How to Worship God in truth and
in spirit?
This Jesus told the Pious Samaritan woman at well, John 4, who had
overpowered all the Five Temptations that originate from the heart and these
are well-known in India as 1. KAAM – Immorality in ego, 2. KARODHH
– Anger that is displayed by the once-born people who think they are wiser than
the rest; Ego related, 3. LOBHH – Greed displayed by the twice-born
people of the evil spirit who misuse holy spirit, “common sense” to cheat the
simpletons, which is “evil spirit”; mind related, 4. MOH – worldly
attraction, the third temptation of Satan to Jesus; forget about God, I will
give you all the secular kingdoms if you serve me, which the Pope did; it is of
the twice-born people who are deeply attached to the secular affairs not
willing to spend time serving God as Matthew did by disposing his wealth to the
poor and the fifth and the last of all 5. HANKAAR – Haughtiness – ego -
of the spiritual knowledge in the dead letters as the Professors at Jerusalem
University and the present men of letters display and they would not listen to
people of holy spirit, who learn spiritual knowledge through logical reasoning
as the Samaritan woman had and she was capable of vetting Jesus in holy spirit,
which the Jerusalem theologian felt insulting to them. This was the last
husband living with her but no more dominating. She was St. Photina and her
whole village became Apostles or Jesus Harvested a very heavy Crop from this
village, the Labour of the local Rabbi who was enlightened.
Thus, it is not easy to worship God and for this, you need to be
truthful or whatever you see with your two naked eyes, you describe it and your
third eye of logical reasoning should not twist the logic of our Father for his
own praises but glorify our Father in honour of our Bridegroom Christ Jesus.
Such a person is cleansed of the physical body as Jesus told Peter that your
head and hands do not need washing; they are already clean to enter the Bridal
Chamber. The mind of Judas Iscariot wasnt clean as he
was stealing money from the Purse as these hireling Dog-Collared Priests of dead
letters do in the Churches as their salaries; they are working for Mammon and
get paid in Mammon and not the Gospel Treasures.
Now, Law and Prophets were till John, the Baptist – Luke 16v16.
Transgression against the moral laws, the Letters is a “Sin” if done in
ignorance but if you are twice-born and do commit sins knowingly, then it is
the transgression against the Holy Spirit that rests in your heart and not in
the holy books, the dead letters. In short, the Rabbis taught the once-born
natural Disciples the Moral Laws of Moses for the Kingdom of heaven that is
seen in the law and order but as the Rabbis became hypocrite Blasphemers going
against the moral laws, then Christ Jesus appeared to expose those hypocrites,
which the once-born people dare not speak against their Ruling Rabbis.
Thus, those who enter the Narrow Gate leading to the Royal Vineyard of
our Father where the True Vine Christ Jesus is planted being truthful and what
is inside is outside like the little children who speak the truth and nothing
else but truth, they are capable of entering the One Fold, Church of God that
is headed by Christ Jesus whose flesh is our daily bread of life for the sons
of God. On the contrary, those who are blasphemers and cheat people with full
knowledge of heart as displayed by the two Ananias and Sapphira that St. Peter
killed for being the blasphemers, they belong to the fold of Satan and as they
have left their Supernatural Father of our souls to take over the colour of
Satan, they are Super Bastard Fanatic Devils as described by Jesus in John 8v44
against the natural bastard that the woman caught in adultery would have
produced; John 8v41 You are doing the works of your own father, the head of
hypocrites, the Satan.” “We are not illegitimate children,” they protested.
“The only Father we have is God himself.” 42 Jesus said to them, “If God were
your Father, you would love me as the Samaritans did honour me, for I have come
here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language
not clear to you as it were to the sensible Tax collectors and Samaritans who
listened to me attentively? Because you belong to the Fold of Satan and,
therefore, you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the
devil, and you want to carry out your fathers desires.
He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no
truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and
the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46
Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why dont you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what
God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God but to
the Super Bastard Satan.”
In a Nutshell, the Royal Kingdom of God is for the sons of God and not
for the super bastard sons of Satan, who are blasphemers telling lies from the
cores of their hearts. These Dog-Collared Priests and the politicians head this
list of Blasphemers.
On December 14,
2008, Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi threw both
of his shoes at United States President George W. Bush during an Iraqi press
conference. Bush quickly ducked, avoiding being hit by either of the shoes. The
second shoe hit the US flag, and Al-Zaidi was subsequently grabbed, kicked, and
hurried out of the room by guards. Effigies of many United States Presidents
had long appeared with shoes on them all over the Middle East,[1]
but it was not until this event that shoeing had received widespread
notability. Since then, there have been many other shoeing incidents on an
international scale. Al-Zaidi received a three-year prison sentence, which was
reduced to two years. On September 15, 2009, after nine months of
incarceration, he was released early because he had no prior criminal record.
American hypocrite
President Bush and the British P.M. Tony Blair, they destroyed Iraq, Libya,
etc. at the instructions of the real rulers of America holding Mammon and
Media. How could you print In God we trust on the face of Mammon dollar? Here,
in you say defunct prayer that used to be the demiurge Potter Yahweh whose last Prophet was John, the Baptist. After that we have
Christ Jesus for the taste of the missing Oral Torah for Salvation.
Shoe throwing at
Bush by the Soldier of God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., a HERO.,Event,Bush.
During a December
14, 2008 press conference at the prime ministers palace in Baghdad, Iraq, Iraqi
journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi threw both of his shoes
at United States President George W. Bush. Bush was scheduled to leave office
roughly five weeks later, following the inauguration of his successor Barack
Obama.[3] "This is a farewell kiss from the Iraqi people, dog", he
yelled in Arabic as he threw his first shoe.[4] "This is for the widows
and orphans and all those killed in Iraq," he shouted as he threw his
second shoe.[4] President Bush ducked twice to avoid being hit by the shoes,
and Prime Minister Maliki attempted to catch one of the shoes to protect him.
Al-Zaidi was pulled to the floor[5] before being
grabbed by Prime Minister Malikis guards, kicked, and
rushed out of the room. White House Press Secretary Dana Perino
was hit in the face by a microphone boom knocked over by a presidential
bodyguard, resulting in a black eye.[6]
File:POTUS George W.
Bush with Prime Minister of Iraq, Part 2.webm
Video of the
President Bush said
that some Iraqi reporters had apologized to him. "Thanks for apologizing
on behalf of the Iraqi people. It doesnt bother
me," he said. "If you want the facts, its a size 10 shoe that he threw." When asked
about the incident by another reporter, President Bush said, "Its a way for people to draw
attention. I dont know what the guys cause was. I didnt feel the least bit threatened by it."[7] When
later asked to reflect on the incident, President Bush said, "I didnt have much time to reflect on anything, I was ducking
and dodging. Im not angry with the system. I believe that a free society is
emerging, and a free society is necessary for our own security and
peace."[8] Perino said: "I dont think that you can take one guy throwing his shoe as
representative of the people of Iraq."[9]
A fictional
depiction of the shoe thrown at President Bush during a press conference in
Iraq in 2008.[10] Photograph taken at a New York City
museum called Mmuseumm. The actual shoes were
destroyed by US-Iraqi authorities to prevent them from becoming a rallying
News Conference.
Baghdad, December 2008" 2009 by Dmitry Borshch
Al-Zaidi was
initially held by the prime ministers guards and was later turned over to the
Iraqi armys Baghdad command. The command handed him
over to the Iraqi judiciary. Hundreds took to the streets to demand his release.[11] Al-Zaidi could have faced charges of insulting a
foreign leader and the Iraqi prime minister. A conviction of these charges
could have carried a sentence of up to two years in prison or a small fine,
although it would have been unlikely to face the maximum penalty given his
newfound "cult status" in the Arab world, according to a Middle-East
observer.[12] An Iraqi lawyer stated that al-Zaidi was
likely to get at least two years in prison if he was prosecuted.[13] Al-Zaidi
went before a judge on December 17, 2008. He declined to be represented by
Khalil al-Duleimi, who defended the late Iraqi leader
Saddam Hussein before his execution, and also said that he wanted to be
represented by an Iraqi lawyer.[14] "I will
introduce myself as his lawyer and demand the case be closed and Muntader be released because he did not commit a
crime," said Dheyaa al-Saadi,
al-Zaidis lawyer and head of the Iraqi Bar Association.
"He only freely expressed himself to the occupier, and he has such a right
according to international law."[15] On December 17, 2008, al-Zaidi
appeared privately before a judge from within the Green Zone.
Following the
incident, The New York Times reported that Al-Zaidi was embraced around the
Arab world.[16] Al-Zaidi found support from his employer, Awn Hussain Al Khashlok,[17] thousands of protesters in Iraq,[16][18] some
Iraqi politicians,[19][20] people in Syria,[16] a charity in Libya,[21] and
from "around 200 lawyers" including some U.S. citizens.[13] Al-Zaidis action was criticised by the government of Nouri
al-Maliki.[22] After the incident the office of Nouri al-Maliki criticised al-Zaidis action and "demanded" an on-air apology
from Al-Baghdadia TV.[22] Al-Baghdadia
TV issued a statement demanding al-Zaidis
Al-Baghdadia television demands that the Iraqi authorities
immediately release their stringer Muntadhar
al-Zaidi, in line with the democracy and freedom of expression that the
American authorities promised the Iraqi people on the ousting of former Iraqi
leader Saddam Hussein.... Any measures against Muntadar
will be considered the acts of a dictatorial regime.[13][18]
In Tikrit a copper
statue of three meters height was dedicated to his action as a monument. It had
his shoes shape and an honouring poem as an inscription. It was designed by Laith al-Amari.[23] The statue was taken down according to
police order shortly after erection.[24] Al Zaidi has been named as the worlds third most powerful Arab, in the Arabian Business
Power 100 list 2009.[25]
A joke that was made
amongst Iraqis stated that then Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, should be
"called up" to the national football team as a goalkeeper as his
attempt of blocking the shoe was made "masterfully".[26]
In September 2009,
London-based artist Pawel Waniewski created Proud
Shoes in tribute to Muntazer al-Zaidis
shoe flying incident. Waniewskis tribute to Mr. al-Zaidis was a 21kg bronze piece of art depicting the thrown
shoes, completely gilded in 24 carat gold.[27]
On 3 March 2010, Blancox, a Colombian detergent manufacturer made an
advertisement out of the shoe-throwing incident, by replacing the shoes with
beautiful bouquets of flowers to signify fabric freshness and softness
treasured in it.[28]
Malcolm Smart of
Amnesty International said "the Iraqi authorities have a duty to
investigate all allegations of torture or other ill-treatment of Muntadhar al-Zaidi and to prosecute any persons alleged to
be responsible for such abuses. The Iraqi authorities should also disclose his
whereabouts, ensure that he is permitted prompt and regular access to legal
counsel, his family and to any medical attention he requires, and safeguard him
from torture or other ill-treatment," he added.[29]
Reporters Without Borders expressed its "regret that [al-Zaidi]
used this method of protest against the politics of the American
president". It said that "[al-Zaidi] was clearly injured during his
arrest" and called for him to be released from custody. It referred to Bushs "relaxed way" of speaking about the
incident as a reason for "leniency".[30]
The International
Federation of Journalists has said al-Zaidi should be released for humanitarian
reasons. "Given the controversy surrounding this incident, we urge the
Iraqi security services to guarantee the physical well-being of this
journalist, who was clearly injured during his arrest," the statement
said. The IFJ said the incident "reflected deep anger at the treatment of Iraqi
civilians during US occupation over the past four years of which journalists
have been major victims" and that "the journalist might be under
threat while in detention "given the record of mistreatment of journalists
in custody by US forces."[31]
The Arab Lawyers
Union has called for a fair trial for the journalist, with the support of both
the Arab League and the Egyptian government. "We urge all human rights
organizations and the international society to help save the life of the Iraqi
journalist and prevent any physical assault that may target him," union
head Sameh Ashour said.[32] Ashour said the union would
protect al-Zaidis life, "which at the moment is
under threat."[33]
The Lebanese
television channel NTV offered a job to al-Zaidi. NTV said that if al-Zaidi
accepted the job offer, that he would be paid "from the moment the first
shoe was thrown".[34]
Al-Zaidis family turned down an invitation by the Venezuelan
President to come and live in the Latin American country. "We are grateful
to President Hugo Chávez. However we are Iraqis, we live in Iraq," Oudai al-Zaidi said speaking on the behalf of his family.[14]
Former candidate for
the President of Pakistan and President of the Pakistan Jurists Association
Mian Muhibullah Kakakhel
Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of Pakistan said that the action showed how much
the international community hates George W. Bush.[35]
On December 15,
2008, al-Zaidi was given a bravery award by Libyan charity group Wa Attassimou. The group urged
for al-Zaidis release.[16][21]
In Syria, al-Zaidi
was "hailed as a hero".[16] The Malaysian Foreign Minister Rais Yatim, praised the incident,
calling it the "best show of retaliation so far".[36] A commentary in
the North Korean newspaper Minju Chosun
said Bush "deserved" the shoe throwing incident as a result of
"failed policy in Iraq".[37]
Al-Zaidi has also
been offered a six-door Mercedes,[38] had a song
written about him,[39] had his incident reconstructed in an Afghan comedy
sketch,[40] and been offered the hand of a mans
20-year-old daughter in marriage.[41] The young woman Amal Saad
Gumaa said she likes the idea of being attached to a
man she finds so honourable.[42]
On December 29,
2008, activists at the Iraqi consulate in Washington, D.C. delivered a petition
calling for the release of al-Zaidi. "If he had wanted to hurt George
Bush, he would have chosen a different weapon," a member of Code Pink
said. "We want the Iraqi government and the world to know that there is a
very good sentiment for him to be set free," said Nick Mottern,
director of Consumers for Peace.[43]
The incident has
inspired several online shoe-throwing games.[44]
The Late Show with
David Letterman "Great Moments in Presidential Speeches" segment
included flying shoes aimed at other presidents (via digitally-altered stock
footage).[citation needed]
The Turkish company
believed to have made the shoes thrown at Bush, Ramazan
Baydan, experienced a surge in sales. Orders for
300,000 pairs were received in one week.[45] A Saudi businessman offered US$10
million to buy the shoes thrown by al-Zaidi.[46] There were also calls from
throughout the Middle East to place the shoes in an Iraqi museum.[47][48] The
shoe, Ducati Model 271, first renamed "The Bush Shoe" and later
"The Bye-Bye Bush Shoe", is manufactured by the Baydan
Shoe Company in Istanbul.[49] However, a producer in Lebanon suggested that it
might have made them instead. Many shoes in Iraq are also made in China. Even
so, al-Zaidis brother insisted that the shoes were
made in Baghdad by a highly-reputable firm named Alaa
Haddad.[50] On December 18, 2008, Iraqi and American security agents looking
for explosives examined and then destroyed the shoes.[10]
A book was written
on the event called "The Last Salute to President Bush".[51]
Mahesh Bhatt produced
a play entitled "The Last Salute", directed by Indian director Arvind
Gaur and starring Imran Zahid. It was written by Rajesh Kumar and based on Muntadhar al-Zaidis book. Pooja
Bhatt and Mahesh Bhatt announced the making of a film based on the play. "Bush-Maliki News Conference. Baghdad, December
2008", a drawing by Dmitry Borshch, has been
exhibited at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, DePaul University, Brecht Forum and is included in the Catalog of American Portraits, maintained by the Smithsonians National Portrait Gallery (United
According to
witnesses, al-Zaidi was "severely beaten" by security officers after
he had been dragged out of the room following the shoe-throwing incident.[16] As the mans screaming could
be heard outside, Bush said "Thats what people
do in a free society, draw attention to themselves."[3] A "large
blood trail" could be seen on the carpet where al-Zaidi had been dragged
by security agents.[22][55] Dawa-owned Afaq TV reported that security forces kicked al-Zaidi and
beat him.[3] His family reports that it has received many threatening phone
calls.[56] The United States Secret Service and the Iraqi Police took custody
of al-Zaidi.[57] Al-Zaidi was tested for alcohol and drugs, and his shoes were
confiscated as evidence.[18] Al-Zaidi was interrogated by Iraqi and U.S. agents
to ascertain whether anyone paid him to throw his shoes at Bush.[58] In an
interview with BBC News, al-Zaidis brother, Durgham al-Zaidi, reported that Muntadhar
al-Zaidi suffered a broken hand, broken ribs, internal bleeding, and an eye
injury.[59] Durgham al-Zaidi told Al Jazeera that his
brother was tortured.[60] Al-Baghdadia TV said that
al-Zaidi was "seriously injured" during his detention.[60] Al Sharqiya also points to signs of injury on his thighs and
an immobile right arm. However, a different brother, Maitham
al-Zaidi, spoke with Muntadhar on the phone and was
told: "Thank God I am in good health."[58] On Friday 19 December Dhia al-Kinani, the judge
investigating the case, said there were signs al-Zaidi had been beaten;
al-Zaidi had bruises on his face and around his eyes.[61] The judge also said
al-Zaidi had not yet raised a formal charge relating to his injuries.[61] His lawyer,
Dhiyaa al-Saadi, has also
confirmed that al-Zaidi had been beaten, stating that "there are visible
signs of torture on his body".[62]
On December 14,
2008, the shoe-throwing incident took place, culminating in al-Zaidis arrest.
On December 15,
2008, hundreds of Iraqis marched in Baghdad to demand his release. Crowds
gathered in Sadr City district of Baghdad and called for "hero" Muntadhar al-Zaidi to be freed from custody. There were
similar scenes in Najaf.[16][18] The demonstrators in
Sadr City and Najaf alluded to the shoes. Participants in Sadr City "waved
shoes attached to long poles," and those in Najaf threw their shoes at a
passing United States military convoy.[16][18] The "vast majority" of
viewers of al-Baghdadia who telephoned to the station
in order to express their opinions said that they approved al-Zaidis actions.[16]
On December 17,
2008, a group of Iraqi lawmakers demanded that the legislature take up the
issue of the detained journalist. Aqeel Abdul
Hussain, head of the Sadrist bloc, said that
lawmakers had a duty to stand up for the detained journalist.[19] "Some of
the members support the government, but we have to admit that there was a
mistake in the procedures under which he was arrested," said a spokesman
for Parliament Speaker Mashhadani. "And we also
must condemn the fact that he was beaten," he added. The session of
Parliament ended without a consensus on what action to take regarding the
On December 18,
2008, a spokesman for Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said that al-Zaidi wrote a
letter to Maliki expressing regret for his actions and asking for a pardon. Dhargham al-Zaidi claims that his brother was severely
beaten after being taken into Iraqi custody.[63] On December 17, Amnesty
International called on Iraqi authorities to disclose the whereabouts of
al-Zaidi and investigate all allegations of torture or other ill-treatment.[29]
Judge Dhia al-Kinani, the
magistrate investigating the incident, said the court has opened a probe into
al-Zaidis alleged beating.[64] Dhiaa
al-Saadi, head of the Iraqi Bar Association, said
that, according to court documents, the reporters face and body were
bruised.[65] "The investigation process is now under way in mysterious
circumstances," al-Zaidis brother Uday said.[64]
On December 19,
2008, thirty of al-Zaidis family members staged a
rally outside the "Green Zone," which houses the Iraqi government and
the prison where al-Zaidi was being held. In response to an apology letter that
al-Zaidi was said to have written, al-Zaidis brother Uday stated that the apology was "not a real one. If
they [the government] want an apology, they must first release him so he can do
it freely and not under pressure." Um Saad, al-Zaidis sister, said that al-Zaidi "would never
apologize for insulting the man who occupied our country".[66] She also said that "nothing is known about... his
condition, but he did nothing wrong. On the contrary, he pleased everyone. Bush
is an occupier and he is the source of all the orphans and all the widows in Iraq."[67]
Bahaa al-Araji, a Sadrist MP, said journalist Muntathir
al-Zaidi plans to press charges against the people who he says beat him.
"We know that the judges themselves feel for him... tomorrow we will
submit a formal request that Zaidi should be allowed visits by his
family," he also said. "We should call him Muntathar
al Iraqi — not Muntathar al-Zaidi; all of Iraq is his
tribe now," a leader in the Sons of Iraq movement said of al-Zaidi.[66]
On December 20,
2008, it was reported that the letter that al-Zaidi is said to have written to
Nouri al-Maliki apologizes only to Maliki and not to George W. Bush. Al-Zaidi
said he had no remorse for throwing his shoes at Bush and "added that he
would repeat his actions if he sees him again, because Bushs
forces have killed many of Iraqs children". In a
written statement to the judge, al-Zaidi said that he expected to be killed by Bushs body guards after hurling his first shoe. "It
seemed that his bodyguards were not on full alert at the time, that was how I
managed to throw the second shoe," al-Zaidi explained.[68]
Also, hundreds of protesters gathered in a park opposite the Green Zone to
protest the treatment of al-Zaidi. Heavily armed Iraqi soldiers surrounded the
small park and Iraqi Army helicopters circled overhead as the demonstrators
were demanded to leave. "I have told them I wont move anywhere unless it is to my grave,"
said al-Zaidis brother, Uday.
Sunnis and Shiites held signs describing al-Zaidi as "the son of
Iraq" and "the humiliator of the
occupiers". A few Iraqi soldiers ate food offered to them.[69]
On December 21,
2008, al-Zaidi claimed he was physically coerced and that he would never
apologize to President Bush no matter what the consequences. "Muntadhar said that he was forced to apologize to Al-Maliki
and he will never, never apologize to Bush, even if they cut him into small
pieces," al-Zaidis brother Uday
told the Los Angeles Times. Al-Zaidis brother claimed
his journalist brother had lost a tooth and his nose had required stitches
because of the beatings he had suffered while in custody. "There were
multiple bruises all over his body," he said. "There were cigarette
burns behind his ears. He was beaten with metal rods. His eyes were swollen.
They have assigned two medical doctors ... to provide him with treatment in
order to hide the evidence of torture."[70] Al-Zaidis
brother said his jailers periodically demanded he "confess" that he
had been ordered to commit the act by enemies of the prime minister, but that a
letter to the prime minister written by him from jail expressing regret for the
attack was not said to have been ordered.[71] Maliki reiterated that Zaidis television station should renounce the act of
al-Zaidi,[72] and also suggested, without providing any names, that "a
person urged him to commit this act, and this person is known to us as a person
who beheads people".[71] U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice argued
that Iraq is a democracy and that "history always shows these things
differently than todays news."[73] An Iranian deputy
minister called for al-Zaidis release.[74]
On December 22,
2008, al-Zaidis lawyer Dhiyaa
al-Saadi also confirmed that al-Zaidi had been beaten
and that al-Zaidi said he would never apologize to President Bush.[75] Abdulsattar al-Berikdar, a spokesman of the Iraqi Supreme Judicial
Council, said the court was not investigating allegations of torture because
al-Zaidi did not ask to be "submitted to a medical committee and did not
tell the judge that he was tortured or register a complaint against anyone."[76]
Hajar Smouni, a
spokesperson for Doha Center for Media Freedom in
Qatar, argued that al-Zaidi should be given access to medical care and a fair
trial. Smouni said it was positive he met a lawyer,
but said it is worrying "that he is to be tried at the Central Criminal
Court of Iraq, because that is a court used to try terrorism
On December 23,
2008, the Iraqi Parliament accepted the resignation of its speaker, Mahmoud al-Mashhadani. Part of the controversy for his resignation
began with his refusing to allow discussion of the fate of Muntadhar
al-Zaidi. The speaker described al-Zaidi as "the pride" of Iraq and
said that his "best friends" were currently being detained by the
United States military for ties to the insurgency. "I weep for the state
of Iraq," he told the Iraqi Parliament in his resignation.[77]
On January 16, 2009,
al-Zaidis brother visited him for 2 hours and Iraqi
prison guards threw him a surprise birthday party.[78]
On January 19, 2009,
the Swiss newspaper Tribune de Geneve reported that
al-Zaidi was seeking political asylum in Switzerland, where his lawyer said he
might work as a journalist at the United Nations.[79]
On January 28, 2009,
Muntadhar al-Zaidi cast his vote from prison.[80]
On January 29, 2009,
A monument of a shoe was erected in honour of Muntadhar
al-Zaidi in an orphanage in Tikrit.[81] The orphans
helped to build the structure.[82]
On January 30, 2009,
the monument that was erected in honour of Muntadhar
al-Zaidi was taken down after requests from the central government.[83] Iraqi police visited the location to make sure that
the shoe monument was removed. "We will not allow anyone to use the
government facilities and buildings for political motives," Abdullah Jabara, deputy governor of Salaheddin
argued. Faten Abdulqader
al-Naseri, the orphanage director, said "Those
orphans who helped the sculptor in building this monument were the victims of Bushs war. The shoe monument is a gift to the next
generation to remember the heroic action by the journalist."[84]
On February 19,
2009, al-Zaidi told the Baghdad Central Criminal Court that he acted
spontaneously after listening to Bush praise the "achievements" made
in Iraq: "While he was talking I was looking at all his achievements in my
mind. More than a million killed, the destruction and
humiliation of mosques, violations against Iraqi women, attacking Iraqis every
day and every hour. A whole people are saddened because of his policy, and he
was talking with a smile on his face – and he was joking with the prime minister
and saying he was going to have dinner with him after the press conference.
Believe me, I didnt see anything around me except
Bush. I was blind to anything else. I felt the blood of the innocent people
bleeding from beneath his feet and he was smiling in that way. And then he was
going to have a dinner, after he destroyed one million martyrs, after he
destroyed the country. So I reacted to this feeling by throwing my shoes. I couldnt stop the reaction inside me. It was
On February 20,
2009, al-Zaidi received a 90-minute trial by the Central Criminal Court of Iraq.[86]
On March 12, 2009,
he was sentenced to three years in prison for assaulting a foreign head of
state during an official visit.
On April 7, the
sentence was reduced to one year from three years.[87]
On September 15,
2009, he was released for good behavior, after
serving nine months of the sentence.[88][89]
In 2018, Muntadhar al-Zaidi announced he was running for the Iraqi
council of representatives. He did not gain a significant number of votes on
the May 12th election.
Al-Zaidi appeared
before a judge (not in court but in jail over fears that his injuries could
cause anger amongst the public if he were to appear in court)[citation
needed] on December 16, 2008, and admitted "aggression against a
president." The court decided to keep him in custody. A spokesman for the
Iraqi court said that al-Zaidi would face charges of attacking a head of
state.[90] Dheyaa al-Saadi,
the head of the Iraqi Bar Association and one of its most high-profile
attorneys, said that he had volunteered to defend al-Zaidi.[91] Judge Dhiya al-Kenani said the court
had refused the journalists request for bail "for the sake of the
investigation and for his own security".[92] According to Abdul Satar Birqadr, spokesman for Iraqs High Judicial Council, al-Zaidi is charged with
"assaulting a foreign head of state visiting Iraq."[93]
On December 30,
2008, an Iraqi court said al-Zaidis trial had been
postponed pending an appeal over whether the incident amounted to assault or
only insulting a foreign leader. A charge of assault would carry a maximum
sentence of 15 years, while charges of insulting a foreign leader carry a
maximum sentence of only 3 years. One of al-Zaidis
lawyers said he expected a lengthy trial and a sentence of no less than three
years if al-Zaidi is convicted. Dhargham al-Zaidi,
said his family would turn to an international court if they found the Iraqi
jurisdiction system "biased and unfair."[94] In January 2009, al-Zaidis lawyers petitioned Swiss authorities for political
asylum, arguing that his life is at risk in Iraq.[95]
The trial began
before the Central Criminal Court of Iraq on February 20, 2009, which only
lasted 90 minutes[86] before being recessed.[96] In testimony before the court,
al-Zaidi described his growing frustration as Bush spoke about his victories
and achievement at the press conference where the shoe was thrown. As Bush
listed the gains made in Iraq during the mid-December news conference, al-Zaidi
said he was thinking about the sanctity of mosques being violated, the rape of
women, and daily humiliations.[97] Al-Zaidi said Bushs "bloodless and soulless smile" and his
joking banter provoked him. "I dont know what
accomplishments he was talking about. The accomplishments I could see were the
more than 1 million martyrs and a sea of blood. There are more than 5 million
Iraqi orphans because of the occupation.... More than a million widows and more
than 3 million displaced because of the occupation." al-Zaidi said.[97]
"I wanted to restore the pride of the Iraqis in any way possible, apart
from using weapons." al-Zaidi said he was tortured, beaten and given
electric shocks during his interrogation. Supporters who rallied in front of
the court said al-Zaidi should be praised for standing up to Bush rather than
punished for his actions.[98] The trial resumed[96] briefly[99] on March 12,
2009, after which sentence was imposed.
On March 12, 2009,
al-Zaidi was sentenced to three years of prison for assaulting a foreign
leader; under the law he was charged under, he could have faced up to 15 years
in prison for assaulting a visiting head of state during an official
visit.[100] His lawyers indicated they expect to appeal the sentence.[100] Dhia Al Saadi, the head of Zaidis defense team and the Iraqi
Lawyers Syndicate, argued that "the court sessions should be made public
according to the Iraqi penalties law.[101] "This sentence is harsh and is
not in harmony with the law, and eventually the defense
team will contest this in the appeals court," Dhia
Al Saadi further said.[102] Court spokesman Abdul-Sattar Bayrkdar said al-Zaidi
received the minimum prison sentence possible under the Saddam Hussein-era law
he was charged under and that al-Zaidi could appeal the courts
Upon reading of the
sentence, al-Zaidi shouted "long live
Iraq."[100] "This judiciary is not just,"[100] al-Zaidis brother Dargham said. Zaidis sister shouted "Down with Maliki, the agent of
the Americans."[102] Zaidis brother Uday said he scorns "those who say Iraqi justice is
independent" and that the "court was set up according to Paul Bremer
decisions."[103] Several family members screamed:
"Its an American court... sons of
dogs."[104] The family said they would not only appeal but also press
ahead with plans to bring torture charges against Bush, Maliki and his
bodyguards at a human rights court abroad.[104]
A poll of Iraqis
suggested 62 percent of Iraqis regarded al-Zaidi as a "hero".[100] Maha al-Dori, an Iraqi parliament member, said he
felt the ruling showed the judges may have been motivated by political
concerns.[105] Iraqs Journalistic Freedoms
Observatory said "it is now left to wait for a presidential or prime
ministerial pardon, because we cannot accept an Iraqi journalist behind
On April 7, 2009,
the sentence was reduced to one year from three years.[87]
Judge Abdul Sattar al-Beeraqdar,
spokesman for Iraqs Higher Judicial Council, said the
court reduced al-Zaidis sentence because he is young
and had no previous criminal record.[107] Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
argued al-Zaidi could have faced 15 years in jail or even execution for
insulting a visiting head of state.[108]
Defense attorney Karim al-Shujairi said al-Zaidi would be released on September 14,
2009, after spending nine months in jail, he would be freed early for good behavior.[109] He was released on September 15, 2009,
claiming that he had been systematically tortured during his time in jail and
one of his front teeth was seen missing. Al-Zaidi said that he had been beaten
with electric cables and iron bars and immersed in cold water. On 19 October
2009, while in Switzerland where he expected to have medical treatment for his
injuries, he stated, "I suffered a great deal. I still have problems with
my teeth, back and other parts of my body where I was tortured."[110]
Al-Zaidi also declared, "I am free again, but my homeland is still a
prison."[111] On September 15, 2009, al-Zaidi stated "I am not a
hero, and I admit that ... I am a person with a stance. I saw my country
Statements following
his release
In an interview
which aired on Egypts Dream 2 TV on June 12, 2010,
Al-Zaidi stated that it was because of "Bushs
bloodthirsty nature" that the former president visited Haiti following a
massive earthquake. Al-Zaidi claimed that "Bush did not go there for the
sake of human rights or for the victims. He went there because he missed the
smell of blood, and the stench of destruction that he wreaked on Iraq. So he
went there to get a whiff of that smell, because he is a sick man."
Regarding the
election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, Al-Zaidi stated in
the same interview that:
We have a saying in
Iraqi Arabic – and Im sure the Egyptian brothers
living in Iraq know it. "Away goes a white dog, and along comes a black
dog." They are the same, except for the color.
Away goes a white US president, and along comes a black president. They are no
Following his
release, al-Zaidi went to Geneva and announced that he had started creating a
humanitarian agency/foundation. The aim of the agency would be to "build
orphanages, a childrens hospital, and medical and
orthopaedic centres offering free treatment and manned by Iraqi doctors and
medical staff."[110] His lawyer said that al-Zaidi "hopes to surf on
the wave of support he has gained to do some good."[110]
After the attacks,
the incident was parodied numerous times on the internet. These included online
games such as "Sock and Awe" and "Flying Babush",
as well as gifs. Videos of the event went viral on YouTube.[114][115]
Here is a related Youtube Video on the Family of God:-
For further information, please visit my
website and watch my Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1.
Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
More you spend "His Treasures", preach The Gospel, more you please
Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = The
Hajj is for the Heavenly Peaceful living of the
sons of Man, "Ba-Ilah" and not for the sons of Satan in
Punjabi - How a Pathan Zaildar who
performed Hajj and became Super Bastard Fanatic Devil?
True Story.
Four types of loves:-
Family of God:-
Solitary Royal
Test for twice-born:-
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural
Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born
sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils –
John 8v44:-
Trinity is explained:-
Johns baptism:-
Please print these pages to
understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
Youtube Playlist on Trinity:-