-tribal
political parties such as Conservative, Labour, SDP, etc. of “Tares” in which
the members change their colours to suit their whims. Democracy makes the
situation worse than autocracy in which the tribal King is a responsible person
who cannot change his colour or the tribal identity at will. Thus, in democracy
the psychic soft spoken crooks well versed in the art of falsehoods that are
sweeter than honey take over the politics and deliver sugar-coated sermons of
falsehoods. Hireling Dog-Collared Priests in Churches also follow the trend set
by the psychic politicians seeking their own praises or they would be sacked by
their Mammon masters, the seven evil spirits, the deacons.
Thus, the people were born in the tribal homes of
their forefathers but when the time came to defend the political rights of
their forefather's fatherland, they voted for someone else altogether. Such
people are nothing else but the "tares" planted by the psychic
"sons of Satan" at night (lack of the religious knowledge or Light).
In other cases, the people vote for political
parties based upon religious selves such as Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Muslim,
Jew, etc. Knowing very well that religion is a matter of heart i.e. Rom.
2.28-29: "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that
circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one
inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the living spirit, and not
in the dead letters; whose praise is not of men, but of God", the people
become "tares" and in politics they suppress their tribal integrity
in Adam by the false spiritual integrity in the so-called sectarian God that is
against "His Will"; it is like a square peg in a round hole. Such
irreligious people of appearances or of the flesh and not of the hearts become
sectarian "fanatic super bastards" of Al-Djmar Al-Aksa that
are more harmful "tares" than the non-sectarian "tares"
such as Conservative, Labour, SDP, Congress, Communist, etc. of Al-Djmar
Based upon the above understanding of the "wheat
plants", "tares", conscience of people under democracy and
knowing very well that planet earth is for the inhabitation of the tribal
"sons of Man" i.e. Rev.7.4:"And I heard the number of them which
were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousands of
all the tribes of the children of Israel", let us predict the future of
some of the countries:-
East, India and West Europe form the two extremes;
India especially the Punjab where the second coming of Jesus took place in 1469
forms the Epicentre of crooks. Remember that Golden Temple, Amritsar is the
Hospital for the most dirty-hearted crooks of the world. Jerusalem Temple
Priests were nothing as compared with the Thugs of Banaras where most of the
Saints appeared to cure the sick with Gospel’s bitter Pills. In Amritsar, when
the last Christ on earth, the Sixth Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji went to pay his
Homage to Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, the greediest of all Khatris banged the door of
Harmandir Sahib at His Face. After sitting a while to meet his congregation, he
declared that the people of Amritsar shall be highly deceitful – “AMRIT
SARIYAE; ANDAR SARRIYAE”. I had a practical experience in Reading when a
good friendly neighbour became the middle man between me and his builder
nephews and I was fleeced by overcharging and poor quality of job. After that
he wanted to remain friend with me but I rejected him away. He belonged to
Amritsar area.
Whereas the Punjab is the epicentre of crooks,
southern India is of trust worthy people. That is why no Saint appeared in the
South India and Christ Thomas was killed by the local Brahmans in that we are
not corrupt, then why are you causing confusion among our once-born intake of
During the Partition of India in 1947, sectarian
riots in the Punjab were of the worst type and people killed each other without
any consideration that they are their own tribal people.
People of the Middle East are less fanatic and the
present sectarian killing is dominated by the Mullahs and fanatics originating
from India especially the Kashmir Valley that produces very High Quality sons
of Satan Mullahs Al-Djmar Al-Aksa; whilst the local Mullahs are asking for a
written pledge.
People of the West are tolerant and soft-hearted
in Christ Jesus. They are trying their best to render comforts to people and I
hope refugees would appreciate their hospitality.
People of Amazon and African Jungles, who are
still living a very simple life with tribal identities intact through their
facial tribal marks will keep on enjoying the Peace of our Father and they
shall survive the Atomic War to carry on with the next generation of humanity.
Another Cycle of Four Ages, Swastika, will start ending again with this present
Dark Age of Christ in which He clears the thrashing Floor to take His Remnant
into His Father’s House for permanent Rest.
Now, you will also appreciate why the countries of
“Tares” were ruled by people with tribal identities and clean conscience? In
the Middle East, the crook Temple Priests dominated and if they had been
allowed to rule over people, then the just people of God would have suffered a
lot as you can see today. That is why people of cleaner conscience ruled over
such people to look after the remnant just people of God. Same applied to India
and the people were slaves to foreigners of cleaner conscience. In this Dark Age of Christ, the quality of heart counts and not the
tribal identity of the people in flesh. When the quality of the ruling
people is lowered down to the quality of local people, then someone else takes
over the country as the British took over India from the hypocrite Moghuls. But
today as we are approaching the End of the World, people have been left of
their own to meet their own fate blaming a third person no more.
Finally, one should not forget that the
"spirit" of man knows only the things of men and to err is human.
Therefore, the above PREDICTIONS should not be taken for granted but they are
presented in good faith to warn people of the coming events whose shadows have
been studied by me in the light of Holy Books. If I had possessed the very
"Spirit of God", as the Apostles rewarded at Pentecost, then I could
have given you the precise times and dates of the events -1Cor.2.11: For what
man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man, holy spirit, which is
in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God that
Jesus and His Twin-Brethren possessed.
spirit, “common sense” shatters the fetters of the ”Dead”
letters, “Holy Books”. |
Son – ADAM |
Son – CHRIST |
NATURAL – Obey natural laws
of Tit-for-tat. |
spirit = common sense. |
Creation of Yahweh = Brahma
= Khudah, etc. are “Born” and they “die”. |
Souls of our Father God =
ParBrahm = Allah, etc. are Emanated and merger is the aim. |
Written Torah – Moral Laws
written in “Letters”. |
Oral Torah or “His Word” –
Spiritual Principles. |
Shadow to Oral Torah, “His
Word”. |
Source of “His Word” –
Sadhus – Melchizedek type. |
Natural Sciences. |
Being above Nature, not
under law but grace of God. |
FLESH – What is born of
Flesh is flesh? Born and Die. |
What is Born of Spirit is
spirit? Sons Eternal like Father. |
Jesus = Yeshoua was born and
he died. |
Christ was never born and
never died but ETERNAL. |
What applies to the flesh? |
Just the opposite applies to
spirit? |
Nature could be “seen” by
the two naked eyes. |
Not seen but “Perceived”
through the Third eye of Logic. |
Identified through “birth”:-
race, tribe, surname, etc. |
Identified through Holy
Merciful “Deeds”. |
Many races and tribes in
Adam. |
Only “Four” spiritual states
of soul. |
Tribal people such as Jatts,
Afghan, Judah, Levi, etc. ALL “OUTWARDLY” –
They have the right to occupy the countries to live in Peace as “Sons of
Man”. |
Four religious communities.
First Jew = Hindu; Workers of Jesus = Sikhs; Puritans = Khalsas &
Apostles = Sants. ALL “INWARDLY” –
Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Khalsa, Muslim, etc. |
Matt.13v24-30 – Tribal Sons
of Man are “Wheat Plants”. 144000 mentioned are ALL by
their tribes. |
Jew, Hindu, etc. outwardly
are Fanatic super Bastards – Tares, who will kill and burn each other. |
Sons of man on Perfection
become “Angels”. |
Sons of God on Perfection
become “Saints”. |
The names of the countries
are based upon tribes. |
Places of worship are known
by the communities. |
Sensible tribal people live
in Peace and Harmony whilst for the natural man, Nature is a great teacher
and they learn through mistakes. |
People of higher community
“respect” the people of lower community whilst the people of lower community
“honour” the people of higher community. |
Born as the natural tribal
fathers, the “sons of Man”. |
They inspire to become the
sons of Most High God. |
Inherit secular properties
and kingdoms outside. |
Inherit the Royal Kingdom of
God within. |
Like animals, they are born
and die leading to re-incarnation. Re-birth according to the “Works”. |
Those who become spiritual
men by grace of our Father become copycat eternal like Father called
Resurrection. |
Physical self is born and
dies. |
Spiritual self is never born
and never dies. |
People of different tribes
are born and they die during fighting with each other. |
No Jew, Sikh, Hindu, Muslim,
etc. is ever born or dies during the Holocausts or the sectarian riots. |
Those who replace or leave
their tribal identity and become unfaithful to their tribal fathers, become
“Tares”, the sons of Most High Satan, Al-Djmar Al-Aksa. |
Those who keep their tribal
identity intact implicitly & kill their tribal ego, they become sensible
enough to enjoy the Divine Love Agape to enhance Humanity. |
Transgression against Moral
Laws is “sin”. Individually committed and
punished. |
against “Holy Spirit” is “Blasphemy”. Committed
on communal basis and heavy suffering. |
Moral Laws made by men and
sins forgiven by men. |
Blasphemy is not forgivable
by men but God. |
Exceptions in the Moral Laws
made by men. |
No exception in “His Word”,
the Spiritual Principles. |
Mammon orientated. |
God orientated - Wilderness. |
Earn wage according to time
spent. |
Holy spirit, common sense by
grace and Holy Spirit as Reward of Preaching Gospel. |
Worldly Treasures rust and
get stolen. |
Spiritual Treasures, Gospel,
are safe within your own heart. |
Now, you
will understand Matthew 13v24-30 where Farmer is Yahweh and the Wheat Plants
are the tribal “sons of Man” that are entitled to inherit the Planet Earth
and enjoy the Fruit of Earth as Chosen People did earlier. |
And predict the fate of
“Tares”, the Super Bastard Fanatics of the world that would be Burnt with unquenching Fire of Hell. What you see in the Middle East
now would be far worse killing and burning in the East. |
Worship of Adam, the First creation of Yahweh |
Worship of God, our Supernatural Spiritual Father |
Synagogues, Mandirs, Fetish Temples, etc. |
Our own physical body. |
Places of worship are communal properties. |
Temple of God is your own individual property. |
Resident Priest of Moses, a man as he carries the seed of Adam. A woman cannot be a Priest as she does not carry a seed of Adam. Woman is treated like chattels. |
Roving Preachers of our Father Preaching the Gospel of God. Christ Jesus was the First anointed Royal High Priest of our Father. Both men and women can Preach Gospel. |
People of certain tribe or tribes are assigned this job of Cohen or Brahmin. I am not sure of the Fetish Priests. In the Middle East, it is the tribe of Levi whilst in India, more than one tribe given this job. Devoted Rabbis used to have the Supernatural Powers of our Father. You cannot get involved with Mammon or your supernatural powers and knowledge gone. Freely received; freely given is the Motto. |
Roving Preachers determined by our Father through grace. People of all tribes including women could take advantage of the grace of our Father. All the Twelve Labourers of Christ Jesus were pre-destined of our Father. Remnant was assigned to Jesus by our Father. Christ Paul threw the divination powers of the slave girl as she was working for her worldly master to make him money. Freely received; freely given is the Motto. |
Moses’ Priest is defined by Christ Jesus in Matthew 13.v52 as the owner of a House, Synagogue, etc. They are Freemen but they have no freewill. Bound by their own moral laws otherwise they would be hypocrites. Sins committed by men are forgiven by their Rabbi. |
Royal Priests are the Owners of the Temples of God and we are Solitary Royal Priests. Freemen with Freewill. As our Father is Spirit free of the physical body, no moral laws apply to our Father and He works by Grace as He wishes. No Laws come from our Father. No sins in God. |
Intake of the Rabbis is the natural men that needed disciplining. Students are called Disciples and they are slaves to their Rabbis. Disciples are not Freemen or have Freewill. They do the will of their Rabbi. Perfect in the Moral Laws are called Angels. Thus, Angels are subject to sins. Disciples are not solitary but in a group. |
Chosen by our Father for the cleanliness and devotion of their hearts. People who fleece others like the rich young Jewish man who wanted to be Perfect are not taken into the Royal Kingdom of God, the Vineyard of our Father. Judas Iscariot (Thief) was thrown out of the wedding. Gentiles came in abundance to fill the Banquette Hall. |
Their Rabbi leads them from behind into the wide gate with wide road. Strangers can lead them astray through sugar-coated sermons into the sectarian riots of Hell. |
Our Royal High Priest Christ Jesus walks ahead into the Vineyard of our Father and His Sheep recognise His Voice. They will not be led astray by the strangers. |
Rabbi does not give his own life for the Disciples but finds a scapegoat as a sacrifice for the sins of his Disciples. They used to be good in the past but not Now. |
Our anointed Royal High Priest Christ Jesus gave His own Sacrifice as the Lamb of God to Protect His sheep from the Rabbinic wolves. His Workers did the same. |
Rabbi gives the accounts of his Disciples as he led them. All the Disciples can know the letters of the Scriptures. |
For being solitary, Every one gives His own account to God. Only the people of spirit can understand Gospel. |
School teachers had old wine of Letters from their teachers as in the universities you have Professors. |
Gospel is understood by an individual through the grace of our Father as Jesus stressed to once-born Peter. |
Scriptures being the Letters could be easily corrupted by men. That is why the Scriptures, old cloth, can develop holes, corruptions, etc. becoming good for nothing. |
Gospel being received through logical reasoning cannot be corrupted. Gospel is the Brand New Cloth untouched by the human hands – incorruptible. |
Labour of the Disciples is works that leads to re-incarnation into next birth. |
Labour of the Workers is Gospel that gives you Rest in our Father’s House and you become Eternal – Resurrection shown to public in Lazarus. |
Rabbis teach Scriptures to the sons of Man, the men only. Women learn from their husbands. Disciples must have secular tribal identities for identification. JAATTI AUR BAASSI. |
As soul has no flesh but the son of God, both sexes can learn and Preach Gospel by eating the Flesh of Jesus through their ears and Preaching it to others from their own hearts. Or Gospel cannot be written down in ink. |
Christ Jesus trained 70 Outer Circle Labourers to serve Adam in honour of John, the Baptist, an Angel of Israel. They cured people of physical diseases. They baptised Jewish men in water after the death of John, the Baptist. |
Christ Jesus trained Twelve Labourers for our Supernatural Father in order to carry on Preaching Gospel in His honour to glorify our Father. They never baptised anyone in water as Christ Jesus didn’t. |
SECULAR WORLD " " " Of purely physical tribal people in Adam
and Eve. “Sons of Man” are Wheat Plants and the “Salt of the Earth”. They perform works befitting their tribal
honours to uphold their “Extrinsic
values”. Politics is a tribal affair and the countries
are named after the tribal people. Responsible tribal Politicians lead people to
justice and Peace in society. Unfaithful to their tribal fathers are the “sons of Satan”, the Tares. Sons of Man are the Plants planted by our
heavenly Father Yahweh/Brahma. People faithful to their Tribal fathers, “Ilah”, live in Peace and
Harmony. They enjoy the best fruit of
the Mother earth. How to remain faithful to your Tribal “Ilah”
is in the Hajj rituals for 12 to 16
years old boys in which Satan takes various forms to dissuade the
boy. Kabah is the Temple of Adam or Shiva. During their prayers, the Mohammedans
salute Adam, but most of them are not faithful to their tribal fathers. They get netted by the most powerful Al-Djmar Al-Aksa. I have put up 20 Youtube Videos on Hajj:- |
ECCLESTIAL WORLD For secular tribal people, the “sons of Man,
Adam or Shiva” – Salt of the earth. |
SPIRIT = Extra Ordinary Sense by Grace of God |
! ! !
WORLD Of purely spiritual people, the Moral
Teachers, the Rabbis, the Priests and by the Grace of God the Royal Priests
of God, the Preachers, Apostles, Saints, etc. |
ONCE BORN Unlit Candles Soul + water They are like “stones” or Footpaths. Moral education from hereditary Moral
Teachers, Priests called “Rabbis” or “Brahmins”. They are of Levi tribe in
the Ideal Rabbi = Matt.13-52 SCRIPTURES = MILK Keeping to the Ten
Commandments leads people into the “ They become Angels. Angels could “sin”
as King David did. They are like “Footpaths”. Sins being
transgressions against Moral Laws, they are against demiurge Yahweh of the
Rabbis. Sins are forgivable as they are made by men and forgiven by men, the
Rabbis. Stress laid on
Prayers. |
Spirit of Man = holy spirit =
“common sense” by grace of God |
TWICE BORN Lit Candles. Awakened mind or Munn. Soul + water
+ holy spirit by grace of God Spiritual education learnt from Christ Jesus
and Saints of any gender, tribe or country for improving upon one’s “Intrinsic
values”. Women cannot teach the Moral Laws of Moses but
they could Preach Gospel. They long for “His Treasures”, the Gospel
Truth that is received Free and given Free.
If you are paid in Mammon, then you will despise God. MEAT = BODY OF JESUS
THRICE BORN “Son” Soul + water
+ Holy Spirit by Grace of God % # & ! ' $ ( Gospel Truth received through Revelations.
Spokesmen of God. No Teacher or Preacher required as Saul turned
Paul received. They go by the Wisdom of God And not by their own wisdoms. SPOKESMEN OF GOD =
( $ ' Doubting stage or
Rocky soils. They should remain honest
in dealing with their customers, public, etc.
By nature, they are selfish and tend to seek their own praises. Those
who are greedy and blasphemers, they wither away under the Sun or the Gospel
Truth. They are bound by DUBDA, Mammon + God. |
Christ in heart |
(%$#&' Sealed to serve people in
God, DASS, through performing
philanthropic and merciful deeds. They glorify God by Preaching Gospel and
performing “Merciful” Deeds. They rule
over the hearts of people and not over countries as the secular kings do. Put on simple dress. They are Super
Servants, bound to serve God only. |
Holy Spirit, the Wage paid to
the Workers at PENTECOST SERVANTS OF GOD – FIVE VIRGINS Roving Preachers or Royal Priests sowing the
Seeds of “His Word” in Churches built of Rock, truthful people. They Harvest the White-hearted Crop through
Eucharist of Sacrifice or entering into the Bridal Chamber. They are the Twin
Brethren of Christ Jesus. Like Christ Jesus, they too are the Sons of God,
the primary source of Light. Christ
Jesus was the anointed Christ, the Prophet of this Dark Age. They normally prefer the weed free soil, the
Wilderness to the family homes for bearing maximum fruit that is 100 per
cent. Satan cannot tempt them. |
Works Performed : Spiritual States : Spiritually Speaking : Way to God : |
Feed / Serve People Hylic led by Id or ego Holy son ASK |
Businesses Psychic of mind Holy father SEEK |
Politics Pneumatics for God Holy ghost KNOCK |
No hirelings of Mammon-St Paul Bliss of Holy Spirit, wage paid at Pentecost – Holy Spirit SERVANTS OF GOD - DASS |
“Tares” – Matt. 13.24-30 |
Forgivable |
They act knowingly – Not
forgiven. |
Non Erring. |
Sons of Satan have no “conscience”/ZAMEER.
Wheat Plants, the “sons of Man” always kill them as in The Holocausts in Presently, the Tares are bundled up in |
They become fanatics in the manner of Saul.
They cannot be blamed for wrong doings. That is why St. Stephan, St. James
and other Saints did pray for them to awaken their conscience. They are “stones” easily turned into
“Bread”. Bae Mukh. Priests thrive on
these people. |
Mountain fanatics |
They go after Mammon. Typical example, Judas
Iscariot. He being a Baby Prince of Darkness, killed himself of the rebukes
showered by Christ Jesus that such a person not be born. Munn
Mukh or sweet spoken psychics. |
Satan in heart |
They go for Politics and become great
Hypocrites. Popes. Put on expensive colourful robes to impress upon the
simpletons or the “stones”. Third
Temptation of Satan to Jesus. Dogs sitting in the Manger of Churches. Korriyar. |
Evil spirit |
Kingdom of Satan or Hell ruled by the Emperors, Kings and Princes of Darkness. Kashmir Valley produces the Emperors, the
Punjab, the Kings and the Middle East, the Princes of Darkness. End Time has
come. Matt.13v24-30 is being
fulfilled and the sons of Satan are reaping the harvest of their past
atrocities. Atomic War is expected in December, 2012 when the
spiritual Mayan Calendar approaches “zero”. |
For YouTube Videos, visit:- and
for articles, please visit my Web Site:
Oh Brother, clean your house for Christ to live with you
In your heart, there are Five struggling with
each other
Three against Two and Two against Three
Oh Man, clean your house of the Five
For Christ Jesus to visit you to deliver Gospel.
You are the Master of your own House,
Unless you overpower those Five,
The House shall not be worthy
For our anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus to visit.
Tell me, who are those Five that need sorting?
Oh man, clean your House of the Five.
They are Three of Ego and Two of Mind
People of Ego are the once-born simpletons
Whilst the twice-born being of mind are clever and
selfish doubting
The clever people fleece the simpletons
That is unfair we all know in Fair-Trade promotions.
Simpletons are the natural men like the stones
They cannot ponder over His Word.
They never cease praising their own tribal seeds
In ego, they are born and in ego empty they die
Oh man, clean your House of the Ego of your tribal seed.
In Ego, your seed is lying on the Footpath producing no
Unless the seed is planted in soil,
It will not produce any fruit for our Father
Tribal ego is killed when Plant is known by its Fruit,
Oh man, Oh man, exchange your tribal ego for a living
Those who bury their tribal ego,
Will know that we take birth by the Will of our Father
Then why should we be proud of our tribal seeds or
White, brown or black all have the soul of our Father
Oh man, Oh man, know the First Will of our Father and let
Agape permeate.
This mother Planet earth is for the sons of Man,
Burying turns your tribal seed from explicit to implicit
Adam was a Noble Man and so are his seeds
Sons of Man are called the Wheat that has the Salt of
Saltless are sons of Satan, the Tares to be burnt at the
End of Age.
Oh man, Oh man, remain Salt of Adam to produce Fruit
worthy of our Father.
Saltless Tares are bundled up in Israel –
Matt.13.v24-30 fulfilled.
Sons of Abraham have the conscience and they are
St.Peter, the Rock of Truth killed Two Liars Annias
and Saphira,
So, St.Peter fed the Sheep of
Jesus with morality of Moses
Whilst the Apostles built the House of God with
spirituality of His Word.
Oh man, Oh man, Build your House on Rock of truth whilst
Liars build on Sand.
Truth is the basic commandment of Moses
In Peter, Jesus made the Moses’ Laws lacking Spirit of
God complete
Peter was the embodiment of the written and the Oral Torahs
Held the Key to the Kingdom of Heaven
In honour of John, the Baptist, an Ideal Rabbi Prophet
Oh man, Oh man, St.Peter burnt
every tree that bore evil fruit.
Praise St.Peter for setting the
founding Rock
Water bashed against the House of God
No harm came to the Solid Rock
Upon This Rock the Church of God was
To sing the praises to glorify our Father
Oh man, Oh man, in such a Church of God,
Lamp is put on the Lampstand.
We did not receive the Light per chance
Our names are written in the Book of our Father,
We seek not praises of men but carry our own Crosses of
Hirelings in the Churches of Anti-Christ Mammon love
Darkness to Light
In the fashion of Messianic Jews who hated the Light and
killed the Apostles
Oh man, Oh man, no one else but the Messianic Jews are to
be blamed for the Holocausts.
This world belongs to Mammon, the hypocrite hirelings are
their guides.
They spread immorality, hatred and wars
Poor people suffer and they blame Religion for Wars
Russians locked these robed antichrists away
Treated others as they wished to be treated
Oh man, Oh man, Russia was free of the
sectarian riots but not anymore.
With a sound Foundation, it is easy to tackle the rest
Number two is the Ego of physical prowess
A wrestler, a Footballer damn care for the meek
In Ego, they vex their ears not to hear His Word
In Ego, they are born and in ego, empty they return.
Oh man, Oh man, see a holy man to use prowess to serve
the poor.
Kill this Ego by serving the poor that the rich hate
Mammon is like the shadow of the clouds
Serve the poor and needy as Jesus did on Sabbath
Philanthropy being of God is pleasing to the hearts of
Soldiers, turn your swords into plough shears to feed the
Oh man, Oh man, remember how Jesus washed the feet of His
Third type of Ego is of the letters of Scriptures
Highest in the University Professors of dead Letters
And Least in the living Farm Labourers of spirit.
More you get drunk with the old wine of Scriptures
Least you desire the New Wine of Gospel.
Oh man, Oh man, remember the New Wine is by grace.
If Gospel could be written in ink on paper,
Then Christ Jesus would have hired a scribe
Gospel is not Scriptures or the written Torah
But His Word, the Oral Torah rests in one’s heart
Received by grace of our Father that we praise.
Oh man, Oh man, Gospel is for the living in spirit who
long for it and seek
Flush out the old skin with fresh water as it was done
in Cana
And forget about the confusing murky pool of moral laws
Make use of common sense, the holy spirit, our
And the Yeast that transforms clean water into New Wine.
When you treat others as you wished to be treated
Oh man, Oh man, Then your New Skin is ready for the New
The other two are of mind that troubles the doubting
By the grace of our Father, you acquire holy spirit
Through righteousness, Keep the holy spirit
Remember you are no more a slave to sins but to the
Abraham in righteousness, out shined the Name of our
Oh man, Oh man, ply the Double-Edged Sword of His Word
Clever twice-born become victim of greed
He knowingly cheats the once-born simpletons for the love
of Mammon
As the Jerusalem Princes of Darkness fleeced the pilgrims
Your love for Mammon generates hatred for God
Be contented with your lot if you want to throw greed
Oh man, Oh man, listen to His Word to keep your heart
His Word you have received Free; Freely you preach.
Neither John, the Baptist nor our anointed Elder Brother
Christ Jesus was a hireling
If you accept payment in Mammon for serving God
Then you are a Hireling of Mammon, a hypocrite!!!
His Treasures rest in your heart where no thief can
Oh man, oh man, spend His Treasures to your heart’s
The last one of mind is the worldly kingdoms
Or the Third Temptation of Satan to our anointed Elder
Brother Christ Jesus.
You may acquire wealth through hook or by crook
Tempting you to become a politician or a Ruler
In God, we serve whilst in Mammon we rule
Oh man, Oh man, do not waste your precious life serving
Look what Pope did to the Workers of our anointed Elder
Brother Christ Jesus
He burnt them at stakes, threw them before animals to be
eaten alive
He became the Cruel Master in the name of Jesus by
calling Him a Lord.
Like Elijah in Lord Yahweh, Popes killed people at will.
Have you come across a Lord washing the feet of
his labourers?
Oh man, Oh man, in Christ Jesus, we have One
Father, a Liberator and not a Lord.
Our Father God is a Liberator and our Mother is Holy
Spirit that has set us FREE.
Our anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus and His Twins
also set us FREE.
Our anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus tore the Curtain
apart for ever
Preaching us to approach our Father through His Word and
not a man any more.
Beware; anyone who puts on funny robes in the name of
Jesus is antichrists.
Oh man, Oh man, be a solitary seeker for Christ Jesus to
enter your heart.
Remember ask, seek and knock is the Way to our Home
Once-born Brethren should be encouraged to ask questions
First they may ask questions that make no sense
Encourage them to think and reason logically
for holy spirit by grace to appreciate
Companion holy spirit would make you a seeker
of His Word
Oh man, Oh man, with Christ in your heart,
Preach Gospel with Authority of our Father.
Once your House is Clean of the Five, then you are no
more under the sin but righteousness.
The enslaving sting of sin has been removed for ever to
enjoy the Freedom of spirit.
Let your “Innerman,” the Christ lead your Life
Our Father has entrusted you with the Key to His Treasury
Spend, spend and spend to your hearts’ content.
Oh man, Oh man, with Christ in your heart, you
are in the Royal Kingdom of God.
With the Double-Edged Sword of His Word, you are a
Soldier of our Father.
Fight the Dog-Collared hirelings of Mammon and the
hypocrite Bishops and Popes.
With the Armour of Faith in God, the Oil that
we need for our Lamps
To Marry our Father in which there is neither giving nor
With the Secrets of our Father known, we no longer walk
in the Darkness.
Oh man, Oh man, with Christ in your heart, your account
has been accepted by our Father.
God Bless you for working in the name of God.
I wonder how the Treasures of our Father rest in this
wretched House
You are no more poor but one of the richest in the world.
Gospel is not given on a Platter but you must long and
One in thousand and two in ten thousands would love
Oh man, Oh man, your name is in the Book of our Father,
you are sealed to Preach Gospel.
Elohim, Allah
(Al-Ilah), ParBrahm, etc.
Temple of God
is built by
Yahweh, Brahma,
Khudah, etc., the
Lord of Nature,
The Potter.
No Temple of
No Place for
Christ (His Word).
Watch my over 8100 Youtube
Videos; channel nijjhar1.
Many articles on my website:-
Holy spirit, “common sense”
opens the Narrow Gate to the Royal Kingdom of God for you to dig out the
Treasures through “logical reasoning” called “GUR” in Punjabi in honour of
Christ Jesus and Satguru Nanak Dev Ji.
Ask, Seek and Knock is the Way to our Father.