Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.,
Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy,
KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa.
present, the last Prophecy of Christ Jesus Matt 13v24-30 is being fulfilled.
The sons of the highest Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa are getting bundled up in Israel
for the Final Burning through the Atomic War that is expected soon after 14
November, 2023 when Israel is 75 years and six months old. The Jews of
appearance outwardly and not inwardly of heart or spiritual and also the
Palestinian Hamas and Fateh outwardly of appearances
cannot build their covenant with Abraham who was of the Semitic race. So, both of
them are Anti-Semitic "Tares" that are getting bundled up in Israel
unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh. These are the religious fanatics created by
their Rabbis and Mullahs.
is the Dark Age of Christ = Satguru within your own heart called
"Innerman" for he is solitary and the Second Coming of Jesus Nanak
said so:-
SATGURU = CHRIST TISS KAA NAOO - One who knows God, that person is a
Thomas went to South India and He and His Labourers were known as
"Christ". The Portuguese Pope went there and told them that One
Christ Jesus and you cannot call yourself Christ. He burnt their Books and they
left their businesses and hid in the Jungles.
short, His Word called Logo cannot be written down in ink on paper but over the
living Tablets of the heart of the "Seekers called Talmidim/Sikhs".
That is why the Logo is called the "Oral Torah" which exposes the
hypocrites and Christ Jesus came to deliver but the hypocrites loved
"Darkness" for their malpractices. Such Seekers, the Christs have the
Key to the Treasury of our Supernatural Father and they are no more
"Orphans" as the men of the dead letters, the Bible Thumpers, are but
they have the power of "logical reasoning" to Brew Logo, which is His
Word = God Himself.
Nanak stressed this in His Saying:-
for example, the tribal people of Judah, Levi, Benjamin, etc. were born and
were led by spiritually blind guides, the Rabbis who hated the knowledge of the
"Oral Torah", the New Wine, Light that Jesus came to deliver to them
but they hated Him the most and rejoiced after killing Jesus - Parable of the
Winepress, the Jerusalem School of Theology. The Purpose of Christ Jesus was
expressed in rendering the Curtain of the Holiest of Holy from the top, the
Temple High Priests to the bottom, the village Rabbis, the killer Husbandmen of
the Winepress, who taunted Christ Jesus on the Cross that save yourself now,
off you go and the Time of Christ within your own heart called the "Royal
Priests" has started. That is why the Last prophet Elijah (My god is
demiurge Yahweh) withered away handing His Disciples possessing common sense,
the holy spirit, to Christ Jesus and He introduced to them our Supernatural
Father of our supernatural element "soul" through "His
Word" called "Logo", the end product of the logical reasoning
called in Punjabi Satgur (Logical Reasoning) Parsad (Fruit).
the firm believer of our Supernatural Father Pneumatic sealed to serve God is
the GurMukh = Mussallman. The Pneumatic as the term implies, they speak without
reference to any Books called Scriptures and they are fully devoted to serving
God in "Agape" in which you treat strangers more than your own family
members as was demonstrated by the Samaritan Man who picked up the wounded
person and looked after him more than his own family members because our
Supernatural Father of our souls is greater than our Potter father Yahweh, the
Lord of Nature. The other two types of people are the once-born hylic and the
clever Mammon worshippers, the psychic as the Temple Priests were and these
hireling Dog-Collared Priests bound by their licences are in their businesses
in the Churches today. Thus, the people who work for God carry no money in
their pockets, no two pairs of shoes, no Scrip, the
Jewish Leaven Bible that finished with John, the Baptist Luke 16v16; Law and
Prophets were till John, the Baptist. Thus, no law and no transgression and no
"sin" but Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, our Mother that feeds us
with His Word to the sensible twice-born sons of our Supernatural Father
Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. and that is why Christ Jesus, our Bridegroom made
us the Fishers of Men and not the spiritually blind once-born women, Disciples,
of the Rabbi moral teachers as Saul of "Salt = conscience" was but
for being the Disciple of the Rabbi Gamaliel, he had no "Freedom as the
twice-born" of the Holy Spirit enjoyed in the One Fold, Church of God,
headed by our Bridegroom Christ Jesus, the Anointed Son of God Elohim. The present
hireling licenced (bound) Dog-Collared Priests are "Thieves" of the
order of Judas Iscariot who used to steal money from the Purse that he was
holding. For this reason, Judas Iscariot was not worthy of entering the
Mammon-Free Royal Kingdom of God, the Celestial World of Sadhu Melchizedek and
for being not properly dressed, Judas Iscariot was rebuked by our Supernatural
Father Elohim (Represented by His Son Christ Jesus) was thrown out of the
Wedding Banquette, the Eucharist, into the Darkness of Mammon and he hastily
went to his fold in Mammon the Temple against our Bridegroom Christ Jesus.
Today, the American Jews that control Mammon and the Media of Satan are causing
all these bloodsheds in different countries the Deputy Head of the Green Party
MLA created a cartoon that was published by the Jewish Newspaper online and I
copied it before it vanished and the M.P. was asked to apologise which she did
to the Jewish people. Here is the cartoon:-
a nutshell, the Gospel cannot be written down in ink on paper as the
Scriptures, the Milk for the once-born babies are but over the living Tablets
of the heart called "Al-Kitab" through logical reasoning that Brews
the New Wine Logo = His Word. Thus, the Gospel is the Flesh of the anointed
Christs = Satgurus Jesus and Nanak or what came out of their mouths. Then, if
you are blessed with the "seeking ears" as the prisoners were where
wounded Paul and Silas landed, you need to digest it with the Teeth of logical
reasoning to extract the Nectar "Logo" and Preaching the Gospel from
the Rooftops is called Drinking the Blood of Christ.
India, the crooks of the Khatri tribe, the Kings and Emperors of Darkness were
faking the Gospel and for this reason, Satguru Arjan Dev Ji got one written
under his supervision in which every Saint and Satguru himself appeared and
spoke that the Scribe Bhai Gurdass Ji sitting in another tent wrote. Each page
was signed by Satguru Arjun Dev Ji. The Group who was sent to get it bound
diligently copied it and presented two Holy Books called Ad-Granths; Satguru
Arjan Dev Ji rejected the copied version as it was a copy made by men and not
received directly through revelations or dictated by different Saints
themselves and proclaimed that the spiritually blind once-born incapable of
logical reasoning will read that copied version that was no more Al-Kitab but
had become the forbidden Scripture. So, these holy books in the Sikh Temples
like the Bible are so highly corrupted that the spiritually blind read and
become fanatics.
spirit, common sense, shatters the fetters of the dead
letters, the Holy Books.
is why the Gospel was delivered by Christ Jesus in Parables so that only the
illiterate people could ponder over it and get it. This Christ Jesus stressed
in Matt 13v9-11; He who has ears, let him hear.” 10 And the disciples came and
said to Him, “Why do You speak to them, the Temple
Priests dead in Letters, in parables?” 11 Jesus answered them, “To you, it has
been granted to know the mysteries of the Royal Kingdom of God Elohim, Allah,
Parbrahm, etc. but to them, drunk with the old wine desiring not the New, it
has not been granted. This is well proven by me at Oxford University. The
Keeble College banned me from attending the New Testament Seminars because I do
not have an M.A. or Ph.D. degree in theology, Christian Muslim Studies won't
allow me to ask questions, Oriel College threw me out of the Seminar because of
my Hoody, a Light on the living Lampstand with the excuse that the students do
not like it, etc. When I explained to the local Priests the names of the Five
Husbands of the Samaritan Woman at well, John 4, they called me a heretic
because their names are not written in the Bible. John, the Baptist baptised
Jewish men of age in water in the name of Abraham and proclaimed that one
coming after me who was before me will Baptise you in the Holy Spirit. Further,
John, the Baptist never baptised a woman, Gentile or a Samaritan but the people
in Oxford do not want to know me and I won't throw Pearls before swine as the
two men in Genersate were doing and they landed heavily chained in the silence
of the graveyard but the Holy Spirit was setting them FREE. For maltreating his
Brethren Virgin Brides, our Bridegroom Christ Jesus drowned 2000 swine in the
lake and the influential local Rabbis threw Him off their region. The crook
Messianic Jews, the legacy of the sacked Temple Priests who created the Pope
and his stooges Priests and wrote the New Testament said that the two Saints
were having a legion of demons in their head. All such things make me laugh at
them and I call them dead in the letters "Super Donkeys" carrying the
Holy Books. To this, one of the Catholic Professors retorted that our duty is
to teach the student the dead letters of the Old and the New Testaments whilst
the interpretation is up to the student himself. In short, they know that the
Gospel is by the grace of our Supernatural Father Elohim but they are making
them drunk with the old wine desiring not the New fulfilling Matt 12v43-45
making the situation worse than before the arrival of Christ Jesus. No wonder
the Pope and his stooges are the sons of Satan Al-Dmar
Al-Aksa in that forget about God, I will give you the secular kingdoms. In
Jesus, everyone has to give his own account to God and you need to be humble
for the low and solitary for the Narrow Gate to the Royal Kingdom of God, the
Celestial Word of our "souls" where you become the
"Spokesman" Apostle of our Supernatural Father and no more the dead
letters or Scrip allowed into it. The scriptures are the "Milk" for
the once-born Disciples of the Rabbis whilst the Butter, the Oral Torah = His
Word is for the people of discerning intellect (Bibek
Budhi). I can tell you a lot but let's concentrate on the present situation.
Matt 13v24-30 is being fulfilled. The Farmer is the Potter demiurge Yahweh,
Brahma, Khuda, etc. who created the physical Nature
at large and therefore, he is the Lord of Nature as the man is the master of
the house whilst the supernatural soul that makes the Pots living hails from
our Supernatural Father of our souls Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. Thus, Adam was created by Yahweh and Eve out
of the rib as subject to Adam otherwise a house with two heads cannot stand. In
fact, Adam for supplying the "seed" called water represents
"Yahweh" whilst the woman for supplying the Blood called life
represents Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. and that is why women in general are
more devoted to God than men. That is why sacrifices are of men (flesh) and not
of women (blood) acceptable. That is why in Kosher, all the blood is removed
from the flesh. Moral Teachers of Yahweh are men of permanent identity whilst
the women cannot teach the moral laws or become a Rabbi but they could become
the Royal Priest, a Saint, of our Supernatural Father Elohim. The Saints are
not subject to the moral laws, the Scriptures that bind you but they are the
very Source of the Moral Laws, the knowledge of the "Oral Torah = His
Word" as the Samaritans were a Nation of Prophets that the dead in letters
the Jewish greedy Rabbis hated. The Saints exercise the Universal Divine Love
"Agape" as the Samaritan Man picks up the wounded person and looks
after him whilst the men of dead letters exercise "Eros" and beyond
their own, they do not want to know anyone else. That is why the two moral
teachers, a Pharisee and a Sadducee seeing that the wounded person does not
belong to them left him to die whilst a man of the holy
spirit picked him up - "Letter killeth
whilst the spirit giveth life". Also, Mary Magdalene, a bad woman under
the law had the seven demons, Menorah, removed as she became the Lord of the
Sabbath with the full knowledge of the Oral Torah. For the Priests being
greedy, in the next birth, they became lepers and Prophet Elisha would not cure
them but he cured a Syrian General Nama for his clean heart. When he brings in
presents to thank Prophet Elisha, he won't take any but his greedy Disciples
under one excuse or the other, take all of them.
Here, it is worthwhile to
mention why Jesus was given the name "Yahshua".
Hebrew name "YAHSHUA" is made up of two words; Yah = Yahweh and Shua
= Shiva = Primordial Adam. Thus, Mary was “sired” by Yahweh in Hebrew, Brahma
in Hindi and Khudah in Arabic, the Lord of the visible creation and our
demiurge mythological father in heaven, whom you see in his creation with two
naked eyes, and Angel John, the Baptist, Prophet Elijah (My god is Yahweh,
Brahma, Khuda, etc., the heavenly father of Jesus)
baptized Jesus in the name of his heavenly father “Yahweh,” and the Jews in the
name of their tribal forefather Abraham. Thus, Mary was a surrogate mother and
Joseph from the tribe of Judah through the line of King David, his adoptive
foster father. This is the First Proof of the Virgin Birth of Jesus.
the name of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. of our
supernatural “soul”, we are the “sons” and Christ Jesus, our Bridegroom has
made us the Fishers of spiritual solitary men of the order of Sadhu Melchizedek
capable of entering the Royal Vineyard of our Father where the True Vine Christ
Jesus/Nanak has been planted by our Father and that Vineyard has a low (for
humble) and Narrow (for the solitary like the born blind person of John 9)
Saint Thomas stressed in Logo 114; Unless a Female once-born Disciple of the
Rabbi fed on "Milk" becomes a Male, a twice-born of the holy spirit
as the illiterate Shepherds and the born-blind person of John 9 was, you cannot
enter into the Royal Kingdom of God, the Celestial World of Sadhus Free of all
the secular ties.
this planet Earth is for the sons of Man. Thus, under Adam come the races, then
tribes and so the countries are named after the tribes. So far you are faithful
sons of your tribal father, you can live in your country lacking nothing but as
soon as you become unfaithful to your tribal father, Adam and Yahweh, the Lord
of Nature, then you have no right to live on this planet Earth and Yahweh makes
your land barren - Sukkot. This is well demonstrated by the "Chosen
People" of Abraham who were picked from the Iraq area as "Nobel
Adam", and Sarah as Eve and they were given by Yahweh, the "Promised
Land" as the Garden of Eden to enjoy the best fruit of the Earth so far
they remained faithful to Abraham and Yahweh. But soon they became arrogant
enjoying the best crops and became unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh. Thus,
Jacob had 12 sons and except for the youngest Joseph, the others were liars and
murderers. As soon as they sold Joseph as a slave to the faithful sons of
Ishmael, there was none who was the "Salt of Abraham and Yahweh". So,
the land became barren and whatever meagre, they were eating as the result of
the faithful son Joseph, was gone. Out of hunger, they had to leave for Egypt
where Joseph had become the Prime Minister for his spiritual gift of Nobel
Abraham which was much appreciated by the faithful Egyptian sons of Abraham.
So, Joseph displayed the qualities of Abraham and invited all his people into
Egypt securing the best fertile land for them from the Nobel Pharoah. Old habits die hard and by misbehaving, they lost
all the favours bestowed by the Nobel Pharaohs and they were much hated by the
Nobel Egyptians. All of this has been told by Jesus in the Parable of the "Prodigal
Son Isaac" and how Moses made them repent in the Wilderness so that they
wouldn't be unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh again. Abraham and Yahweh welcomed
them back with open arms into the lush green Promised Land and killed the
fattened calf, music and dancing, etc. This is expressed by the faithful elder
son Ishmael, the Egyptians who objected to Father Abraham, "Look Father I
have been faithful to you forever but you didn't give me a goat to let me enjoy
with my friends and this wretched son of yours spent all your Nobility on wine
and women and you have thrown such a lavish welcome party for him?"
habits die very hard and by the time Christ Jesus came, they had become
arrogant and cheat. Nobel Jacob gave his plot to his Nobel faithful son Joseph,
the Samaritans and they enjoyed the best crops as well making the other crook
generations of the eleven Patriarchs jealous for their prosperity and
crook Chosen People had the Temple of Yahweh where they started selling cattle
and money changers. Jesus turned the Tables in the House of his heavenly father
Yahweh meant for the once-born people to pray and render sacrifices and not for
the businesses of Mammon. John, the
Baptist, Prophet Elijah was the Cornerstone of the Temple but he was ousted by
the clever cheat Temple Priests especially of the Judah tribe. They were making
Jewish appearances, outwardly, in Mammon and not spiritually inwardly of God.
By doing so, the Chosen People became unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the
"Saltless" sons of the Highest Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa that Jesus
described in John 8v44 and called them the sons of unfaithful to Abraham and
Yahweh "Super Bastard" fanatic devils. To this, the Jews outwardly
retorted that they were not bastards but born of legitimate parents. To this,
Jesus replied "What you say is true but by becoming a Jew outwardly, you
cannot build your covenant with Abraham who was of the Semitic race outwardly
and not a Jew. But the "Saltless" Jews took stones to kill him but he
slithered away as His Time had not come yet. This Saint Paul,
who had the knowledge of the "Oral Torah" through the Damascus Gate
Lightening experience, also stressed that a Jew is one who is inwardly
spiritual and not outwardly tribal.
as Jesus didn't want to tell the "Saltless" people unfaithful to
Abraham and Yahweh (Not born of water) that he is the Messiah, so he warned his
Brethren Talmidim, the Labourers, the Virgin Brides that he employed in the
Royal Vineyard of our Father, not to tell them that he is the Messiah and when
He himself told them in the Temple, they wanted to kill Him because he
proclaimed Himself to be God for son represents the father and not the daughter.
Whereas when Jesus went to the Samaritans, even their women were so well
informed in the spirituality that the Samaritan Woman at well engaged Jesus in
very deep discussions and proclaimed, "You are a Prophet but when Christ
comes, he will tell us everything". That is, the people of
"Salt", the Samaritans like their forefather Joseph were well versed
in spirituality and when Jesus disclosed that He was the Messiah, she honoured
Him so much that she ran to her village to break the Good News and the whole
village came out to welcome Him. Christ
Jesus stayed for two days to iron out their doubts and left on the third day.
The whole village became Apostles and the woman Saint Photina was killed by
Nero mercilessly. For the names of her Five spiritual
Husbands and the story of how she was killed, please watch my videos or Google.
back to our main topic of Wheat and tares, those people who are faithful to
their tribal father and Yahweh, the "Salt of the Earth", are called
Wheat Plants and they enjoy the company of Yahweh who protects and feeds them
with the best fruit of Mother Earth. Such people have tribal marks on their
faces as Abraham gave the tribal mark "circumcision" to the seed of
his real son Isaac but they misused it to make money by circumcising the
Gentiles and slaves that Angel Stephen pointed out in the Temple they killed
him. And they live in the Brazilian and African Jungles peacefully. Whilst
those who cannot build their covenants with their tribal forefathers and
Yahweh, are called sons of the highest Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the
"Tares" and they will burn and kill each other as you see them doing
in Israel today where the Jews outwardly and Hamas and Fateh
cannot build their covenants with Abraham but Satan.
that the "Chosen People" are a nation of Priests whilst the
Samaritans, a Nation of Prophets and through practical demonstrations, are
teaching us the Moral Laws and we should appreciate their sacrifices. Thus,
John, the Baptist, who was Prophet Elijah came to make the sensible people such
as the Tax Collectors, the sons of Abraham but the Temple Priests were happy to
get him killed as they were in collusion with the Romans and when the Apostles
died and the Temple, the Winepress, was destroyed, then those husbandmen, the
Priests entered the Church of God by jumping over the walls with the forbidden
written Torah under their armpits as you see the Bible thumpers today and
re-established themselves as they were in the Temple electing a Bishop and then
a Pope to fulfil Matt 12v43-45 making the situation worse than before the
arrival of Christ Jesus.
that this is the Dark Age of Christ (Light) within your own heart and you are Taught by God through logical reasoning. These University
Professors are created by the Antichrist Pope and his hireling killer stooges.
No prayer or fasting as Father is inside us and we need to worship Him in Truth
and spirit. These brick-built Churches are the Synagogues of Satan and they
worship Mammon and media.
can tell much more but hardly any customers as most people go by what others
say or they are spiritually super blind that lead their Disciples into the
sectarian riots. This is well proven in a prayer setting our Father in heaven
alienated and not living in his own House, our physical body that you worship
Him in truth and in spirit. No the Jewish leaven Bible is allowed and you have
a round table Fellowship of the Royal Priests.
is my Prediction based on my spirituality:-
of Heaven”:-
Peace in Israel unless you are faithful sons of Abraham, a Noble Man. Abraham
was of the Semitic race and not a Jew or a Muslim outwardly but of heart,
inwardly spiritual. So far, you are a Jew or a Muslim of appearances outwardly,
you are unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, Khuda,
Brahma, etc. and have no right to live on this planet earth that belongs to
Yahweh, Khuda, Brahma, etc. demiurge Potter, Ghumiar, etc. who created the Nature at large and also his
son Adam, a Noble Man, HAR HAR MAHADEV, whose Temple
is Kabah. In Kabah, Adam is worshipped by his tribal sons Ilahs. 12 to 16 years
old boys performed the Hajj ceremony in order to be the faithful sons of Adam
and they kept Kabah to their RIGHT-HAND SIDE whilst going around 7 times and
that was of "Ba-Ilah", the faithful sons of their tribe who are
entitled to live peacefully on this planet earth. No son of Man or born of
water, Seamen "seed", no son of Al-Ilah = Allah. The sons of Allah
are Muslims and they have the Haya of their tribal father called Sharm or
family conscience "Salt" not to perform bad deeds that will blemish
their family/tribe, speaks the truth, be contented with his lot and only then
such a person be the merciful son of Allah, Pakka Muslim, a merciful person as
our Father Allah is Al-Raheem. Such a Muslim is rare to find and Mullahs for
the sake of secular rules got them killed - my Elder Brother Royal Shah Shams
Tabrizi is a typical example. Even our Jatt Imam Hanifa
joined the Mullahs to kill Him. Remember that our Jatts are in other countries
as well and this Chaudhry Saddam Hussein, the late President of Iraq, was a
Khokhar Jatt. So, the Mosque is for the Muslim Fellowship to sing the praises
of Allah and those natural tribal sons are not allowed to enter the Mosque
unless they obey the moral laws of Moses to be the firm sons of their tribes.
The moral laws of Moses are taught in the Madrassa by the moral teacher Mullah
who is familiar with His Word, the Taproot of the Tree of Life, and the
Scriptures. In short, an ideal Madrassa should be led by a Muslim and not a
Kaffir who incites his natural intake to die for the Inshmullah secular rules
and not the spiritual rule through merciful deeds expected to represent
Al-Raheem. Such a Kaffir Mullah is called Al-Djmar Al-Aksa and they dominate in
the Mosques forming their own sects such as Shia Sunni. That is why the Mosque
for Muslims in Kabah is called "Masjid Al-Haraam"
for the young natural tribal boys. That is, highly "Forbidden" and
not "Highly Sacred", just the opposite of the Kaffir Mullahs.
Muslims being the Sons of Allah, they are in Allah and Allah in them – Al-Haqq – ABSOLUTE TRUTH = GOSPEL – RIGHTEOUSNESS =
HAQQEEKATT, they do not pray or fast but rather render the expositions of His
Word, Al-Kalaam from the Most Sacred Book Al-Kitab
written over their ownhearts by THEIR Father Allah.
world’s most clever and greedy people are the Khatris of Kashmir turned Mullahs
that killed the Last on earth Christ = Satguru Tegh
Bahadur Ji and Khwajahs that led the Mughal army
against Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji - these are classed as the Emperors of
Darkness whilst the Khatris of the Punjab Sikhs of appearances, Lala Madho Dass
Sodhi Khatri – these are classed as Kings of Darkness and finally, the Khatri
and Arorra clean-shaven – army of Darkness and
finally the people of Judah tribe, the Princesses of Darkness – Baby sons of
Satan and for them the word of mouth was enough for Judah Iscariot to kill
is no end to Gospel. Please watch my over 8500 Youtube Videos; channel One God
One Faith.
My master Piece on Trinity and the Five Husbands of the
Samaritan Woman at well:-
In Jesus, we are to be solitary. Much confused Trinity is